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View Full Version : BIG BROTHER Obama's wants Government "Price Signals" "Change Your Behavior"

11-03-2008, 10:24 AM
we better start preparing now in case the little Hitler is elected..

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11-03-2008, 11:57 AM
the truly sad thing, is that his followers either 1) are extremely ignorant of what and who he really is because they are so filled with hate for the right, 2) want the same thing he wants

what is puzzling, is that the left gripes over the patriot act, but has no problem with the government intruding in your life so long as the agenda is liberal and about spreading the wealth and giving more power to dems...oh wait, that's not puzzling, it's liberal logic

11-03-2008, 12:47 PM
The maddening thing is when you talk to younger people and they bitch about gas prices. I've brought up the fact that Pelosi and Obama actually want higher prices at the pump, they were just disappointed at how fast the price went up.

People aren't listening to the issues and what bambam is actually saying.