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View Full Version : Was Obama's ultimate agenda revealed yesterday?

10-16-2008, 12:25 PM
Obama said yesterday to a citizen in Ohio, that he wanted to tax the people who earn more, and send the money to people who earned less or none. This points to the most fundamental difference there is, between modern liberals and conservatives.

Liberals believe it's appropriate for government to decide who your earnings go to, rather than you deciding. In other words, your earnings don't belong to you. They belong to government, to do with what THEY want. They have no problem enacting legislation to do just that. And they clearly think they will make better decisions on how your earnings should be spent, than you will. Obama revealed that he was very much in that camp yesterday, and didn't mind admitting it.

Conservatives believe that your earnings are YOURS. And that government, while necessary, should be kept to a minimum, and do only the things private people or groups CANNOT do. They enact legislation to take your money as taxes, too, but they keep it to a minimum, and believe that they are spending it on things YOU want to spend it on.

And they point out that the reason government is taking it to spend on those things, is because you as private people CANNOT do those particular things: Defend the nation, dispassionately pursue and prosecute criminals, coin money, handle foreign affairs, etc. Anything you CAN do as private people, the Federal government has no business in.

Barack Obama told that guy yesterday, that he (Obama) wanted to "spread the wealth around". However, if Joe, the citizen in Ohio, wanted some welfare queen to have some of his money, he could have written her a check. He doesn't need government to do that for him.

Needless to say, conservatives are getting harder and harder to find in government nowadays. And the fundamental battle we face, is getting the liberals out (from both parties) and conservatives in.

10-16-2008, 12:37 PM
Does a duck fart in water..

we've seen it all along..that is the agenda of the "Democrat Socialist" party of today..

red states rule
10-16-2008, 12:43 PM
Seems alot of liberals agree with Obama it is easier to steal money from someone else rather than working to earn their own money

10-16-2008, 04:06 PM
If he gets elected, this is prob'ly going to be in the foreseeable future. I can't imagine why he would publically voice something as that if he didn't intend making it a reality. It's like they are playing monopoly and moving all the pieces around to fit their agendas. In this case, we are being entertained with a song and dance number to keep us occupied while they do a "slight of hand" trick.

We are being manuevered into becoming a socialist country.

10-17-2008, 07:38 AM
Obama said yesterday to a citizen in Ohio, that he wanted to tax the people who earn more, and send the money to people who earned less or none. This points to the most fundamental difference there is, between modern liberals and conservatives.

Well, sure this is his ultimate agenda! I'm surprised he's so open about it. I guess it's a case of bribing votes --- there are more poor people who want rich people's money than there are rich people, so the ones who hope to get the money will vote for him.

The ultimate flaw in democracy.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 07:40 AM
Well, sure this is his ultimate agenda! I'm surprised he's so open about it. I guess it's a case of bribing votes --- there are more poor people who want rich people's money than there are rich people, so the ones who hope to get the money will vote for him.

The ultimate flaw in democracy.

Mundame, the dirty little secret is Obama will raise taxes accross the board. It is a lie when he says only people making $250,000/yr wil pay more in taxes

10-17-2008, 12:28 PM
The next president needs to raise taxes across the board. To make up the internal deficit caused by eight years of Dubya gutting the nation's infrastructure to pay for his war.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 12:30 PM
The next president needs to raise taxes across the board. To make up the internal deficit caused by eight years of Dubya gutting the nation's infrastructure to pay for his war.

That is what Obama will do

However, raising taxes will DECREASE revenue, thus your goal of defict reduction will not happen

Besides, Obama is up to $1.3 trillion in new spending promises, so there is more added to the deficit you claim to care about

10-17-2008, 12:42 PM
Watch John Stossel on 20/20 tonight.