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View Full Version : Obama File 41- Obama Was a New Party Member-Documentary Evidence

10-23-2008, 11:14 AM
lots of photos at site.

Obama File 40 here

This post is for journalists who care about the future of their country more than their careers.

I have previously posted about Barack Obama's involvement in the socialist led Illinois New Party here, here and here.

Below are scans from New Party News Spring 1996.

They prove that Barack Obama was a member of the Illinois New Party and was endorsed by them in his 1996 Illinois State Senate race.

Front page-scanned from a photocopy

read the rest..

10-23-2008, 12:27 PM
I was online checking out Acorn and his connection to it when I stumbled upon something about him being a member of that party back when he was younger. It seems the creepy news about him just keeps popping up every now and then.

I wonder what else will come to light.....

10-23-2008, 12:33 PM
*gasp*, Obama a socialist? I never would had guessed!

Of course Obama will just calmly lie through his teeth again, and get praised by the media for handling the accusation well.