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View Full Version : Obama: Powell will have a role in adminstration

10-20-2008, 10:20 AM
say it ain't so.

By LAURIE KELLMAN – 3 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Colin Powell will have a role as a top presidential adviser in an Obama administration, the Democratic White House hopeful said Monday.

"He will have a role as one of my advisers," Barack Obama said on NBC's "Today" in an interview aired Monday, a day after Powell, a four-star general and President Bush's former secretary of state, endorsed him.

"Whether he wants to take a formal role, whether that's a good fit for him, is something we'd have to discuss," Obama said.

Being a top presidential adviser, especially on foreign policy, would be familiar ground to Powell on a subject that's relatively new to the freshman Illinois senator. Obama has struggled to establish his foreign policy credentials against GOP candidate John McCain, a decorated military veteran, former prisoner of war and ranking Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee.

read the rest.

10-20-2008, 02:12 PM
So he is endorsing for a job. That makes his endorsement less credible to me because he has an interest in Obama winning.

10-20-2008, 02:19 PM
So he is endorsing for a job. That makes his endorsement less credible to me because he has an interest in Obama winning.

What would happen if John McCain offered him a position?

I thought he wanted out of politics which is why he resigned as Sec of State? Or maybe he had just had enough of President Bush's Admin?


10-20-2008, 02:25 PM
So he is endorsing for a job. That makes his endorsement less credible to me because he has an interest in Obama winning.

Powell made it clear that he did not want a position in an Obama administration. I guess you missed MTP on Sunday?

10-20-2008, 02:41 PM
What would happen if John McCain offered him a position?

I thought he wanted out of politics which is why he resigned as Sec of State? Or maybe he had just had enough of President Bush's Admin?


i'm pretty sure it has to do with the bush administration, if i recall, there was some pretty hard feelings

i also find this interesting, as powell played a key role in us going into iraq, but yet obama wants him as an advisor....and what about all this bush lied crap....yet obama wants him as an advisor...powell said the same thing if not more than bush

typical hypocrital left wingers

10-20-2008, 02:49 PM
As I'm thinking about this, I am beginning to feel like this is an attempt to reach out to moderate voters. I wonder how much this endorsement cost Obama. Colin Powell has always been seen as an independent. When the extremist Obama states that he will offer Powell a place in the Admin, it makes him appear moderate.

Looks can be very deceiving.


10-20-2008, 02:49 PM
i'm pretty sure it has to do with the bush administration, if i recall, there was some pretty hard feelings

i also find this interesting, as powell played a key role in us going into iraq, but yet obama wants him as an advisor....and what about all this bush lied crap....yet obama wants him as an advisor...powell said the same thing if not more than bush

typical hypocrital left wingers

yurt...if you will recall, Powell was opposed to our invasion of Iraq....the intelligence community gave him a bunch of "facts" that he used to give his speech to the UN, but has since admitted that the facts were not really facts after all. He has been critical of our invasion after his departure from the Bush administration, where he lost the battle with Rummy for who would really advise the president. I think everyone looks on Colin Powell as a wise statesman and a true patriot. His endorsement carries weight if for no other reason than that.

10-20-2008, 03:30 PM
As I'm thinking about this, I am beginning to feel like this is an attempt to reach out to moderate voters. I wonder how much this endorsement cost Obama. Colin Powell has always been seen as an independent. When the extremist Obama states that he will offer Powell a place in the Admin, it makes him appear moderate.

Looks can be very deceiving.


what is interesting is that it was not an "offer" but a statement that powell "will" have a role

"He will have a role as one of my advisers,"

how does this mesh with powell getting us into iraq?