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10-16-2008, 12:08 PM
As to the accident I had on private property this morning, and I'll just cut-n-paste some things I wrote in my other thread:

jimnyc wrote:

Was up till about 2am with a terrible migraine. Woke up around 6ish, logged on here shortly after just to check things out and logged right back off. Left to go get my usual morning coffee - IN MY WIFE'S CAR.

While pouring my coffee I hear *BOOM* - only to find out some guy backed into her car! Luckily there were about 6 witnesses, all who gave me their names and numbers AND it's all on security camera. It's the Mobil station and I just fixed the owners computer 2 days ago - which controls the security cameras (6 in total, one pointed directly at where he hit me).

Abbey wrote:

Yes, you cannot trust people no matter what they say at the scene. I once caught a woman's car door hitting my car door as it happened. (She did not hold on to her door on a windy day, and the wind caught it and slammed it into mine).

She was very nice and apologetic, gave me her info. But when the insurance companies got involved, she lied and said the fault was mine for parking too close. An outright lie, and the company believed me and paid. The damage was so deep in the door, it had to come from a door swinging from a distance, and they l knew it. I also have no doubt that if I didn't walk out to the parking lot and see it happening, the liar would have just driven away.

crin63 wrote:

I had the same thing happen to me in a rental car in Oregon. Wind caught the door because the guys arms were to short to catch the handle. This guy that was 5' nothing driving his keepers F-250. He was all cool and apologies until his girlfriend walked over, it was her truck. When they saw I was from California they got really nasty. It was so laughable, I'm 6'2" 200 lbs and here this 5' nothing little pipsqueak starts acting like he is coming after me to impress his girlfriend. My wifes 6'3" 350lbs brother was with me and he just started cracking up at the little fella.

Anyway what a lousy way to start the day, sorry to hear that. I get all the info and/or call the police no matter how little damage there is. I've been burned way to many times by insurance companies and flaky people.

Mr. P wrote:

Yep, always get the police report regardless of how nice/honest someone seems to be. Tis your only protection in a dispute.

crin63 wrote:

Video is equally as good. A friend of mine works at a Lexus dealer. The truck driver delivering cars let one car take off down the truck ramp and slam into a barrier post. He just parked the car and left. The driver and his boss denied any involvement until they showed his boss the video. They paid for it after that.

jimnyc wrote:

Here's why I didn't get a police report:

A police report is just them reporting factual events as told to them by the parties involved in the accident. They must remain neutral in the report and simply report the facts - they do not determine fault. The insurance companies determine fault regardless of what is on the police report. Additionally, I could always follow up with the police and file my own incident report, also including witness names and numbers as well as the fact that I have a recording.

If he's on the up and up, and repairs get fixed to satisfaction, all is cool. Coincidentally, he is the manager of an auto body shop! He intends on ordering a brand new bumper and anything else needed and having his men perform the repair, all at no cost to me.

Without involving insurance, it doesn't go on Carfax, and therefore no depreciation in value if we ever try to sell.

Should he do anything improper in the slightest bit, not only will I file all the appropriate reports, my good friend is a police officer at that very station and will handle anything I need (getting info I couldn't)

Of course, all decisions are up to the wife as it's her car, but I think it looks good to have an unfortunate situation fixed without "hurting" either party.

10-16-2008, 12:18 PM
Hrruummph! I gave you the best advice, "Go back to bed." :laugh2: