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View Full Version : Palin Noosed-OK, Obama Noosed-Not OK

10-29-2008, 12:40 PM
There was quite a discussion last night on the news about the house in Westwood/Hollywood, Calif. that along with it's Halloween decorations has a manequin dressed up to look like Gov. Palin being hanged by the neck. Many people complained to the city/authorities about it, but basically it will stay as it is protected under free-speech, and is not defined as "hate speech" according to the city attorney's office.

Side Note: Sen. McCain's likeness is portrayed at this residence in a configuration that is supposed to be "burning in hell"; also protected by "free speech" according to the same people.
Now, lets change this scenario folks: Lets have a Hollywood/Westwood home with Barack Obama's likeness hanging by the neck in a noose, and lets have Sen. Biden's likeness being fried in hellish fire.

Do you think that local authorities would react to this scenario the same way. You and I know that the NAACP, the Democratic party would cry foul, and also cry out that this is rascist to the core, and I bet you'd see those efigy's come down so fast it would make your head spin.
During the Rodney King riots, a White caucasion truck driver ended up in the wrong place, and was dragged out of his semi-truck rig and nearly beaten to death by African Americans. By the grace of God, some empathetic African Americans also saved his life.

Did the trucker's beating spawn a White American rampage throughout America? NO!
Folks the balance scales are not even. White America lives under the 100+ year reign of slavery to people of Negroid or African decent who were mercilessly brought here and mercilessly treated.

Sadly, we White Americans are supposed to never forget this, and never put it in the past, and get on with life, but must and our always reminded of it as though it will return in our society. One party is constantly called the homophobes, rascists, bigots, etc.....While the other party is called the empathetic, feeling your pain, party.

When will it end folks. It is now "ok" to slander, mistreat, malign, and basically hate, those who believe in fairness for all, 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Instead, there still lies and permeates in our society this White, or caucasion need for constant penance. It is mainly perpetuated by a certain political party as a means of holding or keeping a major voting constituency within their ranks. Of course their are some hopeful shining lights of balanced, and objective thinking such as Thomas Sowell, noted African American writer/professor, who are gradually gaining respect in the African American community. Some day, hopefully Sowell won't be categorized as an "Uncle Tom" but will reflect a new, significant, and rising group of African American citizens that are tired of being used as "victims" to further the agenda of a certain party.

There will always be biggotry, rascism, in our country as well as other countries. It's the nature of humanity to distinguish themselves religiously, racially, culturally, language, skin color, etc.......The big difference in our country, is that it can't take root and grow without hitting squarely in the headlights of our U.S. Constitution. Men are all endowed by their Creator, and because of that, no man can or has the right of supremacy over another based on his or her humanity.

Where supremacy prevails is when one race or cultural block succeeds at taming or conquering their environment, and bettering their lives, and economic positions. This is again, humanity.

Now with that in mind.........Why, oh Why..........must any one's effigy hang by a noose. It is downright disgusting, mean spirited, and serves no purpose, unless a negative purpose can be included.

Why, oh why, is it ok for Gov. Sarah Palin, and Sen, John McCain's effigys to be used in this way, and Sen Barak Obama's would be considered totally objectionable under "hate" and "racist/biggotry" laws?

Again, it is in my humble opinion, National white/caucasion guilt, infused into most of us by both the white, black race, media, and constant reminders of past history. When is it the time when we will not have to play the part of Reverend Dimsdale from the "Scarlet Letter" and close up ourselves in a closet and whip are white caucasion bodies in penance for the deeds of many generations of the past? It's as though the American white citizen must where a scarlet letter "S" of slavery or slave master, around their necks for perpetuity. Something is wrong here?:salute:

10-29-2008, 12:49 PM
A white person lynching another white person in effigy is not racist which doesn't equal okay.

10-29-2008, 12:52 PM
A white person lynching another white person in effigy is not racist which doesn't equal okay.

so you don't support a black person's ""right"" to hang the effigy of palin?

10-29-2008, 12:54 PM
A white person lynching another white person in effigy is not racist which doesn't equal okay.

how about a white gay man lynching a white anti gay marriage woman

10-29-2008, 12:54 PM
A white person lynching another white person in effigy is not racist which doesn't equal okay.

How do we know that it's a white person's house???????

If it's a black, Asian or Hispanic household that has this hanging effigy is it racist then??????????

It's in VERY poor taste and should be taken down. IMHO it isn't racist no matter who put it up and an effigy of Obama isn't racist either.

10-29-2008, 12:55 PM
so you don't support a black person's ""right"" to hang the effigy of palin?

I support alowing even racist free speech, hate speech included. Free speech rights trump personal feelings.

10-29-2008, 12:56 PM
I support alowing even racist free speech, hate speech included. Free speech rights trump personal feelings.

Are you sure you're liberal.

10-29-2008, 01:00 PM
How do we know that it's a white person's house???????
If it's a black, Asian or Hispanic household that has this hanging effigy is it racist then??????????
It's in VERY poor taste and should be taken down. IMHO it isn't racist no matter who put it up and an effigy of Obama isn't racist either.

i saw them interviewed last night ...it is two white gay dudes.....

10-29-2008, 01:07 PM
I support alowing even racist free speech, hate speech included. Free speech rights trump personal feelings.

Are you sure you're liberal.

I've been going to ask her this for several weeks. She's actually started to sound at least centrist and somewhat reasonable lately.

I hadn't commented on it, but I have been going to congratulate her for appearing to moderate. Maybe she's getting old? :D

Sorry LN didn't mean to pick on you about getting old.


10-29-2008, 01:07 PM
i saw them interviewed last night ...it is two white gay dudes.....

hetro bashers

10-29-2008, 01:10 PM
i saw them interviewed last night ...it is two white gay dudes.....

They hate breeders...

10-29-2008, 01:11 PM
i saw them interviewed last night ...it is two white gay dudes.....

Well that clears things up....this is obviously a hate crime against straight people.

10-29-2008, 01:15 PM
Are you sure you're liberal.

I've been going to ask her this for several weeks. She's actually started to sound at least centrist and somewhat reasonable lately.

I hadn't commented on it, but I have been going to congratulate her for appearing to moderate. Maybe she's getting old? :D

Sorry LN didn't mean to pick on you about getting old.


LN is a good one. I have found that LN is thoughtful, willing to engage in civil discussion, fair, and rational.

10-29-2008, 01:17 PM
LN is a good one. I have found that LN is thoughtful, willing to engage in civil discussion, fair, and rational.

yep, unlike some liberals on this board......who shall remain nameless.

10-29-2008, 01:17 PM
LN is a good one. I have found that LN is thoughtful, willing to engage in civil discussion, fair, and rational.

Nah, she is just young so she has to be a liberal, but the brain tissue is actually starting to kick in. :laugh2:

I hope you know i am joking LN

10-29-2008, 01:26 PM
Nah, she is just young so she has to be a liberal, but the brain tissue is actually starting to kick in. :laugh2:

I hope you know i am joking LN

Ever since I joined the site a year ago, I have felt that there was hope for LN. I still do AND I am not joking about that LN. :laugh2:


10-29-2008, 02:42 PM
Ever since I joined the site a year ago, I have felt that there was hope for LN. I still do AND I am not joking about that LN. :laugh2:


There is hope for her.

Free speech should be protected.

Threats against people shouldnt.

10-29-2008, 03:34 PM
I find it sordid. The foul smell of hate eminates from it. I don't think anyone should be hanging or burning anyone, period, in effigy, no matter what race or nationality they make it. It's disgusting and it shows how low Americans have stooped.

And it certainly doesn't take a genius to figure out how the NAACP, Rev. Jesse Jackson and others would react if the shoe were on the other foot. Why.......all hell would have broken loose and the hate would come spewing all over the place, even more than it already does.

10-29-2008, 04:44 PM
I find it sordid. The foul smell of hate eminates from it. I don't think anyone should be hanging or burning anyone, period, in effigy, no matter what race or nationality they make it. It's disgusting and it shows how low Americans have stooped.

And it certainly doesn't take a genius to figure out how the NAACP, Rev. Jesse Jackson and others would react if the shoe were on the other foot. Why.......all hell would have broken loose and the hate would come spewing all over the place, even more than it already does.

Couldn't agree with you more, Binky! :salute:

10-29-2008, 05:41 PM
I support alowing even racist free speech, hate speech included. Free speech rights trump personal feelings.

Like the free speech of the kids at Jena High School that hung nooses off a tree? Most liberals wanted them charged with a "hate crime".

10-29-2008, 06:08 PM
I didn't tho.

