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03-20-2007, 05:10 PM
It's about damn time he start standing up to these political witch hunts from the Democrats..
Mar 20 04:58 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush warned Democrats Tuesday to accept his offer to allow top aides to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors only privately and not under oath, or risk a constitutional showdown from which he would not back down.
"We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants," Bush said in a statement from the White House. "I proposed a reasonable way to avoid an impasse."

He added: "There's no indication ... that anybody did anything improper."


03-20-2007, 05:33 PM
I dont know. Don't get me wrong i like that he was strong and defiant. But I don't think he did enough.

If I were him I would have been.

"It doesn't matter why I fired them. If I wanted to fire them because they gave me a bad look, I could. I'm the President. They serve at my pleasure."

03-20-2007, 05:46 PM
I dont know. Don't get me wrong i like that he was strong and defiant. But I don't think he did enough.

If I were him I would have been.

"It doesn't matter why I fired them. If I wanted to fire them because they gave me a bad look, I could. I'm the President. They serve at my pleasure."


I believe this came during a press conference he gave this afternoon..I didn't see it, so this is just a snippet, and of course it's also from the AP..

03-20-2007, 06:20 PM
I dont know. Don't get me wrong i like that he was strong and defiant. But I don't think he did enough.

If I were him I would have been.

"It doesn't matter why I fired them. If I wanted to fire them because they gave me a bad look, I could. I'm the President. They serve at my pleasure."

I agree, but he's never been that way. I'm sure he's got his reasons.

03-20-2007, 06:24 PM
Bush is about a lame duck or will be soon. He ain't got the power to order nothing to congress.

03-20-2007, 06:25 PM
I dont know. Don't get me wrong i like that he was strong and defiant. But I don't think he did enough.

If I were him I would have been.

"It doesn't matter why I fired them. If I wanted to fire them because they gave me a bad look, I could. I'm the President. They serve at my pleasure."

What be more like Nixon, we all know what happened to him.

Studying the guy now, he was about half crazy. Bush is even a lot better than him.

03-20-2007, 08:09 PM
Bush is about a lame duck or will be soon. He ain't got the power to order nothing to congress.

Lame duck or not he is the President of the United States and can do anything within that office.

03-20-2007, 08:12 PM
not anything. he still has the public that will pressure congress to impeach his ass if his approval rating sink to low. Bush is lucky the economy is going pretty good and the Iraq war not terrible for the general public.

03-20-2007, 08:32 PM
not anything. he still has the public that will pressure congress to impeach his ass if his approval rating sink to low. Bush is lucky the economy is going pretty good and the Iraq war not terrible for the general public.

What's the grounds for Impeachment???

Cause you all are calling for it..:poke:

03-20-2007, 08:41 PM
They can always find a way with enough invistigating even get him on some technacality.

03-20-2007, 08:50 PM
They can always find a way with enough invistigating even get him on some technacality.

Impeachment? On a technicality? This is not how it works. It requires much more than simple courtroom drama to impeach.

03-20-2007, 09:03 PM
No it's not but enough of the opposing party in congress and they can get the president on presidential misconduct. We don't have that now like I said, things aren't that bad in the country but if they were. No Bush couldn't do whatever he waned and fuck everybody else because he's the president.

03-20-2007, 09:04 PM
Impeachment? On a technicality? This is not how it works. It requires much more than simple courtroom drama to impeach.

They must of skipped over that part in her school..:laugh2:

03-20-2007, 09:06 PM
They imeached clinton over lying about a blow job, never say never when congress goes on a witchhunt.

03-20-2007, 09:24 PM
They impeached Clinton over lying about a blow job, never say never when congress goes on a witch hunt.

You can keep repeating this same untruth all you want, it still wont make it true..:poke:

Clinton was impeached for lying under oath to a federal grand jury..
And obstructing justice...(in trying to get other's to help him cover things up)

Hope that doesnt burst your bubble...

03-20-2007, 09:25 PM
They imeached clinton over lying about a blow job, never say never when congress goes on a witchhunt.

Perjury. The word is perjury.

03-20-2007, 09:27 PM
Also convicted mr. libby over it.

03-20-2007, 09:28 PM
lying about a blow job under oath then steph.

03-20-2007, 09:34 PM
lying about a blow job under oath then steph.

If he hadn't put himself in that position, then he wouldn't of had to worry about anything......right?

I feel no sympathy for Clinton..
I did feel sorry for the girl who was the same age as hid daughter, though..

03-20-2007, 09:34 PM
lying about a blow job under oath then steph.

he asked wiitnesses to lie...he participated in creating false deposistions....he lost his law license over it .... libby simply could not remember what he said ...

apples and oranges

03-20-2007, 09:35 PM
still pergury.

03-20-2007, 09:36 PM
still pergury.

yes...it is....what was the crime again?

03-20-2007, 09:37 PM
Telling things that happen to be untrue under oath.

03-20-2007, 09:40 PM
Telling things that happen to be untrue under oath.

no i mean .... what was the crime he committed that he was charged with that he was lying about?

03-20-2007, 09:55 PM
I don't believe he was charged he was being invistigated as part of a wider invistigation for the who outed plame case. and....

03-20-2007, 10:06 PM
still pergury.

not really. because Libby's lacks intent. He just had the bad luck of being tried in front of a bunch of bush haters.

