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10-24-2008, 07:46 PM
It's no secret - John McCain cannot win this election. Period. End of story. It's over. For proof, look no further than this map (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/maps/obama_vs_mccain/), which, as of 10/24/08, shows Obama with 306 electoral votes. To win, McCain must pick up the following states that are either toss-ups (+/- 4%) or leaning Obama: Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Montana, North Dakota, Colorado, Ohio, and Virginia. It won't happen.

So, for those who are on the right side of the political aisle, here's a guide to voting for President in 2008. You have three choices: John McCain, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin.

McCain is your candidate if you think the GOP has done a good job governing the last eight years. If you're happy with the way the GOP Congress laid around and did nothing except attempt to consolidate its own power, or if you're happy that we're fighting two wars with no end in sight, and if you're happy that political speech is stifled, and if you support gun control at gun shows, then McCain is your man.

Since I'm assuming that not very many Republicans actually like McCain, or want to vote for him, may I suggest unplugging your nose and looking at two other candidates. Bob Barr is your man if you support individual liberties above all. Barr is the candidate of free trade, of civil liberties, and of decreased government. If you want government to just leave you the hell alone, Barr is your man.

If, on the other hand, you are primarily a social conservative, consider Chuck Baldwin, of the Constitution Party. Baldwin is unabashedly pro-life, and wants a smaller government - the kind of things the GOP used to stand for.

Now here's where everyone says, "But Baldwin and Barr can't win!" Well, neither can McCain. The choice to vote pragmatically instead of purely on principle is a false choice. Obama will be the next President. But by voting for the candidate you actually support instead of holding your nose and voting for McCain, you will be speaking your principles on Election Day.

I strongly urge all Republicans and conservatives to reconsider any decision to vote for McCain, and consider either Barr or Baldwin. Vote principles, not pragmatism.

10-24-2008, 08:25 PM
something to think about..

good post jeff..

10-24-2008, 08:27 PM
You're preaching to the choir here. I'm voting Barr.

10-24-2008, 09:33 PM
It's no secret - John McCain cannot win this election. Period. End of story. It's over. For proof, look no further than this map (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/maps/obama_vs_mccain/), which, as of 10/24/08, shows Obama with 306 electoral votes. To win, McCain must pick up the following states that are either toss-ups (+/- 4%) or leaning Obama: Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Montana, North Dakota, Colorado, Ohio, and Virginia. It won't happen.

So, for those who are on the right side of the political aisle, here's a guide to voting for President in 2008. You have three choices: John McCain, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin.

McCain is your candidate if you think the GOP has done a good job governing the last eight years. If you're happy with the way the GOP Congress laid around and did nothing except attempt to consolidate its own power, or if you're happy that we're fighting two wars with no end in sight, and if you're happy that political speech is stifled, and if you support gun control at gun shows, then McCain is your man.

Since I'm assuming that not very many Republicans actually like McCain, or want to vote for him, may I suggest unplugging your nose and looking at two other candidates. Bob Barr is your man if you support individual liberties above all. Barr is the candidate of free trade, of civil liberties, and of decreased government. If you want government to just leave you the hell alone, Barr is your man.

If, on the other hand, you are primarily a social conservative, consider Chuck Baldwin, of the Constitution Party. Baldwin is unabashedly pro-life, and wants a smaller government - the kind of things the GOP used to stand for.

Now here's where everyone says, "But Baldwin and Barr can't win!" Well, neither can McCain. The choice to vote pragmatically instead of purely on principle is a false choice. Obama will be the next President. But by voting for the candidate you actually support instead of holding your nose and voting for McCain, you will be speaking your principles on Election Day.

I strongly urge all Republicans and conservatives to reconsider any decision to vote for McCain, and consider either Barr or Baldwin. Vote principles, not pragmatism.


10-24-2008, 09:40 PM
If all the Barr people voted for McCain he would win easily. But they are willing to let the commie take office with his socialist congress to run the country into the ground. It will take 40 years to correct the things they will do provided we still have the freedom of voting by 2012.

With them in control of the white house, the congress, the supreme court and the media (no talk radio) you actually believe there will be fair elections in 2012 and you can get someone into office that gives a shit.

mfm likes to brag about obamanations long coat tails. You won't like who's riding on those coat tails.

Stand proud and don't vote for McCain. You will pay a very high price. If Barr were a true conservative and patriot he would throw his support to McCain for this one time. It's that important.

10-24-2008, 09:47 PM
Yeah some of the more radical libs said the same thing about Bush in 2000 but look 2008 has come and gone, americas still here and we are having elections to elect someone new.

10-24-2008, 09:54 PM
If all the Barr people voted for McCain he would win easily. But they are willing to let the commie take office with his socialist congress to run the country into the ground. It will take 40 years to correct the things they will do provided we still have the freedom of voting by 2012.

With them in control of the white house, the congress, the supreme court and the media (no talk radio) you actually believe there will be fair elections in 2012 and you can get someone into office that gives a shit.

mfm likes to brag about obamanations long coat tails. You won't like who's riding on those coat tails.

Stand proud and don't vote for McCain. You will pay a very high price. If Barr were a true conservative and patriot he would throw his support to McCain for this one time. It's that important.

I have to disagree. 1) if everyone voting for Barr were to vote for McCain, I think McCain would still lose, 2) McCain may very well be as bad or worse than Obama, 3) We don't have fair elections today and probably have not had then in 20 years or more, 4) This country won't recover from either an Obama Presidency or a McCain one for a long, long time if it ever does.

The Republicans chose John McCain. They must have had their heads up their asses when they did that probably even farther up than the Dems had theirs up their own when they nominated Barack Obama.

Republicans brought this on themselves and I resent them coming to me and saying, "please, please, please bail us out."

:pee: on 'em!

I don't want to see Barack Obama in the Oval Office, but Republicans have only themselves to blame for this.

I'm not pointing fingers at you Gaff. I'm just sick of hearing people tell me that if I don't vote for John McCain that everything that happens will be my fault. Well, unfortunately, Republicans are not going to be able to stand up and say, "see if you had voted for John McCain we would not be in this dire mess." Because John McCain does not deserve to be the President. He's as big a piece of crap as his Democratic rival and the people who are to blame are the people that cast ballots for John McCain during the primary season.


My humble apologies for the tone of this post Gaff, but I refuse to be scared into voting for John McCain.

10-24-2008, 10:06 PM
I have the luxury of knowing that, no matter how I vote, California will go to Obama. With that knowledge, I feel free to vote my conscience.

10-24-2008, 10:09 PM
I have the luxury of knowing that, no matter how I vote, California will go to Obama. With that knowledge, I feel free to vote my conscience.

Living in Florida, I think I have that same luxury.

In fact, I'm beginning to think every state, even Arizona, will go Obama.

God Help us.


10-24-2008, 10:28 PM
I have to disagree. 1) if everyone voting for Barr were to vote for McCain, I think McCain would still lose, 2) McCain may very well be as bad or worse than Obama, 3) We don't have fair elections today and probably have not had then in 20 years or more, 4) This country won't recover from either an Obama Presidency or a McCain one for a long, long time if it ever does.

The Republicans chose John McCain. They must have had their heads up their asses when they did that probably even farther up than the Dems had theirs up their own when they nominated Barack Obama.

Republicans brought this on themselves and I resent them coming to me and saying, "please, please, please bail us out."

:pee: on 'em!

I don't want to see Barack Obama in the Oval Office, but Republicans have only themselves to blame for this.

I'm not pointing fingers at you Gaff. I'm just sick of hearing people tell me that if I don't vote for John McCain that everything that happens will be my fault. Well, unfortunately, Republicans are not going to be able to stand up and say, "see if you had voted for John McCain we would not be in this dire mess." Because John McCain does not deserve to be the President. He's as big a piece of crap as his Democratic rival and the people who are to blame are the people that cast ballots for John McCain during the primary season.


My humble apologies for the tone of this post Gaff, but I refuse to be scared into voting for John McCain.

Don't blame you Immie. I'm not keen on McCain either. But the alternative is really scary.

It was the media that selected McCain. Think back on the coverage. He was the real darling during the primaries. Never anything bad said about him until he had it sowed up. The media got their liberal repub and their ultra liberal negro. Now they have decided who will win the election. They tell us daily that McCain is losing in the polls. They pound it in to us that "everybody" is voting for the obamanation.

I'm voting for McCain because of Palin. And hoping McCain isn't able to finish out his term.

I am real concerned with whose going to ride into office on obamanations coat tails. I'm not really trying to use scare tactics here, though it does come out that way, I'm just telling it as I see it. McCain might screw things up, but I think they will be salvageable. That won't be the case with the obamanation. I wouldn't be nearly as concerned if there were a repub congress.

If you think you lost rights under Bush, you ain't seen nothing yet.

10-25-2008, 12:00 AM
I'm trying to keep this one toward the top because it makes more sense than anything else from anyone else to date on this issue. Plus, it gives me a chance to write a bit and I just hate it when someone just does a "bump" with no comment. Indicates dittoism in it's worst form?!?!?!?!??!?!??!


10-25-2008, 12:07 AM
I see absolutely no reason to concede the race to Obama before the votes are cast. I am not just going to roll over and let Obama win because I've given up to hopelessness and despair.

You can vote for whomever you want to. But my votes not going to be made because it's hopeless to change the results.

Every state in the Union will not go to Obama. The media is trying to manipulate this election and everyone here should realize it. They are trying to tell us its hopeless and inevitable that Obama will win. Well if its so damn inevitable, why is he still spending money like crazy? Why are they organizing voter fraud? Why didnt he just take the week off to spend with his grandmother, rather than say i have to make an emergency trip to see her because she is sick, and then campaign for four days before deciding to actually visit her?

There are 11 days till the election. Obama may win. If he does we will deal with that. But I am not going to accept it before I get to have my say in it.

10-25-2008, 12:20 AM
Have you talked with your private physician about these feelings you are having, a'21?

I've given up to hopelessness and despair.

Maybe there is a good free mental health clinic near you. They are accustomed to the things that afflict you so.


10-25-2008, 12:21 AM
Have you talked with your private physician about these feelings you are having, a'21?

Maybe there is a good free mental health clinic near you. They are accustomed to the things that afflict you so.


Is it too much to expect honesty from you just once?

10-25-2008, 12:26 AM
Do you have a problem with my constant propensity towards honesty, a'21?!?!?!????!??!

Is it too much to expect honesty from you just once?

Perhaps you let your imagination run a little wild at times, correct?!?!?!?!?!?! How long have you been feeling that way? Do you self medicate? Have you anything more to add that you think I should know about?!?!?!?!??!??!?!

See a doctor, cowgirl. You need the professional attention.


10-25-2008, 12:35 AM
Do you have a problem with my constant propensity towards honesty, a'21?!?!?!????!??!

Perhaps you let your imagination run a little wild at times, correct?!?!?!?!?!?! How long have you been feeling that way? Do you self medicate? Have you anything more to add that you think I should know about?!?!?!?!??!??!?!

See a doctor, cowgirl. You need the professional attention.


You know what's sad? You actually think what you are saying is intelligent. But in reality its not. Its pathetic. It's garbage. You can choose to wallow in garbage if you want. But dont expect the rest of us to play around with you.

10-25-2008, 12:44 AM
I don't know about that, pardner?!?!?!?!??!?????!

You know what's sad? You actually think what you are saying is intelligent. But in reality its not. Its pathetic. It's garbage. You can choose to wallow in garbage if you want. But dont expect the rest of us to play around with you.

You keep right on swingin' and missin'??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!??!??!??!? Now, just who are you talkin' about playin'?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm not playin', cowgirl. What I said was truth and nothing but the truth. You're the one with the hurt feelings and I've tried my best to at least give you friendly advise about addressing that problem.


10-25-2008, 01:24 AM
I don't know about that, pardner?!?!?!?!??!?????!

