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10-21-2008, 04:23 PM
Well is it?

10-21-2008, 04:25 PM
I said no. We've been going too liberal.

10-21-2008, 04:27 PM
nope.....but less than half of voters will vote him in anyway....and they will give congress to the dems....who have the lowest rating in history and have done jack shit in two years....

funny dems get control of congress and the economy tanks....

10-21-2008, 04:28 PM
No, we've lost our standing in the world. We've squandered the good name of America. We've allowed politicians, of both parties, to be corrupt and get away with it. We are no longer a caring nation that cares for our own people and the people of the world. All we care about is ourselves.

Just a start on where we have gone wrong.


10-21-2008, 04:34 PM
My vote is no. I don't believe that this nation can long support or survive the ideas of conservatism as they are today. Too many rotations of the earth around the sun have past since our nation was born to still be clinging to many of the ideas espoused at that time. We must move forward; taking what we know to be for the betterment of this orb and those who inhabit it; and make investments in those concepts that will best support mankind in the near and far future.
That this nation has gifted our work heritage to other nations to serve us is a bad policy.

10-21-2008, 04:36 PM
My vote is no. I don't believe that this nation can long support or survive the ideas of conservatism as they are today. Too many rotations of the earth around the sun have past since our nation was born to still be clinging to many of the ideas espoused at that time. We must move forward; taking what we know to be for the betterment of this orb and those who inhabit it; and make investments in those concepts that will best support mankind in the near and far future.
That this nation has gifted our work heritage to other nations to serve us is a bad policy.


You'd fit in well in Obama's cabinet.


10-21-2008, 04:38 PM

You'd fit in well in Obama's cabinet.

ImmieActually I am industrialist.

10-21-2008, 04:45 PM
Actually I am industrialist.

You sound very much like a socialist in that prior post.

I'm not so sure that you didn't take that off the lips of Senator Obama himself.

We must move forward; taking what we know to be for the betterment of this orb and those who inhabit it; and make investments in those concepts that will best support mankind in the near and far future.

I'd have no problem with doing that willingly, but having our politicians force us to do it is a socialists dream.


10-21-2008, 04:46 PM
You sound very much like a socialist in that prior post.

I'm not so sure that you didn't take that off the lips of Senator Obama himself.

I'd have no problem with doing that willingly, but having our politicians force us to do it is a socialists dream.

ImmieI was tempted to suggesting we nuke the Arab nations so we can have a less distracting conversation on religion.

10-21-2008, 04:51 PM
The answer is no, our culture been sliding way too far left for the last fifty years.

10-21-2008, 04:57 PM
The answer is no, our culture been sliding way too far left for the last fifty years.The majority feel it has moved right to far.

10-21-2008, 05:03 PM
I was tempted to suggesting we nuke the Arab nations so we can have a less distracting conversation on religion.

Violence and murder will get us nowhere.


10-21-2008, 06:17 PM
Nope. Too many people, at both ends of the socioeconomic spectrum looking to government to fix their problems. Too many politicos wanting to insinuate themselves into our lives, all aspects of it.

Government not doing what it should, ala borders and enforcing laws. No care being taken about the electoral process or serving the people. No care about infrastructure, but lots into private lives and behavior of citizens.

10-21-2008, 06:35 PM
Is America on the right track?

On what?

War in Iraq? Mostly yes, now that we're winning.
War declared by terrorists against us? Mostly yes, with qualifications, and a long way yet to go.
Government spending? No.
Judicial appointments? Yes.
Government confining itself to Constitutional bounds? No.
People running their lives responsibly? 80% yes, 20% no.
Media performing their jobs correctly? 20% yes, 80% no.
President performing his job correctly? 60% yes, 40% no.
Congress performing their jobs correctly? 10% yes, 90% no.
Enforcing the border? No.
Improving enforcement of the border? Yes, though slowly.

I could go on and on.

Bottom line: Is America on the right track?

Do you mean 100% perfectly on track? No, never has been, never will be.
Do you mean 100% off track? No, never has been, never will be.

I have my opinions on whether the percentage we're on track, is enough to qualify as a "YES". But whether your opinion of the qualifying percentage, matches mine, I have no idea.

So I can't answer your question, sorry.

And people wonder why I hang up on telephone pollsters.

10-21-2008, 06:59 PM

maybe manu could help us out here, has anyone studied the way japanese do business? they do not have a free market system and for the most part, their economy does well. does anyone know why?

1. because they have a very closed market, e.g., hard for foreigners to enter?

2. business is war?

3. the government subsidizes?