Burning in effigy is cool, burning anything is cool, I like fire and strong political messages.

10-29-2008, 06:14 PM
I didn't tho.

Burning in effigy is cool, burning anything is cool, I like fire and strong political messages.

But an insinuated threat on anyone is not cool. It is not acceptable to do that to Barrack Obama or John McCain or even Ted Kennedy. It implies a threat and really is not funny at all, in fact, it is sick.


10-30-2008, 06:57 AM
Nah, she is just young so she has to be a liberal, but the brain tissue is actually starting to kick in. :laugh2:

I hope you know i am joking LN

Maybe all the classes she has to take for the ROTC are having an effect? I have always thought she was fair, even tho she was on the liberal side of the aisle.

10-30-2008, 10:11 AM
There was quite a discussion last night on the news about the house in Westwood/Hollywood, Calif. that along with it's Halloween decorations has a manequin dressed up to look like Gov. Palin being hanged by the neck. Many people complained to the city/authorities about it, but basically it will stay as it is protected under free-speech, and is not defined as "hate speech" according to the city attorney's office.

Side Note: Sen. McCain's likeness is portrayed at this residence in a configuration that is supposed to be "burning in hell"; also protected by "free speech" according to the same people.
Now, lets change this scenario folks: Lets have a Hollywood/Westwood home with Barack Obama's likeness hanging by the neck in a noose, and lets have Sen. Biden's likeness being fried in hellish fire.

Do you think that local authorities would react to this scenario the same way. You and I know that the NAACP, the Democratic party would cry foul, and also cry out that this is rascist to the core, and I bet you'd see those efigy's come down so fast it would make your head spin.
During the Rodney King riots, a White caucasion truck driver ended up in the wrong place, and was dragged out of his semi-truck rig and nearly beaten to death by African Americans. By the grace of God, some empathetic African Americans also saved his life.

Did the trucker's beating spawn a White American rampage throughout America? NO!
Folks the balance scales are not even. White America lives under the 100+ year reign of slavery to people of Negroid or African decent who were mercilessly brought here and mercilessly treated.

Sadly, we White Americans are supposed to never forget this, and never put it in the past, and get on with life, but must and our always reminded of it as though it will return in our society. One party is constantly called the homophobes, rascists, bigots, etc.....While the other party is called the empathetic, feeling your pain, party.

When will it end folks. It is now "ok" to slander, mistreat, malign, and basically hate, those who believe in fairness for all, 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Instead, there still lies and permeates in our society this White, or caucasion need for constant penance. It is mainly perpetuated by a certain political party as a means of holding or keeping a major voting constituency within their ranks. Of course their are some hopeful shining lights of balanced, and objective thinking such as Thomas Sowell, noted African American writer/professor, who are gradually gaining respect in the African American community. Some day, hopefully Sowell won't be categorized as an "Uncle Tom" but will reflect a new, significant, and rising group of African American citizens that are tired of being used as "victims" to further the agenda of a certain party.

There will always be biggotry, rascism, in our country as well as other countries. It's the nature of humanity to distinguish themselves religiously, racially, culturally, language, skin color, etc.......The big difference in our country, is that it can't take root and grow without hitting squarely in the headlights of our U.S. Constitution. Men are all endowed by their Creator, and because of that, no man can or has the right of supremacy over another based on his or her humanity.

Where supremacy prevails is when one race or cultural block succeeds at taming or conquering their environment, and bettering their lives, and economic positions. This is again, humanity.

Now with that in mind.........Why, oh Why..........must any one's effigy hang by a noose. It is downright disgusting, mean spirited, and serves no purpose, unless a negative purpose can be included.

Why, oh why, is it ok for Gov. Sarah Palin, and Sen, John McCain's effigys to be used in this way, and Sen Barak Obama's would be considered totally objectionable under "hate" and "racist/biggotry" laws?

Again, it is in my humble opinion, National white/caucasion guilt, infused into most of us by both the white, black race, media, and constant reminders of past history. When is it the time when we will not have to play the part of Reverend Dimsdale from the "Scarlet Letter" and close up ourselves in a closet and whip are white caucasion bodies in penance for the deeds of many generations of the past? It's as though the American white citizen must where a scarlet letter "S" of slavery or slave master, around their necks for perpetuity. Something is wrong here?:salute:

Osama was noosed

