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View Full Version : Obama's "Lesbian,Gay,Bi & Transgendered" agenda for schools.

10-21-2008, 01:33 PM
Looks like the Queer and Pedophile enablers will have a big say in the Obama administration.

I'd been wondering what Kevin Jennings was doing these days. Jennings is the founder and long-time head of the radical homosexual group GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. GLSEN's mission has been to plant "gay" clubs and training programs in as many schools as possible. GLSEN now claims 4,000 "gay-straight alliances" exist, although this number is doubtful.

Certainly, there are way too many. The group's target has been to place these clubs in all U.S. schools, K through 12. If you think a kindergartener signing up for a "gay" club is ludicrous, you are not alone.

But Jennings has moved on to better things. He's now the Obama campaign fundraising co-chair for the "LGBT" community – that's "lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered." You can listen to Jennings lay out the rights-oriented rhetoric in two interviews with Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign, on the website "LGBT for Obama (http://www.lgbtforobama.com/608)."

Their conversation, reviewing Jennings' record, dwells on preventing bullying of "gay" kids. Jennings constructed this Trojan horse for access to schools despite the ability of every community to punish school bullying without accommodating the "gay" agenda. This smokescreen hides the pornographic reality of GLSEN's "support" for kids under Jennings' leadership.

Remember the book "Queering Elementary Education," with the gushing blurb on the back from Obama's radical "social justice" colleague Bill Ayers? Well, the same book has a foreword written by Jennings. In researching GLSEN over the years, I've found horrific elements of what can only be called child sexual corruption. The more closely one reads the GLSEN material, the worse it gets.

Just about every type of sexual practice imaginable is apparently acceptable and even worthy of "celebration" by any age student or teacher as far as GLSEN is concerned. GLSEN also supports gender-distortion through cross-dressing, even for elementary school children.

Is this the kind of "school reform" Obama has in mind?

Its funny how Barack's "just a neighbor" friend Ayers seems to pop up amound his circle of friends. Now we can within Obama's little circle jerk of friends we have pedophile/queer enabler Jennings, who also happens to be good friends with Ayers as they both wrote blurbs on each other's published books.

So lets have a recount:

Rev. Wright the marxist black theologian.
"Tony" Rezko the Syrian extortionist.
Bill Ayers the unrepentant socialist revolution terrorist.
Kevin Jennings the pedophile rights knight.
Sam Graham-Felsen the communist.

These are just the ones we know about.

10-21-2008, 01:52 PM
Still grasping at straws, I see. It seems the red meat base of the GOP is getting more and more desperate as it looks more and more like Grampy McCain and Caribou Barbie will get beaten like a gong on 11/4/08.

<center><a href=http://www.pollster.com/polls/us/08-us-pres-ge-mvo.php?xml=/flashcharts/content/xml/08USPresGEMvO.xml&choices=Obama,McCain&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=>Pollster.com</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/>FiveThirtyEight.com</a></center>

10-21-2008, 02:26 PM
Still grasping at straws, I see. It seems the red meat base of the GOP is getting more and more desperate as it looks more and more like Grampy McCain and Caribou Barbie will get beaten like a gong on 11/4/08.

<center><a href=http://www.pollster.com/polls/us/08-us-pres-ge-mvo.php?xml=/flashcharts/content/xml/08USPresGEMvO.xml&choices=Obama,McCain&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=>Pollster.com</a></center>

<center><a href=http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/>FiveThirtyEight.com</a></center>

And you still can't address one factoid in the story. Any voice of dissent against Obama is countered with the 'despiration tactics' talking point. You serve your function well as an Obam-bot Bully.

I guess we should just all accept a President who makes company with pedophile crusaders just because he is popular.

10-21-2008, 02:51 PM
A vivid imagination that is working overtime!

GW in Ohio
10-21-2008, 03:18 PM
Looks like the Queer and Pedophile enablers will have a big say in the Obama administration.

Its funny how Barack's "just a neighbor" friend Ayers seems to pop up amound his circle of friends. Now we can within Obama's little circle jerk of friends we have pedophile/queer enabler Jennings, who also happens to be good friends with Ayers as they both wrote blurbs on each other's published books.

So lets have a recount:

Rev. Wright the marxist black theologian.
"Tony" Rezko the Syrian extortionist.
Bill Ayers the unrepentant socialist revolution terrorist.
Kevin Jennings the pedophile rights knight.
Sam Graham-Felsen the communist.

These are just the ones we know about.

I didn't see anything about pedophiles in that brilliant article, hawk.

You just threw that in there, didn't ya?

It's like the old GOP tactic, "Throw enough shit against the wall, and somethin's gotta stick."

Keep up the good work.....

10-21-2008, 03:27 PM
A vivid imagination that is working overtime!

My imagination could never think up the shit Obama and his looney toon comrades have done. Quite honestly, this crap is so unbelievable if you were to just hear it as a rumor no one would believe it. But facts are stubborn things and all of it is the truth. Jennings is the head of GLSEN. He is on the Obama campaign. He does support the homosexual and pedophile agenda.

You can try to villify me for simply point out Obama's past (and present) all you want, but I nor any other conservative or Republican is responisble for Obama's choices in friends, advisors, mentors, and associates - only Barack Obama is responsible for those.

10-21-2008, 03:32 PM
I didn't see anything about pedophiles in that brilliant article, hawk.

You just threw that in there, didn't ya?

It's like the old GOP tactic, "Throw enough shit against the wall, and somethin's gotta stick."

Keep up the good work.....

Apparently you don't think children having sex with older adults is considered pedophila.

The book "Growing Up Gay/Growing Up Lesbian," recommended on the GLSEN website for kids in grades seven to 12, describes two 10-year-old boys in a very graphic sexual encounter (pp.99-100). In the same book, an adult man named Eliot reflects on his youth:

My first experience was with a much older man, a friend of Derek's [his father]. ... When I was 15, he must have been 29, 30 ... I seduced him. ... It was a wild night. We did everything.
This is the dearest fantasy of pedophiles and pederasts – the pretense that the youth seduces them.

Another GLSEN recommended book, "Rainbow Boys," features an episode of homosexual sex between one of the main characters, a 17-year-old boy, and a 29-year-old man he has just met via the Internet ( p. 148). Again, a great influence for kids.

Fluid sexual activity and homosexual experimentation is another common theme in GLSEN-recommended books. "My sexuality is as fluid, infinite, undefinable, and ever-changing as the north-flowing river. ... Sexuality is not black or white ... it is gray. ... I know that defining myself is not so simple. ..." writes a 16-year-old in "Revolutionary Voices : A Multicultural Queer Youth Anthology" (p.167).

Another girl writes in the same book: "I am a 15-year-old dyke artist and activist. I've got flaming pink hair and a passion for genderf–k in both directions" (p. 28).

Carry on, dipshit.