View Full Version : I just received a phone call

10-15-2008, 11:18 PM
And it was from manfrommaine. I knew who it was instantly from the caller ID and the conversation started off with some heat, mostly from me. I was surprised he took me up on my offer to call and I immediately jumped on him for some comments he has made to the ladies on the board. We further discussed many of the attacks he receives here on the board about his service in the Navy and his attachment as a Preacher at his local church. He readily agreed that his comments were out of line and apologized to me. I explained that I realized he was quite outnumbered in nearly every thread he participates in, which is why I very rarely moderated when he has lashed back within the rules. I also apologized for any mention of personal information, although I still stand by my statements that they were not garnered here on DP.

I explained to him that although he was outnumbered, I thought it was his desire to get more personal with people that has lead to him being more and more of an outcast here. It's much easier to reply to someone with the likes of "With all due respect to your position, here is why I differ..." and that he might not receive as much flack if respect was given in both directions.

He has called people some unsavory names. People have constantly called into question his honesty and patriotism. All parties involved get hurt. While some may think the comments on the Internet are harmless, I believe the harm is in the perception of the person receiving said comments.

MFM has agreed to tone down his personal rhetoric towards others in the hopes of achieving the same in return. And if he does so, I hope others will follow suit.

To make a long story short, what started out the past few weeks as "hate" going back and forth between him and myself, and lead to more initial hate on the telephone, ultimately lead to a very cordial and understanding conversation. I don't believe he called to start trouble but rather to put an end to the trouble, and I cant help but have some admiration for that.

And I will now say it publicly - I have no doubt that MFM is a Preacher. I have no doubt that he served our country honorably for quite some time. There may be some "wiggling" at times (which we all do on ocassion), I do believe he is an honest man. I toss out just the opposite to him on many occassions as I know it pushes his buttons and pisses him off, and he in turn knows which of my buttons to push. We have agreed to stop that altogether.

While some of you may think I'm nuts, or doing an about face, I do believe he was being 100% sincere. I've always said I am a forgiving person and am willing to move on from these types of issues, and I have no problem going forth with that same attitude with MFM. He stated he wanted to be my friend, and I told him that he had one.

With all of that said, we both agree we are very far apart in our political beliefs. We will continue to disagree, but continue to work harder in making debates more honest, fair, enjoyable and leave personal issues aside.

Ok, I think I'm rambling now, been a long night. Fighting here, watching the debate, phone call, migraine headache...

Suffice to say, we have both accepted one anothers apologies and agreed to a new beginning. If he engages others here in debates in a professional and respectful attitude, I hope others here will follow suit.

If anyone thinks I'm a hypocrite or a wuss for changing my stance, sue me! I told you I was a no good dirtbag all along! LOL

I will leave this open for questions, but not flames. I will be more than happy to explain my position on what has transpired to anyone who asks.

And lastly, I was NOT innocent in this fiasco and certainly hold myself accountable. I know I have a temper, which I think comes from the aforementioned dirtbag in me.

Thank you for hearingt me out, and God bless America. :coffee:

10-15-2008, 11:20 PM
man is oca going to to have fun with this one....

i like mfm....i just like giving him shit because his skin is so thin.....

10-15-2008, 11:24 PM
Thank you Jim. :cheers2:

10-16-2008, 12:32 AM

Sir Evil
10-16-2008, 06:59 AM
Yet to figure out that game?

How many times can one cry wolf before you just plain don't listen anymore. I'm sure many have fallen right into that same trap with this bozo where he stirs it up, crosses the line, and then apologized, and claims it won't happen again. the claim of looking for middle ground that never happens, and then next thing you know he has resorted to the same old lower than dirt tactics. Yeah, I know quite a few of you have been there before.

Now that caustic nut sack is sitting back saying.....Suckers!


10-16-2008, 07:24 AM
i like mfm....i just like giving him shit because his skin is so thin.....

I agree. I have always liked MFM. I don't always like his attitude, but he gets as much if not more than he gives out. Generally, it is fun to discuss issues with him because he gives me a different perspective on an issue and even if I don't agree with him, I can see more clearly why.

