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View Full Version : McCain rethinking Rev. Wright in campaign

10-21-2008, 07:57 AM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.

Do you think Afro Americans will burn their neighborhoods or kill old white men when Obama loses?

10-21-2008, 08:14 AM
I don't see why they didn't do it earlier. Wright was the biggest influence on Obama. He is a hateful anti-American, anti-white, Marxist asswipe.

10-21-2008, 08:37 AM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.

Do you think Afro Americans will burn their neighborhoods or kill old white men when Obama loses?

this ole white man has a house full a guns. so the morgues will fill up fast with Afro Americans.

red states rule
10-21-2008, 09:21 AM

10-21-2008, 09:23 AM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.

Do you think Afro Americans will burn their neighborhoods or kill old white men when Obama loses?

Its about time McCain uses Rev. Wright, Michael Phlager and all the other America and White hating friends of the Manchurian Candidate.

Riots will be no big surprise. After all we owe the minorities this president right? They normally get what they want and when they don't get what they want, they have temper tantrums in the form of riots.

red states rule
10-21-2008, 09:25 AM
Possible jobs are waiting for these clods in Barry's administration


10-21-2008, 09:35 AM
Possible jobs are waiting for these clods in Barry's administration


we'll talk about it over fried chicken and watermelon.............:lol:

10-21-2008, 09:38 AM
Uuugghhh...this campaign frustrates me. This should have been an issue for McCain when the media was running with it. Now,it will look like they are desperate...that is what the media said about the Ayers association,even tho it is quite a legitimate question.

Pretty sad when a white man is afraid to lash out at a racist black man for fear of being called racist.He had good reason to bring him up. I don't get why McCain would have worried about it,the media was bound to start calling the campaign racist sooner or later anyway. Rev Wright was a big issue. If he had been a white preacher of McCain's...I cannot even imagine what the backlash would have been.

red states rule
10-21-2008, 09:38 AM
Obama it Wright on his way out of church

"Great sermon - Can't remember a word of it"

10-21-2008, 10:07 AM
mccain has run one of the worst campaigns

and honestly, what exactly is mccain offering that will be different from bush? i am getting sick of mccain

10-21-2008, 11:54 AM
I would think many of those on DP would identify with Rev. Wright. All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.

10-21-2008, 12:04 PM
I would think many of those on DP would identify with Rev. Wright. All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.


10-21-2008, 02:49 PM
I would think many of those on DP would identify with Rev. Wright. All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.

Right gab. :slap:

10-21-2008, 03:08 PM
I would think many of those on DP would identify with Rev. Wright. All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.

And your sooooooooooo open minded........except when people disagree with you. Then we're all racist hillbillies who marry our cousins.

GW in Ohio
10-21-2008, 03:15 PM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.

Do you think Afro Americans will burn their neighborhoods or kill old white men when Obama loses?

Obama ain't losin'.
Do you think angry white guys with beer bellies will overturn cars or look for black guys to beat up when McCain loses?
Has the cleaner promised you'll have your KKK sheet and hood back in time for election night?

10-21-2008, 03:49 PM
I would think many of those on DP would identify with Rev. Wright. All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.

Show me one post where I have expressed racist sentiments or retract this statement, liar.

10-21-2008, 04:08 PM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.

Do you think Afro Americans will burn their neighborhoods or kill old white men when Obama loses?

I guess Johnny Lib has decided on the "lose and make an ass of myself" approach instead of going out with dignity.

Johnny is already mathematically eliminated.

10-21-2008, 04:10 PM
we'll talk about it over fried chicken and watermelon.............:lol:

Nam you are the biggest racist on the board................but I surmise you'll say I am..............yeah i'm the one who uses the stereotypes.

The election is already over................learn to say President Obama.

10-21-2008, 04:13 PM
I guess Johnny Lib has decided on the "lose and make an ass of myself" approach instead of going out with dignity.

Johnny is already mathematically eliminated.

How can he be mathematically eliminated when the election hasn't happened yet? Is this going off of polls? Just curious.

