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View Full Version : Obama is no friend of wage earners. Tell me if I`m wrong, and why!

10-25-2008, 01:45 PM
Let me first say I am not a McCain supporter, but I do see McCain as less of a threat to working people’s economic success, and one who has not engaged in outright class warfare to win an election which is exactly what Obama is doing.

Obama’s class warfare, which is exhibited in his proposed manipulation of our current system of taxation, ought to cause alarm, especially among every hard working wage earner. I say this because our current tax system which taxes the wages a laboring class person earns, is a system which oppresses wage earners at its starting point by hindering them from accumulating wealth and achieving financial success.

Our founding fathers understood the dishonesty and oppressive nature of a tax system which reaches the wages a laboring person earns. For example, Thomas Jefferson put it this way:

“…..with all these blessings, what more is necessary to make us a happy and a prosperous people? Still one thing more, fellow-citizens—a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this is necessary to close the circle of our felicities“._____ Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural Address

What is important for wage earners to fully understand about taxation and Obama is, when slavery was openly practiced in America the target of a slave owner was the product which slaves had in their labor. Obama’s tax plan, instead of freeing working people from a tax which targets the product of their labor, proposes to maintain this slavish tax on earned wages and merely proposes to spread its burden by economic class, and intentionally proposes to use this tax to disproportionately punish those who dare to achieve economic success. It must also be noted that the revenue raised under Obama’s plan is to be redistributed to those at the bottom of the economic scale, many of whom may have no income tax liability and turn out to be Obama’s largest voting block.

This is class warfare at its best, calculated to win an election while keeping the vehicle of class warfare alive, so it may continually be manipulated for evil, selfish and dishonorable political gains. How sad it is that the America voter has become so blind to a major cause of their miseries they suffer which springs from a taxing system intended to divide the people, which thrives on class warfare, and is a potent weapon for dishonorable politicians to use, especially those who dominate our Washington Establishment and its political plum job empire.

And what would an honorable candidate running for office propose in the form of tax reform? An end to income taxation and a return to our Constitution’s original tax plan which never intended to tax the wages of labor, and, also prevented class warfare by a rule requiring direct taxes to be apportioned among the states by the following fair share formula:

State`s population
Total U.S. Population

Our Constitution’s original tax plan also provided the mechanisms which encouraged Congress to follow sound fiscal policies which led to America becoming the economic marvel of the world, and also allowed poor working people to accumulate wealth and realize the American dream, which is the inalienable right of every individual to pursue their own happiness.

The frightening thing about Obama is, he does not emphasize and support the primary objective of a government designed to protect individual inalienable rights, the primary objective of which is to protect the property which every working person has in their labor. Can any Obama supporter imagine Obama making the following statement at one of his “change” rallies and meaning it?

[I]"Under a just and equal Government, every individual is entitled to protection in the enjoyment of the whole product of his labor, except such portion of it as is necessary to enable Government to protect the rest; this is given only in consideration of the protection offered. In every bounty, exclusive right, or monopoly, Government violates the stipulation on her part; for, by such a regulation, the product of one man's labor is transferred to the use and enjoyment of another. The exercise of such a right on the part of Government can be justified on no other principle, than that the whole product of the labor or every individual is the real property of Government, and may be distributed among the several parts of the community by government discretion; such a supposition would directly involve the idea, that every individual in the community is merely a slave and bondsman to Government, who, although he may labor, is not to expect protection in the product of his labor. An authority given to any Government to exercise such a principle, would lead to a complete system of tyranny."_____ Rep. Giles, speaking before Congress February 3rd, 1792 (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/cgi-bin/ampage?collId=llac&fileName=003/llac003.db&recNum=179)

Indeed, Obama’s change is to tighten the iron fist of government over the property which laboring class people earn by the sweat of their brow, and transfer that property to those who have not earned it. To put this in clearer words, Obama’s change is a political philosophy which echoes a horrifying and most oppressive political system--- “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs” --- a political philosophy which Billy boy Ayers and ACORN has long advocated, and appears to tell us why Obama has such a cozy relationship with these scoundrels.

As I stated above, “I am not a McCain supporter, but I do see McCain as less of a threat to working people’s economic success, and one who has not engaged in outright class warfare to win an election which is exactly what Obama is doing.”

Had I been Joe the plumber, I would have asked Obama why he was not promoting an end to a slavish tax system which oppresses the poor by stealing the bread they have earned? Why have you, Mr. Obama, not promoted an end to a federal tax upon wages which not only generates class warfare in America, but inspires so many dishonorable politicians to keep the tax alive, in order to use it for class warfare tactics during every federal election?

Seems to me if there were no federal tax upon earned wages, Obama’s entire political flim flamery rhetoric would crumble like a house of cards. Is the America voter really interested in a “change” which is built upon class warfare and Marxism? Hopefully not, and hopefully they will come to their senses when entering the voting booth.


If we can make 51 percent of America’s population dependent upon a federal government check, we can then bribe them for their vote, keep ourselves in power and keep the remaining portion of America’s working population [Joe, our American plumber] enslaved to pay the bills ____ Obama’s Marxist game plan, a plan to establish a federal plantation and be in control of disbursing the property produced by the sweat of labor.