I'll admit to having been angry about the disrespect of the ladies on the board and it has affected my posts with him lately. Hopefully, he'll forgive me and we can move on to convincing him that he is in fact a closet conservative just waiting to explode. :laugh2:


10-16-2008, 10:32 AM
See below. It posted and previewed at the same time.

10-16-2008, 10:38 AM
What Jim did was honorable. I support Jim's decision not that it really matters since he's the daddy, but it was quite admirable IMHO.

I believe MFM served his country and is a preacher. Thats what disgusts me so much about the way he has conducted himself on this board. He has made it very clear that he doesn't give a rip what anyone thinks about his conduct. He doesn't care what damage he does to the cause of Christ with his filthy vile mouth and the hatred he has spewed forth. I understand a Christian losing their temper and words occasionally slipping after years of using that kind of language before becoming a Christian, but to sit down and actually type them out that's just reprehensible. If he doesn't talk like that in the pulpit or at church in conversation then it is obviously controllable and therefore planned behavior on here.

10-16-2008, 11:19 AM
I referred to MFM by his real first name several times in the past few days. I was wrong for doing so and have apologized to him.

In the spirit of a new beginning, which both MFM and I have agreed to, I am asking everyone to PLEASE respect his plea to not have his name used.

I started the ball rolling in this direction and I now regret it. I'm hoping others will follow my lead and give him his privacy that he has politely asked for.


10-16-2008, 11:24 AM
I could give a hoot one way or the other..

How many times does someone have to apologize before you see they are empty..:banned:

10-16-2008, 12:12 PM
I could give a hoot one way or the other..

How many times does someone have to apologize before you see they are empty..:banned:

Steph - I will not argue with your feelings and completely understand your position. Each relationship on this board is unique. My intent is solely between myself and MFM, and I only encourage a more reasonable debate from all parties, when and if possible. But no rules at all have changed and all parties are free to be themselves as they always were.

10-16-2008, 12:21 PM
Steph - I will not argue with your feelings and completely understand your position. Each relationship on this board is unique. My intent is solely between myself and MFM, and I only encourage a more reasonable debate from all parties, when and if possible. But no rules at all have changed and all parties are free to be themselves as they always were.

I understand what you're saying..

I just had to put my two cents in...just because..:coffee:

10-16-2008, 12:35 PM
we'll see how long this last...i have probably had 2 or 3 sessions like that with him jim and he always reverts back...good luck

10-16-2008, 02:50 PM
What Jim did was honorable. I support Jim's decision not that it really matters since he's the daddy, but it was quite admirable IMHO.

I believe MFM served his country and is a preacher. Thats what disgusts me so much about the way he has conducted himself on this board. He has made it very clear that he doesn't give a rip what anyone thinks about his conduct. He doesn't care what damage he does to the cause of Christ with his filthy vile mouth and the hatred he has spewed forth. I understand a Christian losing their temper and words occasionally slipping after years of using that kind of language before becoming a Christian, but to sit down and actually type them out that's just reprehensible. If he doesn't talk like that in the pulpit or at church in conversation then it is obviously controllable and therefore planned behavior on here.

I am sorry you feel that way crin, and I will certainly attempt to curtail my salty vocabulary, but I really don't think that I do the cause of Christ any real harm by talking like a sailor on an internet message board inhabited by conservative political junkies. If this were a board dedicated to Christianity, I would probably not be here posting for one, and there would not be the feisty heated discourses that one finds here that cause me to revert back to my Navy style of speech. I really do not take any time to edit my posts and perhaps I should. I type as I would speak, and if the argument is heated, and it often is when you are the only democrat fending off a horde of republicans, most of whom call you a traitor and a liar half the time, then my speaking style/posting style tends to reflect my ire as well as my frustration.
mea culpa.

10-16-2008, 02:53 PM
we'll see how long this last...i have probably had 2 or 3 sessions like that with him jim and he always reverts back...good luck

it seems to me, yurt, that your insistence at calling everything I into question, calling me a liar nearly nonstop, has had a lot to do with the breakdown in our former truces.

And it is as certain as tomorrow's sunrise that you will deny any culpability in our ongoing disagreement.:laugh2:

10-16-2008, 03:00 PM
it seems to me, yurt, that your insistence at calling everything I into question, calling me a liar nearly nonstop, has had a lot to do with the breakdown in our former truces.