10-21-2008, 04:52 PM
Show me one post where I have expressed racist sentiments or retract this statement, liar.

hjmick, she is not a liar, she is truth challenged :coffee:

10-21-2008, 04:53 PM
How can he be mathematically eliminated when the election hasn't happened yet? Is this going off of polls? Just curious.

call polls worth shit, then drink kool-aid every morning for 3 months and viola you have OCA logic :laugh2:

10-21-2008, 05:52 PM
John McCain's campaign manager says he is reconsidering using Barack Obama's relationship with Reverend Jeremiah Wright as a campaign issue during the election's closing weeks.
It's about time.

If John McCain had worked closely with V.I. Lenin, and attended his lectures for 20 years, would that be a legitimate campaign issue, now that McCain is running for President? Of course it would be.

The liberals had successfully scared McCain into not pointing out Obama's close relation with Jeremiah Wright, by threatening to call him a "racist" if he did.

Awfully late for McCain to be growing a set of stones. Hopefully it's better late than never.

10-21-2008, 05:59 PM
Yes, Wright should be brought up. Ayers and connections should be made clear. The connections between Obama, Acorn, Freddie, Fannie, the Woods Foundation all should be made clear. Obama's abortion position should be hammered home. So should his 'most liberal Senator' position.

Actually, all of this should have been done since June. :rolleyes:

GW in Ohio
10-21-2008, 06:41 PM
Yes, Wright should be brought up. Ayers and connections should be made clear. The connections between Obama, Acorn, Freddie, Fannie, the Woods Foundation all should be made clear. Obama's abortion position should be hammered home. So should his 'most liberal Senator' position.

Actually, all of this should have been done since June. :rolleyes:

The liberal media is suppressing all of that.

All they want to talk about is what a rube Sarah is.

I'm sorry.....

10-21-2008, 06:42 PM
How can he be mathematically eliminated when the election hasn't happened yet? Is this going off of polls? Just curious.


Check the map out, check out McCain's total solid and leaning then checkout how many tossups there are left and given the fact that none of the solid or leaning states will change because of the leads there you will find that there are simply not enough electoral votes out there for Johnny Lib to get elected.

10-21-2008, 06:45 PM
Yes, Wright should be brought up. Ayers and connections should be made clear. The connections between Obama, Acorn, Freddie, Fannie, the Woods Foundation all should be made clear. Obama's abortion position should be hammered home. So should his 'most liberal Senator' position.

Actually, all of this should have been done since June. :rolleyes:

Its all you RINOS have left, you have no realistic stance on the issues.

What you fail time and again to realize is the American people could give a shit less about past relationships but care only about positions taken going forward on the economy, Iraq etc. etc. and the RINO is getting walloped on those.

The way I and a shitload of others see it is he can go out gracefully and still have some dignity left in the Senate or he can make a dick out of himself and be powerless in the Senate...............his choice because he ain't got a prayer of winning now.

10-21-2008, 06:47 PM
The liberal media is suppressing all of that.

All they want to talk about is what a rube Sarah is.

I'm sorry.....

Yes they are. On the other hand, they cannot control what McCain & surrogates say, which has been nada. The media can take the blame for not investigating things, but the campaign on McCain's part has been terrible.

10-21-2008, 06:48 PM
Its all you RINOS have left, you have no realistic stance on the issues.

What you fail time and again to realize is the American people could give a shit less about past relationships but care only about positions taken going forward on the economy, Iraq etc. etc. and the RINO is getting walloped on those.

The way I and a shitload of others see it is he can go out gracefully and still have some dignity left in the Senate or he can make a dick out of himself and be powerless in the Senate...............his choice because he ain't got a prayer of winning now.

uh, huh....all your hard working latinos and all :laugh2:

10-21-2008, 06:50 PM
Its all you RINOS have left, you have no realistic stance on the issues.

What you fail time and again to realize is the American people could give a shit less about past relationships but care only about positions taken going forward on the economy, Iraq etc. etc. and the RINO is getting walloped on those.

The way I and a shitload of others see it is he can go out gracefully and still have some dignity left in the Senate or he can make a dick out of himself and be powerless in the Senate...............his choice because he ain't got a prayer of winning now.

I really don't want Obama to win. Can't say I'm thrilled about a McCain victory either. However, if it will knock some sense into you, I really hope McCain pulls off victory. It would be worth it.

10-21-2008, 06:51 PM
uh, huh....all your hard working latinos and all :laugh2:

Laugh it off if it helps you deal with the shellacking that is coming, the majority of Americans havec watched the campaign, watched the debates, weighed the two options and decided that Obama has the better path for America going forward, thats a fact.

10-21-2008, 06:52 PM
Nam you are the biggest racist on the board................but I surmise you'll say I am..............yeah i'm the one who uses the stereotypes.

The election is already over................learn to say President Obama.

so your a fried chicken and watermelon pussy. figures

learn to say President Obama

soon as hell freeze's over. ok with you limp dick ?????

10-21-2008, 06:53 PM
I really don't want Obama to win. Can't say I'm thrilled about a McCain victory either. However, if it will knock some sense into you, I really hope McCain pulls off victory. It would be worth it.

Kathianne he refuses to address TODAY's issues, he simply cannot win that way. Its over, there will be no surprise.

10-21-2008, 06:53 PM
Laugh it off if it helps you deal with the shellacking that is coming, the majority of Americans havec watched the campaign, watched the debates, weighed the two options and decided that Obama has the better path for America going forward, thats a fact.

While I usually dream of a White Christmas and snow days, in this case I dream of saying, "Clinton's don't lose. McCain is done."

10-21-2008, 06:53 PM
so your a fried chicken and watermelon pussy. figures

soon as hell freeze's over. ok with you limp dick ?????

Jesus, this board is over your head. I'll buy your one way ticket out..........anti-American.

10-21-2008, 06:54 PM
While I usually dream of a White Christmas and snow days, in this case I dream of saying, "Clinton's don't lose. McCain is done."

Wrong on the first one and unless you guys rig the election every indicator in America says i'm dead right on the second one.

10-21-2008, 06:58 PM

Check the map out, check out McCain's total solid and leaning then checkout how many tossups there are left and given the fact that none of the solid or leaning states will change because of the leads there you will find that there are simply not enough electoral votes out there for Johnny Lib to get elected.

Didn't you state early in the primaries, and admit as much a couple of days ago, that the polls don't mean "jack shit". Why are you suddenly so obsessed with them? Do you really think polls that sample .00001% of our population are accurate? And if so, how accurate were they when Kerry had a 4% lead in the final days in 2004?

10-21-2008, 07:01 PM
Didn't you state early in the primaries, and admit as much a couple of days ago, that the polls don't mean "jack shit". Why are you suddenly so obsessed with them? Do you really think polls that sample .00001% of our population are accurate? And if so, how accurate were they when Kerry had a 4% lead in the final days in 2004?

The national poll really does not matter, check out the battleground states polls and the electoral map, those have not changed in weeks, you really think they are wrong no matter the number sampled?

These polls do mean "jack shit".

10-21-2008, 07:04 PM
Laugh it off if it helps you deal with the shellacking that is coming, the majority of Americans havec watched the campaign, watched the debates, weighed the two options and decided that Obama has the better path for America going forward, thats a fact.

that the polls have him leading...ok, that is a fact

decided? dude, don't think so, last i checked the "decided" part comes on nov. 4, or did obama already changed the constitution to make election by poll numbers before nov. 4 a valid way to get elected :laugh2:

so, what is your point? polls are shit or ain't shit, whatever you said...


10-21-2008, 07:06 PM
Its all you RINOS have left, you have no realistic stance on the issues.

What you fail time and again to realize is the American people could give a shit less about past relationships but care only about positions taken going forward on the economy, Iraq etc. etc. and the RINO is getting walloped on those.

The way I and a shitload of others see it is he can go out gracefully and still have some dignity left in the Senate or he can make a dick out of himself and be powerless in the Senate...............his choice because he ain't got a prayer of winning now.

BREAKING:”October Surprise” is Finally here


your a shitload all right


Often Called Asshole !!!!!

10-21-2008, 07:06 PM
The national poll really does not matter, check out the battleground states polls and the electoral map, those have not changed in weeks, you really think they are wrong no matter the number sampled?

