View Full Version : Split from "Remember This"

11-01-2008, 01:29 PM
you are just like him..as I described him to be above..

deal with it..

Oh...trust me sweetheart...I take your epithets as compliments.

Your opinion of me is about as valuable as a bucket of warm spit.

11-01-2008, 01:31 PM
Oh...trust me sweetheart...I take your epithets as compliments.

Your opinion of me is about as valuable as a bucket of warm spit.

that's why you just HAD to respond..:coffee:

have you been stocking up the Ky?? just in case.

11-01-2008, 01:57 PM
I am cherring Barack Obama...as is a majoriy of Americans.

deal with it.

What is cherring, is that a new word for kissing ass? A majority???? Do you know what that word means. Tell me, when the skinny, hen pecked faggot loses, are you going to be up on the board on the fifth or will you head to the land of refried beans early?

11-01-2008, 02:00 PM
When Osama loses, maybe he could take over for the SHAM WOW guy since he seems to be an expert on shams.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

11-01-2008, 03:30 PM
What is cherring, is that a new word for kissing ass? A majority???? Do you know what that word means. Tell me, when the skinny, hen pecked faggot loses, are you going to be up on the board on the fifth or will you head to the land of refried beans early?

I'm not sure when I will be online after the election, regardless of who wins... I would imagine I'll be up late that night.

My wife and I won't be heading to Mexico until our daughter graduates from college regardless of who wins either.

oh...and cherring is a typographical error. It was supposed to be cheering. I figured you would know that!

11-01-2008, 03:34 PM
that's why you just HAD to respond..:coffee:

have you been stocking up the Ky?? just in case.

I respond to you because it's fun to.

re: KY.... I don't know what you have in mind, but I suggest peddling your ideas somewhere else.

11-01-2008, 04:03 PM
comparing wright to prophets in the bible is the most arrogant and foolish thing i have ever heard...and you have the nerve to call me a heathen...

I am not the only one to make that comparison. The President of the United Church of Christ, John Thomas, made similar remarks. I certainly don't think HE is arrogant or foolish. And I certainly don't think you have any place to criticize my take on the Bible, since you clearly know so very little about it yourself.

11-01-2008, 04:07 PM
I am not the only one to make that comparison. The President of the United Church of Christ, John Thomas, made similar remarks. I certainly don't think HE is arrogant or foolish. And I certainly don't think you have any place to criticize my take on the Bible, since you clearly know so very little about it yourself.

you are an arrogant and foolish man to dare criticize my knowledge of the bible...you are a fraud and if your leader said the same thing about wright, you are both frauds...wright is not a prophet and comparing him to righteous prophets in the bible is outright fraud

now take your holier than thou attitude back to the closet, your kitty is whining

11-01-2008, 04:10 PM
you are an arrogant and foolish man to dare criticize my knowledge of the bible...you are a fraud and if your leader said the same thing about wright, you are both frauds...wright is not a prophet and comparing him to righteous prophets in the bible is outright fraud

now take your holier than thou attitude back to the closet, your kitty is whining

your knowledge of Christianity could fit in a coffee cup and there would still be room for a cup of coffee. :lol:

You didn't even know what the apostle's creed was.

and what the fuck do you know about my cats, asshole? Is that the best you can muster? stupid insults about pets?????:lol:

11-01-2008, 04:22 PM
the apostles creed IS NOT in the bible moron, you claimed i lacked knowledge of the bible and you throw out the creed, idiot

i know enough about christianity to know that wright is no prophet and those who would compare him to biblical prophets are frauds

but go ahead and deem yourself holier than me, christ believes in me and it matters not what a fraud like you thinks

11-01-2008, 04:44 PM
If McCain loses, will the conservative lot here be apologizing and admitting the error of your ways? Or shall you continue to make excuses and attack the choice of the people?
I am not going to comment either way. But I will be reading your mea culpas. I expect a lot of crying and squealing.
I don't expect many of you to be gracious losers. That is not the Republican way.

11-01-2008, 04:54 PM
the apostles creed IS NOT in the bible moron, you claimed i lacked knowledge of the bible and you throw out the creed, idiot

i know enough about christianity to know that wright is no prophet and those who would compare him to biblical prophets are frauds

but go ahead and deem yourself holier than me, christ believes in me and it matters not what a fraud like you thinks

you don't have knowledge of the bible and you don't have knowledge of christianity.

you don't know enough about the bible or christianity to inject yourself into this discussion. period.

I am not "holier" than you... and I never claimed to be. I AM, however, more knowledgeable about my religions than you are. Christ does believe in you, but I do know that if you don't believe in Him, you won't get to heaven. sorry.

11-01-2008, 04:59 PM
If McCain loses, will the conservative lot here be apologizing and admitting the error of your ways? Or shall you continue to make excuses and attack the choice of the people?
I am not going to comment either way. But I will be reading your mea culpas. I expect a lot of crying and squealing.
I don't expect many of you to be gracious losers. That is not the Republican way.

who gives a rats ass...

if the little punk wins, I hope he socks it to you and your family first..:dance:

11-01-2008, 08:24 PM
who gives a rats ass...

if the little punk wins, I hope he socks it to you and your family first..:dance:

I am perfectly willing to pay a bit more in federal income taxes for the good of my country. This country educated me. This country employed me for a quarter of a century. THis country pays me a retirement income today.

I think it it really pathetic and sad that you would not feel the same way.

11-01-2008, 08:30 PM
I am perfectly willing to pay a bit more in federal income taxes for the good of my country. This country educated me. This country employed me for a quarter of a century. THis country pays me a retirement income today.

I think it it really pathetic and sad that you would not feel the same way.

I pay ENOUGH taxes for all the bums to collect off the government tit..

I don't give a shit what you will do...you're freakin moving from the country anyway, so it's like you're going to be paying shit..

11-01-2008, 08:32 PM
I pay ENOUGH taxes for all the bums to collect off the government tit..

I don't give a shit what you will do...you're freakin moving from the country anyway, so it's like you're going to be paying shit..
I will continue to pay federal income tax on all of my retirement income, so you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, bitch.

11-01-2008, 08:35 PM
I will continue to pay federal income tax on all of my retirement income, so you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, bitch.

can't move soon enough little man...

one less asshole in the country.:banana:

11-01-2008, 08:42 PM
you don't have knowledge of the bible and you don't have knowledge of christianity.

you don't know enough about the bible or christianity to inject yourself into this discussion. period.

I am not "holier" than you... and I never claimed to be. I AM, however, more knowledgeable about my religions than you are. Christ does believe in you, but I do know that if you don't believe in Him, you won't get to heaven. sorry.

LIAR you have no clue how much i know, it is clear that you know virtually nothing about Christ, because anyone who claims to be a christian would not be slamming someone else about knowledge, they would gladly teach them, and it is more so because you claim to lead a flock...oh wait, apparently a church whose leader says that wright is like the prophets in the bible, no wonder they allow a asshole like you to lead their flock

anyone who compares the lying reverend wright to the prophets in the bible is a fraud...

11-01-2008, 08:47 PM
LIAR you have no clue how much i know, it is clear that you know shit about Christ, because anyone who claims to be a christian would not be slamming someone else about knowledge, they would gladly teach them, and it is more so because you claim to lead a flock...oh wait, apparently a church whose leader says that wright is like the prophets in the bible, no wonder they allow a asshole like you to lead their flock

anyone who compares the lying reverend wright to the prophets in the bible is a fraud...

If I thought for a moment that you had any interest in Christ, I would gladly teach you, yurt. We both know that you don't, and that you are obsessively interested in attacking me. The UCC is a proud mainline protestant denomination in America...but then, I wouldn't expect a heathen like you to know anything about that. If I have misread you, please let me know. If you would like my helpo in better understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ, all you need to do is let me know and we can begin a program of study and prayer.

11-01-2008, 08:49 PM
ho hum...another day, another negative rep from the heathen jew lawyer from california. :lol:

11-01-2008, 08:50 PM
ho hum...another day, another negative rep from the heathen jew lawyer from california. :lol:

see....another lie from the asshole from maine....jew lawyer...why do you enjoy lying so much?

11-01-2008, 08:52 PM
see....another lie from the asshole from maine....jew lawyer...why do you enjoy lying so much?

you seem to know so much about the prophets of the old testament but seem to be so utterly clueless about christianity.... I made the assumption that your jewish background colored your learning.

11-01-2008, 08:55 PM
If I thought for a moment that you had any interest in Christ, I would gladly teach you, yurt. We both know that you don't, and that you are obsessively interested in attacking me. The UCC is a proud mainline protestant denomination in America...but then, I wouldn't expect a heathen like you to know anything about that. If I have misread you, please let me know. If you would like my helpo in better understanding the gospel of Jesus Christ, all you need to do is let me know and we can begin a program of study and prayer.

not a chance would you ever have the privilege of telling me anything about christ...you compare a lying reverend to prophets in the bible and call me a heathen, you do not present yourself as a man of god

you insult my knowledge of christianity and the bible without any evidence of such...and not knowing about the apostles creed does not in any way mean i do not have knowledge about christianity, as if that creed is the end all be all about the bible, christ and him crucified...my church does not focus on that creed, so your insults are lies

and calling me a heathen, i am pretty sure that violates numerous principles in the bible, especially causing your brother to stumble...you are accusing me having no faith in christ, that is LIE and may Christ forgive you such

11-01-2008, 08:57 PM
you seem to know so much about the prophets of the old testament but seem to be so utterly clueless about christianity.... I made the assumption that your jewish background colored your learning.

