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View Full Version : Automatic weapons ban

10-28-2008, 12:53 PM
Here is something for all of you to look forward to:
One of the trial bills (that went nowhere) in the last California legislature was a ban on automatic weapons (i.e. assault rifles such as Uzis and such) for private ownership. The scuttle is that Pelosi will introduce a simialr bill into Congress next session and Obama will sign it.
Unauthorized ownership of an assault rifle would become a felony.

10-28-2008, 01:00 PM
uzi isn't an assault rifle fyi

Mr. P
10-28-2008, 01:12 PM
Here is something for all of you to look forward to:
One of the trial bills (that went nowhere) in the last California legislature was a ban on automatic weapons (i.e. assault rifles such as Uzis and such) for private ownership. The scuttle is that Pelosi will introduce a simialr bill into Congress next session and Obama will sign it.
Unauthorized ownership of an assault rifle would become a felony.

I'll point out that bold part...this is just what is feared by law abiding gun owners . The left, like you, continue to say that "we don't want to take yer guns, why are you so afraid". Constitution be damned, this proves the intent of the left is to do just that.

I'll bet like most of the anti-gun folks you don't know an assault weapon (as defined in Brady) from an automatic either, do you?

10-28-2008, 05:09 PM
Here is something for all of you to look forward to:
One of the trial bills (that went nowhere) in the last California legislature was a ban on automatic weapons (i.e. assault rifles such as Uzis and such) for private ownership. The scuttle is that Pelosi will introduce a simialr bill into Congress next session and Obama will sign it.
Unauthorized ownership of an assault rifle would become a felony.

As usual gabby has no clue what she is talking about. Automatic weapons are already banned in California. You can't own machine guns here and that's what an automatic weapon is. Uzi has been on the ban list for years and cannot be owned in California unless it was registered during the amnesty period. Assault weapons are semi-automatic which means 1 pull of the trigger fires 1 round.

All us gun people already know that Pelosi and the Manchurian Candidate will try to take away or guns. Nothing new there.

Gabby maybe this will help you. Heres the California DOJ Firearms division website link so you can actually read what is legal and illegal. Do try to keep up.


10-28-2008, 05:16 PM
I was under the impression that full-auto weapons (machine guns and handguns) were already banned throughout the entire US.

There is no doubt at all that Obama with a full Dem Congress will either ban almost all firearms, or they will tax the shit out of them so they're too expensive to buy.

10-28-2008, 05:24 PM
I was under the impression that full-auto weapons (machine guns and handguns) were already banned throughout the entire US.

There is no doubt at all that Obama with a full Dem Congress will either ban almost all firearms, or they will tax the shit out of them so they're too expensive to buy.

You can own full autos in parts of the country. Texas lets you. You have to get special permission from your local sheriff is all from my understanding.

10-28-2008, 07:24 PM
You also have to get a federal permit, which costs something like $350, and then you have to get permission from your local/state government. Then, you have to go buy an automatic weapon manufactured before 1987, which are the only legal ones. A cheap M60 machine gun, military issue, goes for around $8,000, last I checked.

10-28-2008, 07:43 PM
gabby and people like her can't wait to start stepping all over people and their rights..she is like other liberals, a fascist..