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10-23-2008, 09:24 PM
check out the little Marxist website..before the page shows up, there is a flash of the Presidential seal..tell me if I'm seeing things..

this suggestion from the little Marxist website tells young kids how to get in their grandparents face..

By Christopher Hass - Oct 22nd, 2008 at 10:17 pm EDT
Also listed in: SFBO Blog

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Last Friday, Representative Jan Schakowsky wrote an article for the Huffington Post encouraging supporters to reach out to their Grandparent to talk about Barack Obama:

This message is exclusively for Obama supporters who: 1) Have grandparents who are planning to vote for John McCain or are undecided about their choice for President and 2) Know someone whose grandparents are voting for John McCain or are undecided about their choice for President.

...I have been overwhelmed and inspired by the passion and commitment of young Obama volunteers and supporters everywhere I have traveled as one of the national co-chairs of Barack's campaign. Harnessing that energy for the purpose of moving older voters toward Barack Obama seemed like a natural.
Rep. Schakowsky lists a number of reasons why anyone over the age of 65 should support Barack Obama, including his position on Social Security, Medicare and taxes (as well as John McCain's opposing positions on the same). But in the end, she argues, the most effective argument may be an emotional one.

The one thing most grandparents have in common is that they have the most wonderful grandchildren in the world - so clever, so handsome, so pretty, ever so precious. Even if you are still unsure of your path in life, and even if your parents and friends occasionally wonder about you, your grandma and grandpa love you and have faith in you.

That is your weapon! "Precious" needs to get on the phone and say, "Grandpa, Grandma, I am asking you to vote for Barack Obama. This is really important to me. It's about my future. It's about the world I will be living in. It's about the world I want for my future children. (They will love that one!) Please! Do it for me!"

...The really great part of this strategy is that everything you could possibly say to your grandparents about how important Barack's election is for you is one hundred percent true.

read the rest and comments.

10-23-2008, 09:30 PM
LOL. "It's about my future. It's about the world I will be living in."

Sounds like one of those "trophy kids" doesn't it?
"ME ME ME ME, its all about ME, I'm special, mommy always told me so." LMAO.

10-23-2008, 10:22 PM
whoa, i saw what looked very like the presidential seal too, con artist

i love how libs on here rant on about talking points...yet obama tells us to go to his website and get the talking points before talking to your parents and grandparents :laugh2: