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View Full Version : Dealing Dollars

10-29-2008, 12:43 PM
For the people that work for an employer they currently earn an income that is paid to them by the employer. But rather than doing using antiquated system how about a more progressive system?

Employers could send the money to the federal government so that the federal government can decide on how much to send to each person. This would be a much fairer system.

10-29-2008, 01:15 PM
would it be a ranked system determined by hours? or are we just all splitting it up per person?

10-29-2008, 01:16 PM
For the people that work for an employer they currently earn an income that is paid to them by the employer. But rather than doing using antiquated system how about a more progressive system?

Employers could send the money to the federal government so that the federal government can decide on how much to send to each person. This would be a much fairer system.

Does this new plan include the President and Congress?

10-29-2008, 01:17 PM
would it be a ranked system determined by hours? or are we just all splitting it up per person?

are you a party member...........

10-29-2008, 01:18 PM
are you a party member...........

I wouldn't meet the requirements sadly (hahaha yah...sadly...haha). will just have to move out the country or join the rebellion in a few years

10-29-2008, 01:39 PM
I wouldn't meet the requirements sadly (hahaha yah...sadly...haha). will just have to move out the country or join the rebellion in a few years

i lived in kiev for a time.....i visted the homes a party member.....and a non party member.....think joe the plumber vs ted kennedy....

10-29-2008, 01:57 PM
would it be a ranked system determined by hours? or are we just all splitting it up per person?
The ranking would be determined by the government and they would money in a system of fairness.

Does this new plan include the President and Congress?

It could, but they would be the ones to decide who gets what.

10-29-2008, 02:01 PM
It could, but they would be the ones to decide who gets what.

Well, I guess I should begin form an exploratory committee...

10-29-2008, 02:03 PM
I would like to hear from a liberal on this. Is there anything wrong with this suggestion?

10-29-2008, 02:15 PM
I think it is a wonderful idea.

Every business will simply pay our wages to the government. The government will simply take out what it needs and the distribute it equally to every American over the age of 18. Then we won't need to worry about paying taxes or anything else and everyone will be happy.


10-29-2008, 02:27 PM
I think it is a wonderful idea.

Every business will simply pay our wages to the government. The government will simply take out what it needs and the distribute it equally to every American over the age of 18. Then we won't need to worry about paying taxes or anything else and everyone will be happy.


Quite right, the government could go ahead and invest 5% of our doled out salary in secure government bonds and at a whopping 3%. As well as make payroll decutions for our purchases we make such as cars and groceries, just use a government issued card to buy things and the government could go ahead and make the decutions directly from our salary. Imagine the reduction in paper needed to print checks, credit card statements, reciepts. This would be a "Green" movement as well. Who wouldn't want this?

10-29-2008, 02:38 PM
Quite right, the government could go ahead and invest 5% of our doled out salary in secure government bonds and at a whopping 3%. As well as make payroll decutions for our purchases we make such as cars and groceries, just use a government issued card to buy things and the government could go ahead and make the decutions directly from our salary. Imagine the reduction in paper needed to print checks, credit card statements, reciepts. This would be a "Green" movement as well. Who wouldn't want this?

Oh, and we should also give all our investments; stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)'s, savings accounts, real estate, boats, cars etc. to the government for their safe keeping. They can allow us to use certain items with prior written permission from the czar of physical assets.

Everyone will be happy!


10-29-2008, 02:38 PM
I would like to hear from a liberal on this. Is there anything wrong with this suggestion?

I can think of at least one, though she's not a member of this board.

On my way to dinner the other night, I saw a homeless man holding a "Vote for Obama" sign, I had to smile, he needs the money! While dining, I noticed our waitress was wearing an "Obama '08" button. Now, I'm not particularly fond of people in the service industry sporting their political leanings while on the job, but it is their right and I respect that. I feel that they risk alienating a good portion of their customer base, but whatever. When she brought the check, I informed her that I would not be tipping her. I told her that I was inspired by Obama and would instead be giving the homeless man in the driveway the $10.00 since he obviously needed the money more than she. Needless to say, she was pissed.

Now, I wish I could claim that the inspiration for this idea was my own, but I can not. I read a similar anecdote somewhere and decided to do the same thing should the opportunity arise.

10-29-2008, 06:43 PM
Come next year the government should commence dealing out the dollars.