4. no anti trust laws?

5. less regulation?

6. any others?

10-21-2008, 07:22 PM
We have moved too far into the authoritarian range to maximize freedom. Individual freedoms and responsibility go to the wayside so we can give free pills to the richest segment of society without regard to need, for instance.

Another instance, every single person who ran for President on the two major parties tickets had the same view on gay marriage.... (Not gonna happen, supposedly). Why is this even something the government should have a hand in?

Why are we worried about what two strangers do so long as they are adults and it is consensual? Why should I care?

It's not about left or right, it's about your personal freedom and responsibility to yourself. (I personally believe that the meaning of the words freedom and responsibility are very nearly interchangeable.)

10-21-2008, 07:38 PM
We have moved too far into the authoritarian range to maximize freedom. Individual freedoms and responsibility go to the wayside so we can give free pills to the richest segment of society without regard to need, for instance.

Another instance, every single person who ran for President on the two major parties tickets had the same view on gay marriage.... (Not gonna happen, supposedly). Why is this even something the government should have a hand in?

Why are we worried about what two strangers do so long as they are adults and it is consensual? Why should I care?

It's not about left or right, it's about your personal freedom and responsibility to yourself. (I personally believe that the meaning of the words freedom and responsibility are very nearly interchangeable.)

is there there a time for sacrificing individual freedom for the greater good?

10-21-2008, 08:04 PM
is there there a time for sacrificing individual freedom for the greater good?
Another way to ask...

From everybody according to their ability?

The individual is the ultimate minority, and the protection of the minority is what freedom is about. The least amount of force possible from the government to allow you the maximum freedom to face your life full on, to test your abilities.

The only time I can see that we need to give our all is when those freedoms are directly attacked and defense is necessary.

10-21-2008, 08:10 PM
We have moved too far into the authoritarian range to maximize freedom. Individual freedoms and responsibility go to the wayside so we can give free pills to the richest segment of society without regard to need, for instance.

Another instance, every single person who ran for President on the two major parties tickets had the same view on gay marriage.... (Not gonna happen, supposedly). Why is this even something the government should have a hand in?

Why are we worried about what two strangers do so long as they are adults and it is consensual? Why should I care?

It's not about left or right, it's about your personal freedom and responsibility to yourself. (I personally believe that the meaning of the words freedom and responsibility are very nearly interchangeable.)
Once again, we echo each other.

10-21-2008, 09:13 PM
Another way to ask...

From everybody according to their ability?

The individual is the ultimate minority, and the protection of the minority is what freedom is about. The least amount of force possible from the government to allow you the maximum freedom to face your life full on, to test your abilities.

The only time I can see that we need to give our all is when those freedoms are directly attacked and defense is necessary.

i disagree

"from" everybody according to their ability is not the same as sacrificing individual freedom for the greater good

one is simply taking a born abililty, a learned ability and using that for the greater good regardless of the circumstances, for that is THE way of life.

my question still stands, is there ever a time?

10-21-2008, 09:22 PM
i disagree

"from" everybody according to their ability is not the same as sacrificing individual freedom for the greater good

one is simply taking a born abililty, a learned ability and using that for the greater good regardless of the circumstances, for that is THE way of life.

my question still stands, is there ever a time?
Again, such a time would come when it comes time to defend against attacks.

From each according to their ability is exactly what you are talking about. Each person would decide when to give of themselves to help others, it is not necessary to force others into your view by taking from their earnings in order to give the alms you think they "deserve". That is unnecessary force applied on the minority by the majority to impress them into a service they did not choose.

Each time we force others to give what we think they should in order to "benefit everybody" we take from both ends. In one end we take their ability to choose a worthy cause at the other we assume an incapacity to live up to their own responsibility.

10-21-2008, 09:23 PM
Again, such a time would come when it comes time to defend against attacks.

From each according to their ability is exactly what you are talking about. Each person would decide when to give of themselves to help others, it is not necessary to force others into your view by taking from their earnings in order to give the alms you think they "deserve".

I've always thought this worked better, "We pretend to work, they pretend to pay us." Sums up the problem and why it imploded.

10-21-2008, 09:43 PM
I say no because we have moved way to far to left. I would politically turn the clock back 200 years.

Abbey Marie
10-21-2008, 10:33 PM
Any nation that allows and condones the killing of innocents is way off track.

10-21-2008, 10:35 PM
Any nation that allows and condones the killing of innocents is way off track.

Driving by a church today, sign, "3500 children were killed today."

I thought to myself, 'how many were minorities?'