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View Full Version : Withdraw and this will be the norm

03-19-2007, 10:23 PM
remember when clinton cut and ran in rawanda?


He said his Afghan driver had been decapitated in front of him by their Taleban guards.

"I saw him being decapitated, it was horrific," he told Italian TG3 television.

"I was shaking. Obviously I thought 'it's my turn now."

03-19-2007, 10:47 PM
It was the norm before the U.S. invaded Iraq. And will continue to be the norm, no matter what.

Funny thing is, most Bush apologists don't give a sh*t about the normal everyday Iraqi civilian. You view them all as godless terrorists who are less than human. You don't care if they live or die. Yet, you don't want American soldiers to leave the country.
So what is the deal? Bush apologists don't give a d*mn if every last Muslim is wiped off the face of the earth. But you want the land.

Make up your brainless minds. The country will eventually descend in bloody chaos. Whether we leave tomorrow, next year or 10 years from now. The U.S. invasion has killed the country. We are not going to revive.
The only reason for a continued American presence is to produce more deaths -- ours and theirs. Which is what the Bushies want. Continued death and destruction is Republican porn.

03-19-2007, 10:50 PM
Another journalist trying to interview a taliban leader.

All together now......"DUMB IDEA"

Someone just snatched off the street I can have compassion for, someone that is going looking for the rabid dog and gets bit I can't feel sympathy for. He must have converted to islam so they would let him go.

03-19-2007, 10:56 PM
It was the norm before the U.S. invaded Iraq. And will continue to be the norm, no matter what.

Funny thing is, most Bush apologists don't give a sh*t about the normal everyday Iraqi civilian. You view them all as godless terrorists who are less than human. You don't care if they live or die. Yet, you don't want American soldiers to leave the country.
So what is the deal? Bush apologists don't give a d*mn if every last Muslim is wiped off the face of the earth. But you want the land.

Make up your brainless minds. The country will eventually descend in bloody chaos. Whether we leave tomorrow, next year or 10 years from now. The U.S. invasion has killed the country. We are not going to revive.
The only reason for a continued American presence is to produce more deaths -- ours and theirs. Which is what the Bushies want. Continued death and destruction is Republican porn.

if the taliban killing journalists in iraq before the us invaded was the norm wouldn't that mane there was a direct link between saddam the taliban and al queda and thus justification for the invasion....

please don't presume to tell me what i think and belive in....

care to provide a link to journalists captured and killed by saddam...

let the bobbing an weaving begin

Ali As's
04-02-2007, 03:53 PM
Hey gaffer- I can't make out the first word on your avatar, my eyes are old and weak. I take it that's a picture of Bush, but is the first word screwing?

Are you another Bush Hater? Fn traitor!

Mr. P
04-02-2007, 04:10 PM
Hey gaffer- I can't make out the first word on your avatar, my eyes are old and weak. I take it that's a picture of Bush, but is the first word screwing?

Are you another Bush Hater? Fn traitor!

Another troll, oh boy.

04-02-2007, 06:00 PM
Hey gaffer- I can't make out the first word on your avatar, my eyes are old and weak. I take it that's a picture of Bush, but is the first word screwing?

Are you another Bush Hater? Fn traitor!

The first word in his avatar is "Saving."

Ali As's
04-03-2007, 12:25 AM
My eyes are really bad. Did you write Shaving? What, does Bush want to shave my hairy spider too? What kind of a shit fetishist is this guy?

It's not called trolling, It's called casting. You people are trolls. And yes I am drunk as a matter of fact. Why? Wanna make something outta it? I might be drunk but I ain't stupid.

04-03-2007, 02:27 AM
My eyes are really bad. Did you write Shaving? What, does Bush want to shave my hairy spider too? What kind of a shit fetishist is this guy?

It's not called trolling, It's called casting. You people are trolls. And yes I am drunk as a matter of fact. Why? Wanna make something outta it? I might be drunk but I ain't stupid.


04-03-2007, 01:07 PM
My eyes are really bad. Did you write Shaving? What, does Bush want to shave my hairy spider too? What kind of a shit fetishist is this guy?

It's not called trolling, It's called casting. You people are trolls. And yes I am drunk as a matter of fact. Why? Wanna make something outta it? I might be drunk but I ain't stupid.

:pee: allah Your a jihadi troll.

