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View Full Version : McCain Camp Tells NYT: Lay Off Cindy, Find Obama's "Dealer"

10-19-2008, 10:26 PM
absolutely spot on

McCain Camp Tells NYT: Lay Off Cindy, Find Obama's "Dealer"


You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, Dreams of My Father."


anybody who thinks there is not a left wing slant to the media is living life with wool blinders

10-19-2008, 10:38 PM
i'm on ignore huh....

member: religious left

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Current Activity: Viewing Thread McCain Camp Tells NYT: Lay Off Cindy, Find Obama's "Dealer"

busted :lol:

10-19-2008, 10:39 PM
the lamestream media has become our enemy, and yahoo and google is right up there with them..

10-19-2008, 10:45 PM
i'm on ignore huh....

busted :lol:

I've noticed lately he's been on invisible mode..

10-19-2008, 11:34 PM
Of course, Obama was widely mocked for instructing the media to lay off Michelle.
And Obama doesn't even have a trophy wife. :D

10-19-2008, 11:38 PM
Michelle Obambam reminds me of Aunt Ester..

10-20-2008, 01:08 AM
And Obama doesn't even have a trophy wife. :D

No shit, that nappy haired witch-thing will never even touch a trophy much less be one..........:puke3:

10-20-2008, 02:59 AM
No shit, that nappy haired witch-thing will never even touch a trophy much less be one..........:puke3:

Oooh.....that is so insensative!:laugh2:

GW in Ohio
10-20-2008, 08:49 AM
No shit, that nappy haired witch-thing will never even touch a trophy much less be one..........:puke3:

Sitarro: On a board filled with racist morons, you stand out.

10-20-2008, 08:55 AM
No shit, that nappy haired witch-thing will never even touch a trophy much less be one..........:puke3:

She always has CBF... except when she borrow's Barry's smug smirk that you just want to smack off her.

10-20-2008, 09:30 AM
Sitarro: On a board filled with racist morons, you stand out.

just what did he say was RACIST??

cause he talked about her HAIR?

You people are a joke.

10-20-2008, 02:17 PM
Sitarro: On a board filled with racist morons, you stand out.

Ill have to take your word for it because I don'thang out on racist boards. Do you frequent them often? I suppose anyone who isnt racist would stick out on a racist board but but I'm curious why you spend time on such boards.

10-20-2008, 02:28 PM
So, is the media going to ask how often and how much coke Obama did? Did he sell drugs to others as well as buy them?

Will Obama be the first drug dealer to become President?

10-20-2008, 02:46 PM
So, is the media going to ask how often and how much coke Obama did? Did he sell drugs to others as well as buy them?

Will Obama be the first drug dealer to become President?

He had to fund his education somehow. :coffee:

10-20-2008, 04:03 PM
Sitarro: On a board filled with racist morons, you stand out.

I am neither a racist, nor a moron. With few exceptions that's true of all our members. You sir are intolerant of those who disagree with your positions, you are displaying your own ignorance.

10-20-2008, 04:21 PM
Sitarro: On a board filled with racist morons, you stand out.

You latent racists are so easy to ruffle feathers...... I've dated black women, liked them a lot, they tend to let you know exactly what they are thinking. None looked like that ugly assed Michelle, she is ugly on the inside and it comes out in her face....... unlike Michelle, the women I have dated weren't racist assholes.

10-20-2008, 05:26 PM
Gutter journalism is putting it mildly. This is sick....but it is the NYT after all. They have been proven to have reporters that make up facts so.....

What exactly about drudging up Cindy's miscarriages is going to help any voters be more informed about who they would vote for?....her drug abuse? Nada. This is a putrid sad attempt to bring the McCain's down by hitting where it hurts. This serves NO ONE.

Another thing...if I were that kids mother that the reporter contacted,that reporter would be hearing from me. How dare she go after their friends.

Lowlife sacks of sh*t

10-20-2008, 05:51 PM
just what did he say was RACIST??

cause he talked about her HAIR?

You people are a joke.

Steph, don't bullshit a bullshitter, you know exactly why Sitarro said that, it ain't the first time. Now I happen to like Sitarro but if he dn't like Blacks he should just come out and say it instead of spouting off then claiming it ain't racist.

10-20-2008, 05:56 PM
Steph, don't bullshit a bullshitter, you know exactly why Sitarro said that, it ain't the first time. Now I happen to like Sitarro but if he dn't like Blacks he should just come out and say it instead of spouting off then claiming it ain't racist.Not everyone is a illegal loving dirtbag now are they.....

