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View Full Version : Conservatives, how many guns do you own?

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 12:14 PM
Inspired by Nukeman's post...

red states rule
10-17-2008, 12:15 PM
Inspired by Nukeman's post...

One, and Obama can't have it

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 12:16 PM
One, and Obama can't have it

It's a poll now.

I chose to reveal voters so we can be sure only conservatives are voting.

red states rule
10-17-2008, 12:18 PM
It's a poll now.

I chose to reveal voters so we can be sure only conservatives are voting.

I do hope all gun owners follow these ten rules of gun ownership


10-17-2008, 12:19 PM
It's a poll now.

I chose to reveal voters so we can be sure only conservatives are voting.

Do, I still count? ;)

I don't own any, because I have kids (well their growing up now) and one of the scariest things I could possibly think of would be to come home and find your child dead on the floor because they found the key, the bullets and the gun and they were just playing around.

Now that they are growing up, I have considered a purchase. I just have not gone out and done so yet.


10-17-2008, 12:20 PM
One I have had since I was 12. it is only a 22 but i have access to my fathers hunting guns anytime I want.

Ohh and Gabs that is what they are used for HUNTING!!!!!!!

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 12:23 PM
Do, I still count? ;)

I don't own any, because I have kids (well their growing up now) and one of the scariest things I could possibly think of would be to come home and find your child dead on the floor because they found the key, the bullets and the gun and they were just playing around.

Now that they are growing up, I have considered a purchase. I just have not gone out and done so yet.


Of course you count. :salute:

10-17-2008, 12:24 PM
Two. With a shopping list.

10-17-2008, 12:27 PM
One I have had since I was 12. it is only a 22 but i have access to my fathers hunting guns anytime I want.

Ohh and Gabs that is what they are used for HUNTING!!!!!!!

It's locked up so tight if an intruder did break in we might as well just hit him over the head with the case.

My dad has 4 (shotguns) locked in a gun case with the ammo stored locked in another case.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 12:53 PM
I can never see the voter names once I vote...why is that?

10-17-2008, 12:54 PM
I can never see the voter names once I vote...why is that?press the number on the vote and it will split it out to show you who has voted for what..

10-17-2008, 12:59 PM
remind me never to try to break into Crin or Mr P's houses.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 01:01 PM
press the number on the vote and it will split it out to show you who has voted for what..

Thanks, NUKE!

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 01:05 PM
remind me never to try to break into Crin or Mr P's houses.

All but two are locked in a safe, but it only takes one. :)

red states rule
10-17-2008, 01:11 PM
remind me never to try to break into Crin or Mr P's houses.

Or mine Trigg. You have to get past the attack cats :laugh2:

10-17-2008, 01:16 PM
All but two are locked in a safe, but it only takes one. :)

Is that a threat :scared:

and here I thought we were friends :)

red states rule
10-17-2008, 01:21 PM
Is that a threat :scared:

and here I thought we were friends :)

It could be if you get to close to their food :laugh2:

Then you will taking your life in your hands

10-17-2008, 01:23 PM
can you define gun? Do you mean handgun, like a pistol; or longgun, like a rifle or shotgun; or an automatic gun, like my water-cooled, tripod mounted 50 calibre World War II vintage machine gun; or that new thingie I just found on eBay, the Gatling Gun that fires 6000 rounds of 75mm cannon fire that came off a "warthog" tank killing U.S. Army aircraft.

Actually, I own 5 handguns, 2 rifles, 3 shotguns, and 7 reproduction antique guns used by the United States military to first gain our freedom then defend it from 1776 to 1889. More of those yet to get.

10-17-2008, 01:24 PM
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 dozen. They are an investment. I bought them somewhere between 40% of actual value and wholesale price.

My 14 year old daughter prefers the 12ga pump shotgun over everything else. She's one tough girl. The girl has no taste at all she shot my Kimber .45 and yet likes the 870 police magnum better. That's my girl!!!:coffee:

10-17-2008, 01:56 PM
None...but I do love to shoot them! :)

10-17-2008, 02:27 PM
Just the two connected to my shoulders, buddy!:slap:


10-17-2008, 02:50 PM
I don't own any myself. My family des tho and there more than 6 guns in the house right now. Nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership.

10-17-2008, 02:53 PM
I don't own any myself. My family des tho and there more than 6 guns in the house right now. Nothing wrong with responsible gun ownership.

You don't count! ;)

You are NOT a conservative. :D


10-17-2008, 02:56 PM
You are NOT a conservative.
What no one told me, last board I was on I was.

10-17-2008, 03:21 PM
just the two i work out for all the ladies;)

Alright lame joke. but thats what i do:)

10-17-2008, 03:25 PM
We don't own any. I don't want them in the house because I have two kids. For now,I will have to count on my two big dogs to protect us. I would think if some moron tried to break in and heard big dogs barking,they would be somewhat likely to hit the road. Our Australian Shep barks at every noise he hears,he's even woke me up barking at a little kittty walking by the house in the middle of the night.:laugh2:

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 03:32 PM
Is that a threat :scared:

and here I thought we were friends :)

No of course not!

A warning maybe..:poke:

10-17-2008, 03:40 PM
What no one told me, last board I was on I was.

Must have been democraticunderground. :D


10-17-2008, 04:07 PM
No gun here right now, again because of the kids. I do have a ball bat though and anyone with a gun that gets close to me will lose it. I have been trained in disarming someone very quickly. If you point a gun at me and start talking it will be mine.

10-17-2008, 04:19 PM
IMHO, little kids shouldn't make any difference if you treat your guns right. I have a safe with double locks. I added a hardened hasp and padlock in addition to the dial. My safe is anchored to the floor and walls. Ever since my kids were little I told them if they ever see a gun its loaded, do not touch it and tell an adult immediately. I also let them handle mine under supervision. The more used to seeing them, handling them and using them, the less fascinating they are to them. But hey, Its still America until November 4th and everyone still has rights, sorta. So by all means if someone feels its appropriate to wait until the kids are bigger, cool.

Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 04:59 PM
can you define gun? Do you mean handgun, like a pistol; or longgun, like a rifle or shotgun; or an automatic gun, like my water-cooled, tripod mounted 50 calibre World War II vintage machine gun; or that new thingie I just found on eBay, the Gatling Gun that fires 6000 rounds of 75mm cannon fire that came off a "warthog" tank killing U.S. Army aircraft.

Actually, I own 5 handguns, 2 rifles, 3 shotguns, and 7 reproduction antique guns used by the United States military to first gain our freedom then defend it from 1776 to 1889. More of those yet to get.

I think we can put you in the "Six or more" category. :)

10-17-2008, 05:23 PM
IMHO, little kids shouldn't make any difference if you treat your guns right. I have a safe with double locks. I added a hardened hasp and padlock in addition to the dial. My safe is anchored to the floor and walls. Ever since my kids were little I told them if they ever see a gun its loaded, do not touch it and tell an adult immediately. I also let them handle mine under supervision. The more used to seeing them, handling them and using them, the less fascinating they are to them. But hey, Its still America until November 4th and everyone still has rights, sorta. So by all means if someone feels its appropriate to wait until the kids are bigger, cool.

i can't help but think of my time in the NW, SE WA to be exact. guns are normal there. and then there is the movie PATRIOT, with mel gisbon. when i first entered school, before the patriot movie, i had shot only one gun, a 22 at camp. well, being from CA in a SE WA uni made me "different" i'm not kidding, those hillbillies :laugh2: (i still have hillbilly friends) looked at my blond hair and were like....dude...and called me names...anyhooo, i have shot many guns, guns are not bad, i like the glock 9mm if i had to choose for a personal weapon

guns are like knives up there. switch blades and butterfly knives were cool when i was kid, but guns are not? they all kill.

here is something that libs or those that hate guns tend to forget:


what kills more people per year?

10-17-2008, 05:53 PM
i can't help but think of my time in the NW, SE WA to be exact. guns are normal there. and then there is the movie PATRIOT, with mel gisbon. when i first entered school, before the patriot movie, i had shot only one gun, a 22 at camp. well, being from CA in a SE WA uni made me "different" i'm not kidding, those hillbillies :laugh2: (i still have hillbilly friends) looked at my blond hair and were like....dude...and called me names...anyhooo, i have shot many guns, guns are not bad, i like the glock 9mm if i had to choose for a personal weapon

guns are like knives up there. switch blades and butterfly knives were cool when i was kid, but guns are not? they all kill.

here is something that libs or those that hate guns tend to forget:


what kills more people per year?

I was born and raised in So. Cal but have always been around guns. As far back as I can remember I have been shooting. I never would have picked up gun as a kid to harm myself or anyone else. I got my 1st gun when I was 10. It was the prettiest little Glenfield bolt action .22 I ever seen in my life. That sucker was a beaut. I always knew where the guns and ammo were but I never bothered them. When I was to little to hold the gun myself my dad or grandpa would hold them for me and I would just pull the trigger. It was so awesome.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 06:24 PM
IMHO, little kids shouldn't make any difference if you treat your guns right. I have a safe with double locks. I added a hardened hasp and padlock in addition to the dial. My safe is anchored to the floor and walls. Ever since my kids were little I told them if they ever see a gun its loaded, do not touch it and tell an adult immediately. I also let them handle mine under supervision. The more used to seeing them, handling them and using them, the less fascinating they are to them. But hey, Its still America until November 4th and everyone still has rights, sorta. So by all means if someone feels its appropriate to wait until the kids are bigger, cool.


I was born and raised in So. Cal but have always been around guns. As far back as I can remember I have been shooting. I never would have picked up gun as a kid to harm myself or anyone else.I got my 1st gun when I was 10. It was the prettiest little Glenfield bolt action . 22 I ever seen in my life. That sucker was a beaut. I always knew where the guns and ammo were but I never bothered them. When I was to little to hold the gun myself my dad or grandpa would hold them for me and I would just pull the trigger. It was so awesome.

I still have a Glenfield .22. A sweet lil rifle.

10-17-2008, 06:26 PM
I was born and raised in So. Cal but have always been around guns. As far back as I can remember I have been shooting. I never would have picked up gun as a kid to harm myself or anyone else. I got my 1st gun when I was 10. It was the prettiest little Glenfield bolt action .22 I ever seen in my life. That sucker was a beaut. I always knew where the guns and ammo were but I never bothered them. When I was to little to hold the gun myself my dad or grandpa would hold them for me and I would just pull the trigger. It was so awesome.

grew up in SD, SLO, LA, PS....did have two knives, one "potato" pulled on me by gang bangers (SD) and a switchblade by an idiot (SD) ... but my first gun was at summer camp up by arrowhead (8th grade) the 22.

i used to judge people like you...those that owned guns, i admit that. however in college, i saw "real" guns. 30/6 (30 ought 6?) anyways, big ass rifle and i had the challenge to shoot the target... i shot and hit it dead on, lucky? i don't know, but i was forever "cool" because of that one shot. :coffee:

i am still not sure about owning guns. admittedly i don't see the need for guns in my life. however, i see why others would own them. and, admittedly, i enjoy shooting guns. if you like the 22's, thats fine, but shoot a high power rifle or a glock hand gun....


i liked it

10-17-2008, 06:57 PM

I still have a Glenfield .22. A sweet lil rifle.

I had mine until my ex-wife stole it and sold it at a yard sale. I wanted to keep that gun forever. I got my boys so I let it go.

grew up in SD, SLO, LA, PS....did have two knives, one "potato" pulled on me by gang bangers (SD) and a switchblade by an idiot (SD) ... but my first gun was at summer camp up by arrowhead (8th grade) the 22.

i used to judge people like you...those that owned guns, i admit that. however in college, i saw "real" guns. 30/6 (30 ought 6?) anyways, big ass rifle and i had the challenge to shoot the target... i shot and hit it dead on, lucky? i don't know, but i was forever "cool" because of that one shot. :coffee:

i am still not sure about owning guns. admittedly i don't see the need for guns in my life. however, i see why others would own them. and, admittedly, i enjoy shooting guns. if you like the 22's, thats fine, but shoot a high power rifle or a glock hand gun....


i liked it

30-06 was the first big rifle I shot as well. The first rifle I purchased was a 30-06 when I was 18. Its a great old caliber.

Now I just shoot .308 its a great caliber. Its a shortened and improved 30-06 basically. Unless something new comes along I will stick with .308 and if I ever come across a sweet deal on a .300 Win Mag I might pick one of those up. I have a Glock .40 cal that I haven't shot in along time. 22's are a great gun to have around, they are so much fun to shoot. I have my grandpas 10/22.

10-17-2008, 07:04 PM
Inspired by Nukeman's post...

Funny that you should ask, I just bought my first gun today.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 07:08 PM
Funny that you should ask, I just bought my first gun today.

AND IT'S a...?

10-17-2008, 07:12 PM
AND IT'S a...?

Just a 9mm handgun. XD.

10-17-2008, 07:18 PM
Just a 9mm handgun. XD.

My buddy has an XD and he loves it. Sounds like a good choice to me.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 07:18 PM
I had mine until my ex-wife stole it and sold it at a yard sale. I wanted to keep that gun forever. I got my boys so I let it go.

30-06 was the first big rifle I shot as well. The first rifle I purchased was a 30-06 when I was 18. Its a great old caliber.

Now I just shoot .308 its a great caliber. Its a shortened and improved 30-06 basically. Unless something new comes along I will stick with .308 and if I ever come across a sweet deal on a .300 Win Mag I might pick one of those up. I have a Glock .40 cal that I haven't shot in along time. 22's are a great gun to have around, they are so much fun to shoot. I have my grandpas 10/22.

Children, much more important..a glenfield can be replaced.

My first large caliber rifle experience was a 30-06 as well. The first large caliber I owned was a Marlin 30-30..336c model, gold trigger and all..I paid $72 for it and still have it.

10-17-2008, 07:25 PM
Children, much more important..a glenfield can be replaced.

Absolutely! I gave her everything except my tools, my guns, my clothes and the older of the 2 cars. All I wanted was my boys and their stuff.

I restarted my life with an air mattress complete with sleeping bag, a 13" TV, a lamp and an ice chest. No regrets at all.

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 07:31 PM
Just a 9mm handgun. XD.


Abbey Marie
10-17-2008, 07:37 PM
I got it!

Mr. P, in the Lounge, with the Revolver.

(I just had to get that out) :D

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 07:49 PM
I got it!

Mr. P, in the Lounge, with the Revolver.

(I just had to get that out) :D

When we empty the bottles we can put em on the bar an shoot em...right? :laugh2:

10-17-2008, 08:11 PM
can you define gun? Do you mean handgun, like a pistol; or longgun, like a rifle or shotgun; or an automatic gun, like my water-cooled, tripod mounted 50 calibre World War II vintage machine gun; or that new thingie I just found on eBay, the Gatling Gun that fires 6000 rounds of 75mm cannon fire that came off a "warthog" tank killing U.S. Army aircraft. Try Air Force

Actually, I own 5 handguns, 2 rifles, 3 shotguns, and 7 reproduction antique guns used by the United States military to first gain our freedom then defend it from 1776 to 1889. More of those yet to get.

The A-10 Warthog gun is a GAU-8 Avenger, and it is a 30mm cannon that fires 3,900 rounds per minute from a seven barreled gatlin system, and I can see no way one would end up on E-bay. The gun systems in AF jets are controlled, serially tracked items. When they are not installed in an aircraft they are locked up and/or guarded by weapons specialists like me (just the lower ranking guys, cause standing around next to a gun system is pretty boring!). You have to get special permission just to get one of the barrells, not to mention any other part of the gun.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/SWAaZnALTYc&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/SWAaZnALTYc&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


The gun system that fires 4,000 - 6,000 rounds per minute is the M61A1

10-17-2008, 08:18 PM
none, but I have four fishing poles.....do they count?.....

10-17-2008, 08:20 PM
I don't have any guns, and I don't plan on getting any. My wife does not like them and out of respect to her I will keep them out of the home. I would never tell anyone they should not have guns, I support the right to bear arms 100%.

For what it is worth, the Marksmanship ribbon on my chest says I could hit something shaped like a human about 95% of the time out to a range of 300 yards.


Mr. P
10-17-2008, 08:26 PM
none, but I have four fishing poles.....do they count?.....

They count in my book. I have 4 rods, two reals that work well..and I need to go fishin...soon!

Mr. P
10-17-2008, 08:28 PM
I don't have any guns, and I don't plan on getting any. My wife does not like them and out of respect to her I will keep them out of the home. I would never tell anyone they should not have guns, I support the right to bear arms 100%.

For what it is worth, the Marksmanship ribbon on my chest says I could hit something shaped like a human about 95% of the time out to a range of 300 yards.


Not without a gun. :poke:

10-17-2008, 08:33 PM
Not without a gun. :poke:

Picky, picky! :slap: I should have added that "if I had a gun"!

Here is a good clip about the A-10.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

10-17-2008, 09:27 PM
Picky, picky! :slap: I should have added that "if I had a gun"!

Here is a good clip about the A-10.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

you fly those?

10-17-2008, 09:32 PM
The Warthog is a damn fine aircraft. Tough SOB.

10-17-2008, 09:42 PM
Picky, picky! :slap: I should have added that "if I had a gun"!

Here is a good clip about the A-10.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/1Oc-xbpy-OI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

With the handling of a jet powered crop duster, heavily armored cockpit and that Gat in front, the A-10 is one of the finest weapons platform ever developed........ one bad ass plane! Go AIR FORCE!!!!!:salute:

10-17-2008, 10:46 PM
you fly those?

No. If I was a pilot, it would be my #1 choice of aircraft. I have always liked it and really wanted to work on it when I came over here to Korea. But I went to the base that doesn't have them.


Mr. P
10-17-2008, 11:07 PM
No. If I was a pilot, it would be my #1 choice of aircraft. I have always liked it and really wanted to work on it when I came over here to Korea. But I went to the base that doesn't have them.


It's a tank with wings. I'd love to fly one!

10-17-2008, 11:19 PM
It's a tank with wings. I'd love to fly one!

11 stations to mount bombs/missiles/rockets/kitchen sink/whatever! and the most insane gun EVER put in a acft! Any plane built around the gun, that is what they did, is the best. "Hey, we have this great gun, can you make it fly?"

Every once in a while they fly by here, and I still stop and watch. That is after 20+ years in the AF. It is amazing. The "Devils Cross". The F-15c is my favorite plane that I worked on, but the A-10 has to be the favorite I haven't worked on.


10-18-2008, 08:49 AM
I own two. Only one (my class pistol - 9mm Beretta) is here with me. My shotgun in still in WA.

Edit: I know I'm a libertarian, and not a conservative, but we believe in gun rights too! :D

10-18-2008, 09:06 AM
im not voting since we're facing the over throw of our government by the Osama fascists on NOV 4. they'll find out when they knock the door down. :fu:

AA-12. World's deadliest shotgun!


AC-130H Spectre



10-18-2008, 10:10 AM
IMHO, little kids shouldn't make any difference if you treat your guns right. I have a safe with double locks. I added a hardened hasp and padlock in addition to the dial. My safe is anchored to the floor and walls. Ever since my kids were little I told them if they ever see a gun its loaded, do not touch it and tell an adult immediately. I also let them handle mine under supervision. The more used to seeing them, handling them and using them, the less fascinating they are to them. But hey, Its still America until November 4th and everyone still has rights, sorta. So by all means if someone feels its appropriate to wait until the kids are bigger, cool.

This was my dads philosophy also. ALWAYS treat a gun like it's loaded!!
I do the same with my kids, even if it's just their BB-gun.

10-18-2008, 10:13 AM
I don't have any guns, and I don't plan on getting any. My wife does not like them and out of respect to her I will keep them out of the home. I would never tell anyone they should not have guns, I support the right to bear arms 100%.


You should take her skeet shooting sometime, we'll even go with you!! It's been years since I did that.

You never know Kim might get a kick out of it..

10-18-2008, 01:22 PM
IMHO, little kids shouldn't make any difference if you treat your guns right. I have a safe with double locks. I added a hardened hasp and padlock in addition to the dial. My safe is anchored to the floor and walls. Ever since my kids were little I told them if they ever see a gun its loaded, do not touch it and tell an adult immediately. I also let them handle mine under supervision. The more used to seeing them, handling them and using them, the less fascinating they are to them. But hey, Its still America until November 4th and everyone still has rights, sorta. So by all means if someone feels its appropriate to wait until the kids are bigger, cool.

I completely agree with this statement. My choice and it was my choice was not to risk it. I must admit, although I know and understand gun safety, I am not an expert on guns. Therefore, I made the choice not to bring guns into the house. As I said, the thought of coming home and finding my son or daughter on the floor dead from my own gun is not something I could deal with.

That being said, I support the right of all Americans to make the choice of owning a gun. Although, I, for now, am not opposed to registration of guns and required training for individuals who purchase them.


10-18-2008, 05:07 PM
Well we were over at my in-laws today for a cookout and my 6yr old shot a 22 for the first time ever.

We finally found his distance and he ended up hitting the target 3 times.....the distance you ask, 15ft. Not bad for a little guy, and we weren't even helping him aim very much.

Once again I am a better shot than Nukeman, it took him 3 shots to finally hit the target at 50ft I got it in 1. :laugh2::laugh2:

10-18-2008, 05:14 PM
I completely agree with this statement. My choice and it was my choice was not to risk it. I must admit, although I know and understand gun safety, I am not an expert on guns. Therefore, I made the choice not to bring guns into the house. As I said, the thought of coming home and finding my son or daughter on the floor dead from my own gun is not something I could deal with.

That being said, I support the right of all Americans to make the choice of owning a gun. Although, I, for now, am not opposed to registration of guns and required training for individuals who purchase them.


I am completely opposed to any gun registration. I am willing to go so far as doing an instant background check before you can buy a gun from a dealer so as to protect the dealer. No waiting period or paperwork though except maybe your receipt. No restrictions on private parties unless they want to call for an instant background check on the person and then it should just be a yea or nay with a confirmation number either way.

10-18-2008, 05:15 PM
Well we were over at my in-laws today for a cookout and my 6yr old shot a 22 for the first time ever.

We finally found his distance and he ended up hitting the target 3 times.....the distance you ask, 15ft. Not bad for a little guy, and we weren't even helping him aim very much.

Once again I am a better shot than Nukeman, it took him 3 shots to finally hit the target at 50ft I got it in 1. :laugh2::laugh2:

:clap: Well done! :clap:

10-18-2008, 05:20 PM
:clap: Well done! :clap:


It was fun, I haven't shot in years.

My daughter and another one of my sons got to shoot also. My daughter did real well, the summer camp she goes to teaches gun safety so she's shot a 22 before.

10-18-2008, 07:19 PM
You should take her skeet shooting sometime, we'll even go with you!! It's been years since I did that.

You never know Kim might get a kick out of it..

I would enjoy it, but I'm not so sure about her. We may have to give it a try.

10-19-2008, 12:30 PM
I am completely opposed to any gun registration. I am willing to go so far as doing an instant background check before you can buy a gun from a dealer so as to protect the dealer. No waiting period or paperwork though except maybe your receipt. No restrictions on private parties unless they want to call for an instant background check on the person and then it should just be a yea or nay with a confirmation number either way.

That's okay. We disagree for now. When I say for now, I mean, I don't have a problem with it right now. I am concerned that someday those registrations may be used to confiscate legal guns and that is when I will be opposed to registration.


Mr. P
10-19-2008, 01:52 PM
That's okay. We disagree for now. When I say for now, I mean, I don't have a problem with it right now. I am concerned that someday those registrations may be used to confiscate legal guns and that is when I will be opposed to registration.


Many are as concerned, Immie. The problem is how to prevent the confiscate legal guns. IMO the first step is to oppose the means to do so.

10-19-2008, 02:47 PM
Many are as concerned, Immie. The problem is how to prevent the confiscate legal guns. IMO the first step is to oppose the means to do so.

I don't disagree.

But, I don't see registration as a means of confiscation... yet.

We'll have to see when and if the socialist gets power.


10-19-2008, 03:28 PM
That's okay. We disagree for now. When I say for now, I mean, I don't have a problem with it right now. I am concerned that someday those registrations may be used to confiscate legal guns and that is when I will be opposed to registration.


I don't disagree.

But, I don't see registration as a means of confiscation... yet.

We'll have to see when and if the socialist gets power.


IMHO, the problem with your position is that by the time you agree with my position, it will be to late. The guns will already be being confiscated. We need a preemptive strategy, not a defense after the fact.

