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View Full Version : Obama is responsible

10-24-2008, 05:32 PM
there is political hate

there is political violence

there is political cheating

obama is responsible

10-24-2008, 05:52 PM
playing devils advocate here: How?

10-24-2008, 06:10 PM
playing devils advocate here: How?

i don't follow

every statement i said is true

ask mfm

10-24-2008, 06:22 PM
aske me? I think every one of your statements is true, except the one that gives responsibility to Obama.

Gosh...you really DO have an irrational hatred of negroes, don't you?

10-24-2008, 06:32 PM
aske me? I think every one of your statements is true, except the one that gives responsibility to Obama.

Gosh...you really DO have an irrational hatred of negroes, don't you?


so obama does not have responsibility?

ooops, apparently i said something that makes me have an irrational hated of NEGROES....


dude, you're losing it

10-24-2008, 06:40 PM
You honestly expect Obama to take responsibility for anything? He can't even admit he was wrong about the troop surge.

10-24-2008, 06:41 PM

so obama does not have responsibility?

ooops, apparently i said something that makes me have an irrational hated of NEGROES....


dude, you're losing it

how is Obama responsible for all you stated?

I'll wait

10-24-2008, 06:59 PM
obama is responsible, mark my word.

10-24-2008, 09:40 PM
how is Obama responsible for all you stated?

I'll wait

Just like your MO... Yurt, did not say Obama was responsible for those things. Yurt only said Obama was responsible.

You seem to disagree with Yurt, which says to me you think Obama is irresponsible. Why are you voting for him?


10-24-2008, 10:06 PM
how is Obama responsible for all you stated?

I'll wait

are you still waiting?

10-24-2008, 10:27 PM
are you still waiting?

oh...fuck no.... I have long given up on your ability to carry on an intelligent debate. I have come to the conclusion that you are a spineless excuse for a man that passes himself off as an "attorney". Having grown up under the influence of a really great attorney, I can safely say, "you, yurt, are no attorney."

10-24-2008, 10:29 PM
oh...fuck no.... I have long given up on your ability to carry on an intelligent debate. I have come to the conclusion that you are a spineless excuse for a man that passes himself off as an "attorney". Having grown up under the influence of a really great attorney, I can safely say, "you, yurt, are no attorney."

yay, more lies and insults from the one who said he was taking the high road :clap:


he can not answer posts, so he insults

10-24-2008, 10:33 PM
yay, more lies and insults from the one who said he was taking the high road :clap:


he can not answer posts, so he insults

I answered your posts. And that does not mean you are any less of sham of a "counselor".

10-24-2008, 11:49 PM
I answered your posts. And that does not mean you are any less of sham of a "counselor".

your post is not true. are you a liar? my guess, you will not answer this post, as many others you ignore and/or cut out 2/3 of the post

do you admit to cutting out 2/3 of one of my posts?

10-25-2008, 12:02 AM
your post is not true. are you a liar? my guess, you will not answer this post, as many others you ignore and/or cut out 2/3 of the post

do you admit to cutting out 2/3 of one of my posts?

do you have a legitimate question here,or not, yurtie?

I may very well have eliminated a portion of one of your posts once... because I honestly felt that it was unworhty of further comment.

I realize that you are so devoid ov introspective criticism that you would be incapable of acknowledging that much of most of your posts was irrelevant tripe, but, unfortunately, such is actually the case, "counselor".

10-25-2008, 01:08 AM
No, yuk, Obama is not responsible for any of that.

there is political hate
there is political violence
there is political cheating
obama is responsible

The things you are saying can be attributed to the Republican Party of 1992 and the hateful, spiteful and violent things that were said by them about the popular election of William Jefferson Clinton. I had never seen such before that and I have never seen an apology or a let up by them since.

No, yuk. The reichwingers are deadringers on that sorry excuse for a Liberty Bell. They called it free speech in 1992 and still do. They actually relish in the machismo they somehow felt in their quest to unseat a popularly elected President and in their present attempts to steal another one by any means necessary. That's when I left the Republican Party and they have never given me reason to even consider going back.


10-25-2008, 01:47 AM
They actually relish in the machismo they somehow felt in their quest to unseat a popularly elected President and in their present attempts to steal another one by any means necessary. That's when I left the Republican Party and they have never given me reason to even consider going back.


What a standard pile of BULLSHIT from sychotic, Clinton was not elected by anyone but Perot. Clinton received 43% to Bush's 37.7%........ Perot received 18.9%, most of that percentage would have gone to Bush and he would have run away with it. In 1996, Clinton still didn't reach 50% against one of the weakest candidates of all time. Clinton had 49.24% to Dole's 40.71%........ pathetic, hardly popular.

10-25-2008, 02:04 AM
No bullshit about it, zero. If it had been constitutional for Bill "Big Dog" Clinton to run for a 3rd term in 2000 we would never have heard much about gwb and we certainly would not be in the mess that we are now.

What a standard pile of BULLSHIT from sychotic, Clinton was not elected by anyone but Perot. Clinton received 43% to Bush's 37.7%........ Perot received 18.9%, most of that percentage would have gone to Bush and he would have run away with it. In 1996, Clinton still didn't reach 50% against one of the weakest candidates of all time. Clinton had 49.24% to Dole's 40.71%........ pathetic, hardly popular.

You didn't address the vileness, hatefulness and political hypocrisies as demonstrated by the Republicans due to the win by Bill Clinton in 1992. But you demonstrate it very well.


10-25-2008, 02:21 AM
No bullshit about it, zero. If it had been constitutional for Bill "Big Dog" Clinton to run for a 3rd term in 2000 we would never have heard much about gwb and we certainly would not be in the mess that we are now.

You didn't address the vileness, hatefulness and political hypocrisies as demonstrated by the Republicans due to the win by Bill Clinton in 1992. But you demonstrate it very well.


You haven't seen nothing yet. Wait till McCain wins and the race wars begin.

10-25-2008, 02:31 AM
I don't know about that, zero.

You haven't seen nothing yet. Wait till McCain wins and the race wars begin.

The only intimation of violence that I have heard about so far has come from the McCain/Phalin campaign and I don't think they really mean it. Do you?!?!??!??!??!


10-25-2008, 03:10 AM
I don't know about that, zero.

The only intimation of violence that I have heard about so far has come from the McCain/Phalin campaign and I don't think they really mean it. Do you?!?!??!??!??!


I work with a solid 2000 black guys and a few women, I get ganged up on and attacked verbally by anyone that I admit to not wanting Osammy. Tonight I was in a break room supporting McCain against 8 guys, all yelling and screaming and getting in my face......... I have received the same treatment when I voice my opinion against the unionization of our group of 3000 employees. I guarantee serious repercussions against white people when the Black Messiah loses. You are just extremely naive or just plain full of shit to say it isn't true. The arrogant celebrations are already starting with most of the blacks I come in contact with and that happens to be a big number, I know better than you, I am working side by side with them. I have a good friend that also happens to be black who is very disgusted with what he is seeing. He wasted his vote on Ron Paul which I gave him a load of shit for. He's very much against the empty suit, he's afraid this clown will make it much harder for black Americans to go anywhere in politics in the future. He was amazed at how ridiculous that Obama is in Hawaii to see his dying Grandmother without his wife and kids, I agree.

10-25-2008, 04:31 AM
zero, I live in and am very politically active in a county that is almost 80% black with an unemployment rate approaching 18% due to our textile mills and machine manufacturing plants being closed and moved overseas, where genuine lynching occurred not too far in the past and where racial tensions and feelings are quite raw. There are 2 high schools in this county, one is public and 95% black and the other is private and 100% white. I communicate daily with racists on both sides of the racial equation and most all speak openly and honestly with me. I can gladly say that the racists are in the tiny minority. I see no threat from any other than the ignorance from some of the more violently inclined white ones that are scared to death of the thought of black people with any authority whatsoever over them and what they consider theirs. It's a damned shame but it's life on the Mississippi delta.

I work with a solid 2000 black guys and a few women, I get ganged up on and attacked verbally by anyone that I admit to not wanting Osammy. Tonight I was in a break room supporting McCain against 8 guys, all yelling and screaming and getting in my face......... I have received the same treatment when I voice my opinion against the unionization of our group of 3000 employees. I guarantee serious repercussions against white people when the Black Messiah loses. You are just extremely naive or just plain full of shit to say it isn't true. The arrogant celebrations are already starting with most of the blacks I come in contact with and that happens to be a big number, I know better than you, I am working side by side with them. I have a good friend that also happens to be black who is very disgusted with what he is seeing. He wasted his vote on Ron Paul which I gave him a load of shit for. He's very much against the empty suit, he's afraid this clown will make it much harder for black Americans to go anywhere in politics in the future. He was amazed at how ridiculous that Obama is in Hawaii to see his dying Grandmother without his wife and kids, I agree.

In other words, I don't believe a damned word of your sorry tale of your own problems and your relationship with what you call your black friends and acquaintances. Do you even begin to understand just how much shit you bring upon yourself?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


10-25-2008, 04:51 AM
zero, I live in and am very politically active in a county that is almost 80% black with an unemployment rate approaching 18% due to our textile mills and machine manufacturing plants being closed and moved overseas, where genuine lynching occurred not too far in the past and where racial tensions and feelings are quite raw. There are 2 high schools in this county, one is public and 95% black and the other is private and 100% white. I communicate daily with racists on both sides of the racial equation and most all speak openly and honestly with me. I can gladly say that the racists are in the tiny minority. I see no threat from any other than the ignorance from some of the more violently inclined white ones that are scared to death of the thought of black people with any authority whatsoever over them and what they consider theirs. It's a damned shame but it's life on the Mississippi delta.

In other words, I don't believe a damned word of your sorry tale of your own problems and your relationship with what you call your black friends and acquaintances. Do you even begin to understand just how much shit you bring upon yourself?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


Move to a decent place to live, Mississippi is a suck hole. 18% unemployment? Whose fault is that. You have a bunch of uneducated dimwits that depend on but also hate the employers of the state, I would have left that awful place too. Why would anyone stay? Oh and by the way, I don't believe anything you say, you don't even know any black people.

10-25-2008, 05:56 AM
Mississippi is a decent place to live, dumbo, and I will continue living here probably for the rest of my life. For a person like me it is rich for political involvement, civic involvement, a fully diversified population, enormous opportunity for good jamm, good food and good friends. And the fishin' ain't half bad either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Move to a decent place to live, Mississippi is a suck hole. 18% unemployment? Whose fault is that. You have a bunch of uneducated dimwits that depend on but also hate the employers of the state, I would have left that awful place too. Why would anyone stay? Oh and by the way, I don't believe anything you say, you don't even know any black people.

I didn't say that Mississippi had an 18% unemployment rate. I said my county does and I explained just exactly how that happened. The corps took the tax incentives from gwb and split without looking back. I understand they even moved their corporate addresses to the Cayman Islands where they can really keep all their ill gotten gains with no regard whatsoever for the population they exploit for cheap labor, no environmental considerations and an ignorant government. Hopefully, with a Democratic President and Congress our population will begin to address these issues in a responsible manner.

Actually, most of our population has at least a high school diploma and we are above average for at least minimal college participation. Your statement that our workforce hates their employers is bullshit off the bat. I saw hundreds of grown men and women cry when these plants closed down. Of course they were in despair due to their impending unemployment but many cried because they felt like they were losing the best friend they ever had. You don't know much about career country folk, do you, zero?

You are a dimwit for sure, zero, but I didn't think you would stoop that low.


10-25-2008, 12:37 PM
Just like your MO... Yurt, did not say Obama was responsible for those things. Yurt only said Obama was responsible.

You seem to disagree with Yurt, which says to me you think Obama is irresponsible. Why are you voting for him?


party pooper :laugh2: