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10-16-2008, 01:10 PM
With all of the ACORN fraudulant behavior is there any assurance that Hillary was not cheated in the primaires? The total votes were very close, it was the Super Delegates that put Obama over the top.

Perhaps Obama shouldn't be the nominee at all.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 01:21 PM
With all of the ACORN fraudulant behavior is there any assurance that Hillary was not cheated in the primaires? The total votes were very close, it was the Super Delegates that put Obama over the top.

Perhaps Obama shouldn't be the nominee at all.

According to the Hillary supporters, and OCA she was cheated out of the nomination

But remember in the Dem primary, it was NOT the voters who decided who was the winner, it was the party bosses and hacks

The SD's can vote anyone they wish, and the will of the voters be damned

10-16-2008, 03:07 PM
I don't know that she was cheated.

The MSM certainly picked their winner though and took the chance to tear her apart at every turn.

10-16-2008, 03:32 PM
Obama's campaign gave money to ACORN during the primaries.

ACORN is under investigation is several states for fraudulant behavior.

Such behavior could have unfairly put Obama in the lead during the primary, meaning Hillary could very well had been cheated out of the nomination.

10-16-2008, 03:44 PM
the way I understand it, ACORN contracts with out of work people to go talk folks into registering to vote, and they pay by piece count. So some ACORN contractor goes out and gets his friends to register...and another ACORN contractor goes and gets those same folks to register again and they fill out another form that ACORN will then pay the contractor for. If I fill out eight voter registration forms, I still only get to vote once. I don't see how there could be massive fraud here. If there is real fraud, it is most likely taking place at the contractor level in fabricating false registrations - like the names from the Dallas Cowboys team or cartoon characters - in order to defraud ACORN by falsely inflating their individual piece counts. But I am sure that you all won't even bother to examine that alternative explanation...it is nowhere near as juicy as the one you are presently fixating on.

10-16-2008, 04:26 PM
Obama's campaign gave money to ACORN during the primaries.

ACORN is under investigation is several states for fraudulant behavior.

Such behavior could have unfairly put Obama in the lead during the primary, meaning Hillary could very well had been cheated out of the nomination.

i believe she was...i jsut a video the other day about the caucasus in texas and they were saying how obama's people were doing some very shady things...

Mr. P
10-16-2008, 04:30 PM
Oooooooooooo she was SCREWED alright, probably for the first time since pre-Monica too!:dev2:

10-16-2008, 04:32 PM
ACORN's activities are not limited to just voter registration.

Also, how many people involved with ACORN are also volunteer poll workers? hmmmmm....????

10-16-2008, 04:38 PM
Another point, considering that it is plausible that Hillary was cheated out of the nomination, is there any doubt that had she been the nominee right now that she would be about 15 to 20 points ahead in the polls. Obama is still struggling to close the deal.

10-16-2008, 04:42 PM
ACORN's activities are not limited to just voter registration.

Also, how many people involved with ACORN are also volunteer poll workers? hmmmmm....????

I am pretty sure that the investigations are confined to voter registration issues...and again...I cam fill out twenty voter registration forms, but I still only get to vote once.

10-16-2008, 04:48 PM
Study finds computer voting system widely vulnerable to tampering
by Brian Witte
Associated Press

An electronic voting system used in some states as an alternative to the troublesome punch-card ballots is highly vulnerable to fraud, computer security experts warned in a study released Thursday.

The study found "significant security flaws" with the system designed by Diebold Election Systems. The system was vulnerable to unscrupulous voters as well as "insiders such as poll workers, software developers and even janitors," who could cast multiple votes without a trace, the study said.

The system allows ballots to be cast on a 15-inch touchscreen.

The study was the first review of the software by independent researchers.

Avi Rubin of Johns Hopkins University, a lead researcher on the study, said there is no quick fix for the software.


The more registered voters there are the more possible votes.

10-16-2008, 04:53 PM
The more registered voters there are the more possible votes.

If I fill out fifty voter registration cards and give them to fifty of my ACORN contractor buddies, I am still only registered to vote once.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 05:19 PM
If I fill out fifty voter registration cards and give them to fifty of my ACORN contractor buddies, I am still only registered to vote once.

Not so, the voter cards will be filled out, and if Obama needs some votes - a Dem hack can then fill them out with a vote for Obama

It is sad Dems have crowed how Obama is a sure win, yet they have to bltantly cheat to try and secure a win

10-16-2008, 05:38 PM
If I fill out fifty voter registration cards and give them to fifty of my ACORN contractor buddies, I am still only registered to vote once.

If Tony Romo gets registered to vote in 8 counties, how many times can a person with a fake Tony Romo ID vote?

red states rule
10-16-2008, 05:40 PM
If Tony Romo gets registered to vote in 8 counties, how many times can a person with a Tony Romo ID vote?

Who said they need an ID?

Where I vote you go in give them a name, and you are given a ballot

Now we know why libs are always opposed to voters showing a picture ID at the polls

10-16-2008, 05:46 PM
Who said they need an ID?

Where I vote you go in give them a name, and you are given a ballot

Now we know why libs are always opposed to voters showing a picture ID at the polls

In the states where an ID isn't required, bus loads of fraudulent voters, working off a list of fraudulent registrations could vote as many times as polling hours would permit.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 05:49 PM
In the states where an ID isn't required, bus loads of fraudulent voters, working off a list of fraudulent registrations could vote as many times as polling hours would permit.

Which is why ACORN is doing what they are doing. Obama and the DNC has no intention of losing and are willing to do whatever it takes

This reminds me of something. I think it was in GA where Republcans offered FREE picture ID's and offered to hand deliver them to the residents

Dems still said no

Once again, Dems have no intention of having an open and honset election.

10-16-2008, 05:57 PM
Which is why ACORN is doing what they are doing. Obama and the DNC has no intention of losing and are willing to do whatever it takes

This reminds me of something. I think it was in GA where Republcans offered FREE picture ID's and offered to hand deliver them to the residents

Dems still said no

Once again, Dems have no intention of having an open and honset election.

The point is that fraudulent voting has to be preceeded by fraudulent registration...ACORN has laid that groundwork.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 06:00 PM
The point is that fraudulent voting has to be preceeded by fraudulent registration...ACORN has laid that groundwork.

and who better to train them then a Chicago politican?

Obama and ACORN: Relationship May Be More Extensive Than Candidate Says
WASHINGTON: Barack Obama says he only had limited ties to ACORN, and they began in 1995. But other encounters with the group, plus a voter-registration drive he conducted called Project Vote three years earlier, calls his account into question.


Thursday, October 16, 2008

Twice in the last week, Barack Obama has said his relationship with ACORN -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now -- began and ended with legal work he did for the group in 1995.

The Democratic presidential candidate made his remarks in an effort to distance himself from the low-income advocacy group, which is under investigation for voter fraud in several states.

But that assertion is subject to debate. Obama conducted training sessions for ACORN workers a decade ago, and his campaign also recently paid an ACORN subsidiary for canvassing efforts.

Plus his work with a group called Project Vote back in 1992 raises questions about whether he was involved with ACORN back then.

Project Vote was one of Obama's earliest political successes. As director of Illinois Project Vote, Obama helped register 150,000 new voters in Chicago, and he was heralded for his efforts in local media.

ACORN was also registering voters at that time, and its relationship with Project Vote casts some doubt on Obama's statement that his involvement with ACORN didn't begin until three years later.

Obama's campaign Web site -- in a section called "Fight the Smears" that is devoted to shooting down harmful rumors about his candidacy -- states as "fact" that "ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992."

The site also states, "Barack Obama never organized with ACORN."

But accounts from the 1992 voter drive suggest the two groups were at least working alongside each other, if not together.
