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View Full Version : why are the polls closing in favour of mccain

10-28-2008, 11:53 PM
how did it suddenly go from +10 to +2.......in a week....

10-29-2008, 01:08 AM
The pollsters have to stop manipulating the polls as much so they dont lose credibility when the election results come out.

10-29-2008, 05:08 AM
The pollsters have to stop manipulating the polls as much so they dont lose credibility when the election results come out.

That's where I've been tending too. On the other hand, they keep the headlines on Yahoo properly depressing for McCain. ;)

10-29-2008, 05:40 AM
It's all part of the agenda. Depress the McCain supporters and get them to stay home. Tell everyone they have lost so why bother. They do it it here too (see mfm). I have been doing some reading and it appears this is a part of the strategy. And the msm is in cahoots with the libs on this, and apparently so are many of the pollsters.

Also look for voter intimidation stories come election day. They will be fraudulent with no facts to back them up, but its part of the liberal agenda.

10-29-2008, 06:24 AM
I noticed a lot of polls still have a pretty decent numer of undecideds. So,if they were correct(which I doubt) a lot of undecideds could still go McCains way.

I started really doubting the polls a lot when after the Rep convention,McCain started leading,then all of the sudden he was down 10-12 points. How could he take such a quick dive when most of this race they were running pretty much neck and neck?

10-29-2008, 06:27 AM
I noticed a lot of polls still have a pretty decent numer of undecideds. So,if they were correct(which I doubt) a lot of undecideds could still go McCains way.

I started really doubting the polls a lot when after the Rep convention,McCain started leading,then all of the sudden he was down 10-12 points. How could he take such a quick dive when most of this race they were running pretty much neck and neck?

I think that McCain's precipitous drop coincided with the Wall Street meltdown.

10-29-2008, 06:29 AM
how did it suddenly go from +10 to +2.......in a week....

don't look at just one....


10-29-2008, 07:51 AM
I think that McCain's precipitous drop coincided with the Wall Street meltdown.

Could be,I have heard that tossed around a lot. But that would be assuming the polls have been fair. A lot of reports say that more Democrats are being asked more than Repubs.

Our whole family are conservative/Repulicans and the only one that has ever participated in a poll was my mom,this year,one time. For as many friends and family that I know that are right.....it seems odd that no one else has ever been polled.

GW in Ohio
10-29-2008, 08:00 AM
It's all part of the agenda. Depress the McCain supporters and get them to stay home. Tell everyone they have lost so why bother. They do it it here too (see mfm). I have been doing some reading and it appears this is a part of the strategy. And the msm is in cahoots with the libs on this, and apparently so are many of the pollsters.

Also look for voter intimidation stories come election day. They will be fraudulent with no facts to back them up, but its part of the liberal agenda.

So McCain won't lose because the voters prefer Obama. He'll lose because the major media have set up a conspiracy to make him lose. And you've been "reading" this, gaffer?

What, pray tell, are your sources for this brilliant idea?

By the way.....the "liberal agenda" is to clean up the mess Bush and the Republicans have created during the last 8 years.

GW in Ohio
10-29-2008, 08:02 AM
don't look at just one....


Man from Maine: Don't cloud their vision with anything that might diminish their hopes.

They've found a poll that reinforces their hopes.

Let them have hope; it will sustain them for the last week of the campaign.

10-29-2008, 08:09 AM
I think that McCain's precipitous drop coincided with the Wall Street meltdown.

Which makes one wonder if the meltdown wasn't part of the Democratic strategy to bring down the Republican candidate.


10-29-2008, 08:11 AM
Could be,I have heard that tossed around a lot. But that would be assuming the polls have been fair. A lot of reports say that more Democrats are being asked more than Repubs.

Our whole family are conservative/Repulicans and the only one that has ever participated in a poll was my mom,this year,one time. For as many friends and family that I know that are right.....it seems odd that no one else has ever been polled.

when a poll consists of a few thousand voters in a country of two hundred million people, your chances of getting called by Gallup are about as great as your chances of winning the lottery.

and democrats are marginally over sampled because there are more registered democrats nationally than there are registered republicans.

10-29-2008, 08:13 AM
Which makes one wonder if the meltdown wasn't part of the Democratic strategy to bring down the Republican candidate.


I wouldn't dout it. I don't think there are many economic whiz's in the government right now,but for people to blame it all on Bush and the Republicans is crazy. There are so many uninformed voters out there.

GW in Ohio
10-29-2008, 08:24 AM
Which makes one wonder if the meltdown wasn't part of the Democratic strategy to bring down the Republican candidate.


Congratulations, Immie, for the most wacked-out post of the day (and the competition was stiff).

You are speculating that the Democrats engineered the Wall Street meltdown as a way to bring down John McCain's candidacy.

That's.......very interesting.

Later on in this thread, one of your fellow geniuses agrees with you and speculates that Obama is up in the polls because the pollsters poll more Democrats than Republicans.

Could be,I have heard that tossed around a lot. But that would be assuming the polls have been fair. A lot of reports say that more Democrats are being asked more than Repubs.

Our whole family are conservative/Repulicans and the only one that has ever participated in a poll was my mom,this year,one time. For as many friends and family that I know that are right.....it seems odd that no one else has ever been polled. --krisy

That would be in accord with Professor Gaffer's conspiracy theory.

My goodness, you can get such an education here.....

10-29-2008, 09:18 AM
I speculate on what I read and see in the news. Much of my reading is not from news media but opinion pieces and blogs, so linking to them will not prove anything.

I don't count my chickens before they hatch, nor do I declare victory before the game is over. I do understand how strategy works. And I do know that most of the media is in the tank for obamanation. Since they sponsor most of the polls it's not hard to figure in the bias and outright lies being used in presenting the polls. If they can present it as a McCain loss then many hardcore repubs will stay home and independent conservatives will go for people like Barr. It is a conspiracy and it's perpetrated by the dnc and the media. It's part of the strategy. And people like gw and mfm are a part of it as well, either on their own or under direction from someone else.

There are more liberals registered for the simple reason they register dead people, illegal aliens and homeless vagabonds. All non-voters. I'm still trying to figure out how the homeless guy who lives at park bench number 3 is going to receive his redistribution check.

10-29-2008, 10:17 AM
There are more liberals registered for the simple reason they register dead people, illegal aliens and homeless vagabonds. All non-voters. I'm still trying to figure out how the homeless guy who lives at park bench number 3 is going to receive his redistribution check.

that is silly. to suggest that the trend in party affiliation can be explained away by dead people.

and what makes you think that the homeless guy even gets a check?

10-29-2008, 10:21 AM
the libs and media are flat out lying to try and depress the voters from voting..

McCain and the little Marxist are in a dead heat, with the Obambam probably on the verge of losing..why else would he pay for a half hour infomercial for himself tonight?

I for one am sick to death of seeing and hearing the little Marxist, and can't wait to see him go home..:bye1:

GW in Ohio
10-29-2008, 10:22 AM
I speculate on what I read and see in the news. Much of my reading is not from news media but opinion pieces and blogs, so linking to them will not prove anything.

I don't count my chickens before they hatch, nor do I declare victory before the game is over. I do understand how strategy works. And I do know that most of the media is in the tank for obamanation. Since they sponsor most of the polls it's not hard to figure in the bias and outright lies being used in presenting the polls. If they can present it as a McCain loss then many hardcore repubs will stay home and independent conservatives will go for people like Barr. It is a conspiracy and it's perpetrated by the dnc and the media. It's part of the strategy. And people like gw and mfm are a part of it as well, either on their own or under direction from someone else.

There are more liberals registered for the simple reason they register dead people, illegal aliens and homeless vagabonds. All non-voters. I'm still trying to figure out how the homeless guy who lives at park bench number 3 is going to receive his redistribution check.

Gaffer: If it was McCain leading in all the key battleground states, the media would be reporting that. Do you think they're reporting that Obama is up in the polls, although he really isn't, in order to depress the Republican vote?

That's just plain nuts.

GW in Ohio
10-29-2008, 10:23 AM
the libs and media are flat out lying to try and depress the voters from voting..

McCain and the little Marxist are in a dead heat, with the Obambam probably on the verge of losing..why else would he pay for a half hour infomercial for himself tonight?

I for one am sick to death of seeing and hearing the little Marxist, and can't wait to see him go home..:bye1:

If you can hang on until 2016, you can see that.

10-29-2008, 10:25 AM
[QUOTE=GW in Ohio;316063]Gaffer: Do you think they're reporting that Obama is up in the polls, although he really isn't, in order to depress the Republican vote?QUOTE]

does a duck fart in water..

10-29-2008, 10:36 AM
the libs and media are flat out lying to try and depress the voters from voting..

McCain and the little Marxist are in a dead heat, with the Obambam probably on the verge of losing..why else would he pay for a half hour infomercial for himself tonight?

I for one am sick to death of seeing and hearing the little Marxist, and can't wait to see him go home..:bye1:

the "little Marxist", as you erroneously refer to Obama, is running the informercial because he CAN, and because he is hoping to not just win, but win with long enough coattails to bring the senate democratic caucus up to 60.

and when he DOES win, will you walk around for the next eight years with your eyes closed and ears plugged? If you were a man, that would be what the Talmud refers to as "bruised and bleeding pharisee"!:laugh2:

10-29-2008, 10:42 AM
the "little Marxist", as you erroneously refer to Obama, is running the informercial because he CAN, and because he is hoping to not just win, but win with long enough coattails to bring the senate democratic caucus up to 60.

and when he DOES win, will you walk around for the next eight years with your eyes closed and ears plugged? If you were a man, that would be what the Talmud refers to as "bruised and bleeding pharisee"!:laugh2:

you liberals love your little sayings..

heartbeat away from the Presidency..
long enough coattails..

if you weren't so damn dangerous to our country, you would be damn amusing at least..

10-29-2008, 10:42 AM
Gaffer: If it was McCain leading in all the key battleground states, the media would be reporting that. Do you think they're reporting that Obama is up in the polls, although he really isn't, in order to depress the Republican vote?

That's just plain nuts.

I think the media would report anything that makes the messiah look good and McCain look bad. The media is as much in the tank for the messiah as you are. Yes they are trying to depress the repub vote.

10-29-2008, 10:47 AM
why are the polls closing in favour of mccain

So that the rioting and destruction by Obama supporters when McCain "unexpectedly" wins, will be that much worse and more widespread?

the "little Marxist", as you erroneously refer to Obama,
Quite so. Isn't Obama like 6'4"?

10-29-2008, 05:50 PM
Congratulations, Immie, for the most wacked-out post of the day (and the competition was stiff).

You are speculating that the Democrats engineered the Wall Street meltdown as a way to bring down John McCain's candidacy.

That's.......very interesting.

Later on in this thread, one of your fellow geniuses agrees with you and speculates that Obama is up in the polls because the pollsters poll more Democrats than Republicans.

That would be in accord with Professor Gaffer's conspiracy theory.

My goodness, you can get such an education here.....

Glad I could be of help to a misguided liberal:salute:

If you need anything else,let me know.

10-29-2008, 06:15 PM
You are speculating that the Democrats engineered the Wall Street meltdown as a way to bring down John McCain's candidacy.

That's.......very interesting.

They did engineer the downfall of Wall Street. And Obama is in that root cause. He was a lawyer for ACORN and sued a bank to force them to make more bad loans to minorities. Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were run by Democrats. They knew it was in bad shape and was going to collapse and they did nothing about it. They even fought attempts to fix it. I do not believe that politicians can be that stupid and oblivious to the facts, they did this intentially. Left wing extremists, like those that run the Democratic Party these days, hate capitalism. They want capitalism destroyed so they can implement their socialist plans.

Just ask Obama's buddy Ayers, this was his plan back in the 60s and 70s. He wrote all about these goals in his little communist manifesto, Prairie Fire.

10-29-2008, 06:44 PM
he's doing his 1/2 hr TV dog and pony show cause he's in deep deep shit.

10-29-2008, 09:33 PM
he's doing his 1/2 hr TV dog and pony show cause he's in deep deep shit.


if THIS is your definition of Obama being in deep shit, then it must also be your definition of McCain choking on a mouthful of REALLY deep shit!!!!:laugh2:

10-29-2008, 10:39 PM
McCain is gaining in the polls slightly, true enough. The socialist stuff was bound to get some results. Obama's spread the wealth around quote wasn't good for the tail end of campaigning. He's still ahead tho and in much better standing than McCain. It wont cost him the election.

Ya'll will be welcoming the new president, Barrack Obama, come next Wensday.

10-29-2008, 10:44 PM
McCain is gaining in the polls slightly, true enough. The socialist stuff was bound to get some results. Obama's spread the wealth around quote wasn't good for the tail end of campaigning. He's still ahead tho and in much better standing than McCain. It wont cost him the election.

Ya'll will be welcoming the new president, Barrack Obama, come next Wensday.

I hope your prediction doesn't come back and bite in you in the butt.
think about the last election...people underestimate MIDDLE AMERICA

10-29-2008, 10:47 PM
I hope your prediction doesn't come back and bite in you in the butt.
think about the last election...people underestimate MIDDLE AMERICA
That's because they picture us hugging our guns and praying instead of voting.

10-29-2008, 10:50 PM
I hope your prediction doesn't come back and bite in you in the butt.
think about the last election...people underestimate MIDDLE AMERICA

I hope it doesn't either. We don't have much longer to wait tho.

10-29-2008, 10:51 PM
That's because they picture us hugging our guns and praying instead of voting.

vote early and often....

Obama will still win on Tuesday, and I'll bet any republican on here $100 on that outcome - except RSR, of course, who always welches on HIS bets!

10-29-2008, 10:52 PM
That's because they picture us hugging our guns and praying instead of voting.

the little Marxist never connected with the people in Middle America..he was too secretive about his life, he has no friends that aren't radical, and he was to busy hobnobbing with his Hollyweird buddies...

I wouldn't be predicting shit at this point in time..

10-29-2008, 10:54 PM
This will be a close election. But I think it will go to Obama. I think Hillary's loss was the best thing to happen for the Democrats in a long time because I don't think she'd be winning.

10-29-2008, 10:54 PM
the little Marxist never connected with the people in Middle America..he was too secretive about his life, he has no friends that aren't radical, and he was to busy hobnobbing with his Hollyweird buddies...

I wouldn't be predicting shit at this point in time..

but clearly, you are not confident enough to put any money on your man Johnboy and Caribou Barbie.

10-29-2008, 10:58 PM
but clearly, you are not confident enough to put any money on your man Johnboy and Caribou Barbie.

nah the black hitler and joe goebbels have this in the bag.....

GW in Ohio
10-30-2008, 08:56 AM
It'll be a Democratic tsunami. Many congressional Republican candidates will go down to defeat because the Republican base is depressed and many will not vote. The thinking among many Republicans is, "What does it matter?"

Democrats, on the other hand, seem to be wildly energized, especially the new voters that have registered for the first time this year.

So it'll be a tidal wave. I'm hoping my GOP congressman, who is a Bush toadie and a little weasel, goes down.....


10-30-2008, 09:02 AM
We saw this same shit last election by you liberals...and guess what? ya all went, FLOP..

you went from yelling na na na na naaaa na, to the election WAS STOLEN FROM US...

only Tuesday will tell, my friend...:laugh2::dance:

10-30-2008, 01:23 PM
It'll be a Democratic tsunami. Many congressional Republican candidates will go down to defeat because the Republican base is depressed and many will not vote. The thinking among many Republicans is, "What does it matter?"



Your underestimating many Republicans dislike for Obama.