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View Full Version : I voted today.....

10-30-2008, 09:41 AM
A one hour wait, processing went quickly though once in.

I am NOT happy about the voting machines here being all digital. I don't mind using a touch screen to vote, but there should be a hard copy ballot punched the way you voted printed, and that hard copy used as the actual ballot.

If all voting does completely digital then we're fucked.

red states rule
10-30-2008, 09:43 AM
A one hour wait, processing went quickly though once in.

I am NOT happy about the voting machines here being all digital. I don't mind using a touch screen to vote, but there should be a hard copy ballot punched the way you voted printed, and that hard copy used as the actual ballot.

If all voting does completely digital then we're fucked.

So when do you vote again?

Oh, you are not a Obama supporter - you get to vote only once

Here in PA, we fill in the oval on the ballot and a scanner is used to record the vote

10-30-2008, 09:48 AM
So when do you vote again?

Oh, you are not a Obama supporter - you get to vote only once

Here in PA, we fill in the oval on the ballot and a scanner is used to record the vote

That sounds just as bad, the scan stores the vote digitally on a computer. Which in turn can be manipulated easily...

red states rule
10-30-2008, 09:52 AM
That sounds just as bad, the scan stores the vote digitally on a computer. Which in turn can be manipulated easily...

Hawk, why are we talking about this in the first place? I do not recall any problems or questions with our elections until Dems in FL fucked up

It was Dems who were to damn stupid to fill out their ballots correctly

Until someone comes up with solid evidence the votes are not being recorded correctly, I am not going to worry about it.

What I am worried about, is voter fraud the Dems are pulling with dead, fictitious people voting, and people voting mroe then once

10-30-2008, 10:00 AM
I'm not addressing any particular election and the problems associated with it. I am just saying in general, having votes stored electonically is extremely dangerous. I am in the IT field, I know how extremely easy it is for computers to get wiped. Sometimes all it takes is a power spike or power outage and poof, the computer and hard drive are fucked.

red states rule
10-30-2008, 10:04 AM
I'm not addressing any particular election and the problems associated with it. I am just saying in general, having votes stored electonically is extremely dangerous. I am in the IT field, I know how extremely easy it is for computers to get wiped. Sometimes all it takes is a power spike or power outage and poof, the computer and hard drive are fucked.

Do not get me wrong Hawk, I was not saying that. I have no doubt some people may have ideas to alter the votes - but so far I have not heard any credible accounts of it being done

As far as I know both Republcians and Dems watch the voting and vote counting carefully. If proof of changing the votes would ever come out, I am confident the people would raise hell and not stop until those people are tossed in jail, and tighter checks and balances created

10-30-2008, 12:06 PM
A one hour wait, processing went quickly though once in.

I am NOT happy about the voting machines here being all digital. I don't mind using a touch screen to vote, but there should be a hard copy ballot punched the way you voted printed, and that hard copy used as the actual ballot.

If all voting does completely digital then we're fucked.

sure it didn't have an ACORN stamp???? yep. fucked. we still pencil in here. and required to show ID with photo.

10-30-2008, 12:38 PM
all machine here, made me uneasy in the primaries, there is no hard copy to show that your vote went thru and correctly. Not much early voting in KY. I'll sacrafice and drive the 50 minutes to my hometown and vote there this tuesday since there is no school.