LIAR...we have had this conversation numerous times about my father, i was never raised jewish, he has been a christian since before i was born you little worthless liar, but you know this and you enjoy lying

clueless....you are no man of god, you are talking from the devil buddy, too bad

11-01-2008, 09:03 PM
not a chance would you ever have the privilege of telling me anything about christ...you compare a lying reverend to prophets in the bible and call me a heathen, you do not present yourself as a man of god

you insult my knowledge of christianity and the bible without any evidence of such...and not knowing about the apostles creed does not in any way mean i do not have knowledge about christianity, as if that creed is the end all be all about the bible, christ and him crucified...my church does not focus on that creed, so your insults are lies

and calling me a heathen, i am pretty sure that violates numerous principles in the bible, especially causing your brother to stumble...you are accusing me having no faith in christ, that is LIE and may Christ forgive you such

I am certain Christ already has forgiven me. He knows the good work I do on His behalf every day of the week. I have never seen you profess your faith in Christ or to be a member of any denomination of Christ's church. You seem to me to be extraordinarily unaware of the history and cultural precedence that modern day Christianity rests upon. If you ARE, in fact, a struggling member of a Christian denomination, I would urge you to study your faith more seriously. You seem to have a rather surface level understanding of Christianity and what it means to actually follow Christ. In Phillipians 4. Paul urged Euodia Syntyche to be of one mind in Christ Jesus... I will say that I am sure he would urge you and I to do the same.

11-01-2008, 09:06 PM
i don't listen to the devil, so you can trust i will not listen to anything you say about the word of god as you are not speaking with the holy spirit

11-01-2008, 09:06 PM
LIAR...we have had this conversation numerous times about my father, i was never raised jewish, he has been a christian since before i was born you little worthless liar, but you know this and you enjoy lying

clueless....you are no man of god, you are talking from the devil buddy, too bad

Again..I don't ever recall your telling me that your father had been a christian. I am glad for him and glad for you. YOu really need to calm down, quit neg repping me every day, and just settle in to a rational dialog.

11-01-2008, 09:07 PM
i don't listen to the devil, so you can trust i will not listen to anything you say about the word of god as you are not speaking with the holy spirit

have it your way. I see no point in trying to beat swords into plowshares with you when you are obviously dead set against it.

11-01-2008, 09:08 PM
Again..I don't ever recall your telling me that your father had been a christian. I am glad for him and glad for you. YOu really need to calm down, quit neg repping me every day, and just settle in to a rational dialog.

i do not neg rep you everyday, you are flat out lying, no surprise

and you are lying about my dad, but i am not surprised, you even had immie telling you to shut up about the jewish thing

i guess i should not be surprised at your lies as it is apparent that satan has heavy influence over your thoughts

11-01-2008, 09:13 PM
i do not neg rep you everyday, you are flat out lying, no surprise

and you are lying about my dad, but i am not surprised, you even had immie telling you to shut up about the jewish thing

i guess i should not be surprised at your lies as it is apparent that satan has heavy influence over your thoughts

He hates jews, but he claims to not be a racists. Go figure.

11-01-2008, 09:16 PM
i do not neg rep you everyday, you are flat out lying, no surprise

and you are lying about my dad, but i am not surprised, you even had immie telling you to shut up about the jewish thing

i guess i should not be surprised at your lies as it is apparent that satan has heavy influence over your thoughts

you have told me your dad was a jew. you have expressed an apparent interest in the prophets of the old testament and a clear ignorance about the creeds that have been a part of the building of the christian church. Really...yurt...satan does not influence my thoughts. I am excited about tomorrow's service and my sermon about Matt 23:1-12...I am excited about communion. If you are, in fact, a follower of Jesus, that is great news. I would suggest you read the words in red and see how much our Lord had to say about feeding the hungry, and clothing the naked, and housing the homeless and taking care of the least among us, and how little he had to say about abortion and homosexuality... and I would hope that such study might inform and enlighten your nascent faith.

11-01-2008, 09:17 PM
He hates jews, but he claims to not be a racists. Go figure.

I don't hate jews at all. I am rabidly pro-Israeli.

why would you say such a thing, other than the clear fact that you are a moron?:lol:

11-01-2008, 09:18 PM
He hates jews, but he claims to not be a racists. Go figure.

he claims a lot of things which are questionable..
I personally don't believe a word that comes out of his nasty ass mouth..

but I am praying that he REALLY is moving from our country...:dance:

11-01-2008, 09:19 PM
he claims a lot of things which are questionable..
I personally don't believe a word that comes out of his nasty ass mouth..:laugh2:

nor do I care, sweetheart.:lol:

11-01-2008, 09:23 PM
He hates jews, but he claims to not be a racists. Go figure.

how true, he frequently throws the jew thing out at me...so it is clear he is a racist

besides, how can anyone trust someone who compares a lying reverend to the prophets in the bible? oh wait, one liar praising another

11-01-2008, 09:26 PM
Again..I don't ever recall your telling me that your father had been a christian. I am glad for him and glad for you. YOu really need to calm down, quit neg repping me every day, and just settle in to a rational dialog.

prove this or admit you lied

11-01-2008, 09:31 PM
He lied. http://debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=276715&highlight=father+christian+liar#post276715

Post 48.

11-01-2008, 09:40 PM
He lied. http://debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=276715&highlight=father+christian+liar#post276715

Post 48.

good one

11-01-2008, 09:43 PM
good one

We have to assume he lied, for 'we've learned' that he doesn't make mistakes.

11-01-2008, 09:44 PM
good one

great one. what is your point? that your dad was once a jew and is now a christian? that you claim to now be a christian but have no understanding of the history of your faith? please tell me. Is this about moving ot a point of conciliation and healing or just more of the same gotcha posts which have characterized your interaction with me to date?

11-01-2008, 09:51 PM
ho hum...another day, another negative rep from the heathen jew lawyer from california. :lol:

Right, conciliation and brotherhood abound in this post. Pure discriminatory name calling. Pitiful, hateful, and vile.

11-01-2008, 09:54 PM
Right, conciliation and brotherhood abound in this post. Pure discriminatory name calling. Pitiful, hateful, and vile.

I have no hate in my heart for yurt. He claims to know a great deal about old testament prophets but little to nothing about the history of the christian faith. My assumption that he favored his jewish roots was a valid one. You seem to have forgotten our pledge to one another, kathianne. I guess I should not be surprised. I am, however, disappointed.

11-01-2008, 09:57 PM
I have no hate in my heart for yurt. He claims to know a great deal about old testament prophets but little to nothing about the history of the christian faith. My assumption that he favored his jewish roots was a valid one. You seem to have forgotten our pledge to one another, kathianne. I guess I should not be surprised. I am, however, disappointed.

Oh and that is just too bad. Out of nowhere you bring up the Jewish angle. Once again, Yurt says he's not. Out of nowhere again, you bring up his father. He once again responds that his father was always a Christian from before Yurt met him. You claim you didn't know, but you did. What do you call that? We know you do not make those types of errors.

11-01-2008, 10:03 PM
Oh and that is just too bad. Out of nowhere you bring up the Jewish angle. Once again, Yurt says he's not. Out of nowhere again, you bring up his father. He once again responds that his father was always a Christian from before Yurt met him. You claim you didn't know, but you did. What do you call that? We know you do not make those types of errors.

I quite honestly had forgotten that yurt had claimed that his dad had converted to christianity before he "met him". As I said, yurt's apparent familiarity with old testament prophets combined with his later ignorance of the history of Christianity supported that.

11-01-2008, 10:07 PM
I quite honestly had forgotten that yurt had claimed that his dad had converted to christianity before he "met him". As I said, yurt's apparent familiarity with old testament prophets combined with his later ignorance of the history of Christianity supported that.

such a post is filled with lies, i guess it must be a bad thing to be familiar with the OT as well as the NT...pitiful and you did not forget that is a lie, you knew full well because you have accused my dad of being jewish numerous times and i have corrected you each time...you are liar

i see you can't prove that i neg rep you every day, another lie

do you see why i call you a liar, because it is the truth

11-01-2008, 10:08 PM
I quite honestly had forgotten that yurt had claimed that his dad had converted to christianity before he "met him". As I said, yurt's apparent familiarity with old testament prophets combined with his later ignorance of the history of Christianity supported that.

Sort of like Hillary being shot at? Or Obama not being able to recall Wright's sermons.

Very much brought the 'out of nowhere' wish to Joan while arguing with Jim. For some reason your trust factor doesn't register.

11-01-2008, 10:10 PM
Sort of like Hillary being shot at? Or Obama not being able to recall Wright's sermons.

Very much brought the 'out of nowhere' wish to Joan while arguing with Jim. For some reason your trust factor doesn't register.

who is Joan?

11-01-2008, 10:13 PM
who is Joan?

Jim's mom.


Your post #168 quotes Jim and your disingenuous response.

11-01-2008, 10:17 PM
Jim's mom.


Your post #168 quotes Jim and your disingenuous response.

I think Jim would readily say that my response was anything buyt disingenuous. I am deeply concerned about him and his mom and the struggles that they face at this point in their lives...I have expressed my concern to him both publicly and privately. You are wrong about this...trust me...although, I realize that you are such a prideful person, that admitting you might be wrong about this point is clearly something you are incapable of doing.

11-01-2008, 10:22 PM
I think Jim would readily say that my response was anything buyt disingenuous. I am deeply concerned about him and his mom and the struggles that they face at this point in their lives...I have expressed my concern to him both publicly and privately. You are wrong about this...trust me...although, I realize that you are such a prideful person, that admitting you might be wrong about this point is clearly something you are incapable of doing.

LOL! We saw your level of public, perhaps on the phone it came across sincere. :dunno: In any case, the conversation about 'jew lawyer', references to his father, harping about his 'knowledge' or your evaluation of his lack of knowledge just reminded me of the out of nowhere reminder of Jim's mom in that thread.

Not the first, nor probably the last time you will do so. Oh yeah, something about wishing horrors on a person with cancer. Indeed your Christ like behavior shines through, especially in light of your superior knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments.

11-01-2008, 10:31 PM
Oh yeah, something about wishing horrors on a person with cancer. Indeed your Christ like behavior shines through, especially in light of your superior knowledge of both the Old and New Testaments.
oh yeah...go back and read my interview with Jim where I profusely apologized for that comment...and it is so Christian of you to withhold forgiveness for that, even though I have expressed remorse.

Look...why don't you just leave me alone and I will do the same for you...OK?

11-01-2008, 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by manfrommaine
Again..I don't ever recall your telling me that your father had been a christian. I am glad for him and glad for you. YOu really need to calm down, quit neg repping me every day, and just settle in to a rational dialog.

prove this or admit you lied

3rd time, no surprise you fail to answer

11-01-2008, 10:41 PM
oh yeah...go back and read my interview with Jim where I profusely apologized for that comment...and it is so Christian of you to withhold forgiveness for that, even though I have expressed remorse.

Look...why don't you just leave me alone and I will do the same for you...OK?


cry baby, you dish out bullshit and when you get called on it you cry


how about you stop starting shit and lying about people....try that and watch how things change for you

11-01-2008, 10:45 PM
what's that saying...can dish it out but can't take it...give me a hankie..:laugh2:

Mr. P
11-01-2008, 10:48 PM
If McCain loses, will the conservative lot here be apologizing and admitting the error of your ways? Or shall you continue to make excuses and attack the choice of the people?
I am not going to comment either way. But I will be reading your mea culpas. I expect a lot of crying and squealing.
I don't expect many of you to be gracious losers. That is not the Republican way.

Well gee...maybe the democrap way should be repeated..you know..they stole the election, twice...blah, blah...heard that for 8 years now along with so much other shit. What goes around comes around, Gab. Be prepared.

Oh and be afraid, very afraid...you lemmings don't have a clue what your really in for with Bambam.

11-01-2008, 10:48 PM
3rd time, no surprise you fail to answer

you are such a pathetic literalist. If I told you once, I told you a million times, don't exaggerate. the point was, you neg rep me frequently... that is a fact. do you deny that, you whiney little shyster?:lol:

11-01-2008, 10:50 PM

cry baby, you dish out bullshit and when you get called on it you cry


how about you stop starting shit and lying about people....try that and watch how things change for you

I will try to do as you suggest, counselor (and learned old and new testament scholar:lol:)

I neve lie about people, by the way.

11-01-2008, 10:52 PM
what's that saying...can dish it out but can't take it...give me a hankie..:laugh2:

I can't even begin to imagine what disgusting uses you might have for a hankie after a hard night's work. TMI...

11-01-2008, 10:55 PM
I can't even begin to imagine what disgusting uses you might have for a hankie after a hard night's work. TMI...

go get your jar of jergens little man..PDH...

11-01-2008, 10:58 PM
you are such a pathetic literalist. If I told you once, I told you a million times, don't exaggerate. the point was, you neg rep me frequently... that is a fact. do you deny that, you whiney little shyster?:lol:


so it is not true that i neg rep you everyday....you lied


11-01-2008, 11:05 PM
go get your jar of jergens little man..PDH...

clean up the splooge dripping down your thighs....

11-01-2008, 11:09 PM

so it is not true that i neg rep you everyday....you lied


like I said.... you pathetic, ambulance chasing, failed excuse for an attorney.... "every day" is an idiomatic expression for "often". I guess idiomatic expressions don't get much use in night court defending drunks and hookers, eh?
and you call yourself a breadwinner"??? :lol:

11-01-2008, 11:12 PM
clean up the splooge dripping down your thighs....

how do you use that line in one of your sermons little man?..
you ask for a volunteer to help you out and grab the jar of jergens..:laugh2:

11-01-2008, 11:16 PM
how do you use that line in one of your sermons little man?..
you ask for a volunteer to help you out and grab the jar of jergens..:laugh2:

my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.:lol:

11-01-2008, 11:28 PM
like I said.... you pathetic, ambulance chasing, failed excuse for an attorney.... "every day" is an idiomatic expression for "often". I guess idiomatic expressions don't get much use in night court defending drunks and hookers, eh?
and you call yourself a breadwinner"??? :lol:

bullshit, when you mentioned rsr's rep, you said "nearly" everyday...

you made a specific claim, not an idiom, nice try follower of lucifer...

Again..I don't ever recall your telling me that your father had been a christian. I am glad for him and glad for you. YOu really need to calm down, quit neg repping me every day, and just settle in to a rational dialog.

if you had said "all the time" your pathetic excuse it was an idiom might work, but you made a specific claim and that claim is not true....you LIED

you can try and deflect back to me all you want, but it is clear for all to see you lied and you know this is an issue because i called you on it before and you said, not i never said you neg rep me everyday, you were talking about both rsr...so you know full well the difference


and just to show what a little liar you are, you know very well the difference between claiming someone reps everyday versus almost everyday..

My negative rep is due almost entirely to RSR who neg reps me nearly every day.


just accept that yurt called you out on yet ANOTHER lie, say you're sorry and move on with your pathetic life

11-01-2008, 11:28 PM
my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.:lol:

your sermon is probably preached at the local porno shop at the corner strip mall..I bet all them blow up ladies appreciate ya...

11-01-2008, 11:29 PM
my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.:lol:

you are not a christian, you are a follower of satan

11-01-2008, 11:33 PM
bullshit, when you mentioned rsr's rep, you said "nearly" everyday...

you made a specific claim, not an idiom, nice try follower of lucifer...

if you had said "all the time" your pathetic excuse it was an idiom might work, but you made a specific claim and that claim is not true....you LIED

you can try and deflect back to me all you want, but it is clear for all to see you lied and you know this is an issue because i called you on it before and you said, not i never said you neg rep me everyday, you were talking about both rsr...so you know full well the difference


and just to show what a little liar you are, you know very well the difference between claiming someone reps everyday versus almost everyday..


just accept that yurt called you out on yet ANOTHER lie, say you're sorry and move on with your pathetic life

I admit no such thing...but, I can well imagine in your pathetic little ambulance chasing life, where you need to seem like a success to someone- if not to clients or family, you are clinging to these sorts of symbolic victories. I pity you, yurt... I really do.

11-01-2008, 11:35 PM
your sermon is probably preached at the local porno shop at the corner strip mall..I bet all them blow up ladies appreciate ya...

actually, I preach in a stunning sanctuary...with more tiffany windows than any church north of boston... and here's a hint: one of them is in honor of the guy who called democrats the party of "rum, romanism and rebellion"

11-01-2008, 11:35 PM
you are not a christian, you are a follower of satan

you wouldn't know satan if he were buggering you.

11-01-2008, 11:36 PM
"everyday" is not an idiom liar

you made a claim, i proved you lied, and all your deflection back to me will not change the fact that Yurt caught you in yet another lie

i also recommend you leave my family out of any further discussions, do not even think about my family, you are not worthy of them...

go back to the closet and pet your pussy cat with your jar of jergsoffsen

11-01-2008, 11:40 PM
"everyday" is not an idiom liar

you made a claim, i proved you lied, and all your deflection back to me will not change the fact that Yurt caught you in yet another lie

i also recommend you leave my family out of any further discussions, do not even think about my family, you are not worthy of them...

go back to the closet and pet your pussy cat with your jar of jergsoffsen


what else ya got, counselor? any substance or will it always be petty little word game bullshit?

I can remember when you used to be interesting and engaging in debate...then you became fun to verbally abuse...now you have sunk to such a petty level I really have little interest in responding to you.

11-02-2008, 12:00 AM
"everyday" is not an idiom...appears you are trying to lie your way out of a lie

really pathetic...if you are known by your fruits, you are not from Christ

your posts are disgusting

11-02-2008, 03:58 AM
If McCain loses, will the conservative lot here be apologizing and admitting the error of your ways? Or shall you continue to make excuses and attack the choice of the people?
I am not going to comment either way. But I will be reading your mea culpas. I expect a lot of crying and squealing.
I don't expect many of you to be gracious losers. That is not the Republican way.

That lying cheat faggot, Barry Osama will get the same respect and constant criticism you dimwits have thrown at President Bush if he wins, enjoy it. I will be happy to call him a racist socialist prick to his face if his faggot chicken shit ass shows up here.

By the way, I don't suppose that you geniuses have thought in your zeal to get all of the power that if you achieve it and don't produce, it will be completely Osama's fault and he will be held accountable. Have fun with the shit your party has created.

11-02-2008, 07:21 AM
"everyday" is not an idiom...appears you are trying to lie your way out of a lie

really pathetic...if you are known by your fruits, you are not from Christ

your posts are disgusting

eve·ry·day /[adj. ev-ree-dey; n. ev-ree-dey]

1. of or pertaining to every day; daily: an everyday occurrence.
2. of or for ordinary days, as contrasted with Sundays, holidays, or special occasions: everyday clothes.
3. such as is met with every day; ordinary; commonplace: a placid, everyday scene.
4. the routine or ordinary day or occasion: We use inexpensive plates for everyday.

11-02-2008, 10:21 AM
I am perfectly willing to pay a bit more in federal income taxes for the good of my country. This country educated me. This country employed me for a quarter of a century. THis country pays me a retirement income today.

I think it it really pathetic and sad that you would not feel the same way.

Thats fine if you want to pay more and feel a greater obligation to do so. Go right ahead pay all the extra that you think the government needs of your money. I have no problem with that at all. By the way how much extra money have you been giving to the government voluntarily with your sense of duty to give more? Do you pay in an extra 10% or 20% quarterly to help out the government?

The problem is that Barry is going to forcibly take the money from those of us who don't wish to pay more.

11-02-2008, 12:05 PM
Thats fine if you want to pay more and feel a greater obligation to do so. Go right ahead pay all the extra that you think the government needs of your money. I have no problem with that at all. By the way how much extra money have you been giving to the government voluntarily with your sense of duty to give more? Do you pay in an extra 10% or 20% quarterly to help out the government?

The problem is that Barry is going to forcibly take the money from those of us who don't wish to pay more.

No one WISHES to pay more taxes than are required. I pay what the government requires me to pay. And so do you. The marginal tax rates have fluctuated throughout the history of the federal income tax. It is a exercise in political democracy. It has never been a choice between capitalism and socialism. Unless you make more that $250K/year, you will not be asked to pay more. If you do, you'll be asked to pay a few percentage points more and no more than you were under Clinton. If you have a terrible problem with that marginal increase, you are well aware of the variety of options that are available to you.

11-02-2008, 12:19 PM
No one WISHES to pay more taxes than are required. I pay what the government requires me to pay. And so do you. The marginal tax rates have fluctuated throughout the history of the federal income tax. It is a exercise in political democracy. It has never been a choice between capitalism and socialism. Unless you make more that $250K/year, you will not be asked to pay more. If you do, you'll be asked to pay a few percentage points more and no more than you were under Clinton. If you have a terrible problem with that marginal increase, you are well aware of the variety of options that are available to you.

You said, for the good of the country you are willing to pay more taxes and someone disagreeing with that position is pathetic.