03-20-2007, 10:11 PM
I don't believe he was charged he was being invistigated as part of a wider invistigation for the who outed plame case. and....

he was charged with divulging the name of a covert spy ... the charges were dropped as there was no crime to prosecute as it was found she was not covert within the definition of the law ... so he was convicted for lying about a crime that did not happen ....

03-20-2007, 10:12 PM
and clinton getting a blow job was a crime.

03-20-2007, 10:17 PM
and clinton getting a blow job was a crime.

actually sodomy was a crime in dc prior to 2004

03-20-2007, 10:19 PM
and Clinton getting a blow job was a crime.

If Clinton had just come out and admitted his indiscretions, he wouldn't of got into trouble..

HE chose to lie and put others up to lying for him.....

Too bad for him, he got what was coming to him.
Maybe he'll keep his zipper up from now on, but I somehow doubt it..

03-21-2007, 09:30 AM
No it's not but enough of the opposing party in congress and they can get the president on presidential misconduct. We don't have that now like I said, things aren't that bad in the country but if they were. No Bush couldn't do whatever he waned and fuck everybody else because he's the president.

It appears your ground for impeachment are because his approval ratings are low. You admit that the economy and the war are going good, even with all the press and the Democrats trying to say they ain't. So anyone but a complete nutcase would see that Bush's policies are working well.

03-21-2007, 09:31 AM
actually sodomy was a crime in dc prior to 2004
Did not know that. He should have been tried on that.

03-21-2007, 09:17 PM
Obey me or face the consequences! Sieg Heil!


03-21-2007, 11:42 PM
Bush Warns Democrats to Accept His Offer

or what?


The paper tiger president will what? Declare martial law and torture everymember of congress?

WTF will he do?

Nada, he is our employee and he will be humbled, again.

Eventually in a matter of months the traitor will be impeached.

Good bye decider!! Enjoy hell.

03-22-2007, 07:50 AM
Obey me or face the consequences! Sieg Heil!

.... The old Hitler worship again. :lame:

Baron Von Esslingen
03-24-2007, 03:04 AM
It appears your ground for impeachment are because his approval ratings are low. You admit that the economy and the war are going good, even with all the press and the Democrats trying to say they ain't. So anyone but a complete nutcase would see that Bush's policies are working well.

I guess 67% of the country are "nutcases," huh? Yeah, right.

Bush's policies are working so well that the Taliban is back in Afghanistan.

Bush's policies are working so well that they are growing more heroin than at any time in their history and that money is funding the Taliban resurgence.

Bush's policies are working so well that we have 12 million illegal aliens in this country and we can't tell when someone comes in the country whether they leave again.

Bush's policies are working so well that we lost millions of jobs in the first three years of his presidency because of his ill-advised tax cuts.

Bush's policies are working so well that the economy is just now getting back to the point that it was when it was handed off to him over six years ago.

Bush's policies are working so well that he took a surplus and changed it into a deficit... for as long as the eye can see.

Bush's policies are working so well that more people are in poverty than ever before in this country.

Bush's policies are working so well that more people are without health insurance than ever before.

Bush's policies are working so well that more of our manufacturing base has moved to China leaving us with little more than service jobs.

Bush's policies are working so well that when they privatized care at Building 18 at Walter Reed it became a cesspool of roaches, rats and mold.

Bush's policies are working so well that al-qaeda is alive and well and killing our troops in Iraq.

Bush's policies are working so well that the Israelis and Palestinians are farther away from a peaceful solution to their differences than ever.

Bush's policies are working so well that we resort to torturing people to get information from detainees at Abu Gharaib, just like Saddam did.

Bush's policies are working so well that we send people to other countries so they can torture them and we can deny any involvement.

Bush's policies are working so well that he ignores the FISA court so he can spy on Americans without warrants thus violating the law.

Bush's policies are working so well that the people voted the dumbass republicans out of office last November... or hadn't you noticed?

And if Bush does get impeached, it will be because of the secret spying program he set up to go around the law. That one will get him by the testicles if nothing else does.

Baron Von Esslingen
03-24-2007, 03:14 AM
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush warned Democrats Tuesday to accept his offer to allow top aides to testify about the firings of federal prosecutors only privately and not under oath, or risk a constitutional showdown from which he would not back down.
"We will not go along with a partisan fishing expedition aimed at honorable public servants," Bush said in a statement from the White House. "I proposed a reasonable way to avoid an impasse."

He added: "There's no indication ... that anybody did anything improper."

The trouble with this WH is that too much goes on out of sight of the public. Not testifying before Congress under oath is just another way to lie your ass off to cover it for your misdeeds. Doing so privately makes our officials unaccountable to the public. The last election repudiated those principles pretty definitively.

There is nothing reasonable about giving statements not backed up by an oath and in private with no transcription of what was said. That may be the republican way to deal with problems but it's not the American way and certainly not this Congress' way. Senator Leahy will see to that.

I can hardly wait to see if they will ever call Cheney to testify and if they do if he will say :fu: for everybody

03-24-2007, 07:02 PM
The trouble with this WH is that too much goes on out of sight of the public. Not testifying before Congress under oath is just another way to lie your ass off to cover it for your misdeeds. Doing so privately makes our officials unaccountable to the public. The last election repudiated those principles pretty definitively.

There is nothing reasonable about giving statements not backed up by an oath and in private with no transcription of what was said. That may be the republican way to deal with problems but it's not the American way and certainly not this Congress' way. Senator Leahy will see to that.

I can hardly wait to see if they will ever call Cheney to testify and if they do if he will say :fu: for everybody

Well Baron that is the totally embarrassing truth isn't it?

The ONLY reason to resist testifying under oath is IF YOU PLAN TO LIE when you testify!!

That is probable cause, and a justification for subpoenas right there.

Gonzales has been caught at least twice recently lying to Congress and at least one of those times he was UNDER OATH.

The head law enforcement official in the nation lies to congress under oath.

Wrap your head around that.

03-24-2007, 07:10 PM
Well Baron that is the totally embarrassing truth isn't it?

The ONLY reason to resist testifying under oath is IF YOU PLAN TO LIE when you testify!!

That is probable cause, and a justification for subpoenas right there.

Gonzales has been caught at least twice recently lying to Congress and at least one of those times he was UNDER OATH.

The head law enforcement official in the nation lies to congress under oath.

Wrap your head around that.

Hyper-partisan logic i I ever heard it. Would you testify under oath just because suspected you of doing something ?

03-24-2007, 08:29 PM
The trouble with this WH is that too much goes on out of sight of the public. Not testifying before Congress under oath is just another way to lie your ass off to cover it for your misdeeds. Doing so privately makes our officials unaccountable to the public. The last election repudiated those principles pretty definitively.

There is nothing reasonable about giving statements not backed up by an oath and in private with no transcription of what was said. That may be the republican way to deal with problems but it's not the American way and certainly not this Congress' way. Senator Leahy will see to that.

I can hardly wait to see if they will ever call Cheney to testify and if they do if he will say :fu: for everybody

If we were invoved in a war I would see no problem with their testifying under oath. But the dems are out to undermine the WH and can't be trusted with classified information. The Wh is secretive for that reason.

03-24-2007, 08:30 PM
Well Baron that is the totally embarrassing truth isn't it?

The ONLY reason to resist testifying under oath is IF YOU PLAN TO LIE when you testify!!

That is probable cause, and a justification for subpoenas right there.

Gonzales has been caught at least twice recently lying to Congress and at least one of those times he was UNDER OATH.

The head law enforcement official in the nation lies to congress under oath.

Wrap your head around that.

Yeah compares right up there with the former president lying under oath, doesn't it.

03-24-2007, 10:32 PM
Yeah compares right up there with the former president lying under oath, doesn't it.

Great point Gaffe.

It certainly would if Clinton was gonna lie under oath about perverting Justice and turning the federal government into a partisan organized crime gang.

Clinton lied about a consentual sexual act with an adult of the opposite sex. No underlying crime.

What does the staff of the WH need to lie about? A crime and you know it. This is the most corrupt admin since teapot dome. The crimes number in the dozens if we are lucky, in the hundreds of thousands if they went nuts violating FISA and Patriot act provisions as it appears they did.


GWB: "for years people have criticized me for not listening to the American people......now they find out I listened to every phone call they made"

03-24-2007, 10:43 PM
Great point Gaffe.

It certainly would if Clinton was gonna lie under oath about perverting Justice and turning the federal government into a partisan organized crime gang.

Clinton lied about a consentual sexual act with an adult of the opposite sex. No underlying crime.

What does the staff of the WH need to lie about? A crime and you know it. This is the most corrupt admin since teapot dome. The crimes number in the dozens if we are lucky, in the hundreds of thousands if they went nuts violating FISA and Patriot act provisions as it appears they did.


GWB: "for years people have criticized me for not listening to the American people......now they find out I listened to every phone call they made"

FANTASTIC! The lid has now been blown off of the most damaging criminal conspiracy of all time. Of course, you have proof of this, right?

03-24-2007, 11:10 PM
FANTASTIC! The lid has now been blown off of the most damaging criminal conspiracy of all time. Of course, you have proof of this, right?

Of course. But we have to prove it in a way that either results in criminal prosecutions or impeachments and dismissals.

Simply throwing the proof into the wind does nothing nation saving.

It could even assist the criminals to obstruct the role of justice.

03-24-2007, 11:11 PM
Of course. But we have to prove it in a way that either results in criminal prosecutions or impeachments and dismissals.

Simply throwing the proof into the wind does nothing nation saving.

It could even assist the criminals to obstruct the role of justice.

Well, prove it to me. I doubt it will comprimise any investigation, since any evidence must be presented to the defense, but I am curious. Pretend I'm a jury and you're the prosecutor. Convince me.

03-24-2007, 11:42 PM
Well, prove it to me. I doubt it will comprimise any investigation, since any evidence must be presented to the defense, but I am curious. Pretend I'm a jury and you're the prosecutor. Convince me.

Patience grasshopper. The evidence against the current pres has been accumulating for 6 years and just now the dems have finally acheived the majorities required to investigate with the power of Congress.

I could spend two or three days compiling a list of crimes I know of.

But that wouldn't matter. The Abramoff investigations, Patriot act and DOJ investigations have to sort out what evidence will lead to certain and timely convictions.

Then there is the WH who has so far resisted document disclosure at twice the rate of any other admin.

We could spend ten years prosecuting Bush. But we only have two. So I do not know which offenses will be charged and in what order.

But You will be reading and watching investigations and damning testimony every single week until 2009 or until Bush resigns, is impeached or dies.

03-24-2007, 11:49 PM
Patience grasshopper. The evidence against the current pres has been accumulating for 6 years and just now the dems have finally acheived the majorities required to investigate with the power of Congress.

I could spend two or three days compiling a list of crimes I know of.

But that wouldn't matter. The Abramoff investigations, Patriot act and DOJ investigations have to sort out what evidence will lead to certain and timely convictions.

Then there is the WH who has so far resisted document disclosure at twice the rate of any other admin.

We could spend ten years prosecuting Bush. But we only have two. So I do not know which offenses will be charged and in what order.

But You will be reading and watching investigations and damning testimony every single week until 2009 or until Bush resigns, is impeached or dies.

Well, let's hear it, then. You say you could fill up 10 pages with crimes. Let's hear a few examples, along with imperical evidence that such crimes took place and that the Bush administration committed said crimes. If 10 pages of such crimes exist, it should be no problem to produce just a few, right?

03-24-2007, 11:55 PM
Heck, you only need to go to moveon, Du, Huffington..
They must have 50 pages filled up with all these crimes.....:laugh2:

03-25-2007, 12:50 AM
Well, let's hear it, then. You say you could fill up 10 pages with crimes. Let's hear a few examples, along with imperical evidence that such crimes took place and that the Bush administration committed said crimes. If 10 pages of such crimes exist, it should be no problem to produce just a few, right?

I said we could spend ten years prosecuting those crimes, but we only have two.

Patience youngin. For six years the crimes have been revealed and you dismissed them all. OK.

But now the dems have the pulpit and the power and they are in gear.

The Congress will decide which charges to pursue. Based on which ones they have sufficient evidence ww to garner convictions.

So far 8 people have gone down via Abramoff (about 100 to go), Delay is gonna do time, Libby is guilty, Rove and Miers will testify very soon and Gonzales will resign.

Plus Rummy resigned along with Gonzales' right hand man and three Dept of defense guys stepped down or resigned.

That is a good start. Expect at least 40 more resignations or convictions before 09.

THe main target is the "unitary executive" and his signing statements.

I trust even you would not want Hillary to have the power to study your e-mails, phone calls and personal info as political tools to destroy her enemies, right?

Neither should Bush.

03-25-2007, 01:48 AM
I said we could spend ten years prosecuting those crimes, but we only have two.

Patience youngin. For six years the crimes have been revealed and you dismissed them all. OK.

But now the dems have the pulpit and the power and they are in gear.

The Congress will decide which charges to pursue. Based on which ones they have sufficient evidence ww to garner convictions.

So far 8 people have gone down via Abramoff (about 100 to go), Delay is gonna do time, Libby is guilty, Rove and Miers will testify very soon and Gonzales will resign.

Plus Rummy resigned along with Gonzales' right hand man and three Dept of defense guys stepped down or resigned.

That is a good start. Expect at least 40 more resignations or convictions before 09.

THe main target is the "unitary executive" and his signing statements.

I trust even you would not want Hillary to have the power to study your e-mails, phone calls and personal info as political tools to destroy her enemies, right?

Neither should Bush.

And we come back to the point I tried to make earlier. I'm not asking for a laundry list of alleged crimes. I'm looking for proof of said crimes. Habeus corpus vel shut vestri os, agnosco?

03-25-2007, 01:55 AM
You'll be waiting for awhile Hobbit..

Right now their just on a fishing trip, hoping they can find something..

I say more power to them..The American people evidently have forgotten what kind of politicians and people they are.. And how dangerous they are to our Country..


Baron Von Esslingen
03-25-2007, 02:20 AM
If we were invoved in a war I would see no problem with their testifying under oath. But the dems are out to undermine the WH and can't be trusted with classified information. The Wh is secretive for that reason.

Gee, Gaffer, I seem to remember an agent that was in charge of gathering information of the nuclear capabilities of Iran who was outed for political purposes and then, to cover their asses, the scumbags who outed her appealed to the president who then declassified her status so that they could not be charged with leaking classified information. Want three guesses who that might have been? Three guesses to tell me who cannot be trusted with classified information?

The WH is secretive because they have a lot to hide.

Baron Von Esslingen
03-25-2007, 02:24 AM
Right now their just on a fishing trip, hoping they can find something..

Well, it smells fishy, real fishy. Dead fishy.

http://www.zandvleitrust.org.za/images/dead%20fish%20in%20sand%20river%20SH%2023022006.jp g

03-25-2007, 02:27 AM
Well, it smells fishy, real fishy. Dead fishy.

http://www.zandvleitrust.org.za/images/dead%20fish%20in%20sand%20river%20SH%2023022006.jp g

So. Your a fishy murderer also...Figures..

Baron Von Esslingen
03-25-2007, 02:29 AM
Those are Republican fish killed by Republican misdeeds. I'm surprised you don't recognize your own handiwork.

03-25-2007, 02:31 AM
Those are Republican fish killed by Republican misdeeds. I'm surprised you don't recognize your own handiwork.

Say it ain't so..:lame2:

03-25-2007, 12:16 PM
And we come back to the point I tried to make earlier. I'm not asking for a laundry list of alleged crimes. I'm looking for proof of said crimes. Habeus corpus vel shut vestri os, agnosco?

Which is exactly my point.

Proof must be determined by the legal process, and it will be. We are at the very beginning of a long process of Congressional investigation, discovery and remedy.

The congress hasn't been doing it's job for 6 years. But now they are.