10-19-2008, 04:58 PM
It's a poll now.

I chose to reveal voters so we can be sure only conservatives are voting.

I trust you would think I still fall in as a conservative!

I have six guns, two of which are carried on me at all times! I carry a P89 Ruger with no sleeve in my wasteband, unchambered at all times. I also have a 32 cal. Baretta in an ankle holster that I wear 90% of the time. I have a Mossburg 12 gauge shotgun with interchangeable grips, a Model 500 for hunting and a Ruger 7mm magnum rifle for hunting also. My little Mossberg is in my filing cabinet next to my desk at work at all times.

I also have a 44 cal Colt model Anaconda 10 3/4 inch in my personal vehicle between the seat so I have access to a gun at every moment of my life. In essence I see it unlikely that I will be the victim you read about having been killed by a gun toting idiot on the news. Now of course the lefties will say I am a paranoid gun toting freak that is certain to be the one that experiences a gun accident or kill someone in a road rage incident however that is impossible!

Now....for the supporters and non supporters of my position I will demonstrate how necessary it is to have a gun with you at all times. In Dallas, in 2005 I was the victim of an attempted robbery at knifepoint. It shopuld not be necessary for me to tell that story as you all probably know how it ended but I will. I drew my weapon from waste, pointed the gun at the robber and robbed him of thirteen dollars.
In December I hit a deer in my truck in Wyoming. I was in the middle of nowhere, there was not an officer of the law anywhere and the deer was still alive however it had two completely broken front legs and internal damage certain to mean it would die a slow death. I shot in the head with my 44 and spared it the certain several hour sufferage it was sure to face.
In 1997 I was asleep in a repo truck in Augusta when I was confronted by a meth head theif who was attempting to muscle his way into my truck. By drawing my easily accesible 44 from between the seat of my truck I was easily able to convince him that I was not the one he wanted to rob that day. He ran and probably thought twice about robbing anyone else.
In 1967 when I was a child of 8 years old I witnessed a shooting take place in downtown Atlanta. I couldn't help but think that had the victim have had a gun it would not have been likely that it would have occured since there was an argument that had ensued prior to the incident. The argument was over busfare and the victim was a bus driver, I was on the bus with my grandmother. I will always remember her saying that she wished she had a gun that day so she could have stopped the man from doing what he did. She was a believer of course that guns were not necessary until that incident like so many in the world, of course most are no longer with us!

I repeat myself and you have heard me say it before but I will say it again, how many of you liberals and others who believe guns are not necessary would change your mind the second before you are murdered by one in the hands of a criminal. As you cower down behind the table and cover your head, unwilling to accept the fact that a criminal has broken into your home and is about to kill you, or your children, wife, husband etc,... will you then subscribe to the philosophy that law abiding citizens should have them to protect themselves against those who will never pay any attention to the law and rather they are allowed to own a gun. I can tell you they will, they do and will kill your stupid ass with them!

10-19-2008, 05:02 PM
And yes....I clicked the wrong answer in the poll question. I have six ... not between three and five!

10-19-2008, 06:32 PM
IMHO, the problem with your position is that by the time you agree with my position, it will be to late. The guns will already be being confiscated. We need a preemptive strategy, not a defense after the fact.

I don't disagree with that, but my preemptive strategy would be to prevent politicians from becoming career politicians; 4-6 years then they go back to work. We would not have to worry so much about them wanting so much power.


10-19-2008, 07:05 PM
I don't disagree with that, but my preemptive strategy would be to prevent politicians from becoming career politicians; 4-6 years then they go back to work. We would not have to worry so much about them wanting so much power.


LOL, term limits. Theres a whole new can of worms.

10-19-2008, 07:27 PM
Do BB guns and paintball guns count?

10-20-2008, 04:37 PM
I'm as liberal as they get. I own dozens of personal guns. I also have legal title to hundreds of historical guns on loan to museums.

The Second Amendment means the right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Where the parts of a legal expression don't coincide, the means should be sacrificed to the end. In this case, the means (the right right of the people) should be sacrificed to the end (a well regulated militia to secure the state).

The object of the Amendment was to prevent Congress from destroying the militia by neglecting to arm it under Article One Section Eight.