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11-01-2008, 12:08 AM
I was talking with a young man of 19 years old today. He's a friend of my youngest son. Previously I have had about 10 minutes of general chit-chat with him.

He asked me if I was going to vote and then he said, "Oh I'm sure your voting for McCain". I said that I was indeed voting for McCain to which he replied, "So am I". He then told me that he was also voting for McCain because everything that Obama says sounds just like Fidel Castro, Hitler, Hugo Chavez and all the other socialist/communist rulers. He knows nothing of Obamas past affiliations or associations. He was just going strictly by the words coming out of Obamas mouth. I have to say that I was completely blown away by his comments. It gave me hope for Americas youth. Did I mention that he is also Black. I only mention it because according to all the media he should've been in the bag for Obama but he is an actual reasonable, thinking person who makes his own decisions for his life.

He is one of the most respectful and friendly kids I have ever met. That kid gave me more hope for Americas youth than anyone else I have met. What a pleasure it was to talk with that young man.

11-01-2008, 07:08 AM
I was talking with a young man of 19 years old today. He's a friend of my youngest son. Previously I have had about 10 minutes of general chit-chat with him.

He asked me if I was going to vote and then he said, "Oh I'm sure your voting for McCain". I said that I was indeed voting for McCain to which he replied, "So am I". He then told me that he was also voting for McCain because everything that Obama says sounds just like Fidel Castro, Hitler, Hugo Chavez and all the other socialist/communist rulers. He knows nothing of Obamas past affiliations or associations. He was just going strictly by the words coming out of Obamas mouth. I have to say that I was completely blown away by his comments. It gave me hope for Americas youth. Did I mention that he is also Black. I only mention it because according to all the media he should've been in the bag for Obama but he is an actual reasonable, thinking person who makes his own decisions for his life.

He is one of the most respectful and friendly kids I have ever met. That kid gave me more hope for Americas youth than anyone else I have met. What a pleasure it was to talk with that young man.

Indeed, when 14 year olds actually read the positions of the two candidates, inevitably they see the 'unfairness' of Obama's plan. I live and teach in DuPage County, still one of the most Republican counties in the US. Needless to say, most of the parents of my students would be 'McCain' folks. However, my school demographics leans more to entrepreneurs, (trades), and union workers, so there are some consistent Democrats too.

One of smartest kids in my 8th grade comes from Democrat household. They are Hispanic, mom works as a school secretary, dad owns a construction company. As she was working on the economics positions of both major candidates, she kept saying, "How would Obama be able to do this? It doesn't make sense! It would be too expensive and not fair!"

It really isn't brain surgery to figure things out, all one needs to do is read and think a bit. Very depressing so few do.

11-01-2008, 10:24 AM
It really isn't brain surgery to figure things out, all one needs to do is read and think a bit. Very depressing so few do.

You are absolutely correct.

I'm glad to hear that there are kids out there who can still think. My 14 year old daughter came to the same conclusion your student did but she has been raised to actually listen to the actual words that come out of peoples mouths, to consider and ponder the persons words and then come to a logical, reasonable, hopefully well thought out conclusion.

First off finding a 19 year old guy who actually is interested and listening was surprising to me, after all there are allot of girls to be distracted by.

He brought up the conversation and don't forget I live in Los Angeles. Land of the riot when we can mentality from people who cant add 2 numbers together if they have decimal points. He also went to a Black Liberation (type) theological church (I've been to that church 2 or 3 times for funerals of friends families). If not for people there being so cold and unfriendly unless they wanted something from you he would still be going there.

Every single indicator points to this Kid being an Obama supporter except one thing, he thinks for himself.

11-01-2008, 08:34 PM
I hope there are alot more young people out there like him both black and white, but I'm afraid that he is the exception and not the rule. I have several black friends in the 40-50 yr old range. When you ask them about Obama you can see the excitement in their eyes. I think it is because Obama would be the first black president. The poorer blacks young or old are expecting a lot of benefits from a black preident if Obama gets elected. It comes up alot about what he's going to do for them in conversations about Obama. Am I racist? No. If I were I wouldn't be living in a place where the black population totals about 80%.

11-01-2008, 08:41 PM
I hope there are alot more young people out there like him both black and white, but I'm afraid that he is the exception and not the rule. I have several black friends in the 40-50 yr old range. When you ask them about Obama you can see the excitement in their eyes. I think it is because Obama would be the first black president. The poorer blacks young or old are expecting a lot of benefits from a black preident if Obama gets elected. It comes up alot about what he's going to do for them in conversations about Obama. Am I racist? No. If I were I wouldn't be living in a place where the black population totals about 80%.

I can understand blacks that want to see a 'black president.' I don't think that's wrong or even prejudiced. However, I do wish they would hear what he's saying and decide if that is the message they wish their children to get.

I can see where is resonates with the poor, but somehow it is with the upper income people and I wonder if they really have thought it through?

11-01-2008, 09:00 PM
I can understand blacks that want to see a 'black president.' I don't think that's wrong or even prejudiced. However, I do wish they would hear what he's saying and decide if that is the message they wish their children to get.

I can see where is resonates with the poor, but somehow it is with the upper income people and I wonder if they really have thought it through?

I can understand peoples excitement about a Black man being president. On the other hand that means those who see themselves as victims need to get over it, get off their butts and go make something of themselves because apparently anyone can if Obama did. Obama is living proof that individual charity works better than government assistance.

11-01-2008, 09:13 PM
I took my wife to the ER today for a cut on her hand. the young gal who took the info said she's voting Osama but has never heard of Jeremiah Wright.

wtf ????

11-01-2008, 09:14 PM
I can understand peoples excitement about a Black man being president. On the other hand that means those who see themselves as victims need to get over it, get off their butts and go make something of themselves because apparently anyone can if Obama did. Obama is living proof that individual charity works better than government assistance.

I don't care about a candidates race as long as they are qualified to lead in whatever capacity they are campaigning for however, I cannot support Obama in this race or any other because I have studied his political history and friends of questionable character,and have found him seriously lacking in the proper mind set to promote our capitalistic way of life and promote morality and character. For a capitalistic society to be successful, the producers must be rewarded for their efforts which Obama thinks is the wrong approach. He believes in rewarding the under achievers and their sorriness with your hard earned money. I simply can't accept this policy or the continuing decline in Americas morality which will surely happen with Obama as president and a liberal democratic congress.

11-02-2008, 12:28 AM
If he is that smart, why is he voting for McCain?

11-02-2008, 10:18 AM
If he is that smart, why is he voting for McCain?

Wouldn't expect you to understand Gabs.

11-02-2008, 10:25 AM
If he is that smart, why is he voting for McCain?

Because he loves America!

11-02-2008, 10:28 AM
It's wonderful to hear that someone in America's youth is actually paying attention,and not just vote for who is cool,or who they are supposed to be voting for because friends are telling them too.

My son is in the 8th grade and told me that last week,some girl was taking a poll around the school asking people who they would vote for. He told her McCain......she proceeded to yell at him and lecture him for his opnion. I told him he should have argued her down. He watches the news with us at times and has asked what each guy stands for. We told him in the straight facts. I wanted to see who HE really thought was the better candidate.

Thankfully,he said he definitely felt he agreed with the right side of things:coffee:

11-03-2008, 12:42 PM
If he is that smart, why is he voting for McCain?

Probably because he's actually paying attention to the issues, unlike many who are simply voting for him either because he's black or because he's a dem.