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View Full Version : Shriver Against A Ban On Gay Marriage

10-26-2008, 02:59 AM
WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!??! A'unuld is gonna be upset!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not!!!! He's against the ban as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: Associated Press

California's first lady says she is voting against a ballot initiative that would prohibit same-sex couples from getting married in California.

Maria Shriver said in an interview with KNBC-TV in Los Angeles that she is voting no on Proposition 8.

Shriver said, "I believe in people's right to choose a partner that they love, and that's a decision that I have come to, and I have felt that way for a long time."..................................

More: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2008/10/25/state/n184827D63.DTL&tsp=1

Oh well, it's only California, home of the fruits and nuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


10-26-2008, 09:43 AM
We don't expect anything less from the RINO and his zoo keeper.

10-26-2008, 02:01 PM
Not really news. She is a Democrat after all.

10-27-2008, 12:53 AM
RINO? Zookeeper?

We don't expect anything less from the RINO and his zoo keeper.

You're not very repectful of the diversities within your own party, are you, crin?!??!?!??!??!??!???!


10-27-2008, 07:40 AM
Good for Maria Shriver!

I'm against homosexual marriage too. But I am realistic enough to realize that despite my point of view, things are not going to change. I don't think banning "gay marriage" will solve any problems at all. I can support civil unions. I'd rather the entire issue just go away. I'd rather that homosexuals find partners of the opposite sex and live happy, safe monogamous relationships for the rest of their lives, but the reality is that nothing we do will bring that about. Banning "gay marriage" will not end homosexuality.

If we somehow miraculously overturned Roe v. Wade, abortions would not stop. Especially if we handed it to the states and said, "You deal with the issue." We'd have most states regulating abortion to some extent with possibly a few here and there outlawing it altogether. Women from those states that banned it would simply go to another and get the abortions they need.

A different tactic needs to be undertaken in both these issues. An outright ban of homosexual marriage won't change a thing.

Marriage should be the realm of the church. The state should get out of the marriage business altogether. Let the church maintain the rite of Marraige and the state do whatever it wants to encourage familial relationships short of usurping the religious rite of marriage.


10-27-2008, 08:17 AM
The actual law is not a "Ban on homosexual marriage". The state has no right to prevent a gay marriage, it is after all a religious ceremony. The law is just saying that the government will not recognize homosexual marriage. Why should the state recognize this type of marriage when it is not widely accepted? Recognizing such marriages will open the door for openly gay couples in the military, and gays being able to adopt children. That is the real goal of the queer movement - to be able to "recruit" children to their perverted cause. No easier way to do that than to actually raise them yourself to become that way.

10-27-2008, 08:23 AM
The actual law is not a "Ban on homosexual marriage". The state has no right to prevent a gay marriage, it is after all a religious ceremony. The law is just saying that the government will not recognize homosexual marriage. Why should the state recognize this type of marriage when it is not widely accepted? Recognizing such marriages will open the door for openly gay couples in the military, and gays being able to adopt children. That is the real goal of the queer movement - to be able to "recruit" children to their perverted cause. No easier way to do that than to actually raise them yourself to become that way.

Thanks for the clarification.

The state should not recognize gay marriage. Then again, the state should not be in the business of recognizing any marriage as marriage is a rite of the church.


10-27-2008, 10:01 AM
RINO? Zookeeper?

You're not very repectful of the diversities within your own party, are you, crin?!??!?!??!??!??!???!


No not at all, no respect. Respect is earned, its not an entitlement or something that can be purchased. I don't want diversity like that in my party. I wanted Grey Davis to stay in office. I never wanted or voted for the recall or Arnold. I wanted Grey to just keep shoving it down Californians throats till we finally had enough and voted in a Conservative.

10-27-2008, 12:01 PM
That's a rather twisted way of looking at things, don't you think?

No not at all, no respect. Respect is earned, its not an entitlement or something that can be purchased. I don't want diversity like that in my party. I wanted Grey Davis to stay in office. I never wanted or voted for the recall or Arnold. I wanted Grey to just keep shoving it down Californians throats till we finally had enough and voted in a Conservative.

I keep hearing repubs talking about how they are the party of liberty and freedom but from all indications they are constantly attempting to limit liberty and freedom. Whether you like it or not, this country was indeed founded on the genuine premise of responsible governance in a society that enjoyed enormous freedoms and opportunities. We are the first in the recorded history of the world to enjoy such and that is exactly how and where this country has become so powerful in such a relatively short period of time. Limiting personal freedoms is unAmerican in my honest opinion. Would you be in favor of eliminating the Log Cabin Republicans from the Party? If so, you need to get more vocal about it so they know just where they stand with you as well as with the Party in general.


10-27-2008, 12:15 PM
That's a rather twisted way of looking at things, don't you think?

I keep hearing repubs talking about how they are the party of liberty and freedom but from all indications they are constantly attempting to limit liberty and freedom. Whether you like it or not, this country was indeed founded on the genuine premise of responsible governance in a society that enjoyed enormous freedoms and opportunities. We are the first in the recorded history of the world to enjoy such and that is exactly how and where this country has become so powerful in such a relatively short period of time. Limiting personal freedoms is unAmerican in my honest opinion. Would you be in favor of eliminating the Log Cabin Republicans from the Party? If so, you need to get more vocal about it so they know just where they stand with you as well as with the Party in general.


No, I don't think its twisted at all. Homosexuality, lesbianism and all the other sexual perversions are what is twisted. The support of perverts is what is twisted. Supporting marriage as between a man and a woman is normal.

Yes, I would absolutely boot the Log-Cabin Republicans.

10-27-2008, 12:24 PM
They're queer and they're here, pardner. I spent years with much the same attitude as you. It took some serious contemplations on my part to change my way of thinking about them. If they could change themselves they would. After all, just who would want to go through life in that condition?

No, I don't think its twisted at all. Homosexuality, lesbianism and all the other sexual perversions are what is twisted. The support of perverts is what is twisted. Supporting marriage as between a man and a woman is normal.

Yes, I would absolutely boot the Log-Cabin Republicans.

Have you ever spoken directly with a homosexual about homosexuality? I suggest you do so and further advise that you keep an open mind and stifle your prejudices long enough to absorb some simple truth.

Are you familiar with the reason why the Log Cabin Republicans use that name?


10-27-2008, 12:46 PM
They're queer and they're here, pardner. I spent years with much the same attitude as you. It took some serious contemplations on my part to change my way of thinking about them. If they could change themselves they would. After all, just who would want to go through life in that condition?

Have you ever spoken directly with a homosexual about homosexuality? I suggest you do so and further advise that you keep an open mind and stifle your prejudices long enough to absorb some simple truth.

Are you familiar with the reason why the Log Cabin Republicans use that name?


All this will end up back at a Biblical discussion where we will disagree.

I will not even try to consider or understand their view or perspective. I don't care about their view or perspective.

I have an aunt who is a lesbian and spent many years around a homosexual until he died from AIDS right after seducing the married guy across the street from him and probably infecting him as well.

My other conversations were with the perverts who tried to befriend me so they could try to seduce me or just the ones that hit on me as far back as age 10.

At this point in my life I have zero tolerance for them. To be quite honest it would take all my might just to walk across the street to piss in ones ear if their head was on fire. I would call 911 for sure though.

Yes, I am bitter toward them for personal reasons and will never, ever consider supporting them for Biblical reasons.

All that said, if one actually turns away from that lifestyle and wants to change their life I would hold down my gag reflex and do my best to try and get them to church with me in the hopes that they might come to Christ.

10-27-2008, 01:07 PM
There are just too many wrongheaded assumptions and prejudices in that for me to address, crin. Several university level books could not change any of what you are feeling about homosexuals, their place in this world or their feelings about their own human condition.

All this will end up back at a Biblical discussion where we will disagree.

I will not even try to consider or understand their view or perspective. I don't care about their view or perspective.

I have an aunt who is a lesbian and spent many years around a homosexual until he died from AIDS right after seducing the married guy across the street from him and probably infecting him as well.

My other conversations were with the perverts who tried to befriend me so they could try to seduce me or just the ones that hit on me as far back as age 10.

At this point in my life I have zero tolerance for them. To be quite honest it would take all my might just to walk across the street to piss in ones ear if their head was on fire. I would call 911 for sure though.

Yes, I am bitter toward them for personal reasons and will never, ever consider supporting them for Biblical reasons.

All that said, if one actually turns away from that lifestyle and wants to change their life I would hold down my gag reflex and do my best to try and get them to church with me in the hopes that they might come to Christ.

You did clue me in to one thing that I believe causes you great discomfort now in your life. Apparently you have been contacted by a pedophile. That indeed is traumatic in anyone's life. I would suggest some psychological counseling on that issue.

Thanks for sharing, crin. And thanks for being so honest and forthcoming about your life's experience. I wish only the very best for you and I hope you know that.

In the meantime:


10-28-2008, 11:01 AM
There are just too many wrongheaded assumptions and prejudices in that for me to address, crin. Several university level books could not change any of what you are feeling about homosexuals, their place in this world or their feelings about their own human condition.

You did clue me in to one thing that I believe causes you great discomfort now in your life. Apparently you have been contacted by a pedophile. That indeed is traumatic in anyone's life. I would suggest some psychological counseling on that issue.

Thanks for sharing, crin. And thanks for being so honest and forthcoming about your life's experience. I wish only the very best for you and I hope you know that.

In the meantime:


I know you wish the best and I understand we will never agree nor do I expect us to.

That I was hit on by perverts doesn't change that homosexuality is wrong. Since you refuse to accept anything written by the Apostle Paul it limits any Biblical discussion and makes it near pointless.

Regarding those in the psych industry. I have less regard for most of them than I do homosexuals. I've seen how badly they have screwed kids and adults I know. They remove all personal accountability and substitute it with drugs that they apparently get a percentage of since they give it out like candy.