03-25-2007, 12:53 PM
Which is exactly my point.

Proof must be determined by the legal process, and it will be. We are at the very beginning of a long process of Congressional investigation, discovery and remedy.

The congress hasn't been doing it's job for 6 years. But now they are.

Oh, I see. The entire evidence of your crime is opinion and presence of investigations. You know the Democrats would investigate a ham sandwich if they thought Bush ever considered eating it for lunch. Presence of investigations proves nothing, so until you can actually list some evidence, you're just talking out of your ass.

03-25-2007, 01:08 PM
Oh, I see. The entire evidence of your crime is opinion and presence of investigations. Presence of investigations proves nothing, so until you can actually list some evidence, you're just talking out of your ass.

You are wildly wrong. The evidence is formidable, has been gathering for 6 years and exists independent of you, me, and the investigations of Congress.

But it doesn't become qualified as evidence until it is formally measured with a legal process.

You said so yourself.

Patience Grasshopper, the investigations are bearing fruit.

8 convictions in the Abramoff investigation.

Tom Delay guilty

Scooter gulty

Rummy gone

Gonzales on his heels

Rove is next

Expect at least 40 more within 2 years

Now that the dems finally have the gavel things will gather a LOT of speed.

03-25-2007, 02:57 PM
You are wildly wrong. The evidence is formidable, has been gathering for 6 years and exists independent of you, me, and the investigations of Congress.

But it doesn't become qualified as evidence until it is formally measured with a legal process.

You said so yourself.

Patience Grasshopper, the investigations are bearing fruit.

8 convictions in the Abramoff investigation.

Tom Delay guilty

Scooter gulty

Rummy gone

Gonzales on his heels

Rove is next

Expect at least 40 more within 2 years

Now that the dems finally have the gavel things will gather a LOT of speed.

Evidence is evidence before 'formally measured.' Ever watch a cop or CSI show? Yeah, they gather evidence directly from a crime scene. They don't even know what it means half the time, but they still call it evidence throughout the entire process. If the term 'evidence' doesn't suit you, then pick whatever you want to call it, and show me some. I want to see documents, fingerprints, blood spatter, tape recordings, testimony, or whatever else is 'piled up.' I keep hearing people say there were no WMDs in Iraq because they haven't seen them. Well, I have yet to see any evidence, and you telling me it's there doesn't make it so. So, I say again, habeus corpus vel shut vestri os, agnosco?

03-25-2007, 03:23 PM
Evidence is evidence before 'formally measured.' Ever watch a cop or CSI show? Yeah, they gather evidence directly from a crime scene. They don't even know what it means half the time, but they still call it evidence throughout the entire process. If the term 'evidence' doesn't suit you, then pick whatever you want to call it, and show me some. I want to see documents, fingerprints, blood spatter, tape recordings, testimony, or whatever else is 'piled up.' I keep hearing people say there were no WMDs in Iraq because they haven't seen them. Well, I have yet to see any evidence, and you telling me it's there doesn't make it so. So, I say again, habeus corpus vel shut vestri os, agnosco?

OK, before I take your request seriously, can I get a good look at heaven and hell now so I can make my plans accordingly?

03-25-2007, 05:50 PM
OK, before I take your request seriously, can I get a good look at heaven and hell now so I can make my plans accordingly?


03-25-2007, 06:26 PM

I want to see documents, fingerprints, blood spatter, tape recordings, testimony, or whatever else is 'piled up.' I keep hearing people say there were no WMDs in Iraq because they haven't seen them. Well, I have yet to see any evidence,

I wanna see heaven and hell NOW so I can plan accordingly.

03-25-2007, 06:29 PM

I wanna see heaven and hell NOW so I can plan accordingly.

that was Hobbit, Good post!

03-25-2007, 07:11 PM
Hobbit has the comrade in a corner now. He has nothing to present except talking points. So it's time for the usual :dance: and spin. I watch the talking heads on tv do that same dance.

As for the earlier post by the comrade cannon supporter. Plame was not a covert agent and had, according to her testimony, nothing to do with her husbands going to africa to check out the yellow cake deal. Wilson decided to write a book bashing the administration because he's a liberal democrat, who like all libs is more interested in taking down the administration than in fighting and winning the war.

It's all political bullshit designed to weaken the administration and gain power.

03-25-2007, 07:16 PM
GOP Senator: Some see impeachment as option ~snips


WASHINGTON - With his go-it-alone approach on Iraq, President Bush is flouting Congress and the public, so angering lawmakers that some consider impeachment an option over his war policy, a senator from Bush's own party said Sunday.

GOP Sen. Chuck Hagel (news, bio, voting record) of Nebraska, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a frequent critic of the war, stopped short of calling for Bush's impeachment. But he made clear that some lawmakers viewed that as an option should Bush choose to push ahead despite public sentiment against the war.

"Any president who says, I don't care, or I will not respond to what the people of this country are saying about Iraq or anything else, or I don't care what the Congress does, I am going to proceed — if a president really believes that, then there are — what I was pointing out, there are ways to deal with that," said Hagel, who is considering a 2008 presidential run.

On Sunday, Hagel said he was bothered by Bush's apparent disregard of congressional sentiment on Iraq, such as his decision to send additional troops. He said lawmakers now stood ready to stand up to the president when necessary.

