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View Full Version : NY Post publishes Obama's socialist plans, then mistakes him for "Robin Hood"???

10-15-2008, 12:05 PM
Yesterday Obama told a hardworking citizen at a rally, that his reason for raising taxes on him, was to give their money to others. Such a plan is the basic root of socialism, as this article correctly points out.

But then the NY Post does a 180 and says Obama is trying to be come a "Robin Hood". Nothing could be further from the truth.

Obama's plan, as he described it, was to have government take money from the people who earned it.

But according to all the legends, Robin Hood did the exact opposite: He took money from GOVERNMENT TAX COLLECTORS and Treasury agents, and gave it BACK to the people who had earned it.

Conservatives know who Robin Hood was. Robin Hood was a friend of conservatives. Sen. Obama, you're no Robin Hood.

On the contrary, Obama and his ilk, are the political descendents of Robin Hood's main targets: Wealthy, coercive, overreaching, confiscatory Big Government agents.




by CHARLES HURT Bureau Chief

IT'S A LEAK! Barack Obama tells Ohio plumber Joe Wurzelbacher he intends to "spread the wealth around."

Last updated: 10:19 am
October 15, 2008
Posted: 3:37 am
October 15, 2008

WASHINGTON - You won't find it in his campaign ads, but Barack Obama let slip his plans to become a modern-day Robin Hood in the White House, confiscating money from the rich to give to the poor.

Conservatives yesterday ripped Obama after he was caught on video telling an Ohio plumber that he intends to take the profits of small-business owners and "spread the wealth around" to those with lesser incomes.

The fracas over Obama's tax plan broke out Sunday outside Toledo when Joe Wurzelbacher approached the candidate.

Wurzelbacher said he planned to become the owner of a small plumbing business that will take in more than the $250,000 amount at which Obama plans to begin raising tax rates.

"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the blue-collar worker asked.

After Obama responded that it would, Wurzelbacher continued: "I've worked hard . . . I work 10 to 12 hours a day and I'm buying this company and I'm going to continue working that way. I'm getting taxed more and more while fulfilling the American Dream."

"It's not that I want to punish your success," Obama told him. "I want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success, too.

Then, Obama explained his trickle-up theory of economics.

"My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."

Critics said Obama let the cat out of the bag.

"It's clear that his main goal is redistribution of wealth, not growth," said Andy Roth with the anti-tax group Club for Growth. "He's perfectly happy to destroy wealth as long as he can redistribute it."

Obama has been meticulous, Roth said, to conceal the "socialistic" nature of his tax plans. "But every once in a while, he lets it slip," he said.

Republican candidate John McCain yesterday charged that Obama's comment was telling.

"This explains how Senator Obama can promise an income-tax cut for millions who aren't even paying income taxes right now," he said in Pennsylvania.

"My plan isn't intended to force small businesses to cut jobs to pay higher taxes so we can 'spread the wealth around.' My plan is intended to create jobs and increase the wealth of all Americans."

10-15-2008, 01:36 PM
no, Obama would be Prince John and the Sherriff that Robin was fighting to take the tax money back from the evil governent.

10-15-2008, 01:41 PM
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
Riding through the glen,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
With his band of men,
Feared by the bad, loved by the good,
Robin Hood! Robin Hood! Robin Hood!

The Post is a conservative, Republican paper, so I don't see how they can have been praising Obama in any sense; they sure don't normally.

Robin Hood is normally thought of as stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor. It's not likely the New York Post meant to flatter Obama by calling hiim a Robin Hood.

10-15-2008, 01:51 PM
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
Riding through the glen,
Robin Hood, Robin Hood,
With his band of men,
Feared by the bad, loved by the good,
Robin Hood! Robin Hood! Robin Hood!

Robin Hood is normally thought of as stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor.

That, of course, was the abbreviated version, designed to fit into a cute jingle. But the fact was (or at least the clearly-detailed legend), that he stole from GOVERNMENT.

"Feared by the bad, loved by the good" was true enough, according to legend. But the fact that "the bad" was the government, is often ignored.

The Posts's characterization of Obama as "Robin Hood", is completely wrong, as I pointed out.