It would make one conclude that to avoid being as you termed it, "pathetic" you would have been paying in extra for the good of the country. Does that mean you have not have not been doing what is in your estimation good for the country?

11-02-2008, 12:37 PM
eve·ry·day /[adj. ev-ree-dey; n. ev-ree-dey]

1. of or pertaining to every day; daily: an everyday occurrence.
2. of or for ordinary days, as contrasted with Sundays, holidays, or special occasions: everyday clothes.
3. such as is met with every day; ordinary; commonplace: a placid, everyday scene.
4. the routine or ordinary day or occasion: We use inexpensive plates for everyday.

first you say it is an IDIOM, now you are claiming that you actually meant it as simply ordinary and not in fact occurring everyday....which is it...hard to keep up with those lies eh...

but we all know you literally meant everyday as i showed that you know the difference between "nearly everyday" and everyday and you have accused me of everyday in the past and i called you on it and you NEVER mentioned that your use was merely ordinary, you defended it by saying you weren't really talking about me...

you meant everyday in the literal sense...further, your taking refuge in the CERTAIN parts of the definition do not help your cause, as can be seen it does in fact literally mean every single day...

oh why bother, you lied, you got caught, but you parse words and think it will save you....it won't....you also again lied about my dad...your lies seem endless

11-02-2008, 01:34 PM
first you say it is an IDIOM, now you are claiming that you actually meant it as simply ordinary and not in fact occurring everyday....which is it...hard to keep up with those lies eh...

but we all know you literally meant everyday as i showed that you know the difference between "nearly everyday" and everyday and you have accused me of everyday in the past and i called you on it and you NEVER mentioned that your use was merely ordinary, you defended it by saying you weren't really talking about me...

you meant everyday in the literal sense...further, your taking refuge in the CERTAIN parts of the definition do not help your cause, as can be seen it does in fact literally mean every single day...

oh why bother, you lied, you got caught, but you parse words and think it will save you....it won't....you also again lied about my dad...your lies seem endless

just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????:lol:

I'll wait.

11-02-2008, 02:22 PM
you wouldn't know satan if he were buggering you.

I would imagine that you, Farrakhan and J Wright will be the three amigos in hell fighting for the chance to blow satan every hour for eternity.

11-02-2008, 02:25 PM
just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????:lol:

I'll wait.

Could it be because you didn't say "everyday" but said "every day"?

11-02-2008, 02:30 PM
Could it be because you didn't say "everyday" but said "every day"?


i did not even catch that, nice!

11-02-2008, 02:34 PM
just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????:lol:

I'll wait.


11-02-2008, 03:23 PM
just answer me one question: HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT????:lol:

I'll wait.

use that line in your sermon today.....

11-02-2008, 04:14 PM
use that line in your sermon today.....

nope... the sermon was about Matt 23:1-12.

11-02-2008, 04:18 PM
nope... the sermon was about Matt 23:1-12.

still leading a double life...pretending to be good in front of your flock and treat people on the internet like shit.....

your interview at the pearly gates should be enlightening.....

think st peter will buy your excusses ....

11-02-2008, 04:22 PM
still leading a double life...pretending to be good in front of your flock and treat people on the internet like shit.....

your interview at the pearly gates should be enlightening.....

think st peter will buy your excusses ....

....and lies

every day not everyday :laugh2:

dissing on people of the jewish faith

calling christians heathens

could be he says...get the away from me for i do not know you, though you have claimed my name, i know thee not

11-02-2008, 04:28 PM
....and lies

every day not everyday :laugh2:

dissing on people of the jewish faith

calling christians heathens

could be he says...get the away from me for i do not know you, though you have claimed my name, i know thee not

yurt....I do not diss people of the jewish faith. I had a jesish uncle who was my favorite. I made many lifelong friends in Israel. And I would never call anyone who proclaimed to be a Christian, and knew anything about Christianity, a heathen. If you are indeed a follower of Jesus, good for you. I would suggest you take the time to learn a little bit about the history of your faith.

and we both know that I don't lie. and we both know that your negative reps of me are a very regular occurence... one might even call them an everyday occurence. Oh wait... I already did!:lol:

11-02-2008, 04:31 PM
still leading a double life...pretending to be good in front of your flock and treat people on the internet like shit.....

your interview at the pearly gates should be enlightening.....

think st peter will buy your excusses ....
I treat my flock well, because they are my flock. I treat some people on the internet with disdain, only because they treat me with disdain... like you and your fawning sidekick yurt, for example.

I think that God will judge the whole of my life, and, on the whole, I'd like to think my life has met with his approval.

11-02-2008, 04:32 PM
still leading a double life...pretending to be good in front of your flock and treat people on the internet like shit.....

your interview at the pearly gates should be enlightening.....

think st peter will buy your excusses ....

Phew, I thought I was the only one offended:



truly disgusting:





Just vulgar:



Not all of these are MFM, though the majority are. All in the cage, all less than the posters could verbalize or write rather, without going 'there.'

I'm thinking Jim, perhaps you should fine folks for going to the down and dirty, my guess is you could make a fortune and as long as not visible couldn't hurt anything? Seems some get off on it or can't find language within reasonable standards?

I've seen implications of whoring, homosexuality, abusiveness. It's only one thread!

11-02-2008, 04:33 PM
I treat my flock well, because they are my flock. I treat some people on the internet with disdain, only because they treat me with disdain... like you and your fawning sidekick yurt, for example.

I think that God will judge the whole of my life, and, on the whole, I'd like to think my life has met with his approval.

gunning for partial credit and hoping he grades on a curve.....

you should do a sermon on that tactic....

11-02-2008, 04:35 PM
yurt....I do not diss people of the jewish faith. I had a jesish uncle who was my favorite. I made many lifelong friends in Israel. And I would never call anyone who proclaimed to be a Christian, and knew anything about Christianity, a heathen. If you are indeed a follower of Jesus, good for you. I would suggest you take the time to learn a little bit about the history of your faith.

and we both know that I don't lie. and we both know that your negative reps of me are a very regular occurence... one might even call them an everyday occurence. Oh wait... I already did!:lol:

nope, you said every day NOT everyday

and you keep up about my dad despite numerous time i have told you he is a christian and became christian before i was born

you repeatedly lie, at a minimum you are living a LIE as you pretend to be something to your church and are a vile pervert on the internet

11-02-2008, 04:36 PM
i am not offended.....

i find the foul mouthed hateful selfproclaimed pastor to be like a bad auto accident.....i just have to slow down and look.....

Phew, I thought I was the only one offended:



truly disgusting:





Just vulgar:



Not all of these are MFM, though the majority are. All in the cage, all less than the posters could verbalize or write rather, without going 'there.'

I'm thinking Jim, perhaps you should fine folks for going to the down and dirty, my guess is you could make a fortune and as long as not visible couldn't hurt anything? Seems some get off on it or can't find language within reasonable standards?

I've seen implications of whoring, homosexuality, abusiveness. It's only one thread!

11-02-2008, 04:36 PM
gunning for partial credit and hoping he grades on a curve.....

you should do a sermon on that tactic....

what do you do for a living? how would you like it if I gave you advice on how to do YOUR job?

shut the fuck up.

11-02-2008, 04:37 PM
nope, you said every day NOT everyday

and you keep up about my dad despite numerous time i have told you he is a christian and became christian before i was born

you repeatedly lie, at a minimum you are living a LIE as you pretend to be something to your church and are a vile pervert on the internet

hey maybe he is a pastor afterall.......fits the profile.....

11-02-2008, 04:37 PM
wow, kath, those are truly vile when viewed at like that

11-02-2008, 04:38 PM
what do you do for a living? how would you like it if I gave you advice on how to do YOUR job?

shut the fuck up.

Do you share with your beloved congregation your favorite sites? I'm sure they would be enlightened.

11-02-2008, 04:40 PM
nope, you said every day NOT everyday

and you keep up about my dad despite numerous time i have told you he is a christian and became christian before i was born

you repeatedly lie, at a minimum you are living a LIE as you pretend to be something to your church and are a vile pervert on the internet

I meant everyday. I am aware of your Dad being born a Jew but converting to Christianity, or so you say...and I am aware of your purported faith, but your lack of familiarity with some of the basic tenets and traditions of your faith leaves me less than convinced. I don't pretend to be anything to my church. They know who I am... and they are damned glad they have me. NOw...I am off to teach a confirmation class to a dozen 13 year olds. I'll be back later.

11-02-2008, 04:44 PM
I meant everyday. I am aware of your Dad being born a Jew but converting to Christianity, or so you say...and I am aware of your purported faith, but your lack of familiarity with some of the basic tenets and traditions of your faith leaves me less than convinced. I don't pretend to be anything to my church. They know who I am... and they are damned glad they have me. NOw...I am off to teach a confirmation class to a dozen 13 year olds. I'll be back later.

"So you say". "Purported faith" "Less than convinced." Of course, the congregation is "damed glad to have you", probably like your navy underlings, who still are throwing darts at your likeness. You are an ass. No one would like you, not on the internet, not in real life. You are a pompous, hubris filled, mockery of a man, who hates and is hated by all. You are a vile facsimile of a real person.

11-02-2008, 05:07 PM
"So you say". "Purported faith" "Less than convinced." Of course, the congregation is "damed glad to have you", probably like your navy underlings, who still are throwing darts at your likeness. You are an ass. No one would like you, not on the internet, not in real life. You are a pompous, hubris filled, mockery of a man, who hates and is hated by all. You are a vile facsimile of a real person.

how little you know. My congregation does love me...and so do my friends and family. Former sailors are always stopping by to visit me in Maine. I understand that YOU hate me, kathianne, because I don't roll over and play nice when your buddies question my patriotism or my service. I know you hate me because I don't share your politics. I don't hate you, however. I actually only come close to hating one person on this site and he has worked hard on two different message boards to earn my enmity. You? You're kinda kooky... kinda soaked with the GOP koolaid, but I certainly don't HATE you...not one little bit.