10-20-2008, 06:00 PM
Not everyone is a illegal loving dirtbag now are they.....

Hey I didn't create the fact that Illegals, well Latinos in general, have a better work ethic and work harder, I just report the fact.

BTW did you know that John McCain supports amnesty for illegals?:laugh2:

10-20-2008, 06:04 PM
Hey I didn't create the fact that Illegals, well Latinos in general, have a better work ethic and wirk harder, I just report the fact.
I would like you to support that with cold hard facts, not just anecdotal stories......

BTW did you know that John McCain supports amnesty for illegals?:laugh2: Yes I do and that is another reason why he has NEVER been my number one choice!!!!! He does however beat the alternative of the resident socialist!!!!

10-20-2008, 06:10 PM
I would like you to support that with cold hard facts, not just anecdotal stories......

Yes I do and that is another reason why he has NEVER been my number one choice!!!!! He does however beat the alternative of the resident socialist!!!!

Look around, go do some hard work for once in your life, you won't last till 9 in the morning with them.

You see you don't know shit, socialism is being instituted right before our very eyes and it ain't Demos doing it, check out how they are fixing the banks.


10-20-2008, 06:11 PM
Look around, go do some hard work for once in your life, you won't last till 9 in the morning with them.

You see you don't know shit, socialism is being instituted right before our very eyes and it ain't Demos doing it, check out how they are fixing the banks.


10-20-2008, 06:13 PM

Coming from a pencil pusher i'll take that with a grain of salt.

10-20-2008, 06:20 PM
Coming from a pencil pusher i'll take that with a grain of salt.

I've done more than pencil push. On the other hand, I have the education to do that too. I don't put down those that do physical work, why would I? I've done so. Indeed I don't think I've ever mentioned that while I returned to school I cleaned houses for 2 years. It's amazing what people expect for $7.50 an hour.

OCA, really you are not the only person here with a view of the working person. I've been there, so have many others.

10-20-2008, 06:20 PM
Look around, go do some hard work for once in your life, you won't last till 9 in the morning with them.This coming form the resident jack off that KNOWS absolutely NOTHING about me and how I have made MY way in this world. YOU presume way too much

You see you don't know shit, socialism is being instituted right before our very eyes and it ain't Demos doing it, check out how they are fixing the banks.

owned Unlike YOU I don't need to be the "king shit" to PRETEND I know everything. I actually pay attention to the current political processes taking place and I DON'T like it ONE bit. YOU are a narcissistic, egotistical piece of shit that needs to craw back under your fucking rock. Go pal around with those illegals YOU love soo much and when they take your job because they work harder than your sorry ass we will see who's bitching and whinning.... ASS

10-20-2008, 06:23 PM
This coming form the resident jack off that KNOWS absolutely NOTHING about me and how I have made MY way in this world. YOU presume way too much

Unlike YOU I don't need to be the "king shit" to PRETEND I know everything. I actually pay attention to the current political processes taking place and I DON'T like it ONE bit. YOU are a narcissistic, egotistical piece of shit that needs to craw back under your fucking rock. Go pal around with those illegals YOU love soo much and when they take your job because they work harder than your sorry ass we will see who's bitching and whinning.... ASS


Gasket blown...................game over.:salute:

10-20-2008, 06:24 PM
I've done more than pencil push. On the other hand, I have the education to do that too. I don't put down those that do physical work, why would I? I've done so. Indeed I don't think I've ever mentioned that while I returned to school I cleaned houses for 2 years. It's amazing what people expect for $7.50 an hour.

OCA, really you are not the only person here with a view of the working person. I've been there, so have many others.

So what was crap? The illegals or the Republicans actually being the socialists?:laugh2:

10-20-2008, 06:24 PM
This coming form the resident jack off that KNOWS absolutely NOTHING about me and how I have made MY way in this world. YOU presume way too much

Unlike YOU I don't need to be the "king shit" to PRETEND I know everything. I actually pay attention to the current political processes taking place and I DON'T like it ONE bit. YOU are a narcissistic, egotistical piece of shit that needs to craw back under your fucking rock. Go pal around with those illegals YOU love soo much and when they take your job because they work harder than your sorry ass we will see who's bitching and whinning.... ASS

Passionate and correct on all counts.

10-20-2008, 06:27 PM
Look around, go do some hard work for once in your life, you won't last till 9 in the morning with them.

You see you don't know shit, socialism is being instituted right before our very eyes and it ain't Demos doing it, check out how they are fixing the banks.


Last time I checked we have a Democratic Congress. So how are the Dems "not doing it"?

10-20-2008, 06:27 PM

Gasket blown...................game over.:salute:Awww whats the matter got nothing left because YOU have no idea who or what I am????? Just for the record I'm sitting here burning Cd's and really have not a care about your lousy and pathetic life your attempt to be the "Internet bully" is sorely lacking. your spout a few words but YOU have NO substance. I have yet to see it in anything you have EVER posted. soo in your own words.


10-20-2008, 06:30 PM
Passionate and correct on all counts.

Piss off Kath, you freakin ideologue, your ideology has gotten us to where we are today, on the brink of economic disaster.............argue that one.

10-20-2008, 06:32 PM
Awww whats the matter got nothing left because YOU have no idea who or what I am????? Just for the record I'm sitting here burning Cd's and really have not a care about your lousy and pathetic life your attempt to be the "Internet bully" is sorely lacking. your spout a few words but YOU have NO substance. I have yet to see it in anything you have EVER posted. soo in your own words.


No I got an idea who you are and it involves ky jelly and the Chippendales.

You care...............that is why you respond. Be careful burning those Better Midler cd's.


10-20-2008, 06:37 PM
No I got an idea who you are and it involves ky jelly and the Chippendales.

You care...............that is why you respond. Be careful burning those Better Midler cd's.

PWNED.This would "maybe" be funny if it wasn't sooo pathetic. Who the fuck is "Better midler"????? Is that your mom?????

We could spend all day going back and forth about who I am and what I've done. Suffice it to say you don't know shit about me and if I did post all about myself you'd simply say "prove it". Guess you'll just have to take my word for it or piss off. FUCKTARD!!!!!!

10-20-2008, 06:40 PM
This would "maybe" be funny if it wasn't sooo pathetic. Who the fuck is "Better midler"????? Is that your mom?????

We could spend all day going back and forth about who I am and what I've done. Suffice it to say you don't know shit about me and if I did post all about myself you'd simply say "prove it". Guess you'll just have to take my word for it or piss off. FUCKTARD!!!!!!

LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laug h2:


When one has to resort to typos then you are waving the white flag.

Let me know when you have something other than hating on brown skins to offer.

See you on Nov.4, i've got a whole fucking extravaganza prepared after the Obama election is made official..........full of fireworks and shit. It will be like rubbing a puppy's nose in shit on the carpet.

10-20-2008, 06:43 PM
Piss off Kath, you freakin ideologue, your ideology has gotten us to where we are today, on the brink of economic disaster.............argue that one.

Ummm, gasket blown? Hello? :laugh2:

10-20-2008, 06:43 PM
Hey I didn't create the fact that Illegals, well Latinos in general, have a better work ethic and work harder, I just report the fact.

BTW did you know that John McCain supports amnesty for illegals?:laugh2:

utter bullshit

better work ethic? yeah, all these white, black, asian, east indian, etc... folks in the US ain't doing shit right? what is your basis that they have a better work ethic? my guess, nada, just spouting off as usual lately

10-20-2008, 06:44 PM
Ummm, gasket blown? Hello? :laugh2:

Go ahead, argue that Bush and free market capitalism are not to blame for much of the economic meltdown.

10-20-2008, 06:45 PM
utter bullshit

better work ethic? yeah, all these white, black, asian, east indian, etc... folks in the US ain't doing shit right? what is your basis that they have a better work ethic? my guess, nada, just spouting off as usual lately

Go observe them, just spend a day observing.

10-20-2008, 06:46 PM
Ummm, gasket blown? Hello? :laugh2:

Whiplash! Seriously, that is pitiful.

10-20-2008, 06:46 PM
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh2::laug h2:


When one has to resort to typos then you are waving the white flag..What s the matter hit a nerve with you???? YOU go right ahead and wave your white flag all you want...

Let me know when you have something other than hating on brown skins to offer.Once again YOU have no idea about me OR my family. Suffice it to say we are rife with "brown skins" as well as "black skins"...... pwned

See you on Nov.4, I've got a whole fucking extravaganza prepared after the Obama election is made official..........full of fireworks and shit. It will be like rubbing a puppy's nose in shit on the carpet You go right ahead and have a freaking party for OBAMA, I have very little hope that McCain will win and have resined myself to the fact that Obama will be our next president.... Your still a piece of shit......

10-20-2008, 06:50 PM
Go observe them, just spend a day observing.

they are all around the central coast...BFD...i grew up them in school in san diego...BFD

i see other people working hard too...i know lazy latinos,whites....what exactly is it that proves your theory? nothing, mere opinion and nothing more. it is as if you discount any job that any other ethnic group is doing...pathetic

face it, you have no clue what you are talking about

10-20-2008, 06:51 PM
Last time I checked we have a Democratic Congress. So how are the Dems "not doing it"?

It wasn't their proposal, was it? Last I remembered it was Bush going on national tv saying he had to have this 700 billion, then it was we need to save the banks by buying some shares of them.............in fact nationalizing a piece of them.

Blow it off all you want but that my friend is your socialist Republicans.

10-20-2008, 06:52 PM
they are all around the central coast...BFD...i grew up them in school in san diego...BFD

i see other people working hard too...i know lazy latinos,whites....what exactly is it that proves your theory? nothing, mere opinion and nothing more. it is as if you discount any job that any other ethnic group is doing...pathetic

face it, you have no clue what you are talking about

Ahhhh its so simple to say that ol' OCA has no clue..........then you don't have to do any leg work.

There is a reason other than money that contractors among others prefer Latinos.

10-20-2008, 06:54 PM
It wasn't their proposal, was it? Last I remembered it was Bush going on national tv saying he had to have this 700 billion, then it was we need to save the banks by buying some shares of them.............in fact nationalizing a piece of them.

Blow it off all you want but that my friend is your socialist Republicans. Just preparing the way for the SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT known as Obama!!! Do you deny that? If so your dumber than I ever gave you credit for being.....

10-20-2008, 06:54 PM
Ahhhh its so simple to say that ol' OCA has no clue..........then you don't have to do any leg work.

There is a reason other than money that contractors among others prefer Latinos.
BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! Prove it!!!!

10-20-2008, 06:56 PM
Suffice it to say we are rife with "brown skins" as well as "black skins"...... pwned Your still a piece of shit......

Sure..................:laugh2::laugh2: Sure you have.:laugh2:

Your damn straight i'm a piece of shit, that is what makes me so great, I can take the high road and whip you there or, as you've wanted to do, I can wrestle in the mud and drown you there too. There is nothing too high or too low that I won't do and nothing bothers my self esteem...............absolutely nothing.

All proven tonight............i'm the man.

10-20-2008, 06:57 PM
BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! Prove it!!!!

What? You want me to drag a fucking contractor here to prove it? Sure, i'll go right out and get one.:laugh2:

If it weren't true they wouldn't be working.

10-20-2008, 06:58 PM
Sure..................:laugh2::laugh2: Sure you have.:laugh2:

Your damn straight i'm a piece of shit, that is what makes me so great, I can take the high road and whip you there or, as you've wanted to do, I can wrestle in the mud and drown you there too. There is nothing too high or too low that I won't do and nothing bothers my self esteem...............absolutely nothing.

All proven tonight............i'm the man.:laugh2::laugh2: YOU are soo full of shit. I think your just a pussy and thats all. You get henpecked all day and come on the Internet to be big and bad.....:laugh2::laugh2:

10-20-2008, 06:59 PM
Just preparing the way for the SOCIALIST DEMOCRAT known as Obama!!! Do you deny that? If so your dumber than I ever gave you credit for being.....

OMG unbelievable! You would have been a perfect candidate for the People's Temple.

10-20-2008, 07:00 PM
:laugh2::laugh2: YOU are soo full of shit. I think your just a pussy and thats all. You get henpecked all day and come on the Internet to be big and bad.....:laugh2::laugh2:

Nah, i'm pretty much a mean motherfucker all day long, its just that douchebags like you get me extra riled up.

10-20-2008, 07:01 PM
:laugh2::laugh2: YOU are soo full of shit. I think your just a pussy and thats all. You get henpecked all day and come on the Internet to be big and bad.....:laugh2::laugh2:

Just a matter of opinion, can we watch the female denigrations? Pussy, henpecked? I don't think all women would agree with OCA, I know not all. ;)

10-20-2008, 07:01 PM
OMG unbelievable! You would have been a perfect candidate for the People's Temple.
And your the perfect candidate for the "I'm just a pussy until I come on the Internet and become a big bad ass" phsyc ward at your local hospital:laugh2::laugh2:

10-20-2008, 07:02 PM
Nah, i'm pretty much a mean motherfucker all day long, its just that douchebags like you get me extra riled up.Glad I could oblige you:laugh2::poke:

10-20-2008, 07:34 PM
Ahhhh its so simple to say that ol' OCA has no clue..........then you don't have to do any leg work.

There is a reason other than money that contractors among others prefer Latinos.

IOW, you have jack to support your bullshit claim

dude, i have a few contractor friends, 2 of them do not like most of the latinos because they are lazy, the older ones, good, just like the white guys...and it DOES come down to money...have you ever talked to a contractor? do you know any? waits for OCA to use a poll :laugh2:

fact is bro, you have no fucking clue what you are talking about...as if the white guys on the construction team are not working hard....my friend works 12-14 hour days...and he is white

stop while you are ahead and admit your opinion is nonsensical

btw, have you ever addressed the topic of this thread....why isn't the press going after obama?

10-20-2008, 07:52 PM
btw, have you ever addressed the topic of this thread....why isn't the press going after obama?

because there really isn't much of substance to go after?

10-20-2008, 07:56 PM
because there really isn't much of substance to go after?

No substance, empty suit, but a very shady background.

10-20-2008, 07:58 PM
because there really isn't much of substance to go after?

Hardly, that's been shown time and again. That the media refuses to put it out, well blame the media. You will be doing such, to no avail in a few years.

10-20-2008, 08:11 PM
they would overlook anything the Obambam has done, as long as they think he can win back their power..

Party before Country for a Democrat..

10-20-2008, 08:25 PM
Party before Country for a Democrat..

repeating a lie a thousand times does not turn it into truth.

10-20-2008, 08:37 PM
repeating a lie a thousand times does not turn it into truth.

why not..you all invented that one.

10-20-2008, 08:49 PM
repeating a lie a thousand times does not turn it into truth.

What 'lie'?

10-20-2008, 08:54 PM
very true Kat..there is no lie because they are doing what I said now..

they have ignored EVERYTHING about this man-boy...they have not one criticism of him...I've never seen someone who they deem "SO PERFECT".
maybe that's why they are bowing down at his feet and singing praises to him just like a DEAR LEADER..

10-20-2008, 10:44 PM
Steph, don't bullshit a bullshitter, you know exactly why Sitarro said that, it ain't the first time. Now I happen to like Sitarro but if he dn't like Blacks he should just come out and say it instead of spouting off then claiming it ain't racist.

Having dated lighter skinned blacks with some Asian mix, they were more than happy to bring up the nappy haired term. I never claimed to not be racist, I purposely push buttons for the fun of it as others do. The fact that I live in the South automatically makes me a racist in many people's minds and I enjoy playing off of that foolish thinking. The thing is, I actually spend a lot of time working with blacks, I depend on them to not kill me on a minute to minute basis at a job that is very dangerous, a racist would not do what I do.

Out of a work force of 3,000, I work with a 70 percent black population, many in supervisor positions to me, I have no problem with them, especially the women. The 20 percent Hispanic population at the same workplace gives me a lot of experience working with them also. The laziest jerks which follow no rules and endanger the people and equipment around them are black, some are very good but many I wouldn't hire for anything. The most consistently lazy are the hispanic people both as workers and supervisors( Mexican, Columbian, Honduran). I also work with Indian and Pakistani guys and they consistently kick ass and are very appreciative of where they are. Africans I have worked with are also incredible workers with great ethics, they will pick up extra shifts and work 12-16 hour days 6 days a week. Jamaicans are a joke, they work harder at trying not to work than anything else. These are, of course, general observations by me, I work almost every position being outage relief so I am with a lot of total strangers everyday.

As for illegals, I have been around thousands of them as well working on as many golf courses as I do. I don't think they necessarily have better work ethics, it's more like the insecurity of being in this country illegally and needing the work so they can survive so they work that much harder than a typical secure citizen. Hispanics I work with that are citizens aren't very good workers, they screw off a lot and I, an old fart, outperforms their ass almost every time.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

10-20-2008, 11:32 PM
Hardly, that's been shown time and again. That the media refuses to put it out, well blame the media. You will be doing such, to no avail in a few years.

the guy admits to doing blow, and who knows what else he did not admit to, but not a peep. and what no dem has answered, is WHY go after mccain's wife and not the guy running for office, especially since this is nothing new. wasn't obammy who cried for the press to leave his wife alone, where is his condemnation of the press now? amazing the press is more concerned with cindy's prescription drug use/theft than obama's illegal cocaine use...did he deal etc...

10-20-2008, 11:43 PM
they would overlook anything the Obambam has done, as long as they think he can win back their power..

Party before Country for a Democrat..

No more so than the Republicans, who have apparently decided I am not a "real american" cause I didn't grow up in a small town. I'm sorry, I was born in Queens, NY, but how is that any less american than a small town in NC? Last I checked, both states have been a part of the country since its inception.

Both sides have abandoned the people, it's really that simple.

10-20-2008, 11:45 PM
No more so than the Republicans, who have apparently decided I am not a "real american" cause I didn't grow up in a small town. I'm sorry, I was born in Queens, NY, but how is that any less american than a small town in NC? Last I checked, both states have been a part of the country since its inception.

Both sides have abandoned the people, it's really that simple.

Okay...ya lost me on all that, but sorry to hear bout your troubles..

10-21-2008, 06:44 AM
What 'lie'?

it is simply not true that I put allegiance to anything - other than my God and my family - before my allegiance to the United States of America.

Saying otherwise is nothing but a tasteless and, by now, incredibly unoriginal insult.

10-21-2008, 07:03 AM
it is simply not true that I put allegiance to anything - other than my God and my family - before my allegiance to the United States of America.

Saying otherwise is nothing but a tasteless and, by now, incredibly unoriginal insult.

It appears that way to a lot of people here. It may be what you choose to post. As for 'true', can only go by what we see. You on the other hand, may see another side of yourself you choose not to show others.

10-21-2008, 07:19 AM
It appears that way to a lot of people here. It may be what you choose to post. As for 'true', can only go by what we see. You on the other hand, may see another side of yourself you choose not to show others.

I have NEVER written anything here - or anywhere else - which states that I hold a higher allegiance to the democratic party than I do to the nation.

It is an unoriginal insult made by the same people who claim to be offended by my insults. pure and simple.

10-21-2008, 07:23 AM
I have NEVER written anything here - or anywhere else - which states that I hold a higher allegiance to the democratic party than I do to the nation.

It is an unoriginal insult made by the same people who claim to be offended by my insults. pure and simple.

I couldn't care less about original insults. Like you, some of us look to the 'nuance' of your posts and they time and again come up as more than fibs. So, people are calling things as they perceive them. You of course are free to disagree, but seems you will not be able to stop the label, unless of course you change your style. Unlikely that.

10-21-2008, 10:12 AM
I couldn't care less about original insults. Like you, some of us look to the 'nuance' of your posts and they time and again come up as more than fibs. So, people are calling things as they perceive them. You of course are free to disagree, but seems you will not be able to stop the label, unless of course you change your style. Unlikely that.

no kidding....this guy whines about this stuff yet has no problem repeatedly telling me i HATE obama and i am racist, despite the fact he can't provide a single post where i hate obama or am racist...he says it is the "overall" tenor of my posts that prove his point and that he is not a liar because my posts show i hate obama

does this guy not realize what a hypocrite he is?

Today, 05:19 AM
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10-21-2008, 12:15 PM
no kidding....this guy whines about this stuff yet has no problem repeatedly telling me i HATE obama and i am racist, despite the fact he can't provide a single post where i hate obama or am racist...he says it is the "overall" tenor of my posts that prove his point and that he is not a liar because my posts show i hate obama

does this guy not realize what a hypocrite he is?

After my delightful phone conversation with Jimnyc, and at the urging of another (unnamed) moderator, I have taken both you and RSR off my ignore list and am prepared to answer any civil post you make and to avoid answering any non-civil post you make.

It is my sincere belief that you have a profound dislike of Barack Obama. When I look at the threads that you have started about him and the way you participate in other threads about him, that is the conclusion that I have reached.

Odd thing, by the way... when I took you OFF ignore, I expected to find the three PM's that you claimed to have sent me waiting in my inbox. THey never showed up. Maybe you misaddressed them.

I look forward to reengaging you in polite discussion going forward.

10-21-2008, 12:33 PM
After my delightful phone conversation with Jimnyc, and at the urging of another (unnamed) moderator, I have taken both you and RSR off my ignore list and am prepared to answer any civil post you make and to avoid answering any non-civil post you make.

It is my sincere belief that you have a profound dislike of Barack Obama. When I look at the threads that you have started about him and the way you participate in other threads about him, that is the conclusion that I have reached.

Odd thing, by the way... when I took you OFF ignore, I expected to find the three PM's that you claimed to have sent me waiting in my inbox. THey never showed up. Maybe you misaddressed them.

I look forward to reengaging you in polite discussion going forward.

I admit it, I don't like that skinny, dishonest punk Osamabama, I don't like crooks in general but really dislike them when they want to tae over my country.