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View Full Version : Repub couple charged $2300 for Obama contribution

10-15-2008, 08:21 AM
It seems the thuggary tactics of the Obama campaign know no bounds. Now they are stealing people's CC info and charging the max contribution amount to the victim.

Steve and Rachel Larman say a strange credit card charge appeared on their statement this month -- a $2300 donation to Barack Obama's presidential campaign. The Larman's say they don't want this to be about their political affiliation, but they say they're not about to give the Obama campaign any help from their pocketbook.

They said they notified Chase, their credit card bank, to report the fraud.

"(They) said that they had seen-they were familiar with this," said Steve Larman. "It was fraud, they believe through telemarketing but they were going to be doing some more investigations."

The Larman's don't want their politics to enter into what is essentially just a fraudulent charge. But they say that the charge involves the Obama campaign adds insult to injury for the registered Republicans.

"They (Chase) kept on asking me 'are you sure you wouldnt have gone to a site in support of Obama'," said Rachel Larman. "And I repeatedly said 'Im voting for McCain - I would not be going to an Obama site'."


I can't wait to see what kind of theft and extortion awaits our nation with an Obama administration!

:pee: Obama

10-15-2008, 08:31 AM
Chances are that it was simply a keying error when they keyed in another donor's credit card number.

But, if this were to be a pattern... well, it could get interesting.


10-15-2008, 09:47 AM
Chances are that it was simply a keying error when they keyed in another donor's credit card number.


Good solution to the puzzle; you may well be right.

10-15-2008, 09:55 AM
Its not so far fetched to believe it was done on purpose by Obama supporters, after all they did hack into Palin's email account.
Its just re-distribution of wealth similar to Obama's tax plan.

10-15-2008, 10:11 AM
Its not so far fetched to believe it was done on purpose by Obama supporters, after all they did hack into Palin's email account.
Its just re-distribution of wealth similar to Obama's tax plan.

I disagree. For one thing, they know that if they try this, Visa/MC/AMEX will deduct from their account when a cardholder disputes the charge which could leave them short in the long run and I highly doubt that anyone is going to miss an unexpected $2300 charge on their credit card.

I can believe they might try it if they thought they could get away with it, but that just is not going to happen.

This was most likely a keying error and innocent.


10-15-2008, 10:12 AM
Its not so far fetched to believe it was done on purpose by Obama supporters, after all they did hack into Palin's email account.
Its just re-distribution of wealth similar to Obama's tax plan.

Exactly right, just spreading the wealth around. Isn't that what everybody wants? Nothing new, after all we have had progressive tax system in this country for years, this is just a modern more effecient way of collecting. Isn't that what the constitution tells us to do? Come on what's the big deal?

10-16-2008, 09:53 AM
I heard reports on the radio yesterday that more people are finding the same thing on their credit statements. Donations to Obama that they didn't make.