11-02-2008, 05:16 PM
how little you know. My congregation does love me...and so do my friends and family. Former sailors are always stopping by to visit me in Maine. I understand that YOU hate me, kathianne, because I don't roll over and play nice when your buddies question my patriotism or my service. I know you hate me because I don't share your politics. I don't hate you, however. I actually only come close to hating one person on this site and he has worked hard on two different message boards to earn my enmity. You? You're kinda kooky... kinda soaked with the GOP koolaid, but I certainly don't HATE you...not one little bit.

I'm nearly feeling all warm and fuzzy after those accolades. Seriously, I'm certain that former sailors, ie officers may well visit you. Regular folk, more than unlikely, you are a bully and a snob. You don't even try to hide it.

11-02-2008, 05:19 PM
how little you know. My congregation does love me...and so do my friends and family. Former sailors are always stopping by to visit me in Maine. I understand that YOU hate me, kathianne, because I don't roll over and play nice when your buddies question my patriotism or my service. I know you hate me because I don't share your politics. I don't hate you, however. I actually only come close to hating one person on this site and he has worked hard on two different message boards to earn my enmity. You? You're kinda kooky... kinda soaked with the GOP koolaid, but I certainly don't HATE you...not one little bit.

you should share your greatist hit list with them that kath put together for you.....maybe a powerpoint.....

11-02-2008, 05:22 PM
you should share your greatist hit list with them that kath put together for you.....maybe a powerpoint.....

again... why do you feel compelled to tell me how to do my job? Why are you so interested in my congregation? They are absolutely NONE of your business. Wanna talk politics. Fine. Wanna talk about YOUR career? Go for it. Wanna tell me how to do MY job? Go fuck yourself. Is that clear enough for you? really/

11-02-2008, 05:41 PM
BREAKTHROUGH! MFM is NOT lying about his preaching or the congregation's reaction.

They really are like Wright's church, they hate all but themselves! Their wonderful, blessed selves. It's all bout them.

It should be United Church of Christ, but rather :"Church of Hubris, You Slobs May Be Lucky If We Give A Shit About You"

Yep, that makes sense. We understand and they all remain happy.

11-02-2008, 05:42 PM
again... why do you feel compelled to tell me how to do my job? Why are you so interested in my congregation? They are absolutely NONE of your business. Wanna talk politics. Fine. Wanna talk about YOUR career? Go for it. Wanna tell me how to do MY job? Go fuck yourself. Is that clear enough for you? really/

blow me ya pedophile in training...lying hypocrite claims to be a pastor piece of shit....i will type whatever i like.....if you don't like it go pray to god to make me stop....

how about you invite one of your "friends" here to find out how you really are....

i know i know you would but your cat can't type.....

11-02-2008, 05:44 PM
blow me ya pedophile in training...lying hypocrite claims to be a pastor piece of shit....i will type whatever i like.....if you don't like it go pray to god to make me stop....

how about you invite one of your "friends" here to find out how you really are....

i know i know you would but your cat can't type.....

Wow. Other than Immie my least likely friend to blow up! I tried to rep, but alas. I could probably neg, but why the heck bother with that pos?

11-02-2008, 05:44 PM
Phew, I thought I was the only one offended:



truly disgusting:





Just vulgar:



Not all of these are MFM, though the majority are. All in the cage, all less than the posters could verbalize or write rather, without going 'there.'

I'm thinking Jim, perhaps you should fine folks for going to the down and dirty, my guess is you could make a fortune and as long as not visible couldn't hurt anything? Seems some get off on it or can't find language within reasonable standards?

I've seen implications of whoring, homosexuality, abusiveness. It's only one thread!

Wow, I only scored two? I guess I'll have to put in more effort.

11-02-2008, 05:50 PM
Wow. Other than Immie my least likely friend to blow up! I tried to rep, but alas. I could probably neg, but why the heck bother with that pos?

i was trying to crack into your top ten vile post thread....

11-02-2008, 06:13 PM
Wow, I only scored two? I guess I'll have to put in more effort.

You gave it a best effort, no one can fault you. If only others did the same.

11-02-2008, 06:19 PM
I meant everyday. I am aware of your Dad being born a Jew but converting to Christianity, or so you say...and I am aware of your purported faith, but your lack of familiarity with some of the basic tenets and traditions of your faith leaves me less than convinced. I don't pretend to be anything to my church. They know who I am... and they are damned glad they have me. NOw...I am off to teach a confirmation class to a dozen 13 year olds. I'll be back later.

your lies are becoming too numerous for you to keep up with...

now you change your tune...to I MEANT everyday :laugh2: at least you can admit that i do not neg rep you every day :poke:

your purpose in continually bringing up my father was made clear by you last may:

not lies... insults, and clearly they succeeded

you claimed back then they were not lies, you only said them to piss me off...now you claim you didn't know...this has been an ongoing issue for a long time, you contually claim my dad is jewish after i have repeatedly told you that he is not and he has been christian since before i was born...you have apologized for it in the past, but you continue...nobody believes your bullshit mfm, nobody

and your post is rife with insults, you are do not speak from Christ...nothing in your words or insults can remotely be attributed to Christ's nature, nothing...you think you have Christ and speak for him, but you don't, satan has taken a hold of your spirit and while you do your best to hide it in your offline life, it rears its ugly head on this board.

think about it, it has nothing to do with politics or Yurt, you are being told by numerous people that your words are disgusting, a rational person might want to take note of that, ESPECIALLY one who claims a superior moral understanding and relationship with God and His Son.

hopefully you will get on your knees and repent and become a better person

11-02-2008, 06:25 PM
your lies are becoming too numerous for you to keep up with...

now you change your tune...to I MEANT everyday :laugh2: at least you can admit that i do not neg rep you every day :poke:

your purpose in continually bringing up my father was made clear by you last may:

you claimed back then they were not lies, you only said them to piss me off...now you claim you didn't know...this has been an ongoing issue for a long time, you contually claim my dad is jewish after i have repeatedly told you that he is not and he has been christian since before i was born...you have apologized for it in the past, but you continue...nobody believes your bullshit mfm, nobody

and your post is rife with insults, you are do not speak from Christ...nothing in your words or insults can remotely be attributed to Christ's nature, nothing...you think you have Christ and speak for him, but you don't, satan has taken a hold of your spirit and while you do your best to hide it in your offline life, it rears its ugly head on this board.

think about it, it has nothing to do with politics or Yurt, you are being told by numerous people that your words are disgusting, a rational person might want to take note of that, ESPECIALLY one who claims a superior moral understanding and relationship with God and His Son.

hopefully you will get on your knees and repent and become a better person

Right you are Yurt, he's displayed no symptoms of dementia. It wasn't you that searched the old thread out, but another. Proof positive that the one who hates 'lies', lies.

11-02-2008, 06:26 PM
Right you are Yurt, he's displayed no symptoms of dementia. It wasn't you that searched the old thread out, but another. Proof positive that the one who hates 'lies', lies.

Police would call this his M.O., as he displays it over and over again. With Jim's mom, with your dad, with RSR...

11-02-2008, 06:30 PM
Police would call this his M.O., as he displays it over and over again. With Jim's mom, with your dad, with RSR...

what truly amazes me is that he claims the higher moral ground in all of this, this person who claims to know more about god and the bible acts nothing like anyone i have read about in the bible...and it is not as if it is a pissing match with just one person, he does this with nearly everyone on the board...he has no clue that others might see his actions as a stumbling block, that here you have a man who professes to be a man of god and acts like a disgusting pervert and lying like the truth is out of fashion

11-02-2008, 06:33 PM
what truly amazes me is that he claims the higher moral ground in all of this, this person who claims to know more about god and the bible acts nothing like anyone i have read about in the bible...and it is not as if it is a pissing match with just one person, he does this with nearly everyone on the board...he has no clue that others might see his actions as a stumbling block, that here you have a man who professes to be a man of god and acts like a disgusting pervert and lying like the truth is out of fashion

He's a liar, a misogynist, and a poseur. Truly has demonstrated no redeeming factors. IMO, the best thing to do is act as if he's invisible. I can't if you all won't, but if you do, I will.

11-02-2008, 06:40 PM
what truly amazes me is that he claims the higher moral ground in all of this, this person who claims to know more about god and the bible acts nothing like anyone i have read about in the bible...and it is not as if it is a pissing match with just one person, he does this with nearly everyone on the board...he has no clue that others might see his actions as a stumbling block, that here you have a man who professes to be a man of god and acts like a disgusting pervert and lying like the truth is out of fashion

behaves just like the nazis did

11-02-2008, 06:43 PM
He's a liar, a misogynist, and a poseur. Truly has demonstrated no redeeming factors. IMO, the best thing to do is act as if he's invisible. I can't if you all won't, but if you do, I will.

funny, i was thinking the same...how many times do i have hear his bullshit, his promises to not get into insults, to not bring my wife into conversations, to stop talking about my dad....all lies as he has never once kept a promise to me

11-02-2008, 06:46 PM
funny, i was thinking the same...how many times do i have hear his bullshit, his promises to not get into insults, to not bring my wife into conversations, to stop talking about my dad....all lies as he has never once kept a promise to me

Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. ~Zen Buddhist Proverb

11-02-2008, 06:51 PM
funny, i was thinking the same...how many times do i have hear his bullshit, his promises to not get into insults, to not bring my wife into conversations, to stop talking about my dad....all lies as he has never once kept a promise to me

So? Are we there? Stephanie? RSR? Sitarro? Others?

11-02-2008, 06:52 PM
So? Are we there? Stephanie? RSR? Sitarro? Others?

are you asking that we all ignor him.....

11-02-2008, 06:54 PM
are you asking that we all ignor him.....

I'm saying if he doesn't exist for you all, he doesn't for me. He can post all his drivel, just no response. You all won't be baited. It will take fortitude, for surely he is like evil, if not really evil.

11-02-2008, 06:58 PM
I'm saying if he doesn't exist for you all, he doesn't for me. He can post all his drivel, just no response. You all won't be baited. It will take fortitude, for surely he is like evil, if not really evil.

i did that for awhile....got bored.....i will give it a go again...and poof he was gone....

11-02-2008, 07:04 PM
i did that for awhile....got bored.....i will give it a go again...and poof he was gone....

Me too, but i tend to come and attack when others are being. Of course, I may be meaner when it's myself, though I lose site of that. ;)

11-02-2008, 07:06 PM
Me too, but i tend to come and attack when others are being. Of course, I may be meaner when it's myself, though I lose site of that. ;)

ok..........now what....

