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View Full Version : John McCain Fights For Life In Florida As Barack Obama Takes Battle To Republican

10-19-2008, 04:45 AM
John McCain Fights For Life In Florida As Barack Obama Takes Battle To Republican Territory.

Source: Telegraph (UK)

Beset by political storms and clinging to "Joe the Plumber" as his latest electoral lifebelt, John McCain is desperately defending states won by George W Bush four years ago as he tries to keep his White House hopes afloat.

In Florida, the Republican is being forced to devote valuable time, resources and manpower to try to claw back Barack Obama's lead in a state that had seemed safely in his grasp before the financial meltdown of the last month.................

Florida has been badly hit by the housing crisis, slump in tourism and collapse in the stock markets that has hit the savings account of its large retiree population. As early voting begins tomorrow, Mr Obama returns to the state to campaign jointly for the first time with Hillary Clinton since their titanic battle for the Democratic nomination.

Significantly, they will be appearing in Tampa and Orlando, the two biggest cities on the I-4 highway that bisects Florida, splitting its traditionally Republican-voting north and more Democrat-leaning south...............

More: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/uselection2008/johnmccain/3223718/John-McCain-fights-for-life-in-Florida-as-Barack-Obama-takes-battle-to-Republican-territory.html

To hell with life, he's fighting for legacy and power!!!!!!!!!!!!