You keep right on swingin' and missin'??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!??!??!??!??!? Now, just who are you talkin' about playin'?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm not playin', cowgirl. What I said was truth and nothing but the truth. You're the one with the hurt feelings and I've tried my best to at least give you friendly advise about addressing that problem.


Truth? What do you know about truth? You mock truth. You deny it. Why the heck should anyone take you as an authority on the truth? You undermine your own credibility and can't figure out why no one takes you seriously?

Grow up. Stop being such a joke. Stop playing in the mud and get over it. Life is too short to settle for mediocrity. You can be so much more than you are, but you don't even try. If you don't try, you can't do anything. And if you don't do anything, then what the heck are you good for?

10-25-2008, 01:59 AM
The Libertarians aren't going to get 3% of the vote, why would anyone waste a vote on them. They can't even establish a presence in state politics and we are suppose to take a clown that left his party for attention? I refuse to even acknowledge an ass that refers to himself in the third person....... and as for that guy he has for his VP:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

10-25-2008, 02:11 AM
Obviously you know very little about me, a'21, and you don't read well. And you are the one mocking truth as you and your kind are so prone to do.

Truth? What do you know about truth? You mock truth. You deny it. Why the heck should anyone take you as an authority on the truth? You undermine your own credibility and can't figure out why no one takes you seriously?

Grow up. Stop being such a joke. Stop playing in the mud and get over it. Life is too short to settle for mediocrity. You can be so much more than you are, but you don't even try. If you don't try, you can't do anything. And if you don't do anything, then what the heck are you good for?

What do I have to get over, cowgirl? Are you lost in the amazement of your own feeble mind?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Get a grip on yourself, lil' one, or take my friendly advise and seek professional help. Seriously, a'21, you need it.


10-25-2008, 04:49 AM
all of this presumes that the polls you see in the swing states are accurate.....every poll out there is using a weighted average.....that means they count more of one party than the other based upon the number of registered voters.....given what ACORN has been doing in the swing states why would anyone assume that the number of registered Democrats is accurate.....they claim to have registered 1.3 million Democrats......is there any reason to expect that even .3 million of them actually exist?.....if the pollsters weight their polls by calling ten percent more Democrats than Republicans what would you expect the result to be?......I heard someone from McCain's camp say yesterday they are pushing in Pennsylvania because their own polls of likely voters shows him within 3%......

10-25-2008, 06:05 AM
Where'd you get that shit from, pmp?

all of this presumes that the polls you see in the swing states are accurate.....every poll out there is using a weighted average.....that means they count more of one party than the other based upon the number of registered voters.....given what ACORN has been doing in the swing states why would anyone assume that the number of registered Democrats is accurate.....they claim to have registered 1.3 million Democrats......is there any reason to expect that even .3 million of them actually exist?.....if the pollsters weight their polls by calling ten percent more Democrats than Republicans what would you expect the result to be?......I heard someone from McCain's camp say yesterday they are pushing in Pennsylvania because their own polls of likely voters shows him within 3%......

You are assuming a lot not to know much about statistics, polling and numbers crunching.


10-25-2008, 09:10 AM
It's no secret - John McCain cannot win this election. Period. End of story. It's over. For proof, look no further than this map (http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/maps/obama_vs_mccain/), which, as of 10/24/08, shows Obama with 306 electoral votes. To win, McCain must pick up the following states that are either toss-ups (+/- 4%) or leaning Obama: Indiana, North Carolina, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, Montana, North Dakota, Colorado, Ohio, and Virginia. It won't happen.

So, for those who are on the right side of the political aisle, here's a guide to voting for President in 2008. You have three choices: John McCain, Bob Barr, and Chuck Baldwin.

McCain is your candidate if you think the GOP has done a good job governing the last eight years. If you're happy with the way the GOP Congress laid around and did nothing except attempt to consolidate its own power, or if you're happy that we're fighting two wars with no end in sight, and if you're happy that political speech is stifled, and if you support gun control at gun shows, then McCain is your man.

Since I'm assuming that not very many Republicans actually like McCain, or want to vote for him, may I suggest unplugging your nose and looking at two other candidates. Bob Barr is your man if you support individual liberties above all. Barr is the candidate of free trade, of civil liberties, and of decreased government. If you want government to just leave you the hell alone, Barr is your man.

If, on the other hand, you are primarily a social conservative, consider Chuck Baldwin, of the Constitution Party. Baldwin is unabashedly pro-life, and wants a smaller government - the kind of things the GOP used to stand for.

Now here's where everyone says, "But Baldwin and Barr can't win!" Well, neither can McCain. The choice to vote pragmatically instead of purely on principle is a false choice. Obama will be the next President. But by voting for the candidate you actually support instead of holding your nose and voting for McCain, you will be speaking your principles on Election Day.

I strongly urge all Republicans and conservatives to reconsider any decision to vote for McCain, and consider either Barr or Baldwin. Vote principles, not pragmatism.

The best damn post that someone has put up besides myself in a long, long time......................props.:clap:

10-25-2008, 10:14 AM
Where'd you get that shit from, pmp?

You are assuming a lot not to know much about statistics, polling and numbers crunching.


??....you haven't noticed that the polls are using weighted numbers?.....no wonder you think Obama is winning.....lol.....

10-25-2008, 10:40 AM
And you haven't noticed that ACORN and similar organizations do not register voters. They assist in filling out forms and are required by law to turn all of them in to the county people that are responsible for verifying the information and eligibility of the prospective voter. Certainly there are forms that are faulty for a number of reasons but it is not up to ACORN or any of the other organizations to determine that. Quite simply, the prospective voter is not registered at all until the county clerk, registrar, election commission, etc. says they are.

??....you haven't noticed that the polls are using weighted numbers?.....no wonder you think Obama is winning.....lol.....

So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your argument has no weight, pmp. :lol:


10-25-2008, 10:52 AM
??....you haven't noticed that the polls are using weighted numbers?.....no wonder you think Obama is winning.....lol.....

If you still think on Oct.25 that McCain will win or has a chance of winning your head is so far up your ass that you see your left ventricle.

10-25-2008, 11:03 AM
Where'd you get that shit from, pmp?

You are assuming a lot not to know much about statistics, polling and numbers crunching.


I dont know, maybe it was the fact that Governor Rendell is saying that Obama's own polls in PA are alot closer than the media is portraying.

10-25-2008, 11:03 AM
I actually like palin, not her politics but her. I'd almost vote for her.

10-25-2008, 11:05 AM
If you still think on Oct.25 that McCain will win or has a chance of winning your head is so far up your ass that you see your left ventricle.

Of course there is still a chance for McCain the win. The voting doesnt happen for another week and a half! And no one can win without votes being cast.

I dont know why this is difficult. The polls are not votes. Maybe McCain will lose. Maybe Obama will wipe the floor with him. But until the votes are cast its still anyones contest.

To declare it over before the vote is absurd.

10-25-2008, 11:17 AM
I actually like palin, not her politics but her. I'd almost vote for her.

That is commendable for you to at least admit that,considering some of the garbage that is thrown around on this poor woman via internet. Not to mention the media's unfair treatment of her.

10-25-2008, 11:17 AM
And that is a natural fact, a'21.

Of course there is still a chance for McCain the win. The voting doesnt happen for another week and a half! And no one can win without votes being cast.

I dont know why this is difficult. The polls are not votes. Maybe McCain will lose. Maybe Obama will wipe the floor with him. But until the votes are cast its still anyones contest.

To declare it over before the vote is absurd.

Anyone that even implies differently is a simple fool.


10-25-2008, 11:23 AM
Of course there is still a chance for McCain the win. The voting doesnt happen for another week and a half! And no one can win without votes being cast.

I dont know why this is difficult. The polls are not votes. Maybe McCain will lose. Maybe Obama will wipe the floor with him. But until the votes are cast its still anyones contest.

To declare it over before the vote is absurd.

That's how I feel about it. I also believe that if Obama was so confident,he wouldn't still have people out canvassing the neighborhoods. I was just at my mom's house and two of them were floating around door to door. There is one in our neighborhood right now,and last week,even tho we have a McCain sign in the yard,two of them came to the door and asked my husband who he was voting for.When he pointed out our sign,they said they didn't see it. It's only three feet from the sidewalk!!

Anyway,I think there is a little bit of strategy in the media declaring it's over. This may discourage McCain voters from going out and votring on the 4th.

10-25-2008, 11:27 AM
That's how I feel about it. I also believe that if Obama was so confident,he wouldn't still have people out canvassing the neighborhoods. I was just at my mom's house and two of them were floating around door to door. There is one in our neighborhood right now,and last week,even tho we have a McCain sign in the yard,two of them came to the door and asked my husband who he was voting for.When he pointed out our sign,they said they didn't see it. It's only three feet from the sidewalk!!

Anyway,I think there is a little bit of strategy in the media declaring it's over. This may discourage McCain voters from going out and votring on the 4th.

it might also discourage Obama supporters who assume he has already won and are lazy.

10-25-2008, 11:31 AM
And you haven't noticed that ACORN and similar organizations do not register voters. They assist in filling out forms and are required by law to turn all of them in to the county people that are responsible for verifying the information and eligibility of the prospective voter. Certainly there are forms that are faulty for a number of reasons but it is not up to ACORN or any of the other organizations to determine that. Quite simply, the prospective voter is not registered at all until the county clerk, registrar, election commission, etc. says they are.

So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,your argument has no weight, pmp. :lol:


this the same ACORN prosecuted for registering the dead???? turning in blank voter forms ???? tried to get mickey mouse a registered voter in FLA???? that the same one idiot?????






Mississippi is red

10-25-2008, 11:43 AM
Osama also had an affair. his ole lady ran her outta town then outta the country:laugh2:

10-25-2008, 11:53 AM
What is it with you, numbnuts? Did your comprehension skills never make it past 3rd grade level?


10-25-2008, 11:58 AM
What is it with you, numbnuts? Did your comprehension skills never make it past 3rd grade level?


as usual im just proving your a lying pusssssssssssssssssie

10-25-2008, 12:39 PM
You haven't proven anything, numbnuts. You're still insisting that ACORN registers voters. They do not register voters. The county agents verify eligibility and register voters.

as usual im just proving your a lying pusssssssssssssssssie

And you, punk, are a lying anus sucking shithead for insisting otherwise.


10-25-2008, 12:44 PM
You haven't proven anything, numbnuts. You're still insisting that ACORN registers voters. They do not register voters. The county agents verify eligibility and register voters.

And you, punk, are a lying anus sucking shithead for insisting otherwise.


I just proved they did cheese dick. and the agents are the ones who turned them in. and the FBI is hot on their trail. and they have ties to the Nazi. I can't believe a shit bag like you made it past kindergarten :lol:

10-25-2008, 03:01 PM

Glad to see you can produce a coherent counterpoint.

If all the Barr people voted for McCain he would win easily. But they are willing to let the commie take office with his socialist congress to run the country into the ground. It will take 40 years to correct the things they will do provided we still have the freedom of voting by 2012.

With them in control of the white house, the congress, the supreme court and the media (no talk radio) you actually believe there will be fair elections in 2012 and you can get someone into office that gives a shit.

mfm likes to brag about obamanations long coat tails. You won't like who's riding on those coat tails.

Stand proud and don't vote for McCain. You will pay a very high price. If Barr were a true conservative and patriot he would throw his support to McCain for this one time. It's that important.

I disagree with you for two reasons. First, you're assuming that Barr is nothing more than a more conservative candidate than McCain. That's not the case. Barr is a more libertarian candidate than McCain, or anyone else in the race, and liberty is a more important value to many Barr voters than McCain's 'don't grow the government quite so much' platform. Second, I have never heard either major party say that a Presidential election isn't 'the most important in our lifetime,' or words to that effect. So perhaps this is an important election, and perhaps it isn't. Regardless, Obama is going to win.

I see absolutely no reason to concede the race to Obama before the votes are cast. I am not just going to roll over and let Obama win because I've given up to hopelessness and despair.

You can vote for whomever you want to. But my votes not going to be made because it's hopeless to change the results.

Every state in the Union will not go to Obama. The media is trying to manipulate this election and everyone here should realize it. They are trying to tell us its hopeless and inevitable that Obama will win. Well if its so damn inevitable, why is he still spending money like crazy? Why are they organizing voter fraud? Why didnt he just take the week off to spend with his grandmother, rather than say i have to make an emergency trip to see her because she is sick, and then campaign for four days before deciding to actually visit her?

There are 11 days till the election. Obama may win. If he does we will deal with that. But I am not going to accept it before I get to have my say in it.

I'm not suggesting people just throw up their hands and concede. I'm suggesting that people take a good look at the polling data and realize that McCain can't produce a victory in 2008, and vote on principle instead of pragmatism. If you think McCain is the best candidate running, then by all means, vote for him.

The Libertarians aren't going to get 3% of the vote, why would anyone waste a vote on them. They can't even establish a presence in state politics and we are suppose to take a clown that left his party for attention? I refuse to even acknowledge an ass that refers to himself in the third person....... and as for that guy he has for his VP:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

It's never wasting a vote to vote for the person who most closely fits your beliefs.

all of this presumes that the polls you see in the swing states are accurate.....every poll out there is using a weighted average.....that means they count more of one party than the other based upon the number of registered voters.....given what ACORN has been doing in the swing states why would anyone assume that the number of registered Democrats is accurate.....they claim to have registered 1.3 million Democrats......is there any reason to expect that even .3 million of them actually exist?.....if the pollsters weight their polls by calling ten percent more Democrats than Republicans what would you expect the result to be?......I heard someone from McCain's camp say yesterday they are pushing in Pennsylvania because their own polls of likely voters shows him within 3%......

Even if every poll in every state is 8-9% in error in favor of Obama, he still has enough electoral votes to win.

10-25-2008, 03:47 PM
Glad to see you can produce a coherent counterpoint.

I disagree with you for two reasons. First, you're assuming that Barr is nothing more than a more conservative candidate than McCain. That's not the case. Barr is a more libertarian candidate than McCain, or anyone else in the race, and liberty is a more important value to many Barr voters than McCain's 'don't grow the government quite so much' platform. Second, I have never heard either major party say that a Presidential election isn't 'the most important in our lifetime,' or words to that effect. So perhaps this is an important election, and perhaps it isn't. Regardless, Obama is going to win.

I'm not suggesting people just throw up their hands and concede. I'm suggesting that people take a good look at the polling data and realize that McCain can't produce a victory in 2008, and vote on principle instead of pragmatism. If you think McCain is the best candidate running, then by all means, vote for him.

It's never wasting a vote to vote for the person who most closely fits your beliefs.

Even if every poll in every state is 8-9% in error in favor of Obama, he still has enough electoral votes to win.

don't you mean enough to win from voter registration fraud???? come on. ACORN and the liberals probably have Al-Qaeda terrorists registered to vote !!!! you should change your name to surrender monkey. wave the white flag before the battle ends.

10-25-2008, 04:21 PM
don't you mean enough to win from voter registration fraud???? come on. ACORN and the liberals probably have Al-Qaeda terrorists registered to vote !!!! you should change your name to surrender monkey. wave the white flag before the battle ends.

Since I'm not a Republican, it wouldn't be surrendering in the first place. Regardless, I believe that people should vote on principles, not on pragmatism; because McCain is trailing in the polls, it gives pragmatic voters the ability to vote based on their conscience without worrying whether their vote is going to give the White House to Obama.

10-25-2008, 04:36 PM
Since I'm not a Republican, it wouldn't be surrendering in the first place. Regardless, I believe that people should vote on principles, not on pragmatism; because McCain is trailing in the polls, it gives pragmatic voters the ability to vote based on their conscience without worrying whether their vote is going to give the White House to Obama.

and I have my beliefs as well. that conflict with yours. perhaps the guys down at the coffee shop need this education. but not me. I think for myself. bye

10-25-2008, 06:27 PM
and I have my beliefs as well. that conflict with yours. perhaps the guys down at the coffee shop need this education. but not me. I think for myself. bye

I think for myself too. My thinking leads me to vote for Barr. If you believe that McCain is the best man for the job, by all means, vote for him.

10-25-2008, 07:13 PM
Since I'm not a Republican, it wouldn't be surrendering in the first place. Regardless, I believe that people should vote on principles, not on pragmatism; because McCain is trailing in the polls, it gives pragmatic voters the ability to vote based on their conscience without worrying whether their vote is going to give the White House to Obama.

I think for myself too. My thinking leads me to vote for Barr. If you believe that McCain is the best man for the job, by all means, vote for him.

you do have a very good point(s).

HYPO: (and we all love hypos, so please answer it :cool:) what if you knew that someone like hitler was running for office and due to current mob mentality this hitler would win the vote, given that a third party candidate was running and that this third party candidate is (or most likely) to take votes away from the hitler? would you still stand by your stated position?

i think your OP is powerful. however, i am not convinced on barr. nothing leads me to believe that, once in power, barr would not act like virtually every other politician. his website looks very much like obama's, as if the same web programmer developed the core. i also do not think he using a grass roots movement as he should, given his financials. on the press release he makes a prediction about how mccain will lose geogia...so what...am i voting for a psychic? other press releases seem to be about barr saying how mccain will not win, so what. how is barr going to win? isn't that the issue?

to run, even partly, on a platform of, the guy i am taking votes from, will lose, so you should for me....is weak.

10-27-2008, 07:45 PM
you do have a very good point(s).

HYPO: (and we all love hypos, so please answer it :cool:) what if you knew that someone like hitler was running for office and due to current mob mentality this hitler would win the vote, given that a third party candidate was running and that this third party candidate is (or most likely) to take votes away from the hitler? would you still stand by your stated position?

Well, as a hypothetical, I think the situation is designed to point people toward the "right" answer of voting for Hitler's main opponent. But I certainly don't think that's the case in America in 2008. First, Obama is not Hitler - although he certainly wants to increase the government's power. Second, it's not like all of Barr's voters are being siphoned away from McCain and the GOP. The LP would get voters if Barr was not the LP candidate or if McCain wasn't the GOP candidate.

i think your OP is powerful. however, i am not convinced on barr. nothing leads me to believe that, once in power, barr would not act like virtually every other politician. his website looks very much like obama's, as if the same web programmer developed the core. i also do not think he using a grass roots movement as he should, given his financials. on the press release he makes a prediction about how mccain will lose geogia...so what...am i voting for a psychic? other press releases seem to be about barr saying how mccain will not win, so what. how is barr going to win? isn't that the issue?

to run, even partly, on a platform of, the guy i am taking votes from, will lose, so you should for me....is weak.

Again, I think people should weigh the positions (not the website designs) of Barr, McCain, and Baldwin, and vote for the one whom you think is the best candidate. And Barr has much more on his site than " McCain will lose."

10-27-2008, 08:19 PM
I just can't quite get right with the part about Libertarians are costing McCain the election! Like Jeff, I tend to think Democrats and Republicans are costing the American people LIBERTY!

Contrary to the point that someone made a minute ago about Libertarians all coming from the right, you may be suprised this election. Many Libertarians come from the central left. These are folks with freedom issues and of course gay people and strong second amendment people. Not all Libertarians are extremist right wingers who are out to sabatage the GOP's chances of winning the election.

Wait until we all see the tremendous amount of support the LP will get this November and see for yourself that more and more people are making this comittment to take back our country. Actually Libertarians are extreme centrists who see the elasticity in politics way better than either of the two major "clubs".

While a Gay, Abortion supporting Democrat from California will be at opposite ends of platform with a Non Abortion, Family Values Republican from Kansas, in the Libertarian Party either of those two can be my brother as long as they also see Liberty as the most important common denominator between us.

VOTE FOR REAL CHANGE Vote Libertarian!