And it is as certain as tomorrow's sunrise that you will deny any culpability in our ongoing disagreement.:laugh2:

and you don't call me a liar frequently :laugh2:

what is the word...hmmm...di...dis...disingenuous...thats it :poke:

10-16-2008, 03:00 PM
I believe MFM served his country and is a preacher. Thats what disgusts me so much about the way he has conducted himself on this board. He has made it very clear that he doesn't give a rip what anyone thinks about his conduct. He doesn't care what damage he does to the cause of Christ with his filthy vile mouth and the hatred he has spewed forth. I understand a Christian losing their temper and words occasionally slipping after years of using that kind of language before becoming a Christian, but to sit down and actually type them out that's just reprehensible. If he doesn't talk like that in the pulpit or at church in conversation then it is obviously controllable and therefore planned behavior on here.

I avoid his posts for just this reason. He seems to immediately regress to vile name calling and insults.

Yes, the debates can get heated. But, as soon as someone looses their temper instead of using their head they automatically loose IMO.

If a persons only recourse is to start calling women the c-word than they need to walk away from the comp. and agree to disagree.

MFM: you might be a preacher, but count me in as one who doesn't believe you really are. If you are, your not one I would sit in front of.

10-16-2008, 03:13 PM
and you don't call me a liar frequently :laugh2:

what is the word...hmmm...di...dis...disingenuous...thats it :poke:

call him virgil and threaten to violate his pussy and he will put you on ignor and you can be done with him......

10-16-2008, 03:16 PM
and you don't call me a liar frequently :laugh2:

what is the word...hmmm...di...dis...disingenuous...thats it :poke:

I do call you a liar...or I did, in any case. I used to do so in a foolish effort to retaliate against you. I will try to put that in the rear view mirror, but, as I predicted above, you will never assume any culpability for our disagreement and will never change your practice of routinely denigrating my integrity. I accept that... that is just you, yurt. You're kind of an annoying little nudge, but there is nothing I can do to change that.

10-16-2008, 03:17 PM
I do call you a liar...or I did, in any case. I used to do so in a foolish effort to retaliate against you. I will try to put that in the rear view mirror, but, as I predicted above, you will never assume any culpability for our disagreement and will never change your practice of routinely denigrating my integrity. I accept that... that is just you, yurt. You're kind of an annoying little nudge, but there is nothing I can do to change that.

you reap what you sow....

10-16-2008, 03:21 PM
call him virgil and threaten to violate his pussy and he will put you on ignor and you can be done with him......


10-16-2008, 03:22 PM
I do call you a liar...or I did, in any case. I used to do so in a foolish effort to retaliate against you. I will try to put that in the rear view mirror, but, as I predicted above, you will never assume any culpability for our disagreement and will never change your practice of routinely denigrating my integrity. I accept that... that is just you, yurt. You're kind of an annoying little nudge, but there is nothing I can do to change that.

so then i was not lying, you only said so to retaliate?

10-16-2008, 03:24 PM
so then i was not lying, you only said so to retaliate?

when you call me a liar, you are lying...that is for certain. But again.... you prove my point. Maybe we should just not get into conversations.
actually, I think that your posting of #20 probably seals the deal for me. adios.

10-16-2008, 03:28 PM
when you call me a liar, you are lying...that is for certain. But again.... you prove my point. Maybe we should just not get into conversations.
actually, I think that your posting of #20 probably seals the deal for me. adios.

but you said you did so in order to retaliate...not that i lied, but only for retaliation

just admit that, you've already said it and just admit that you throw the word liar around as much as anyone...so your crocodile tears mean nothing

10-16-2008, 03:36 PM
but you said you did so in order to retaliate...not that i lied, but only for retaliation

just admit that, you've already said it and just admit that you throw the word liar around as much as anyone...so your crocodile tears mean nothing

why would someone be so touch about being called a liar.......

truth hurts i guess....

10-16-2008, 03:43 PM
why would someone be so touch about being called a liar.......

truth hurts i guess....

seems so...i'm not sure, but it appears he wimped out again and put me on ignore...:laugh2:

we're just too much for him

10-16-2008, 03:47 PM
I am sorry you feel that way crin, and I will certainly attempt to curtail my salty vocabulary, but I really don't think that I do the cause of Christ any real harm by talking like a sailor on an internet message board inhabited by conservative political junkies. If this were a board dedicated to Christianity, I would probably not be here posting for one, and there would not be the feisty heated discourses that one finds here that cause me to revert back to my Navy style of speech. I really do not take any time to edit my posts and perhaps I should. I type as I would speak, and if the argument is heated, and it often is when you are the only democrat fending off a horde of republicans, most of whom call you a traitor and a liar half the time, then my speaking style/posting style tends to reflect my ire as well as my frustration.
mea culpa.

Maybe you should post like me?

Write all the nasty/hateful crap you want, then go back and read the post as if you were the individual being cussed out and shorten your posts by about 80%. :poke:


10-16-2008, 03:50 PM
Perhaps if everyone posted as if their mother was going to read it...

10-16-2008, 03:51 PM
Maybe you should post like me?

Write all the nasty/hateful crap you want, then go back and read the post as if you were the individual being cussed out and shorten your posts by about 80%. :poke:


that is a good idea..another is to put people on ignore that you KNOW just try to push your buttons and don't really care to engage in intellectual debate. I think a combination of those approaches will work best for me.

10-16-2008, 03:56 PM
that is a good idea..another is to put people on ignore that you KNOW just try to push your buttons and don't really care to engage in intellectual debate. I think a combination of those approaches will work best for me.

I hope that is not a threat. I mean, I'm always trying to push your buttons and you'll have to be the judge as to whether or not I care to engage in intellectual debates. I do know that I respect the opinions of almost everyone on site with just a very few exceptions (from both left and right) and find that I am learning from all y'all. :D


10-16-2008, 03:59 PM
I hope that is not a threat. I mean, I'm always trying to push your buttons and you'll have to be the judge as to whether or not I care to engage in intellectual debates. I do know that I respect the opinions of almost everyone on site with just a very few exceptions (from both left and right) and find that I am learning from all y'all. :D


you do not devote all your posts to merely pushing my buttons as others on here do, and you and I have a long history of being able to debate issues in a civil manner. You might consider dropping the button pushing altogether, however...that would be real nice.

10-16-2008, 04:02 PM
you do not devote all your posts to merely pushing my buttons as others on here do, and you and I have a long history of being able to debate issues in a civil manner. You might consider dropping the button pushing altogether, however...that would be real nice.

Ah, well, if we can't kid around with each other, what fun is this place anyway? I mean, if I can't kid you about being a closet conservative... well, I just don't want to be here.

And, if I can't try to correct you when I think you are not displaying a Christ-like attitude... well, there is just no reason for me to post. :(


10-16-2008, 04:22 PM
that's fine... those aren't very nasty buttons anyway! :)

10-16-2008, 04:27 PM
that's fine... those aren't very nasty buttons anyway! :)

Well, what else did you think I meant? :D


10-16-2008, 04:31 PM
Well, what else did you think I meant? :D


just don't call me a liar or question my service or my patriotism and it's smooth sailing!:cheers2:

10-16-2008, 05:25 PM
when you lie you get called a liar just as you call others a liar when they supposedly lie...you're quite the prissy little man....you demand others not call you a liar, but routinely throw the same around at others...


red states rule
10-16-2008, 05:47 PM
just don't call me a liar or question my service or my patriotism and it's smooth sailing!:cheers2:

It is very hard to question something that does not exist

10-16-2008, 06:24 PM
Perhaps if everyone posted as if their mother was going to read it...

I tried to rep this! Deserving. Mother, wife, congregation, students, bosses, children. We'd all do well to keep in mind...

red states rule
10-16-2008, 06:27 PM
I tried to rep this! Deserving. Mother, wife, congregation, students, bosses, children. We'd all do well to keep in mind...

Took care of it for you Kathy

But perhaps some people hope their family, friends, and flock will never see their posts

10-16-2008, 06:30 PM
Took care of it for you Kathy

But perhaps some people hope their family, friends, and flock will never see their posts

That's probably true, me for one. Lot's of times I've used inflammatory language and been less than stellar in my postings. Would YOU want your mom to read all you've posted?

red states rule
10-16-2008, 06:32 PM
That's probably true, me for one. Lot's of times I've used inflammatory language and been less than stellar in my postings. Would YOU want your mom to read all you've posted?

Not at all. She is a Dem through and through; but she would be more embarrassed and angry at the "preachers" posts then mine

She would take me to task for some of the stuff I have written no doubt

10-17-2008, 05:29 AM
Guys, please, I cannot add a rule or take disciplinary action against anyone for calling someone by their first name, but I'm asking once again politely that we refrain from using MFM's first name and honor his privacy request. I've made a deal with him as to him dialing back his attacks, and that he would likely be treated in a different manner if he does so. Pushing his buttons isn't going to help us move forward.

Again, it's just a polite favor I'm asking for, nothing more.

10-17-2008, 06:01 AM
Maybe you should post like me?

Write all the nasty/hateful crap you want, then go back and read the post as if you were the individual being cussed out and shorten your posts by about 80%. :poke:


Or re-read what he writes BEFORE hitting the "post" button. That's what I do.

10-17-2008, 07:57 AM
I'm pretty worried about the privacy issue since I realized this was going on, with the V***** thing, and then I found the Pale Rider thing.

There are a lot of crazies on the Internet and women especially are usually pretty protective of their reallife identities for fear of stalkers and violent people.

If we are likely to have our names and addresses put out there for all to see when the listowner doesn't like us -------

Well, obviously I'm next.

Big problem.

10-17-2008, 08:09 AM
I'm pretty worried about the privacy issue since I realized this was going on, with the V***** thing, and then I found the Pale Rider thing.

There are a lot of crazies on the Internet and women especially are usually pretty protective of their reallife identities for fear of stalkers and violent people.

If we are likely to have our names and addresses put out there for all to see when the listowner doesn't like us -------

Well, obviously I'm next.

Big problem.

For the record, Mundame, MFM has personally given his first name out on other forums. I am not sure if he has done so here. But, it should be known that as far as I know, no one from dp.com has given any information out that he himself did not publicly give.


10-17-2008, 09:06 AM
But, it should be known that as far as I know, no one from dp.com has given any information out that he himself did not publicly give.


Pale Rider had his phone calls recorded and posted; I listened to about 15 seconds of one yesterday before hitting the off button fast --------

Hey, at least it got my .wav file reader set up for the new monitor speakers. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/sir%E1s-riv%E1s/sad-smiley-065.gif

There's a strong tradition of privacy on the Internet, confidentiality of personal information. That doesn't seem to be working here. PMs and names and phone calls are being published. Who is next?

I realize that listowners are usually very, very good at computer technology and can find out anything.

10-17-2008, 09:10 AM
I'm pretty worried about the privacy issue since I realized this was going on, with the V***** thing, and then I found the Pale Rider thing.

There are a lot of crazies on the Internet and women especially are usually pretty protective of their reallife identities for fear of stalkers and violent people.

If we are likely to have our names and addresses put out there for all to see when the listowner doesn't like us -------

Well, obviously I'm next.

Big problem.

Read Immie's reply...

As for Pale Rider, don't you think it's a good idea to make people aware of specifically what transpired, in case someone else befriended him and shared information with him as I did? Also, the entire episode was denied and my reputation was on the line, so I made sure everyone knew the truth and that I lied about nothing.

But if you're that concerned about YOUR info, use a hotmail or yahoo email address, use a proxy server for surfing, or merely don't join and/or leave. If you don't think I'm honorable or trustworthy, and I were you, that's what I would do.

Bottom line - if one doesn't go to sites and threaten people, they have nothing to worry about. If you don't purposely share information OFF this site that you don't want anyone to know about, you have nothing to worry about.

NOTHING from this site has been breached and never will.

10-17-2008, 09:14 AM
Pale Rider had his phone calls recorded and posted; I listened to about 15 seconds of one yesterday before hitting the off button fast --------

Hey, at least it got my .wav file reader set up for the new monitor speakers. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/sir%E1s-riv%E1s/sad-smiley-065.gif

There's a strong tradition of privacy on the Internet, confidentiality of personal information. That doesn't seem to be working here. PMs and names and phone calls are being published. Who is next?

I realize that listowners are usually very, very good at computer technology and can find out anything.

The calls weren't recorded, they were voicemails left on my telephone between the hours of 1am - 8am. The threats left to me were denied. Posting said messages revealed ZERO private information about the caller, just his threats.

Revealing of PM's here on the board is forbidden and a bannable offense.

Again, read my prior post if you don't trust me. My feelings won't be hurt if you choose to leave, and I can even delete your entire account if you should ask me to do so (leaving posts in place, but all PM's and IP address info would be gone, you would only appear as "guest" on your posts).

10-17-2008, 09:27 AM
Pale Rider had his phone calls recorded and posted; I listened to about 15 seconds of one yesterday before hitting the off button fast --------

Hey, at least it got my .wav file reader set up for the new monitor speakers. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/sir%E1s-riv%E1s/sad-smiley-065.gif

There's a strong tradition of privacy on the Internet, confidentiality of personal information. That doesn't seem to be working here. PMs and names and phone calls are being published. Who is next?

I realize that listowners are usually very, very good at computer technology and can find out anything.

I would consider that no different than posting a link to an article.

Now, if the staff here posted his phone number, that would be giving out personal information in my opinion.


10-17-2008, 10:39 AM
Pale Rider had his phone calls recorded and posted; I listened to about 15 seconds of one yesterday before hitting the off button fast --------

Hey, at least it got my .wav file reader set up for the new monitor speakers. http://wade.hu/smiley/kategoriak/sir%E1s-riv%E1s/sad-smiley-065.gif

There's a strong tradition of privacy on the Internet, confidentiality of personal information. That doesn't seem to be working here. PMs and names and phone calls are being published. Who is next?

I realize that listowners are usually very, very good at computer technology and can find out anything.

:lmao: don't mean to be snide, but the internet has NEVER had a tradition of privacy, strong or otherwise...there is very little that is private...once you type something and hit that "send" button, it ain't private anymore is how i understand it. and as to phone calls....there are instances where recording is not proper without permission, however, you take the risk that when you call someone (i think he left messages as well) that the person could be recording....unreliable ear and jim is not a state actor, just my two cents, could be wrong...

edit: and i think pale made the issue public first

10-17-2008, 10:41 AM
For the record, Mundame, MFM has personally given his first name out on other forums. I am not sure if he has done so here. But, it should be known that as far as I know, no one from dp.com has given any information out that he himself did not publicly give.


then it is no longer private, but i respect jim's request

10-17-2008, 10:50 AM
and as to phone calls....there are instances where recording is not proper without permission, however, you take the risk that when you call someone (i think he left messages as well) that the person could be recording

Going somewhere with a recorder with the intent to record a conversation, or using a separate device to purposely record telephone calls between parties - this is a state by state governed law. In the state of NY, only one party need permission in order to record, and yes, the recording party counts as one. A few states mandate that the other party be notified of the recording.

In this instance, Pale voluntarily left a message on my telephone. Once done, the voice mails become my possession. And again, no private information was divulged, just rants from a drunken lunatic. Not only was it perfectly legal, I don't see how anyone can construe this as a breach of "privacy". If anything, what HE did was illegal with his threats and I could very well have called the police.

10-17-2008, 11:52 AM
For the record, Mundame, MFM has personally given his first name out on other forums. I am not sure if he has done so here. But, it should be known that as far as I know, no one from dp.com has given any information out that he himself did not publicly give.


actually, immie...that is not true. saoirse did, innocently enough, but clearly without my consent. she and have been friends since Sunday School.

10-17-2008, 11:55 AM
actually, immie...that is not true. saoirse did. she and have been friends since Sunday School.

Ah, I did not know that.

My apologies.

I've been meaning to ask you about her. If you are still in contact with her, please tell her I said hello and I miss her very much. Even though we disagreed on many things (as you and I do) I enjoyed discussing issues with her.


10-17-2008, 12:00 PM
Ah, I did not know that.

My apologies.

I've been meaning to ask you about her. If you are still in contact with her, please tell her I said hello and I miss her very much. Even though we disagreed on many things (as you and I do) I enjoyed discussing issues with her.


I just saw her at my 40th HS reunion last month. She is doing fine, but needed to take a break from political message boards, or so she said.

10-17-2008, 12:05 PM
I just saw her at my 40th HS reunion last month. She is doing fine, but needed to take a break from political message boards, or so she said.

