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View Full Version : ACORN registers Mickey Mouse

10-14-2008, 05:12 PM
Halarious. to funny. guess they ran out of cemetaries.............:laugh2:

Mickey Mouse is as American as apple pie, and he has starred in films, TV shows and video games. But apparently he can't vote.

Florida elections officials rejected Mickey's application this summer. It is unclear whether Mickey tried to register as a Democrat or a Republican. But the application included a stamped logo of ACORN, the community organizing group that is facing accusations of voter registration fraud.

ACORN -- which has a history of voter fraud allegations -- acknowledged its logo was on the application but said its workers routinely scan all suspicious applications.

"We don't think this card came through our system," Brian Kettenring, ACORN's head organizer in Florida, told the St. Petersburg Times.

The group says it has signed up to 1.3 million poor and working-class voters this year in a mass registration drive in 18 states. Some of those registration cards have become the focus of fraud investigations in Ohio, Nevada, Connecticut, Missouri, and other states.

Other fraudulent registrations included forms for the starting lineup of the Dallas Cowboys football team.

it has signed up to 1.3 million poor and working-class voters this year in a mass registration drive in 18 states.

alive or dead ??!!!!
source (source)

paging dr Osama !!! :laugh2:

ACORN Acknowledges Voter Fraud, Blames a Few 'Bad Apples'

ACORN leaders acknowledged Tuesday that there has been voter registration fraud this year, but they said it was not as widespread as the voter suppression and intimidation they say has occurred in previous elections.

source (source)

a few bad apples??? try the whole damned barrel !!!!