11-02-2008, 07:13 PM
Before enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment - chop wood, carry water. ~Zen Buddhist Proverb

exactly why i haven't done it yet, seems i still repeat myself after i get enlightment...j/k

and it is fun arguing and showing him over and over how wrong he is

11-02-2008, 07:15 PM
what truly amazes me is that he claims the higher moral ground in all of this, this person who claims to know more about god and the bible acts nothing like anyone i have read about in the bible...and it is not as if it is a pissing match with just one person, he does this with nearly everyone on the board...he has no clue that others might see his actions as a stumbling block, that here you have a man who professes to be a man of god and acts like a disgusting pervert and lying like the truth is out of fashion

He is well aware of how his actions appear. He has made it quite clear he doesn't care nor will he change. I have mentioned it several times in the 6 months I have been here. I have to say that I was so blown away by his vile posts that I was nearly speechless. I don't care where he's been or what he's done in his life, that's all a cop out. I worked construction for 20+ years using four letter words to punctuate sentences and talked worse than a sailor. It's no excuse. The way he has denigrated the office of pastor (which I hold in the highest regard) on this board is appalling to say the very least.

11-02-2008, 07:25 PM
confirmation class was fun! Looks like you all have had fun while I was gone!

11-02-2008, 07:44 PM
He is well aware of how his actions appear. He has made it quite clear he doesn't care nor will he change. I have mentioned it several times in the 6 months I have been here. I have to say that I was so blown away by his vile posts that I was nearly speechless. I don't care where he's been or what he's done in his life, that's all a cop out. I worked construction for 20+ years using four letter words to punctuate sentences and talked worse than a sailor. It's no excuse. The way he has denigrated the office of pastor (which I hold in the highest regard) on this board is appalling to say the very least.

you're right...it is clear he enjoys being a lying asshole and enjoys that others talk about him when he is not online...if he really cared, he would actually try to address the serious concerns raised here, alas, all he comes her for is a fight and either live out a fantasy life or be his real self that he hides offline

hopefully the holy spirit changes his evil heart

11-02-2008, 07:59 PM
you're right...it is clear he enjoys being a lying asshole and enjoys that others talk about him when he is not online...if he really cared, he would actually try to address the serious concerns raised here, alas, all he comes her for is a fight and either live out a fantasy life or be his real self that he hides offline

hopefully the holy spirit changes his evil heart

like the holy spirit has already changed yours?:lol:

11-02-2008, 08:16 PM
see, the liar man filled with dark spirits, proved me right, again

unfortunately, i would rather be wrong on this count....unfortunately he shows over and over that he is no man of god

his loss


11-02-2008, 08:23 PM
see, the liar man filled with dark spirits, proved me right, again

unfortunately, i would rather be wrong on this count....unfortunately he shows over and over that he is no man of god

his loss


I am not filled with dark spirits, yurt. I have said over and over again that I would love to beat our swords into plowshares, but you seem absolutely incapable of going a day without calling me a liar. Clearly, you have no desire to end this feud.

11-02-2008, 08:41 PM
I am not filled with dark spirits, yurt. I have said over and over again that I would love to beat our swords into plowshares, but you seem absolutely incapable of going a day without calling me a liar. Clearly, you have no desire to end this feud.

that is a lie, you started this shit, you can end it, but you don't want to as you love coming here to rile people up, you have admitted it, that you love getting my goat, that you say shit about my dad solely to piss me off...don't deflect this off on me, that is a flat out lie

and no one filled with the holy spirit would claim i am not a christian, rather a jew

i outright called you on numerous lies and why should anyone trust someone who leads a double life? you would never want your family or friends or flock to know half the shit you post here...your life is one big lie


11-02-2008, 08:48 PM
One cannot be baited if one doesn't respond. Yurt?

11-02-2008, 08:49 PM
One cannot be baited if one doesn't respond. Yurt?

if i don't respond others might believe his lies

11-02-2008, 08:53 PM
if i don't respond others might believe his lies

Not likely with all the post before. But it's your choice.

11-02-2008, 09:12 PM
if i don't respond others might believe his lies

actually if we all put him on ignor there would be nothing to read...

11-02-2008, 09:18 PM
actually if we all put him on ignor there would be nothing to read...

And that is the truth. Literally or figuratively.

11-02-2008, 09:57 PM
actually if we all put him on ignor there would be nothing to read...

alright, i'll start

give it a trial run

Today, 05:23 PM
Remove user from ignore listmanfrommaine
This message is hidden because manfrommaine is on your ignore list.

11-02-2008, 10:00 PM
alright, i'll start

give it a trial run

Today, 05:23 PM
Remove user from ignore listmanfrommaine
This message is hidden because manfrommaine is on your ignore list.

just think of all the extra time we will have not responding to his drivel......

plus our blood pressure will be lower.....

11-02-2008, 10:09 PM
just think of all the extra time we will have not responding to his drivel......

plus our blood pressure will be lower.....

did you put him on ignore?

11-02-2008, 10:10 PM
did you put him on ignore?

kath told me to.....:laugh2:

11-02-2008, 10:16 PM
that is a lie, you started this shit, you can end it, but you don't want to as you love coming here to rile people up, you have admitted it, that you love getting my goat, that you say shit about my dad solely to piss me off...don't deflect this off on me, that is a flat out lie

and no one filled with the holy spirit would claim i am not a christian, rather a jew

i outright called you on numerous lies and why should anyone trust someone who leads a double life? you would never want your family or friends or flock to know half the shit you post here...your life is one big lie


I have not called you a jew...I merely pointed out that, for a Christian, you seem to know precious little about your supposed faith. As I said numerous times before, I am more than willing to beat our swords into plowshares, yurt. You just seem incapable of refraining from questioning my integrity which you KNOW how that pisses me off. I am sorry that you have me on ignore, but I am fairly certain that you will read this post in any case. If you wanted to end this, you have known how to do so all along.

And, my life is really pretty awesome. I have a loving family, a great job, an appreciative congregation, a great retirement and only a short time until I can kick back and live the life of Reilly in Merida, Mexico. AND... Barack Obama is going to be our next president. I couldn't be happier.

11-02-2008, 10:35 PM
kath told me to.....:laugh2:

so did you or didn't you...

if not, there is no point in just me, that wasn't the fun of doing it, i've put him on ignore before, i don't like ignore, but thought it would be fun if a group did it...

11-02-2008, 10:45 PM
i am sure the double life preacher who lives a lie either on the internet or offline responded to my post and my hunch is, it is full of the same bullcrap he has posted ad nausuem

but looks like more are putting him on ignore...more time for his kitty :laugh2:

11-02-2008, 10:47 PM
i am sure the double life preacher who lives a lie either on the internet or offline responded to my post and my hunch is, it is full of the same bullcrap he has posted ad nausuem

but looks like more are putting him on ignore...more time for his kitty :laugh2:

he can preach to his flock.....they love him....

11-03-2008, 01:03 AM
he can preach to his flock.....they love him....

maybe a good thing, last night he was telling us how he was preparing for his sermon today while telling steph about splooge running down her legs and sucking....meat..and other sexual things...oh and mentioning how someone wouldn't know satan if he was buggering them...

all "while" preparing for his sermon

11-03-2008, 05:01 AM
actually if we all put him on ignor there would be nothing to read...

Ok again, truth in that. We need to change that. McCain will lose because Obama has the momentum and all the young people are going to go vote. Sucks to be us. :laugh2:

11-03-2008, 01:58 PM
clean up the splooge dripping down your thighs....


Voted #1 most Asshole Fuck Head Reply EVER.

11-03-2008, 02:05 PM

Voted #1 most Asshole Fuck Head Reply EVER.

he made that reply while preparing for his sermon the next morning, even bragged about it

11-03-2008, 03:11 PM

Voted #1 most Asshole Fuck Head Reply EVER.

I am glad you liked it. I was also impressed with your complete ignorance of the post that preceded it.:lol:

Sir Evil
11-03-2008, 05:10 PM
Amazing how the majority of these here split threads have a comman name, and now wind up in the cage derailed from the original discussion.

Just a thought here but would it not just be better to keep the animal in the cage instead of giving him access to the rest of the forum?

Afterall animals are much more obedient while caged....

11-03-2008, 08:54 PM
Amazing how the majority of these here split threads have a comman name, and now wind up in the cage derailed from the original discussion.

Just a thought here but would it not just be better to keep the animal in the cage instead of giving him access to the rest of the forum?

Afterall animals are much more obedient while caged....

Titles would be my fault. Ignorance would be the posters causing the split.

11-03-2008, 09:05 PM
Titles would be my fault. Ignorance would be the posters causing the split.

me thinks the "common name" refers to the a certain someone who is responsibility for the majority of threads going to the cage, while no one else is entirely innocent....i think he is referring to someone from the east

11-03-2008, 09:13 PM
me thinks the "common name" refers to the a certain someone who is responsibility for the majority of threads going to the cage, while no one else is entirely innocent....i think he is referring to someone from the east


11-03-2008, 09:16 PM
me thinks the "common name" refers to the a certain someone who is responsibility for the majority of threads going to the cage, while no one else is entirely innocent....i think he is referring to someone from the east

Certainly have a point there. On the other hand, the major poster form the former NE colony, no longer exists for the time being in my book.

If he refuses to post, good. If he does and most/all ignore him, I will not respond, whether directed to me or others. He's refused to provide links, while demanding others do. He's refused to provide criteria that says he's who he claims to be, all of which is offered up of his own volition.

BTW, interest google hits: Maine Tiffany

11-04-2008, 08:16 AM
me thinks the "common name" refers to the a certain someone who is responsibility for the majority of threads going to the cage, while no one else is entirely innocent....i think he is referring to someone from the east

"no one else is entirely innocent"

that's the first thing you have written in quite some time that I completely agree with.

It takes two to tango... it takes two to get a feud started... it takes two to put it in the past.

11-04-2008, 10:53 AM
"no one else is entirely innocent"

that's the first thing you have written in quite some time that I completely agree with.

It takes two to tango... it takes two to get a feud started... it takes two to put it in the past.

well, it only takes one person, you, to start shit and rile people up, you have admitted you have done precisely that and even admitted that is why you keep referring to my dad as jewish faith instead of christian because it gets my goat.

the innocent part i referred to, is that i occasionally start shit and that i respond to the majority of your offensive insults. statistically, you are the one who causes threads to come to the cage...your name is the common theme, be it steph, rsr, yurt, jim, kathy....you always start shit people.

why don't you link us to some of your sermons online...or does your church not post your sermons online like other UCC churches?

11-04-2008, 11:00 AM
well, it only takes one person, you, to start shit and rile people up, you have admitted you have done precisely that and even admitted that is why you keep referring to my dad as jewish faith instead of christian because it gets my goat.

the innocent part i referred to, is that i occasionally start shit and that i respond to the majority of your offensive insults. statistically, you are the one who causes threads to come to the cage...your name is the common theme, be it steph, rsr, yurt, jim, kathy....you always start shit people.

why don't you link us to some of your sermons online...or does your church not post your sermons online like other UCC churches?

as I said, I am willing to beat our swords into plowshares.... I am willing to put our feud behind us. You seem unwilling to do so.

11-04-2008, 12:04 PM
as I said, I am willing to beat our swords into plowshares.... I am willing to put our feud behind us. You seem unwilling to do so.

so let us see your sermons online, if you have any...do you post any sermons online, yes or no

and right...that is why you keep saying my dad is jewish

11-04-2008, 12:09 PM
so let us see your sermons online, if you have any...do you post any sermons online, yes or no

and right...that is why you keep saying my dad is jewish

he posted a few in the blog jim had up a while ago....

11-04-2008, 12:15 PM
he posted a few in the blog jim had up a while ago....

i noticed other UCC churches post their weekly sermons online, wanted to know if his did as well

Sir Evil
11-04-2008, 12:37 PM
i think he is referring to someone from the east


Hmm, north eastern would be better. Can't lump all us eastern people into that same shitpile!

Sir Evil
11-04-2008, 12:38 PM

Thay could be one in the same or perhaps related, I'm sure it's one of the above. :D

Sir Evil
11-04-2008, 12:41 PM
It takes two to tango... it takes two to get a feud started... it takes two to put it in the past.

And it takes one signifigant participant to bring the discussion to it's lowest level therefore derailing it, only then does what was said in quotation apply. :slap:

11-04-2008, 12:59 PM
btw, nobody look into any UCC churches in maine

i predict that one will be accused of wanting to cause harm

not to learn about UCC churches in maine or to see if anyone particular person actually preaches

11-04-2008, 01:18 PM
btw, nobody look into any UCC churches in maine

i predict that one will be accused of wanting to cause harm

not to learn about UCC churches in maine or to see if anyone particular person actually preaches

have you read my sermons that are on the blog?

11-04-2008, 01:22 PM
have you read my sermons that are on the blog?

yep...does your church post any more of your sermons on their website?

11-04-2008, 01:30 PM
yep...does your church post any more of your sermons on their website?

why? do you want to read more of them?

I will gladly post them on the blog if you are interested. I got scant comments from blog readers when I did post them so I figured that no one was interested. If you are, I will gladly post more.

11-04-2008, 01:33 PM
Just because you didn't gat any responses doesn't mean they weren't being read.

Speaking of the blogs, I haven't seen a link to the blogs lately.

11-04-2008, 01:44 PM
why? do you want to read more of them?

I will gladly post them on the blog if you are interested. I got scant comments from blog readers when I did post them so I figured that no one was interested. If you are, I will gladly post more.

nah, continue to lead your double life and i predict if anyone asks any info from you about your church or your online sermons that may or may not be posted on your alleged church's website you will accuse them of threatening you and causing your harm by telling your friends and family and church about what you post here...

pretty fucking pathetic if you are that scared about you post here

11-04-2008, 02:14 PM
nah, continue to lead your double life and i predict if anyone asks any info from you about your church or your online sermons that may or may not be posted on your alleged church's website you will accuse them of threatening you and causing your harm by telling your friends and family and church about what you post here...

pretty fucking pathetic if you are that scared about you post here

So...you really are not interested in reading my sermons? Why, if all you want to do is read my sermons, would you not agree that my posting them on the blog is a perfectly acceptable alternative? Why is getting my church's website so important to you?

11-04-2008, 02:16 PM
Just because you didn't gat any responses doesn't mean they weren't being read.

Speaking of the blogs, I haven't seen a link to the blogs lately.

given the creepy obsession about my website and my sermons shown by some members on here, it is perhaps a good idea if I not post anymore of them on the blog...or so it would seem.

red states rule
11-04-2008, 02:22 PM
So...you really are not interested in reading my sermons? Why, if all you want to do is read my sermons, would you not agree that my posting them on the blog is a perfectly acceptable alternative? Why is getting my church's website so important to you?

Whya re you so worried? You took back your offer to have me (and others) come and hear you preach

You must be really worried about something

11-04-2008, 02:25 PM
Whya re you so worried? You took back your offer to have me (and others) come and hear you preach

You must be really worried about something

not at all. I never took back any offer. If you make the good faith effort to come all the way to Maine to hear me preach, I will make the good faith effort to meet you at the airport. Why is that unacceptable to you? And why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish?

red states rule
11-04-2008, 02:26 PM
not at all. I never took back any offer. If you make the good faith effort to come all the way to Maine to hear me preach, I will make the good faith effort to meet you at the airport. Why is that unacceptable to you? And why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish?

As I said before, the same way Hyman Roth was met at the airport. You are worried about something Rev

11-04-2008, 02:30 PM
As I said before, the same way Hyman Roth was met at the airport. You are worried about something Rev

I am not worried about anything. clearly YOU are.

Now explain to me: why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish? I know that I certainly would not waste my time and money travelling to Pennsylvania to listen to you.

Why would anyone believe that you were sincere in your desire to come to Maine to listen to a liberal democrat, and proud member of the religious left, preach from the pulpit about social justice?

red states rule
11-04-2008, 02:33 PM
I am not worried about anything. clearly YOU are.

Now explain to me: why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish? I know that I certainly would not waste my time and money travelling to Pennsylvania to listen to you.

Why would anyone believe that you were sincere in your desire to come to Maine to listen to a liberal democrat, and proud member of the religious left, preach from the pulpit about social justice?

I am not worried. I KNOW you are a fake and a fraud and would be deeply humilated if your "flock" knew the hate you sprew in name of liberalism

Or perhaps your "flock" are as ahte filled as you are and dance in the pews as you preach about pissing on the graves of those who disagree with you - or your kind words to female posters

11-04-2008, 02:38 PM
I am not worried. I KNOW you are a fake and a fraud and would be deeply humilated if your "flock" knew the hate you sprew in name of liberalism

Or perhaps your "flock" are as ahte filled as you are and dance in the pews as you preach about pissing on the graves of those who disagree with you - or your kind words to female posters

you did not answer my questions. why is that?

here...try again:

Now explain to me: why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish? I know that I certainly would not waste my time and money travelling to Pennsylvania to listen to you.

Why would anyone believe that you were sincere in your desire to come to Maine to listen to a liberal democrat, and proud member of the religious left, preach from the pulpit about social justice?

and if you DID come to Maine, are you admitting that your real purpose would only be to "tattle" on me to my congregation?

11-04-2008, 02:49 PM
you did not answer my questions. why is that?

here...try again:

Now explain to me: why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish? I know that I certainly would not waste my time and money travelling to Pennsylvania to listen to you.

Why would anyone believe that you were sincere in your desire to come to Maine to listen to a liberal democrat, and proud member of the religious left, preach from the pulpit about social justice?

and if you DID come to Maine, are you admitting that your real purpose would only be to "tattle" on me to my congregation?

How long of a drive is it from PA to ME? Three or four hours max? I know if I lived in PA, I would have been there at least once to hear you preach. I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience. Then afterwards, I would have hoped to buy you lunch (I would have to avoid lobster though for myself as I am allergic to seafood) but it would have been an interesting trip.

As for RSR, I understand why such a trip would not be feasible.


11-04-2008, 02:59 PM
So...you really are not interested in reading my sermons? Why, if all you want to do is read my sermons, would you not agree that my posting them on the blog is a perfectly acceptable alternative? Why is getting my church's website so important to you?

well mr. accuser and bullshit artist, i never said that did i...then post up more of your sermons in the blog, i don't care, but you haven't have you....thought so

why is it so important to hide the vile things you say here anyway...seems to really bother you such that a simple request for a link to online sermons causes you to freak out and essentially (looks like it from your posts) accuse anyone asking of wanting to harm you

sorry to ask a preacher about his sermons...especially when it is YOU that is always talking about your sermons and telling us about what they contained...saying it is creepy...then don't talk about your effing sermons dude

11-04-2008, 03:03 PM
How long of a drive is it from PA to ME? Three or four hours max? I know if I lived in PA, I would have been there at least once to hear you preach. I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience. Then afterwards, I would have hoped to buy you lunch (I would have to avoid lobster though for myself as I am allergic to seafood) but it would have been an interesting trip.

As for RSR, I understand why such a trip would not be feasible.


exactly, he says if we travel thousands of miles to see him in person that is ok, but to ask for a link to an online sermon means we are creepy and he accuses us of wanting to harm him

delusional paranoia

Abbey Marie
11-04-2008, 03:27 PM
How long of a drive is it from PA to ME? Three or four hours max? I know if I lived in PA, I would have been there at least once to hear you preach. I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience. Then afterwards, I would have hoped to buy you lunch (I would have to avoid lobster though for myself as I am allergic to seafood) but it would have been an interesting trip.

As for RSR, I understand why such a trip would not be feasible.


Depending where in PA you are, at least 7.5-8 hours.

11-04-2008, 03:28 PM
How long of a drive is it from PA to ME? Three or four hours max? I know if I lived in PA, I would have been there at least once to hear you preach. I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience. Then afterwards, I would have hoped to buy you lunch (I would have to avoid lobster though for myself as I am allergic to seafood) but it would have been an interesting trip.

As for RSR, I understand why such a trip would not be feasible.


immie...you and I are not enemies. I know that you would do exactly that and I would not hesitate to PM you with details on how to get to my church and would be pleased to have you stay at my home during your visit. I know that you would not come to my church for the express purpose of damaging my ministry.

And the drive from PA is closer to 8 hours.... it's three hours from here to Boston!

11-04-2008, 03:30 PM
well mr. accuser and bullshit artist, i never said that did i...then post up more of your sermons in the blog, i don't care, but you haven't have you....thought so

why is it so important to hide the vile things you say here anyway...seems to really bother you such that a simple request for a link to online sermons causes you to freak out and essentially (looks like it from your posts) accuse anyone asking of wanting to harm you

sorry to ask a preacher about his sermons...especially when it is YOU that is always talking about your sermons and telling us about what they contained...saying it is creepy...then don't talk about your effing sermons dude

like I said...if you are truly interested in more of them, I will be happy to post more.

11-04-2008, 03:31 PM
Depending where in PA you are, at least 7.5-8 hours.

straight to Red's Eats!:)

11-04-2008, 03:49 PM
exactly, he says if we travel thousands of miles to see him in person that is ok, but to ask for a link to an online sermon means we are creepy and he accuses us of wanting to harm him

delusional paranoia

Actually, I would hesitate to give that information out myself. He has probably given enough information that someone who wanted to harm him could find out who he is, where he preaches and go after him.

Depending where in PA you are, at least 7.5-8 hours.

Not at the speed I drive :D Only kidding.

Eight hours is a nice weekend trip. It would not be out of the question for me.

immie...you and I are not enemies. I know that you would do exactly that and I would not hesitate to PM you with details on how to get to my church and would be pleased to have you stay at my home during your visit. I know that you would not come to my church for the express purpose of damaging my ministry.

And the drive from PA is closer to 8 hours.... it's three hours from here to Boston!

Someday, I hope to take you up on that.


11-04-2008, 04:18 PM
He has probably given enough information that someone who wanted to harm him could find out who he is, where he preaches and go after him.

very true....he has told us his name...his state...which airport he is closer to......drive time to boston.....his church...what his dad does...what branch of the military he serves....the topics for his sermons...posted his sermons....his church.... what his son does.... i would guess a few hours on google and you would have it.....hell get a map of all the churches in maine then draw a 3hr drive time circle from boston.....and where the line crosses the dot.....you have mfm....

11-04-2008, 04:25 PM
i would guess a few hours on google and you would have it...

A few hours? Hell, it wouldn't take thirty minutes.

11-04-2008, 04:26 PM
A few hours? Hell, it wouldn't take thirty minutes.

i will give you till 2:00.....123 GO!

11-04-2008, 04:32 PM
if mfm doesn't lie, why is he so scared about what any of us could do to damage his ministry? or reputation with family or friends.

11-04-2008, 04:41 PM
if mfm doesn't lie, why is he so scared about what any of us could do to damage his ministry? or reputation with family or friends.

I don't lie about anything. Clearly, I have been a sailor and a salty tongued one at that all my life. I am doing this interim ministry as a favor to my church. If you all want to damage my reputation, and clearly you do, yurt, despite your pious assertions otherwise, you can understand my hesitance to give you the details of my church. But hey... if you all are hellbent on hurting me... Do your worst. I really cannot stop you.

11-04-2008, 04:44 PM
I don't lie about anything. Clearly, I have been a sailor and a salty tongued one at that all my life. I am doing this interim ministry as a favor to my church. If you all want to damage my reputation, and clearly you do, yurt, despite your pious assertions otherwise, you can understand my hesitance to give you the details of my church. But hey... if you all are hellbent on hurting me... Do your worst. I really cannot stop you.

matbe you should confess your onlinesinsto your flock.....iam sure they and god willforgive you....because "on the whole" you have lead a good life....

i would start with the post to stephanie about the splooge running down her thigh....that is pure class....

11-04-2008, 04:53 PM
i will give you till 2:00.....123 GO!

Well that just wouldn't be right as I have no axe to grind with MfM, all of our exchanges have been amiable. I was merely indicating that, given the volume of information available, it shouldn't take too long to find the church too which he ministers, certainly not a few hours.

11-04-2008, 04:54 PM
I don't lie about anything. Clearly, I have been a sailor and a salty tongued one at that all my life. I am doing this interim ministry as a favor to my church. If you all want to damage my reputation, and clearly you do, yurt, despite your pious assertions otherwise, you can understand my hesitance to give you the details of my church. But hey... if you all are hellbent on hurting me... Do your worst. I really cannot stop you.

provide proof i want to damage your reputation or recant your lie

you are the one who continually talks about your church, your sermons...how much better of a christian than me you are, how i wouldn't know satan if he was fucking me in the ass, how i am really a secret jew passing as a christian....and so when i ask you to prove your sermons, as you are the superior christian, it is i who wants to harm your reputation...

this from the guy who publically called for my disbarment....i have never called for your resignation, only that you clean up your filth and come clean with your church instead of living a double life, ie, LIE

you brought this on yourself dude

11-04-2008, 04:55 PM
Well that just wouldn't be right as I have no axe to grind with MfM, all of our exchanges have been amiable. I was merely indicating that, given the volume of information available, it shouldn't take too long to find the church too which he ministers, certainly not a few hours.

couldn't figure it out huh.........

11-04-2008, 05:08 PM
just a note:

i don't care if anyone wants to lead a double life, not my business...but when someone claims they do not and they always tell the truth, live the truth and condemn's others for their lives, well...practice what you preach

and you can be as anonymous as you want, i don't care, but when you inject a bunch of personal stuff about yourself and use that personal stuff to claim the moral high ground and then claim all of a sudden that you want privacy and that others want to see an actual sermon on your church that you brag about, only to harm your rep...

i call bs

11-04-2008, 05:13 PM
very true....he has told us his name...his state...which airport he is closer to......drive time to boston.....his church...what his dad does...what branch of the military he serves....the topics for his sermons...posted his sermons....his church.... what his son does.... i would guess a few hours on google and you would have it.....hell get a map of all the churches in maine then draw a 3hr drive time circle from boston.....and where the line crosses the dot.....you have mfm....

You know {edited by Immanuel because it gave to much information} . Shouldn't be all that hard to find him.

I read a story once about a young woman who played softball. She put on the internet her team name, the position she played and that was all it took for a stalker to find her.


Sir Evil
11-04-2008, 06:18 PM
I would have been there at least once to hear you preach. I'm sure it would have been an interesting experience.

Kind of like seeing Andrew Dice Clay live... I bet the potty mouth preacher would be terribly exciting to hear.... :eek:

11-04-2008, 06:31 PM
Kind of like seeing Andrew Dice Clay live... I bet the potty mouth preacher would be terribly exciting to hear.... :eek:

you can go to the website of his church and read his sermons....

Mr. P
11-04-2008, 06:37 PM
You know {edited by Immanuel because it gave to much information} . Shouldn't be all that hard to find him.

I read a story once about a young woman who played softball. She put on the internet her team name, the position she played and that was all it took for a stalker to find her.


I think I read that too..and as I recall the guy that found her was a cop doing the internet chat pedafile investigation stuff..He went to the house and met with the parents and the girl, right?

Mr. P
11-04-2008, 06:39 PM
you can go to the website of his church and read his sermons....

Not without a link. :slap:

11-04-2008, 06:42 PM
Not without a link. :slap:

how did you get left out of the loop......

Mr. P
11-04-2008, 06:43 PM
how did you get left out of the loop......

One of the 10% that never gets the word I guess. :laugh2:

11-04-2008, 07:25 PM
I think I read that too..and as I recall the guy that found her was a cop doing the internet chat pedafile investigation stuff..He went to the house and met with the parents and the girl, right?

Ah, maybe that was what it was. I remember showing it to my daughters, when they began to go online.


Mr. P
11-04-2008, 07:30 PM
Ah, maybe that was what it was. I remember showing it to my daughters, when they began to go online.


I did the very same thing.:thumb:

Abbey Marie
11-04-2008, 09:44 PM
One of the 10% that never gets the word I guess. :laugh2:

That reminds me- what happened to Dillo?

11-04-2008, 10:06 PM
That reminds me- what happened to Dillo?

Funny thing, I've not missed him, even a little.

11-04-2008, 10:09 PM
That reminds me- what happened to Dillo?

he lived in texas......don't tell me his last post was around the time texas got hit with that hurricane....

11-04-2008, 10:12 PM
That reminds me- what happened to Dillo?

He was recently spotted over at USMB.

11-04-2008, 10:12 PM
He was recently spotted over at USMB.

Many a time.

11-04-2008, 10:16 PM
provide proof i want to damage your reputation or recant your lie

you are the one who continually talks about your church, your sermons...how much better of a christian than me you are, how i wouldn't know satan if he was fucking me in the ass, how i am really a secret jew passing as a christian....and so when i ask you to prove your sermons, as you are the superior christian, it is i who wants to harm your reputation...

this from the guy who publically called for my disbarment....i have never called for your resignation, only that you clean up your filth and come clean with your church instead of living a double life, ie, LIE

you brought this on yourself dude

yeah, where is dillo

11-04-2008, 10:20 PM
Many a time.

I've spotted you there as well, not to mention JPP. Though, like me, you seem to favor DP. To many kooks of both political stripes at USMB for my taste. I like the Flashchat feature at JPP, but nobody ever uses it.

DP is my home. Sorry folks, you're stuck with me.

11-04-2008, 10:23 PM
I've spotted you there as well, not to mention JPP. Though, like me, you seem to favor DP. To many kooks of both political stripes at USMB for my taste. I like the Flashchat feature at JPP, but nobody ever uses it.

DP is my home. Sorry folks, you're stuck with me.

True on all counts. I like some give and take, which too often isn't happening. I like liberals, contrary to our MFM example. One cannot really argue jack without a worthy opponent.

Mr. P
11-04-2008, 11:29 PM
That reminds me- what happened to Dillo?

Been wondering about him myself..donno.

Mr. P
11-04-2008, 11:33 PM
I've spotted you there as well, not to mention JPP. Though, like me, you seem to favor DP. To many kooks of both political stripes at USMB for my taste. I like the Flashchat feature at JPP, but nobody ever uses it.

DP is my home. Sorry folks, you're stuck with me.

Oh chit!!! :laugh2::laugh2: