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View Full Version : Obama Mocks Joe the Plumber, Crowd Laughs

10-16-2008, 09:37 PM
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Sqis9mRcWl4&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Sqis9mRcWl4&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


10-16-2008, 09:53 PM

10-16-2008, 09:58 PM

my wife watched obama last night.....all she kept saying is that he is as rude as the rest of the dems she runs into every day.....

10-16-2008, 10:02 PM
YOu need to get used to saying: President Obama. It is inevitable!:lol:

damn, but I KNOW how much it sucks to be on the losing side... but payback IS a motherfucker. About 10PM on 11/4, I will pop the cork on a bottle of '99 Perrier-Jouet that I have been saving for just such an occasion. You all can enjoy your crow with a side of humble pie!

10-16-2008, 10:02 PM
my wife watched obama last night.....all she kept saying is that he is as rude as the rest of the dems she runs into every day.....

I've listened to him for a long time. I found last night the first time I saw him uncomfortable in public forum. He was sweating, still McCain failed to nail the points home.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 10:04 PM
YOu need to get used to saying: President Obama. It is inevitable!:lol:

damn, but I KNOW how much it sucks to be on the losing side... but payback IS a motherfucker. About 10PM on 11/4, I will pop the cork on a bottle of '99 Perrier-Jouet that I have been saving for just such an occasion. You all can enjoy your crow with a side of humble pie!

The only thing good thing I can say about Obama is he is not as arrogant and condescending as your are Verg

I would think you would dine on tacos and drink tequila

BTW Gallup has Obama's lead down to 2 points.

10-16-2008, 10:12 PM
good grief, the dude is going to toast "a President".....

jesh, you would think he is a savior or a Messiah or something..

that is really really creepy..

Mr. P
10-16-2008, 10:14 PM
Once he's in office watch how fast the DUMB-M-ASSES supporting him turn against him.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 10:16 PM
good grief, the dude is going to toast "a President".....

jesh, you would think he is a savior or a Messiah or something..

that is really really creepy..

HE does fall on his knees before the messiah, just because he is a pretty boy,"talks nice", and is a liberal Dem

10-16-2008, 10:22 PM
I just wonder if the Dems are going to fall flat on their faces again this election..

you know all you hear about in the lamestream media is the shit about Dems. and how great the Obambam is and how they are surging in the polls and registrations, and hardly hear anything about conservative or Republicans, unless it's negative..

so basically the Republicans and conservatives are the "SILENT MAJORITY"...and if they come out to vote like the last time..

it could be bloody from lots of heads splodin..:laugh2:

red states rule
10-16-2008, 10:24 PM
I just wonder if the Dems are going to fall flat on their faces again this election..

you know all you hear about in the lamestream media is the shit about Dems. and how great the Obambam is and how they are surging in the polls and registrations, and hardly hear anything about conservative or Republicans, unless it's negative..

so basically the Republicans and conservatives are the "SILENT MAJORITY"...and if they come out to vote like the last time..

it could be bloody from lots of heads splodin..:laugh2:

It is going to be a tight election, and it is possible Palin/McCain could win by a slim margin

It will be fun to watch the libs rant and rave, and have to be put in a padded room - after the riots are put down

10-16-2008, 10:24 PM
I just wonder if the Dems are going to fall flat on their faces again this election..

you know all you hear about in the lamestream media is the shit about Dems. and how great the Obambam is and how they are surging in the polls and registrations, and hardly hear anything about conservative or Republicans, unless it's negative..

so basically the Republicans and conservatives are the "SILENT MAJORITY"...and if they come out to vote like the last time..

it could be bloody from lots of heads splodin..:laugh2:

could be... wanna bet some money on it?

10-16-2008, 10:25 PM
YOu need to get used to saying: President Obama. It is inevitable!:lol:

damn, but I KNOW how much it sucks to be on the losing side... but payback IS a motherfucker. About 10PM on 11/4, I will pop the cork on a bottle of '99 Perrier-Jouet that I have been saving for just such an occasion. You all can enjoy your crow with a side of humble pie!


you're a hateful little turd

Mr. P
10-16-2008, 10:27 PM
I just wonder if the Dems are going to fall flat on their faces again this election..

you know all you hear about in the lamestream media is the shit about Dems. and how great the Obambam is and how they are surging in the polls and registrations, and hardly hear anything about conservative or Republicans, unless it's negative..

so basically the Republicans and conservatives are the "SILENT MAJORITY"...and if they come out to vote like the last time..

it could be bloody from lots of heads splodin..:laugh2:

I've been suspecting the same..

So let's just get this over with..another STOLEN election. There, get on the wagon early left-wingers it's gonna get crowed.

red states rule
10-16-2008, 10:27 PM

you're a hateful little turd

You should know by now it is part of his "personality"

10-16-2008, 11:31 PM
"a plumber is a guy that he is fightin for"

What exactly is wrong for a Presidential canidate fighting for a plumber?

Perhaps Obama's paygrade is above plumbers.

10-16-2008, 11:47 PM
Something tells me Joe the Plummer isn't going to endorse Obammy.

10-17-2008, 02:49 AM
At least McCain is fighting for someone who is working his way to the American dream. Who exactly is Obama fightning for? Ayers (terrorist), Wright (racist), ACORN (frauds).....need I say more? He surly isn't fighting for anyone else.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 06:53 AM
Biden sneered how no plumber making $250,000/yr lives in his neighborhood. Well, I doubt if ANY plumber lives in Joe Bidens neighborhood

Joe' house is a 6,800-square-foot home on 4 acres and is worth about $3 million

10-17-2008, 06:57 AM
good grief, the dude is going to toast "a President".....

jesh, you would think he is a savior or a Messiah or something..

that is really really creepy..

I celebrate happy moments in my life, steph. don't you?
I broke out good bubbly when the Red Sox won the world series.
why in the world would you think that is creepy? or is it just because you think it would be creepy to celebrate the success of anyone who wasn't "like us"?

10-17-2008, 06:57 AM
Maybe a plumber doesn't bring in $250,000. But the owner of a plumbing company does?

red states rule
10-17-2008, 06:59 AM
Maybe a plumber doesn't bring in $250,000. But the owner of a plumbing company does?

Who knows. If he does, Obama will punish his success by taking more of the profits. Thus preventing the owner from adding more workers and expanding the business

10-17-2008, 07:02 AM
First, on the video in the OP, Obama is acting like a jerk... well, maybe not acting. What a jerk! This country has been built on the backs of plumbers and the like and this jerk that wants to be President thinks plumbers are a joke.

I just wonder if the Dems are going to fall flat on their faces again this election..

you know all you hear about in the lamestream media is the shit about Dems. and how great the Obambam is and how they are surging in the polls and registrations, and hardly hear anything about conservative or Republicans, unless it's negative..

so basically the Republicans and conservatives are the "SILENT MAJORITY"...and if they come out to vote like the last time..

it could be bloody from lots of heads splodin..:laugh2:

The problem is that conservatives can't stand John McCain either. The question is will they come out to vote for the lessor of two evils? As far as I am concerned right now, the answer to that question for me is no.


10-17-2008, 07:13 AM
YOu need to get used to saying: President Obama. It is inevitable!:lol:

damn, but I KNOW how much it sucks to be on the losing side... but payback IS a motherfucker. About 10PM on 11/4, I will pop the cork on a bottle of '99 Perrier-Jouet that I have been saving for just such an occasion. You all can enjoy your crow with a side of humble pie!

It's almost as if you wish that nearly 1/2 the country would not accept him as president. You are wrong.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 07:14 AM
I celebrate happy moments in my life, steph. don't you?
I broke out good bubbly when the Red Sox won the world series.
why in the world would you think that is creepy? or is it just because you think it would be creepy to celebrate the success of anyone who wasn't "like us"?

Alot of us will celebrate when you haul your ass to Mexico. Indeed a happy moment in our lives - then you will be their problem

10-17-2008, 07:16 AM
It's almost as if you wish that nearly 1/2 the country would not accept him as president. You are wrong.

no. I certainly hope that everyone accepts him as president. I am sure you can understand why I might get the opinion from folks on here that not everyone might. I personally think that the day that Obama is elected will be a good day for America and I, at least, intend to celebrate.

10-17-2008, 07:21 AM
no. I certainly hope that everyone accepts him as president. I am sure you can understand why I might get the opinion from folks on here that not everyone might. I personally think that the day that Obama is elected will be a good day for America and I, at least, intend to celebrate.

About, but not quite, as good as Black Tuesday. :poke:


red states rule
10-17-2008, 07:32 AM
no. I certainly hope that everyone accepts him as president. I am sure you can understand why I might get the opinion from folks on here that not everyone might. I personally think that the day that Obama is elected will be a good day for America and I, at least, intend to celebrate.

I am sure there will be people who support a Pres Obama in the same spirit as libs have supported Pres Bush

YOU have been a shining example of bipartisanship and displaying a will to work with the other side.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 07:33 AM
About, but not quite, as good as Black Tuesday. :poke:


It will be bad only if you workd for a living. If you live off the government your life will greatly improve

10-17-2008, 07:53 AM
I am sure there will be people who support a Pres Obama in the same spirit as libs have supported Pres Bush

YOU have been a shining example of bipartisanship and displaying a will to work with the other side.

Well, let's be honest here, America has been through some tough times the past seven years. We all came together after 9/11. But, eventually that changed as one would expect it would and our current President has not done that good of a job at uniting America since then. I'm not even sure he has tried.


red states rule
10-17-2008, 07:59 AM
Well, let's be honest here, America has been through some tough times the past seven years. We all came together after 9/11. But, eventually that changed as one would expect it would and our current President has not done that good of a job at uniting America since then. I'm not even sure he has tried.


Yes, and America will overcome an Obama administration and unchecked liberalsim

Libs like conmanfrommaine will crow and gloat - but when their liberalism makes things worse they will make excuse and blame others

There is no doubt when Obama raises taxes across the board, we will go in a deep recession. Terrorists will be happier then the libs with an Obama win

Then when people like me (and you) call Obama on his failed policies, libs like conmanfrommaine will tag you as a racist. If you think the race card has been over used in the election - wait until you see how many times it wil be used during Obama's single term

It wil be racist to comment on Jimmy Carter's second term

red states rule
10-17-2008, 08:01 AM
Well, let's be honest here, America has been through some tough times the past seven years. We all came together after 9/11. But, eventually that changed as one would expect it would and our current President has not done that good of a job at uniting America since then. I'm not even sure he has tried.


BTW Immie, Obama can't unite his own political party - how the hell can he unite the country?????

10-17-2008, 08:15 AM
BTW Immie, Obama can't unite his own political party - how the hell can he unite the country?????

Quite frankly, what you are asking him to do... unite the country... would require the real messiah to accomplish. He's not and he won't.


red states rule
10-17-2008, 08:17 AM
Quite frankly, what you are asking him to do... unite the country... would require the real messiah to accomplish. He's not and he won't.


I am saying Obama represents unchecked liberalism which will do great damage to the country

Obama will make libs happy off the bat, but some will turn on him as he takes the country into econonic recession. Just like they did with Pres Peanut

10-17-2008, 08:31 AM
I am saying Obama represents unchecked liberalism which will do great damage to the country

Obama will make libs happy off the bat, but some will turn on him as he takes the country into econonic recession. Just like they did with Pres Peanut

True just as some conservatives (like me) turned against President Bush.

But, then I suppose since President Bush was elected as a conservative and behaved as a liberal the analogy doesn't really work.


red states rule
10-17-2008, 08:35 AM
True just as some conservatives (like me) turned against President Bush.

But, then I suppose since President Bush was elected as a conservative and behaved as a liberal the analogy doesn't really work.


The differecne may be, these libs actually believe they will get all their goodies, and America can be taxed into prosperity

Reality will be like a splash of cold water in the face

Pres Bush tried to work with Dems and all he got was a slap in the face from the left.

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 09:18 AM
Well, let's be honest here, America has been through some tough times the past seven years. We all came together after 9/11. But, eventually that changed as one would expect it would and our current President has not done that good of a job at uniting America since then. I'm not even sure he has tried.


The difference is that 9-11 was an attack on America and our ideals from the outside. An Obama presidency will attack those things from the inside. Much more insidious and long-term.

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 09:21 AM
I understand that Castro re-affirmed his total support for Obama recently.
I am sure he would be toasting a win too.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 09:22 AM
The difference is that 9-11 was an attack on Amercia and our ideals from the outside. An Obama presidency will attack those things from the inside. Much more insidious and long-term.



red states rule
10-17-2008, 09:30 AM
I understand that Castro re-affirmed his total support for Obama recently.
I am sure he would be toasting a win too.

Do not forget Hugo Chavez and Hamas are backing Obama

10-17-2008, 09:34 AM
The difference is that 9-11 was an attack on America and our ideals from the outside. An Obama presidency will attack those things from the inside. Much more insidious and long-term.

I'm not sticking up for Obama at all.

The point I was making though was that the nation did come together after 9/11 for a time, but that George Bush never united us. The point was that liberals did for a time support President Bush and America in a time of crisis. Villifying them because they do not support everything President Bush does today is a bit unfair.


Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 09:35 AM
Do not forget Hugo Chavez and Hamas are backing Obama

Of course. They could get together with Rev. Wrong and have a big ol' "God Damn America" toast.

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 09:38 AM
I'm not sticking up for Obama at all.

The point I was making though was that the nation did come together after 9/11 for a time, but that George Bush never united us. The point was that liberals did for a time support President Bush and America in a time of crisis. Villifying them because they do not support everything President Bush does today is a bit unfair.


First, I did not say you were sticking up for Obama. In fact, I am at a loss as to how you find these invisible interpetations, Immie. ???

Second, if America did not stay united after 9-11, it is because libs always hated President Bush, and 9-11 was just a brief hiatus from that hatred. It was not his fault that the hatred quickly bubbled up to the top again.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 09:40 AM
Of course. They could get together with Rev. Wrong and have a big ol' "God Damn America" toast.

John Ayers can be Sec of State

Rev Wrong will head the Civil Rights Commission

Rezko will be Treasury Sec (after Obama pardons him)

Al Gore head of EPA

Hows that Abbey?

10-17-2008, 09:47 AM
First, I did not say you were sticking up for Obama. In fact, I am at a loss as to how you find these invisible interpetations, Immie. ???

Second, if America did not stay united after 9-11, it is because libs always hated President Bush, and 9-11 was just a brief hiatus from that hatred. It was not his fault that the hatred quickly bubbled up to the top again.

I didn't think that you were saying that, but I wanted to clarify that I was not.

As for it being President Bush's fault, I would lean back on the old cliche, "it takes two to Tango". The President has done absolutely nothing to reach across the aisle so to speak. Except for behaving like one of them. :D

But really, I think that Republicans and, yes, conservatives are as guilty of being dividing as liberals/Dems are.


10-17-2008, 09:50 AM
John Ayers can be Sec of State

Rev Wrong will head the Civil Rights Commission

Rezko will be Treasury Sec (after Obama pardons him)

Al Gore head of EPA

Hows that Abbey?