Can't blame her for that.

The thought of Senator Obama spreading socialism and anti-American politics throughout the land next year is pretty disturbing for most of us. :D


10-17-2008, 12:17 PM
Can't blame her for that.

The thought of Senator Obama spreading socialism and anti-American politics throughout the land next year is pretty disturbing for most of us. :D


certainly not saoirse...OR me.

She's got so many Obama..Impeach Bush... End the War... etc...etc... bumper stickers on HER car you can't tell what color it is.

10-17-2008, 12:20 PM
Going somewhere with a recorder with the intent to record a conversation, or using a separate device to purposely record telephone calls between parties - this is a state by state governed law. In the state of NY, only one party need permission in order to record, and yes, the recording party counts as one. A few states mandate that the other party be notified of the recording.

In this instance, Pale voluntarily left a message on my telephone. Once done, the voice mails become my possession. And again, no private information was divulged, just rants from a drunken lunatic. Not only was it perfectly legal, I don't see how anyone can construe this as a breach of "privacy". If anything, what HE did was illegal with his threats and I could very well have called the police.

that is interesting, even the recording party counts as permission....as if the person doing the recording is going to tell himself...i don't give you permission to record this conversation...but go ahead

10-27-2008, 10:24 AM
I'm just here for a quick good-bye for now.

I thought over the recent escalation of exposing more and more reallife information here on the forum about people the listowner dislikes.

The point seems to be to win at all costs, any costs, including the implicit threat that crazies and violent people will be able to find the persons whose anonymity is broken, and assault or kill them.

I think it's very important to maintain here the nearly universal tradition of anonymity on the Internet, and this is exactly why there is such a tradition. Free speech does depend on security, or otherwise people tend to clam up or leave.

Anyway, I was laid off along with nine others at my workplace --- Part of the financial meltdown going on, maybe. So I decided to retire. Best wishes to everyone here. I've enjoyed talking to you.

10-27-2008, 10:26 AM
I'm just here for a quick good-bye for now.

I thought over the recent escalation of exposing more and more reallife information here on the forum about people the listowner dislikes.

The point seems to be to win at all costs, any costs, including the implicit threat that crazies and violent people will be able to find the persons whose anonymity is broken, and assault or kill them.

I think it's very important to maintain here the nearly universal tradition of anonymity on the Internet, and this is exactly why there is such a tradition. Free speech does depend on security, or otherwise people tend to clam up or leave.

Anyway, I was laid off along with nine others at my workplace --- Part of the financial meltdown going on, maybe. So I decided to retire. Best wishes to everyone here. I've enjoyed talking to you.

Seeing as how you were laid off, you should have more time to visit with us.

Don't let the scare of personal information leaking out scare you. It won't come out unless you give it away in the first place.

I wish you the best in your retirement.


10-27-2008, 11:10 AM
I'm just here for a quick good-bye for now.

I thought over the recent escalation of exposing more and more reallife information here on the forum about people the listowner dislikes.

#1 - Threats left on voicemail = recordings exposed - no personal info leaked

#2 - Members first name used, as are MANY others who use a different screen name. Info wasn't "leaked" via listowner but rather by unprovoked emails. A first name is FAR from releasing anything harmful

#3 and most important - Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!

04-10-2009, 04:01 PM
I just noticed this thread (I was gone for a while) but I can't help asking, what's the deal with letting MFM change his name to retiredman then to moderate democrat?

04-10-2009, 05:13 PM
Why should anyone post to please Saint Crin for fucks sake? Self righteous bastard if ever I read one.

04-10-2009, 07:30 PM
Why should anyone post to please Saint Crin for sake? Self righteous bastard if ever I read one.

That's a new name, haven't been called that before. Thanks! Oh and my parents were married! ;-)

04-21-2009, 10:59 PM
just don't call me a liar or question my service or my patriotism and it's smooth sailing!:cheers2:

LMAO, don't call you a liar, LOL, I have seen you say at least a 100 times my name isn't Virgil, LOL Lie #1

Well hell that's enough right there ,LOL, you may have served,(I doubt it but have no proof ya didn't)as for your patriotism, LMAO, come on Virgil tell the truth at least 1 time