The sampling rates for the battleground states are generally asking about 300-500 people. I find that to be an EXTREMELY low sampling rate. Some are higher, but the rates are still very low. Let's also not forget that 90% of these "polls" suck. Some even admit for example: "Sample was 547 voters, 298 of whom are democrat, 200 republican and 49 undecided voters." Again, just an example, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out they haven't asked THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS in those states, and the sampling themselves are already skewered by WHO they polled.

These polls do mean "jack shit".

And yet you reference them non-stop as if the election is over.

10-21-2008, 07:11 PM
Jesus, this board is over your head. I'll buy your one way ticket out..........anti-American.

buy 1 for you to - you Nazi bastard !!!!:finger3:

10-21-2008, 07:11 PM
that the polls have him leading...ok, that is a fact

decided? dude, don't think so, last i checked the "decided" part comes on nov. 4, or did obama already changed the constitution to make election by poll numbers before nov. 4 a valid way to get elected :laugh2:

so, what is your point? polls are shit or ain't shit, whatever you said...


You really think there is anything J.Lib can do between now and then that will change what the polls say today?

10-21-2008, 07:13 PM
The sampling rates for the battleground states are generally asking about 300-500 people. I find that to be an EXTREMELY low sampling rate. Some are higher, but the rates are still very low. Let's also not forget that 90% of these "polls" suck. Some even admit for example: "Sample was 547 voters, 298 of whom are democrat, 200 republican and 49 undecided voters." Again, just an example, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out they haven't asked THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS in those states, and the sampling themselves are already skewered by WHO they polled.

And yet you reference them non-stop as if the election is over.

Jimmy that is why I usually look at the RCP average as an indicator, it seems to take the extremes out and fucked up polls out of play. I think its about as accurate as it can get.

10-21-2008, 07:16 PM
Wrong on the first one and unless you guys rig the election every indicator in America says i'm dead right on the second one.
If the election were held today Obama would win, there is little doubt of that. Except the undecideds would finally choose. Jerks.

10-21-2008, 07:36 PM
You really think there is anything J.Lib can do between now and then that will change what the polls say today?

that is not the right question....and i am amused at your sudden faith in polls. mind you, i think obama will win, but it is NOT based on polls.

the question is:

do the polls truly represent the votes on nov. 4

10-21-2008, 07:38 PM
that is not the right question....and i am amused at your sudden faith in polls. mind you, i think obama will win, but it is NOT based on polls.

the question is:

do the polls truly represent the votes on nov. 4

in exact terms? of course not. But do the preponderance of polls indicate a trend in the thinking of the electorate? I think they do.

10-21-2008, 08:16 PM
Well Myself I'M feeling pretty good about a McCain/Palin victory BECAUSE the polls were wrong about both Igore and Traitor John Kerry both had bigger leads against Bush according to the polls AND LOST :dance:

10-21-2008, 08:19 PM
Well Myself I'M feeling pretty good about a McCain/Palin victory BECAUSE the polls were wrong about both Igore and Traitor John Kerry both had bigger leads against Bush according to the polls AND LOST :dance:
Do you have a link? According to my memory the average of polls constantly showed a slight Bush lead and near the end showed him above 50%. At this time, according to what I remember, Bush had 49% in the average of polls, while Kerry had 47%, in the last week Bush barely passed 50%.

10-21-2008, 08:21 PM
Do you have a link? According to my memory the average of polls constantly showed a slight Bush lead and near the end showed him above 50%. At this time, according to what I remember, Bush had 49% in the average of polls, while Kerry had 47%, in the last week Bush barely passed 50%.

I agree.

Nobody has had this big a lead this late and lost since Dewey.

10-21-2008, 08:22 PM
I agree.

Nobody has had this big a lead this late and lost since Dewey.
Now that isn't true. Reagan was this far behind at the same timeframe.

The difference was there was still one more debate to come and he PWNed Carter's spindly religious UFO seeing behind. Many of us still remember the "There you go again..." moment.

10-21-2008, 08:24 PM
Now that isn't true. Reagan was this far behind at the same timeframe.

The difference was there was still one more debate to come and he PWNed Carter's spindly religious UFO seeing behind. Many of us still remember the "There you go again..." moment.

I don't remember Reagan being behind by double digits....but then, I am not as old as you are! ;)

10-21-2008, 08:26 PM
I don't remember Reagan being behind by double digits....but then, I am not as old as you are! ;)
LOL. True, you are much, much, much older. Almost McCain old, I mean, wow, just magnificently... wait...


10-21-2008, 08:30 PM
LOL. True, you are much, much, much older. Almost McCain old, I mean, wow, just magnificently... wait...


I seem to recall you regaling the board with stories of how you learned about politics by listening to FDR's fireside chats! ;)
Compared to you, I'm just a pup!

10-21-2008, 08:35 PM
The election is already over................learn to say President Obama. Nope even if obama wins I would never call the Racist Negro President

10-21-2008, 08:37 PM
I seem to recall you regaling the board with stories of how you learned about politics by listening to FDR's fireside chats! ;)
Compared to you, I'm just a pup!

He's in his early 30's and chasing bees. Really.

*waiting for my honey!*

10-21-2008, 08:39 PM
He's in his early 30's and chasing bees. Really.

*waiting for my honey!*

damo and I go way back. waaaaay back. he's older than dirt.:laugh2:

10-21-2008, 08:44 PM
He's in his early 30's and chasing bees. Really.

*waiting for my honey!*
You'll get some. It looks like I might pull a harvest this year after all. If the weather warms up enough to get into the hive I can pull at least two full combs from the hive. It isn't all that much, but it will be some for sure.

Next year I should get more. I'll be working a nice Langstroth hive along with my top bar hive and they have far more room when you add supers up on top...

And MM... I joined the navy at 17 in 1988...

10-21-2008, 08:45 PM
RealClearPolitics has Obama's lead back up to 7.2 and he leads in all seven battleground states.


Perhaps he really does need to send his decorator in and start measuring the drapes!:lol:

10-21-2008, 09:31 PM
You'll get some. It looks like I might pull a harvest this year after all. If the weather warms up enough to get into the hive I can pull at least two full combs from the hive. It isn't all that much, but it will be some for sure.

Next year I should get more. I'll be working a nice Langstroth hive along with my top bar hive and they have far more room when you add supers up on top...

And MM... I joined the navy at 17 in 1988...

Well if you get beyond family and close friends, let me know. Otherwise I'll have to wait until next year.

I may be asking you for advice sooner than later. Considering moving to a rural area and becoming more self-sufficient myself. I'll call upon your experiences when I can get the fledglings out of the nest. ;)

red states rule
10-22-2008, 04:10 AM

10-22-2008, 06:35 AM
RealClearPolitics has Obama's lead back up to 7.2 and he leads in all seven battleground states.


Perhaps he really does need to send his decorator in and start measuring the drapes!:lol:

ten hours later and it's up to 7.4. That is NOT the trend that McCain needs:laugh2:

red states rule
10-22-2008, 06:37 AM
ten hours later and it's up to 7.4. That is NOT the trend that McCain needs:laugh2:

Like with Pres Peanut Carter, voters may very well gamble on liberalism to solve all their problems - and they will lose once again

Seems you could not care less about the background, character, and honesty of Obama - all that matters is winning and power

Party comes first with you as always

10-22-2008, 06:41 AM
Like with Pres Peanut Carter, voters may very well gamble on liberalism to solve all their problems - and they will lose once again

Seems you could not care less about the background, character, and honesty of Obama - all that matters is winning and power

Party comes first with you as always

I have examined the background, character and honesty AND judgment AND maturity of Obama, and compared them to McCain and I think Obama is the better qualified candidate.

country always comes first for me, RSR... and if you want me to continue to carry on discussions with you with some degree of continuity, please do not include attacks on my patriotism in your posts because I will, from now on, try really hard not to answer them.

red states rule
10-22-2008, 06:44 AM
I have examined the background, character and honesty AND judgment AND maturity of Obama, and compared them to McCain and I think Obama is the better qualified candidate.

country always comes first for me, RSR... and if you want me to continue to carry on discussions with you with some degree of continuity, please do not include attacks on my patriotism in your posts because I will, from now on, try really hard not to answer them.

So hanging out with racists, terrorists, convicted crooks is OK with you as long as the candidate has a "D" at end of their name

Obama has been busted in many lies about Ayers - I posted a video from 2002 with Ayers admitting who he is and what he stands for. Obama knows full well what type of man he is

MFM you can play your role of offended liberal if you want - but is it clear all you care about is power and party. Your posts prove it

10-22-2008, 10:49 AM
All of you are steeped in racist thoughts.

Show me one post where I have expressed racist sentiments or retract this statement, liar.

Almost twenty four hours later and still waiting for a response from the DP resident hit and run hack...

red states rule
10-22-2008, 10:59 AM
Almost twenty four hours later and still waiting for a response from the DP resident hit and run hack...

Were you really expecting a reply from our drive by poster? :laugh2:

10-22-2008, 11:05 AM
Were you really expecting a reply from our drive by poster? :laugh2:

No. Just letting her know I have not forgotten the slur. That, and how many people consider the hit and run posting tactic to be distasteful and cowardly.

red states rule
10-22-2008, 11:07 AM
No. Just letting her know I have not forgotten the slur. That, and how many people consider the hit and run posting tactic to be distasteful and cowardly.

It was a slur and her actions were distasteful and cowardly. I pity her daughter since I am sure Gabby is teaching her how to hate

10-22-2008, 11:18 AM
It was a slur and her actions were distasteful and cowardly. I pity her daughter since I am sure Gabby is teaching her how to hate

I may not think highly of Gabo's politics, posting tactics, and her tendency to paint everyone with the same brush, but I will not question how she raises her daughter. That's off limits in my book.

10-22-2008, 03:01 PM
Like with Pres Peanut Carter, voters may very well gamble on liberalism to solve all their problems - and they will lose once again

Seems you could not care less about the background, character, and honesty of Obama - all that matters is winning and power

Party comes first with you as always

Its interesting that you always skip Clinton.............what with his roaring economy and all.

10-22-2008, 03:03 PM
So hanging out with racists, terrorists, convicted crooks is OK with you as long as the candidate has a "D" at end of their name

Obama has been busted in many lies about Ayers - I posted a video from 2002 with Ayers admitting who he is and what he stands for. Obama knows full well what type of man he is

MFM you can play your role of offended liberal if you want - but is it clear all you care about is power and party. Your posts prove it

So the Reagan conservatives that served on the committe with Ayres are they scumbags too?

10-22-2008, 03:04 PM
It was a slur and her actions were distasteful and cowardly. I pity her daughter since I am sure Gabby is teaching her how to hate

Completely distasteful post but i've become accustomed to total lowball dogshit from a total waste of American space like you RSR.

10-22-2008, 03:05 PM
So the Reagan conservatives that served on the committe with Ayres are they scumbags too?

And their names would be?

10-22-2008, 03:40 PM
And their names would be?

The Annenberg Foundation.

10-22-2008, 03:41 PM
The Annenberg Foundation.

I know you are not that stupid.

10-22-2008, 03:47 PM
The Annenberg Foundation.

The same Annenberg Foundation that both Ayers and Obama worked for in Chicago?

10-22-2008, 03:53 PM
The same Annenberg Foundation that both Ayers and Obama worked for in Chicago?

Ayers applied for and received a grant from the Annenberg Foundation for The Chicago Annenberg Challenge. While Annenberg himself worked for a Republican administration, the Foundation is not about politics:


The Annenberg Foundation exists to advance public well-being through improved communication. As a principal means of achieving this goal, the Foundation encourages the development of more effective ways to share ideas and knowledge.

The Annenberg Foundation focuses on five major program areas:

Education and Youth Development;

Arts, Culture and Humanities;

Civic and Community;

Health and Human Services; and

Animal Services and the Environment.

To gain further understanding of the Foundation's grant-making, view the Annenberg Foundation's 15th Anniversary report or the grants database for approved recent grants.

For the Annenberg Foundation's procedures to apply for a grant, please see below.

Guidelines for Grantseekers
Please review this section for the procedure to apply for funding from the Annenberg Foundation.

Now what Ayers and company did with the grant?




10-22-2008, 04:04 PM
The Annenberg Foundation.

Wanna try that again?

10-22-2008, 04:07 PM
The same Annenberg Foundation that both Ayers and Obama worked for in Chicago?

Yep, it was founded by former members of the Reagan admin., various members of the foundation served with Obama and Ayres, its been thouroughly vetted.

10-22-2008, 04:09 PM
the Foundation is not about politics:

And neither was Obama's relationship with Ayres nor was it about anything other than education, its been vetted, most people realize this by now, thats the reson it didn't get any traction.

10-22-2008, 04:10 PM
Wanna try that again?

Nope, its a non issue according to the voters and that shows it was non political and strictly about education.

10-22-2008, 04:15 PM
Wanna try that again?

He's just flamming, I'm hoping sanity will return 11/5.

10-22-2008, 04:26 PM
Yep, it was founded by former members of the Reagan admin., various members of the foundation served with Obama and Ayres, its been thouroughly vetted.

Just checking. I do find that their Fact Check sight seems to be fairly even handed.

10-22-2008, 04:59 PM
I know you are not that stupid. UMM yes he is :laugh2:

10-23-2008, 03:10 PM
He's just flamming, I'm hoping sanity will return 11/5.

Your simpleton replies cannot hide the fact that the Ayres connection is being dismissed as nothing more than two guys who served on the same committeee, its getting zero traction from the citizens of the U.S.

If you wanna call that flaming fine, go ahead, but we both know differently.

10-23-2008, 05:19 PM
Your simpleton replies cannot hide the fact that the Ayres connection is being dismissed as nothing more than two guys who served on the same committeee, its getting zero traction from the citizens of the U.S.

If you wanna call that flaming fine, go ahead, but we both know differently.

by the citizens :laugh2:

palin's 150k make over is getting more attn from the press than obama's connection or any other matter...has nothing to do with citizens, it has everything to do with who control's the press and you know it

10-23-2008, 05:45 PM
by the citizens :laugh2:

palin's 150k make over is getting more attn from the press than obama's connection or any other matter...has nothing to do with citizens, it has everything to do with who control's the press and you know it

So your assertion is that Americans are nothing but a bunch of dumbass sheep?

10-23-2008, 08:06 PM
So your assertion is that Americans are nothing but a bunch of dumbass sheep?

Yep, that's the case and your leading the herd.

Listen to what the press tells you, its all you need to know. Then fall in line.

10-23-2008, 08:11 PM
Yep, that's the case and your leading the herd.

Listen to what the press tells you, its all you need to know. Then fall in line.

You see you are dead wrong, Americans compared the two candidates, found that Obama's economic plan is far superior...........you know the one where the middle class gets a tax cut............and that they were about even on foriegn policy then they watched McCain pick a dimwit for a running mate and get schooled in the debates and bingo bango Obama is way out front and is headed to victory.

10-23-2008, 08:26 PM
You see you are dead wrong, Americans compared the two candidates, found that Obama's economic plan is far superior...........you know the one where the middle class gets a tax cut............and that they were about even on foriegn policy then they watched McCain pick a dimwit for a running mate and get schooled in the debates and bingo bango Obama is way out front and is headed to victory.


10-23-2008, 09:37 PM
You see you are dead wrong, Americans compared the two candidates, found that Obama's economic plan is far superior...........you know the one where the middle class gets a tax cut............and that they were about even on foriegn policy then they watched McCain pick a dimwit for a running mate and get schooled in the debates and bingo bango Obama is way out front and is headed to victory.

nov. 4 is not here mr. polls are shit

10-23-2008, 09:38 PM
So your assertion is that Americans are nothing but a bunch of dumbass sheep?

you really think that the media does not hold sway over the masses? how many times has the media reported something and the nation eats it up only to later find out its not true....even you are not that naive.

if the media were not so powerful, why is it the dems are crying about the fairness doctrine...