In the April edition of Esquire magazine, Hagel described Bush as someone who doesn't believe he's accountable to anyone. "He's not accountable anymore, which isn't totally true. You can impeach him, and before this is over, you might see calls for his impeachment. I don't know. It depends on how this goes," Hagel told the magazine.

03-25-2007, 11:10 PM
And if all else fails, Bush will call Osama and have him attack America again.

03-26-2007, 12:30 AM
And if all else fails, Bush will call Osama and have him attack America again.

Isn't that your job? Your the jihadi here.

Baron Von Esslingen
03-26-2007, 12:31 AM

03-27-2007, 11:42 AM
And if all else fails, Bush will call Osama and have him attack America again.

bush can call osama? why then can't he find him and arrest him? I'm STILL waiting for bush to catch that scoundrel dead or alive as he vowed to do 5years and 6 months ago... what's bush waiting for?

More attacks?

03-27-2007, 11:56 AM
And if all else fails, Bush will call Osama and have him attack America again.Gafer, looks like you called it on post 65. :clap:

03-27-2007, 11:57 AM
bush can call osama? why then can't he find him and arrest him? I'm STILL waiting for bush to catch that scoundrel dead or alive as he vowed to do 5years and 6 months ago... what's bush waiting for?

More attacks? I don't recall Bush making any promises about that.

03-27-2007, 11:58 AM
bush can call osama? why then can't he find him and arrest him? I'm STILL waiting for bush to catch that scoundrel dead or alive as he vowed to do 5years and 6 months ago... what's bush waiting for?

More attacks?

More than likely Bush acquiesced to Bin Laden's demands.

OBL demanded:

>that the US abandon our military bases in Saudi Arabia CHECK

>Bin Laden demanded that the US stop supporting the Israeli domination of Palestinians. Bush's crew ramped up the "Road map" peace plan that went nowhere and fizzled Not a CHECK but a slight token

In exchange Bush stopped even caring about Bin Laden and allowed Pakistan to harbor AQ terrorists in Waziristan, even going so far as to sign a treaty granting that condition.

Bush's family and the Bin Laden family have strong ties that reach decades into the families past.

As implausible as that scenario is, it is as (more) plausible as believing that Bush just stopped caring about a terrorist leader who actually attacked the pentagon via suicide proxies while he invaded Iraq to address the threat posed by Saddam.

03-27-2007, 12:22 PM
More than likely Bush acquiesced to Bin Laden's demands.

OBL demanded:

>that the US abandon our military bases in Saudi Arabia CHECK

>Bin Laden demanded that the US stop supporting the Israeli domination of Palestinians. Bush's crew ramped up the "Road map" peace plan that went nowhere and fizzled Not a CHECK but a slight token

In exchange Bush stopped even caring about Bin Laden and allowed Pakistan to harbor AQ terrorists in Waziristan, even going so far as to sign a treaty granting that condition.

Bush's family and the Bin Laden family have strong ties that reach decades into the families past.

As implausible as that scenario is, it is as (more) plausible as believing that Bush just stopped caring about a terrorist leader who actually attacked the pentagon via suicide proxies while he invaded Iraq to address the threat posed by Saddam.

obl declared war on the clinton admistration and killed clinton's soliders in somalia...

03-27-2007, 06:31 PM
More than likely Bush acquiesced to Bin Laden's demands.

OBL demanded:

>that the US abandon our military bases in Saudi Arabia CHECK

we had pulled out of saudi arabia long before 9/11.

>Bin Laden demanded that the US stop supporting the Israeli domination of Palestinians. Bush's crew ramped up the "Road map" peace plan that went nowhere and fizzled Not a CHECK but a slight token

Bin laden made no such demand. He wants Israel destroyed.

In exchange Bush stopped even caring about Bin Laden and allowed Pakistan to harbor AQ terrorists in Waziristan, even going so far as to sign a treaty granting that condition.

Bush signed no treaty with al queda. pakistan did. And the taliban and al queda were not allowed to set up there but did inspite of pakistan and since pakistan is a sovriegn country we can't just waltz in there.

Bush's family and the Bin Laden family have strong ties that reach decades into the families past.

Prove it! provide a link, beside the usual moonbat ones you always use.

As implausible as that scenario is, it is as (more) plausible as believing that Bush just stopped caring about a terrorist leader who actually attacked the pentagon via suicide proxies while he invaded Iraq to address the threat posed by Saddam.

You have been reading to many conspiracy theory sites. Your definately in the moonbat catagory. comrade.

03-27-2007, 06:33 PM

He's still free because of people like you. baron von dhimmi.

03-28-2007, 08:35 AM
He's still free because of people like you. baron von dhimmi.

No he is still free because of people like GWBush, the guy who swore on TV to the world that he would "bring him in dead or alive".

03-28-2007, 01:35 PM
No he is still free because of people like GWBush, the guy who swore on TV to the world that he would "bring him in dead or alive".

He said he wanted him dead or alive. He didn't swear to bring him in. And the hunt continues. But is restricted since we can't go into pakistan to chase him down. And he won't come out of pakistan for us to get at him. But why let facts get in the way right comrade.

03-28-2007, 06:30 PM
He said he wanted him dead or alive. He didn't swear to bring him in. And the hunt continues. But is restricted since we can't go into pakistan to chase him down. And he won't come out of pakistan for us to get at him. But why let facts get in the way right comrade. Unreal how libs re-write history then believe the lies themselves.

03-28-2007, 06:45 PM
Unreal how libs re-write history then believe the lies themselves.

Yep they just go with the latest flow of things. If they can't twist the truth they just make things up.

Baron Von Esslingen
03-29-2007, 02:55 AM
He's still free because of people like you. baron von dhimmi.

Well, I wondered how long it would be before the logic departed from your argument. Not being under the care of or jusidiction of or subjugation of (in any form) any Muslim authority, your curse is not only ignorant but just plain stupid. I had nothing to do with the Bush decision to allow native troops to go after Bin Laden. Weren't those the same lousy ass troops that couldn't kill him in the prior five years? And Bush relied upon them to kill him in Tora Bora? Bin Laden is still walking free because of WHO?

Answer: George W Bush

no one else

Baron Von Esslingen
03-29-2007, 02:56 AM
If they can't twist the truth they just make things up.

Just like you just did.

03-29-2007, 03:00 AM
Well, I wondered how long it would be before the logic departed from your argument. Not being under the care of or jurisdiction of or subjugation of (in any form) any Muslim authority, your curse is not only ignorant but just plain stupid. I had nothing to do with the Bush decision to allow native troops to go after Bin Laden. Weren't those the same lousy ass troops that couldn't kill him in the prior five years? And Bush relied upon them to kill him in Tora Bora? Bin Laden is still walking free because of WHO?

Answer: George W Bush

no one else

Aaaaaaa. Wasn't it Clinton, who had Bin Laden handed to him on a silver platter.........And wouldn't take him..

You all can spin and jive all you want.......
The truth will always come out.

Baron Von Esslingen
03-29-2007, 03:10 AM
Aaaaaaa. Wasn't it Clinton, who had Bin Laden handed to him on a silver platter.........And wouldn't take him..

You all can spin and jive all you want.......
The truth will always come out.

Curses! History wins out over Neocon spin again! (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A61251-2001Oct2)

03-29-2007, 03:25 AM
Curses! History wins out over Neocon spin again! (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A61251-2001Oct2)

I can't believe you posted this link....
It's such a put down of the Clinton administration..And speaks the TRUTH, of how Sept. 11. 2001, happened......

Sudan expelled bin Laden on May 18, 1996, to Afghanistan. From there, he is thought to have planned and financed the twin embassy bombings of 1998, the near-destruction of the USS Cole a year ago and last month's devastation in New York and Washington.

Bin Laden's good fortune in slipping through U.S. fingers torments some former officials with the thought that the subsequent attacks might have been averted. Though far from the central figure he is now, bin Laden had a high and rising place on the U.S. counterterrorism agenda. Internal State Department talking points at the time described him as "one of the most significant financial sponsors of Islamic extremist activities in the world today" and blamed him for planning a failed attempt to blow up the hotel used by U.S. troops in Yemen in 1992.
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn?pagename=article&node=&contentId=A61251-2001Oct2DO you have a duel personality.........???:poke:

03-29-2007, 06:12 AM
I can't believe you posted this link....
It's such a put down of the Clinton administration..And speaks the TRUTH, of how Sept. 11. 2001, happened......

DO you have a duel personality.........???:poke:

No no no- you have to read it from a liberal perspective. :cheers2:

03-29-2007, 05:48 PM
I don't recall Bush making any promises about that.

you must have been asleep... I recall it just as if it were yesterday... but here...

Bin Laden is wanted: dead or alive, says Bush
By Toby Harnden in Washington
Last Updated: 2:23am BST 18/09/2001

PRESIDENT Bush said yesterday that he wanted Osama bin Laden, the Saudi exile, "dead or alive" in some of the most bellicose language used by a White House occupant in recent years.

"I want justice," he said after a meeting at the Pentagon, where 188 people were killed last Tuesday when an airliner crashed into the building. "And there's an old poster out West that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' "
He then seemed to temper his remarks by adding: "All I want and America wants is to see them brought to justice. That's what we want."

The blunt, Texas-style rhetoric, delivered off the cuff, came a day after Vice-President Dick Cheney said he would willingly accept bin Laden's "head on a platter". Some advisers said that although the comments might be popular in America, they would not be welcomed by European or Arab allies.

Mr Bush had just received a briefing on the call-up of military reservists and plans for Operation Noble Eagle, the name given to the "war on terrorism" that the president has vowed to prosecute.

Striking a sombre tone, he told Americans they should expect further casualties. "The United States military is ready to defend freedom at any cost," he said. "We will win the war and there will be costs."

Mr Bush indicated that the Taliban regime in Afghanistan would be punished if it continued to support bin Laden.

"All I can tell you is that Osama bin Laden is a prime suspect, and the people who house him, encourage him, provide food, comfort or money are on notice. And the Taliban must take my statement seriously."

Some 35,500 reservists are being called up for domestic protection, supporting combat air patrols over major cities and increasing staff levels at bases across the country.

As he shook hands at a Pentagon cafeteria, a woman in a civilian dress began singing God Bless America quietly. Before long, Mr Bush and everyone else there had joined in.

Mr Bush also met the pregnant wife of one of the Pentagon victims, hugging and talking to her before giving her a kiss.

remember now? September 18, 2001... that was just a week after the towers fell... you should really back away from the kool aid, glocky... it's affecting your memory...


03-29-2007, 05:50 PM
obl declared war on the clinton admistration and killed clinton's soliders in somalia...

riiiiiiight... it's all clinton's fault...


03-29-2007, 05:52 PM
No he is still free because of people like GWBush, the guy who swore on TV to the world that he would "bring him in dead or alive".

I'm still waiting for him to do that... but... ol' george flip flop bush changed his mind and attacked saddam instead...

03-29-2007, 05:56 PM
He said he wanted him dead or alive. He didn't swear to bring him in. And the hunt continues. But is restricted since we can't go into pakistan to chase him down. And he won't come out of pakistan for us to get at him. But why let facts get in the way right comrade.

from the same article as I showed glock...

"I want justice," he said after a meeting at the Pentagon, where 188 people were killed last Tuesday when an airliner crashed into the building. "And there's an old poster out West that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' "

He then seemed to temper his remarks by adding: "All I want and America wants is to see them brought to justice. That's what we want."


correct if i'm wrong gaffy, but isn't brought the past tense of bring?

03-29-2007, 05:58 PM
Unreal how libs re-write history then believe the lies themselves.

what is unreal is how far glock has his head up his ass...


see the above article I quoted for you earlier, glocky... provided of course you can pull your head out of your ass to do so.

03-29-2007, 06:01 PM
Aaaaaaa. Wasn't it Clinton, who had Bin Laden handed to him on a silver platter.........And wouldn't take him..

You all can spin and jive all you want.......
The truth will always come out.

Clinton TRIED to get bin laden and failed... but I'd love to see the link that supports your allegation, stiffy... got one? Or are you, like glocky, just talking out of your ass again...


03-29-2007, 06:07 PM
Clinton TRIED to get bin laden and failed... but I'd love to see the link that supports your allegation, stiffy... got one? Or are you, like glocky, just talking out of your ass again...


Your not THAT stupid, well maybe..
I don't feel like playing your wittle games with you today..
Go play in the traffic..

03-29-2007, 06:33 PM
you must have been asleep... I recall it just as if it were yesterday... but here...

remember now? September 18, 2001... that was just a week after the towers fell... you should really back away from the kool aid, glocky... it's affecting your memory...
:laugh2: All you've done, along with the "unbaised" reporter, is take the man's words out of context. Nice try though.

03-29-2007, 06:34 PM
what is unreal is how far glock has his head up his ass...


see the above article I quoted for you earlier, glocky... provided of course you can pull your head out of your ass to do so.

Thanks for the demonstration of how you insert your head up your ass, but I'm just not that flexible. :laugh2:

03-29-2007, 06:42 PM
Your not THAT stupid, well maybe..
I don't feel like playing your wittle games with you today..
Go play in the traffic..

I knew you were talking out of your ass, stiffy, that's why I asked for a link... surprize surprize surprize...

you don't have any...


03-29-2007, 06:45 PM
:laugh2: All you've done, along with the "unbaised" reporter, is take the man's words out of context. Nice try though.

I quoted the whole article... did you fail to read it?

It just goes to show me that I can lead an idiot to the information, but it's impossible to get him to pull his head out of his ass to read it...

bush said he wanted bin laden dead or alive in september 2001... it's been 6 years... I'm still waiting...

when will he deliver on that vow?

03-29-2007, 06:45 PM
I knew you were talking out of your ass, stiffy, that's why I asked for a link... surprize surprize surprize...

you don't have any...


Not playing..:finger3:

03-29-2007, 06:52 PM
Not playing..:finger3:

ooooooo... she flipped me off... ooooooooo... here... take a ride on this nice motorcycle... (http://www.anthonysapienza.com/motorcycle/larry.html
) it'll do you a world of good...

talking out of your ass again... that's all you do... make baseless allegations without the links to support them... you're just a typical idiotic right winger...

all allegation, no link...

you know... there's a commandment against bearing false witness... but... you don't care about them do you?

tis obvious...

03-29-2007, 06:56 PM
ooooooo... she flipped me off... ooooooooo... here... take a ride on this nice motorcycle... (http://www.anthonysapienza.com/motorcycle/larry.html
) it'll do you a world of good...

talking out of your ass again... that's all you do... make baseless allegations without the links to support them... you're just a typical idiotic right winger...

all allegation, no link...

you know... there's a commandment against bearing false witness... but... you don't care about them do you?

its obvious...

You must put a lot of people to sleep with your ramblings...
I know I about dozed off reading the above..:poke:

03-29-2007, 07:22 PM
Clinton TRIED to get bin laden and failed... but I'd love to see the link that supports your allegation, stiffy... got one? Or are you, like glocky, just talking out of your ass again...


Clinto had him offered to him by sudan three times and did nothing. Its well known and fully documented. You don't need a link. Your the one talking out your ass again.

03-29-2007, 07:23 PM
I quoted the whole article... did you fail to read it?

It just goes to show me that I can lead an idiot to the information, but it's impossible to get him to pull his head out of his ass to read it...

bush said he wanted bin laden dead or alive in september 2001... it's been 6 years... I'm still waiting...

when will he deliver on that vow?

Right after we invade pakistan. You ready and willing for that?

Baron Von Esslingen
03-30-2007, 12:57 AM
Clinto had him offered to him by sudan three times and did nothing. Its well known and fully documented. You don't need a link. Your the one talking out your ass again.

The link I posted refutes that claim. Where's your link?

Baron Von Esslingen
03-30-2007, 12:58 AM
Not playing..:finger3:

But still responding...:dance: