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View Full Version : Blast from the past-Zogby Predicts Kerry Will Win

10-17-2008, 11:07 PM
like I said earlier..ya gotta watch out for them silent majorties...:coffee:

Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Friday, Oct. 29, 2004
One of the nation’s most respected pollsters predicts that John Kerry will win the presidency Tuesday.

Zogby gave his take on the heated presidential contest to New York Daily News columnist Sydney Zion in Friday’s paper.

"It's close," Zogby said, "but in the last couple of days things have been trending toward Kerry - nationally and in the swing states. Between this and history, I think it will be Kerry."

Zogby also rebutted an article by Robert Novak published this week that indicated Zogby was predicting a Bush Victory.

"I said Bush was winning, I didn't say I thought he'd win. On Monday, he was indeed looking good. But on Tuesday, things changed. Kerry, in that one day, picked up 5 points," Zogby told Zion.

When pollster John Zogby speaks, people listen – after all this was the guy who, in 1996, came within one-tenth of one percent of the presidential result.

Showing a penchant for prescience, Zogby was the most accurate pollster in 2000. As Dick Morris said, “All the polls were wrong except Zogby.”

“The race has been, and continues to be, very close,” Zogby had been saying before his recent Kerry prediction.

Speaking this past week at Utica College in New York, Zogby explained why Kerry has been rising. “Today was a big day for Kerry. He has consolidated his base support just as Bush did early in the race, taking a 2-to-1 lead among Hispanics, 90 percent of blacks, 84 percent of Democrats, 55 percent of union voters and 65 percent of singles.

“Both candidates have consolidated their base as they go into the final days, and all that is left is the 4 percent undecided – and we’re watching them like a hawk.”

the rest here..

10-18-2008, 01:14 AM
This is something the libs don't want to touch with a 10 foot pole.

Polls don't mean shit, and they never have.