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View Full Version : End Affirmative Action! Sign NPI's Petition Today

10-14-2008, 03:16 PM
End Affirmative Action!
Sign NPI's Petition Today

Affirmative action is unfair, un-American, and just plain wrong. A bill to end it has been languishing in Congress since 1995.

Join NPI in demanding that Congress finally take action, and pass the Equal Opportunity Act of 1995. (nationalpolicyinstitute.org/equal-opportunity-act-of-1995/)

Read—and then, please sign—NPI's Petition


10-14-2008, 03:23 PM

I tried to sign it; I am not positive it's working. Good cause, though.

10-15-2008, 06:55 AM
Barack Obama is about to win the Presidency of the United States of America. You don't honestly believe such an effort has a chance do you?

I'm expecting an expansion of AA. Something like companies will be required to hire three times the number of minorities as white males at twice the pay regardless of qualifications just to even the playing field.

I mean they are only trying to be fair... right?


10-15-2008, 06:58 AM
I'm expecting an expansion of AA. Something like companies will be required to hire three times the number of minorities as white males at twice the pay regardless of qualifications just to even the playing field.

If they get twice the pay, won't they just have to fork it back over to those with less pay anyway, according to Obama's "redistribution" plans?

Abbey Marie
10-15-2008, 08:27 AM
Barack Obama is about to win the Presidency of the United States of America. You don't honestly believe such an effort has a chance do you?

I'm expecting an expansion of AA. Something like companies will be required to hire three times the number of minorities as white males at twice the pay regardless of qualifications just to even the playing field.

I mean they are only trying to be fair... right?


Obama's socialist/race-based policies will do to corporate America what he has already done to the banks. And we see where that has led us.