Ali As's
04-03-2007, 05:42 PM
Whatever- But there's no way I'm going to shave your ass. I heard stephanie finally got off welfare. Yeah, she follows the Iditarod route and cleans up all the doogie poopie. Someones gottsta keep those trails fecal free. You wouldn't want someone to step in that would you? Sheaaa.:poop:

What do you do with this waste anyway- feed it to you trolls so you can regurgitate it on this site??:wank2:

When does someone start to debate policy around here, or are you too busy trying to come up with an original idea? The name's enough to make me laugh. Debate Policy :poke:

04-03-2007, 06:01 PM
Whatever- But there's no way I'm going to shave your ass. I heard stephanie finally got off welfare. Yeah, she follows the Iditarod route and cleans up all the doogie poopie. Someones gottsta keep those trails fecal free. You wouldn't want someone to step in that would you? Sheaaa.:poop:

What do you do with this waste anyway- feed it to you trolls so you can regurgitate it on this site??:wank2:

When does someone start to debate policy around here, or are you too busy trying to come up with an original idea? The name's enough to make me laugh. Debate Policy :poke:

Go back to the shit board you came from asswipe. Your not here to debate anything. Your here to insult people and back up the likes of stripey. :fu:

04-03-2007, 06:08 PM
Whatever- But there's no way I'm going to shave your ass. I heard Stephanie finally got off welfare. Yeah, she follows the Iditarod route and cleans up all the doggie poopie. Someones gotta keep those trails fecal free. You wouldn't want someone to step in that would you? Sheaaa.:poop:

What do you do with this waste anyway- feed it to you trolls so you can regurgitate it on this site??:wank2:

When does someone start to debate policy around here, or are you too busy trying to come up with an original idea? The name's enough to make me laugh. Debate Policy :poke:

Let me guess?

Ali has the hots for me...:coffee:


04-03-2007, 08:54 PM
Whatever- But there's no way I'm going to shave your ass. I heard stephanie finally got off welfare. Yeah, she follows the Iditarod route and cleans up all the doogie poopie. Someones gottsta keep those trails fecal free. You wouldn't want someone to step in that would you? Sheaaa.:poop:

What do you do with this waste anyway- feed it to you trolls so you can regurgitate it on this site??:wank2:

When does someone start to debate policy around here, or are you too busy trying to come up with an original idea? The name's enough to make me laugh. Debate Policy :poke:

And I suppose you are setting an example with your logical, intelligent and noninflammatory posts, right?

04-03-2007, 09:16 PM
It was the norm before the U.S. invaded Iraq. And will continue to be the norm, no matter what.

Funny thing is, most Bush apologists don't give a sh*t about the normal everyday Iraqi civilian. You view them all as godless terrorists who are less than human. You don't care if they live or die. Yet, you don't want American soldiers to leave the country.
So what is the deal? Bush apologists don't give a d*mn if every last Muslim is wiped off the face of the earth. But you want the land.

Make up your brainless minds. The country will eventually descend in bloody chaos. Whether we leave tomorrow, next year or 10 years from now. The U.S. invasion has killed the country. We are not going to revive.
The only reason for a continued American presence is to produce more deaths -- ours and theirs. Which is what the Bushies want. Continued death and destruction is Republican porn.

Are you Rosie O'Donnels relative? Get a grip. You sound like some kind of sick hippie.

I can probably speak for a lot of people on this board when I say I am and tired of you insinuating that Bush supporters somehow like war. Your accusations are sick. This should go in Stripey's thread about why I don't like Liberals.Because they go on a loonatic fringe if you don't agree with them....literally.

I could accuse you of being a sicko because you support abortion. Do you enjoy babies being aborted,gabo? Its what the non Bushies like,isn't it?

04-03-2007, 09:19 PM
It was the norm before the U.S. invaded Iraq. And will continue to be the norm, no matter what.

Funny thing is, most Bush apologists don't give a sh*t about the normal everyday Iraqi civilian. You view them all as godless terrorists who are less than human. You don't care if they live or die. Yet, you don't want American soldiers to leave the country.
So what is the deal? Bush apologists don't give a d*mn if every last Muslim is wiped off the face of the earth. But you want the land.

Make up your brainless minds. The country will eventually descend in bloody chaos. Whether we leave tomorrow, next year or 10 years from now. The U.S. invasion has killed the country. We are not going to revive.
The only reason for a continued American presence is to produce more deaths -- ours and theirs. Which is what the Bushies want. Continued death and destruction is Republican porn.

Yep, the right doesn't care, the troops don't care, only Gabby and her ilk; there are pics at site:


Friday, March 30, 2007

Midnight Company.
I often find myself in arguments with people about the behavior of American soldiers when they search homes and many of the people I talk to base their argument and negative impression on the footage of some raids we see on TV or on experiences of presumed relatives or friends.

When I try to counter the idea of 'they knock down doors unnecessarily, steal jewelry and treat people bad' by saying that there must be a good reason the troops sometimes act rough and that 'for every reaxction there must have been an action' I often get the response of "what do you know about that? The Americans never searched your home"

Well, last night they did…

It was around midnight and we were gathered around the fire in the backyard when we heard someone talking in English in the street.
Go see what that was, Mohammed told me.
I approached the front door and peeked into the street, a number of Humvees were there.
I returned to the group and told them we might have some company.

Almost every Friday night we gather with some friends for drinks and barbeque and we all take turns hosting the nights. Yesterday it was our turn.

I went to the living room where my father was having a heated political debate with his friend and told them the house would likely be searched. The two men stopped talking, looked at me carelessly for a second and then resumed their loud debate.

I went back to tend the fish we were preparing for our Masgoof dinner and then heard the front door open and a flashlight beamed into the driveway.
I walked to meet the night visitors; 6 or 7 American soldiers and an Iraqi translator wearing a black ski mask walked in.

Good evening gentlemen, how can I help you?

Hi, that's a lot of cars you got here! Are they all yours? The lead soldier said, obviously suspicious about the number of cars we had in the driveway.

That one is ours, the rest belong to our friends. And explained that we had guests and that in order to avoid the curfew they are spending the night here.

As was speaking two of the soldiers were using the lights on their rifles to look through the glass into the cars.

Who are those people back there?

Those are our friends and my brothers, I said as I lead the way into the back yard.

The Iraqis and Americans exchanged words of greetings.

The soldiers now began to feel a bit relaxed seeing the relaxed friendly mood, the barbeque and the drinks in Iraqis' hands.

That's a large fish! Looks good! One soldier noted.

There's enough food and drinks for all of us here, please join us, said one of my friends.

Nah, we can't do that. Thanks anyway.

We know the Americans were on duty and had a job to do so we didn't repeat the offer violating the tribal Iraqi tradition of persistently offering food.

One of the soldiers asked for the keys to the cars and he and his colleague started checking them one after the other.
I lead three others into the house showing them the rooms explaining what each one was.
When we entered the living room they were surprised to see 4 laptops scattered around.

What are these for?

One's mine, the other is my brother's and the rest are our friends', I said and explained that our friends always bring their laptops with them when they come because they can use our wireless.
My brother and I are bloggers, our friends work in the computers business, I added.
Ah, you got wireless! I should bring my laptop too next time I come here, one of the soldiers joked.

We went up to the second floor, then the roof and they looked around around, opened a few drawers, asked if we had any weapons. I told them we didn't have any.

That's fine, no problem.

Within roughly 20 minutes the soldiers had completed searching the house and by now they seemed convinced that this household is 'clean'. So we all went back to the back yard and gathered around the tasty-smelling fish and we all had some short friendly talk about food, booze, the city, the war, the internet, etc.

At the end we stood to take some pictures together.

These are bloggers dude, cover your face if you don't want to be seen nude on the internet tomorrow! One soldier said to his colleague as I snapped this photo, and we all chuckled.

And I know what you're thinking; Mohammed and I do not appear in this one.

The Americans and Iraqis shook hands and exchanged take care's and stay safe's.
They went on to continue their patrol, and we went back to our fish.
Some of us will definitely have a joke or a short story to tell from this night, I thought.

I realize that for some other Iraqis having their homes searched wasn't as smooth or as pleasant an experience as ours but this is my story and I thought I'd share it.

Posted by Omar @ 22:34
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04-03-2007, 09:38 PM
Yep, the right doesn't care, the troops don't care, only Gabby and her ilk; there are pics at site:


Of course gabby and her ilk care. That overwhelming concern, love and heartfelt admiration just looks like vile hatred, spittle and crazed eyes.:laugh2: