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View Full Version : Bush Dodges Decision On Guantánamo

10-19-2008, 04:25 AM
What's his problem?

Source: Financial Times

President George W. Bush will leave a decision to shut the Guantánamo Bay prison camp to his successor by not pressing Congress for legislation to help close it – even though the Pentagon drafted options to do so, according to former and current officials.

In 2006, Mr Bush said he wanted to close Guantánamo. But when Robert Gates, his defence secretary, this year produced options to close it, they were rejected by the White House. The decision to shut the controversial Cuba-based detention facility will now almost certainly fall to either Barack Obama or John McCain, the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. While both men have pledged to close Guantánamo, neither one has provided a detailed plan for its closure.

Condoleezza Rice, secretary of state, and Mr Gates could not overcome opposition from the justice department, which baulked at the idea of moving prisoners from Guantánamo to a military facility in the US, which in the short-term was the only solution.

Mr Gates hinted at those divisions last year by telling Congress that he had “run into obstacles ” from administration lawyers on issues such as legislation needed to give detainees the correct level of rights in the US while ensuring the protection of the US population.....................

More: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/de48935e-d97a-11dc-bd4d-0000779fd2ac.html/?nclick_check=1

Perhaps he's afraid of the backlash??!??!????!???!?!?!????! Not good national policy in my honest opinion.