Don't you mean Bill Ayers and wouldn't Sec of Education fit his forte much more adequately. By the time he was finished our grade school children would be convinced that Socialism is the way to live and our old Republic needed to be replaced with the socialism of the future and high schoolers would be wearing brown shirts and jack boots to force the change.


red states rule
10-17-2008, 10:52 AM
Don't you mean Bill Ayers and wouldn't Sec of Education fit his forte much more adequately. By the time he was finished our grade school children would be convinced that Socialism is the way to live and our old Republic needed to be replaced with the socialism of the future and high schoolers would be wearing brown shirts and jack boots to force the change.


John Kerry would be Sec of Education. He would make sure they get a good education so they do not end up in Iraq or any branch of the US military

10-17-2008, 11:06 AM
John Kerry would be Sec of Education. He would make sure they get a good education so they do not end up in Iraq or any branch of the US military

Nah, Senator Kerry will be nominated for Secretary of Defense. After all, he is a good ole fashioned war hero.


red states rule
10-17-2008, 11:19 AM
Nah, Senator Kerry will be nominated for Secretary of Defense. After all, he is a good ole fashioned war hero.


It would make our enemies job to destroy America much easier with Kerry as Sec of Defense

10-17-2008, 11:30 AM
It is going to be a tight election, and it is possible Palin/McCain could win by a slim margin

It will be fun to watch the libs rant and rave, and have to be put in a padded room - after the riots are put down

But are still POTUS???

I predict that it doesn't really matter how the popular vote goes, the sheeple are following the Muslim, the silent majority are already practicing keeping their mouths closed, and the Ultra-liberal Media have already decided the election.

Obama - 47% of the popular vote
McCain - 43% of the popular vote
Barr and the other "candidates" (including Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as write in candidates) <1% of the popular vote

Obama declared winner in the Electorial college, and is coronated Messiah in January. And its going to be a cold winter for conservatives for the next 4 years.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 11:32 AM
But are still POTUS???

I predict that it doesn't really matter how the popular vote goes, the sheeple are following the Muslim, the silent majority are already practicing keeping their mouths closed, and the Ultra-liberal Media have already decided the election.

Obama - 47% of the popular vote
McCain - 43% of the popular vote
Barr and the other "candidates" (including Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck as write in candidates) <1% of the popular vote

Obama declared winner in the Electorial college, and is coronated Messiah in January. And its going to be a cold winter for conservatives for the next 4 years.


10-17-2008, 11:35 AM
Don't you mean Bill Ayers and wouldn't Sec of Education fit his forte much more adequately. By the time he was finished our grade school children would be convinced that Socialism is the way to live and our old Republic needed to be replaced with the socialism of the future and high schoolers would be wearing brown shirts and jack boots to force the change.


I bet "debating" like this is really fun, isn't it? a bunch of republicans tossing out lame political jokes.

and you wonder why liberals don't bother to enter into threads like this?

red states rule
10-17-2008, 11:37 AM
I bet "debating" like this is really fun, isn't it? a bunch of republicans tossing out lame political jokes.

and you wonder why liberals don't bother to enter into threads like this?

Why are liberals attacking Joe? Because he asked a question, and Obama screwed up and told the truth?

10-17-2008, 11:46 AM
I bet "debating" like this is really fun, isn't it? a bunch of republicans tossing out lame political jokes.

and you wonder why liberals don't bother to enter into threads like this?

What is scary is that you think it is a joke.

Besides, I am not a Republican... but you ARE a conservative. :D


red states rule
10-17-2008, 11:50 AM
What is scary is that you think it is a joke.

Besides, I am not a Republican... but you ARE a conservative. :D


You have to remember, MFM has no prblem crushing anyone who speaks out against the Dems and the messiah

He has no issue with how Joe is being attacked and smeared. MFM blames Joe for making Obama slip up and admit he plans to redistribute wealth, not the fact Obama wants to redistribute wealth