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View Full Version : GOP Incumbents Suddenly In Danger

10-24-2008, 07:03 PM
Not a good time to be a Republican in Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Miami Herald

posted on Friday, 10.24.08
GOP incumbents suddenly in danger
A surge in Democratic turnout and an increase in Democratic registration has opened the door for upsets in once-safe Republican Congressional and legislative districts throughout Florida.


Orlando Congressman Tom Feeney, a former speaker of the Florida House and one-time running mate of former Gov. Jeb Bush, has become the poster child for the declining fortunes of the Republican Party in Florida.

In 2002, Feeney carved a Congressional district for himself from a Republican-leaning swath of Orlando. Now, after three terms in Congress and a barrage of bad publicity, the National Republican Congressional Committee this week pulled plans to advertise on Feeney's behalf -- proof of their concern that he could lose his seat to Democrats on Nov. 4.

It's the coattail effect to the max: If Barack Obama draws record numbers of Democrats to the polls, Feeney and other Republicans fear a Democratic surge could hurt their chances in races all the way down the ballot. Also at risk are Orlando Republican Ric Keller, Miami's Diaz-Balart brothers, Lincoln and Mario, six to 10 competitive state House seats and three state Senate districts -- all once considered safe for Republicans.

''I would not want to be a Republican in a close race in South Florida right now,'' said Democratic pollster Tom Eldon, of Schroth Eldon Associates........................

More: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/southflorida/story/739150.html

I think they were diddling when they would have been better off daddling!!!!!!!!!!!
