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View Full Version : If McCain wins despite polls, whom will the Democrats blame?

11-03-2008, 03:05 PM
If the polls turn out wrong and McCain wins the election, even by a close margin, whom will the Democrats blame for their loss?

Will they say it was because the voters are stupid?
Or because the Dems somehow didn't make their message clear (this was the 2004 excuse when Kerry lost)?
Otr because Republicans somehow "stole the election" (the excuse when Gore lost in 2000)?
Or because it was a tantrum by angry white men (this was the excuse when Dems got booted out of all majorities in 1994 after Hillarycare flopped)?
Or because America is racist and hates blacks?
Or because Republicans lied about Obama wanting to "spread the wealth around" (Despite Obama's exact words that he wanted to)?
Or because there was somehow a "vast right-wing conspiracy"?

Finally, will they admit that it was because America doesn't want their big-govt socialist agenda (in other words, will the Dems blame themselves)?

11-03-2008, 03:07 PM
Will they say it was because the voters are stupid?
Or because the Dems somehow didn't make their message clear (this was the 2004 excuse when Kerry lost)?
Otr because Republicans somehow "stole the election" (the excuse when Gore lost in 2000)?
Or because it was a tantrum by angry white men (this was the excuse when Dems got booted out of all majorities in 1994 after Hillarycare flopped)?
Or because America is racist and hates blacks?
Or because Republicans lied about Obama wanting to "spread the wealth around" (Despite Obama's exact words that he wanted to)?
Or because there was somehow a "vast right-wing conspiracy"?

Finally, will they admit that it was because America doesn't want their big-govt socialist agenda (in other words, will the Dems blame themselves)?

If McCain wins, I won't blame anyone. It will mean that Obama supporters did not vote in the numbers needed. In either case, we always get the president we deserve.

What excuse will YOU make if McCain doesn't win?

11-03-2008, 03:20 PM
If the polls turn out wrong and McCain wins the election, even by a close margin, whom will the Democrats blame for their loss?

Will they say it was because the voters are stupid?
Or because the Dems somehow didn't make their message clear (this was the 2004 excuse when Kerry lost)?
Otr because Republicans somehow "stole the election" (the excuse when Gore lost in 2000)?
Or because it was a tantrum by angry white men (this was the excuse when Dems got booted out of all majorities in 1994 after Hillarycare flopped)?
Or because America is racist and hates blacks?
Or because Republicans lied about Obama wanting to "spread the wealth around" (Despite Obama's exact words that he wanted to)?
Or because there was somehow a "vast right-wing conspiracy"?

Finally, will they admit that it was because America doesn't want their big-govt socialist agenda (in other words, will the Dems blame themselves)?

If McCain wins, I won't blame anyone. It will mean that Obama supporters did not vote in the numbers needed. In either case, we always get the president we deserve.

What excuse will YOU make if McCain doesn't win?

Either way, liberals win. I can't understand why so many Republicans have forgotten that.


11-03-2008, 03:53 PM
Either way, liberals win. I can't understand why so many Republicans have forgotten that.


Why would you think that Republicans don't remember how much they haven't liked McCain in the past? Just because the Republican party picked the wrong guy to run doesn't change the fact that the Dem-o-rats are running an America hating racist African Muslim that needs to be driven back to Africa or Cuba where he obviously belongs.

I have to give it to our enemies though, when Krushev proclaimed he would destroy us from within, they weren't kidding. They have sent us a Trojan Horse with dark skin that would garner the black vote by having the Oprah clones push that this was their chance to finally have a black man in the office of the Presidency. Since most blacks in this country have their allegiance to the land of their ancestors(they do call themselves AFRICAN-Americans after all) they aren't really interested in what's best for America, just what they perceive is best for them. They actually believe that Barry Hussein Obama gives a shit about them, even though the democrats have repeatedly promised them the same crap every election I remember, they think Barry will bring them their gifts because he is "black".......... they are like little children that believe in Santa Claus.

The Dems have always whored their way into most of the black vote but this time it's different, this time they gave them some one to get their asses off the porch to go vote for, they have registered and held the hands of enough illiterates to possibly make a difference. It has been a great plan, dishonest and wrong, but still a great plan to get this America hater into power.

This was certainly no time to play little games voting for useless candidates like Barr who couldn't have won if McCain and Osama dropped dead tomorrow. When you guys look in the mirror to pat yourselves on the back for doing "the right thing", remember who you were actually voting for, Barry Hussein Osama.

11-03-2008, 04:19 PM
Why would you think that Republicans don't remember how much they haven't liked McCain in the past? Just because the Republican party picked the wrong guy to run doesn't change the fact that the Dem-o-rats are running an America hating racist African Muslim that needs to be driven back to Africa or Cuba where he obviously belongs.

I have to give it to our enemies though, when Krushev proclaimed he would destroy us from within, they weren't kidding. They have sent us a Trojan Horse with dark skin that would garner the black vote by having the Oprah clones push that this was their chance to finally have a black man in the office of the Presidency. Since most blacks in this country have their allegiance to the land of their ancestors(they do call themselves AFRICAN-Americans after all) they aren't really interested in what's best for America, just what they perceive is best for them. They actually believe that Barry Hussein Obama gives a shit about them, even though the democrats have repeatedly promised them the same crap every election I remember, they think Barry will bring them their gifts because he is "black".......... they are like little children that believe in Santa Claus.

The Dems have always whored their way into most of the black vote but this time it's different, this time they gave them some one to get their asses off the porch to go vote for, they have registered and held the hands of enough illiterates to possibly make a difference. It has been a great plan, dishonest and wrong, but still a great plan to get this America hater into power.

This was certainly no time to play little games voting for useless candidates like Barr who couldn't have won if McCain and Osama dropped dead tomorrow. When you guys look in the mirror to pat yourselves on the back for doing "the right thing", remember who you were actually voting for, Barry Hussein Osama.

My thoughts exactly. The are going to do the "right thing" and throw the country down the toilet.

11-03-2008, 05:57 PM
Either way, liberals win. I can't understand why so many Republicans have forgotten that.


Probably because the GOP has lost any sense of small-government philosophy it once had.

11-03-2008, 06:20 PM
This was certainly no time to play little games voting for useless candidates like Barr who couldn't have won if McCain and Osama dropped dead tomorrow. When you guys look in the mirror to pat yourselves on the back for doing "the right thing", remember who you were actually voting for, Barry Hussein Osama.

If John McCain losses Florida by one vote and that one vote came from Hillsborough County and Florida would have put him over the top then you can bitch at me. Beyond that, the only people you have to bitch at are the morons in Washington that pushed John McCain down our throats.

I have disliked John McCain for years. I wouldn't have voted for him if he ran against Satan himself, in fact, I might even have voted for Satan.

Neither Democrats nor Republicans are trustworthy nor do they represent the American people. Corruption is rampant in Washington and people that support those two parties only encourage more corruption in future elections. My vote won't mean a darned thing in the long run and neither will yours. But, at least in the long run, I will not have caved in to the propaganda of liars in Washington this time around.


11-03-2008, 06:39 PM
If John McCain losses Florida by one vote and that one vote came from Hillsborough County and Florida would have put him over the top then you can bitch at me. Beyond that, the only people you have to bitch at are the morons in Washington that pushed John McCain down our throats.

I have disliked John McCain for years. I wouldn't have voted for him if he ran against Satan himself, in fact, I might even have voted for Satan.

Neither Democrats nor Republicans are trustworthy nor do they represent the American people. Corruption is rampant in Washington and people that support those two parties only encourage more corruption in future elections. My vote won't mean a darned thing in the long run and neither will yours. But, at least in the long run, I will not have caved in to the propaganda of liars in Washington this time around.


It was the media that shoved McCain down our throats. He was the darling of the repubs to them. In the primaries he could do no wrong. The messiah was the darling of the dem's. He's now the darling of the general election. It's all down to how the media presents the candidates.

Your satan analogy might not be as far off as you might think. If you can't bring yourself to vote against satan at least vote to keep the dems from getting more seats. A conservative congress can at least offset the damage the messiah can do. One of the problems with the LP and CP parties is they only think in terms of the presidency.

11-03-2008, 06:52 PM
It was the media that shoved McCain down our throats. He was the darling of the repubs to them. In the primaries he could do no wrong. The messiah was the darling of the dem's. He's now the darling of the general election. It's all down to how the media presents the candidates.

Your satan analogy might not be as far off as you might think. If you can't bring yourself to vote against satan at least vote to keep the dems from getting more seats. A conservative congress can at least offset the damage the messiah can do. One of the problems with the LP and CP parties is they only think in terms of the presidency.

I'm already voting for the Republican in my Congressional District. He's young and so far has served my district well... er except he caved in and voted for the Bailout. There are only two running in my district Adam Putnam (R) and Doug Tudor (D). Adam's got my vote partially because of exactly what you are saying.


11-03-2008, 07:12 PM
If the libs lose this one they will blame Bush. I would like to see McCain win if only to rub it in that Bush beat them again and he wasn't even running.

11-04-2008, 08:20 AM
If the libs lose this one they will blame Bush. I would like to see McCain win if only to rub it in that Bush beat them again and he wasn't even running.

as I said... if Obama loses, there is no "blame" involved. It merely means that America did NOT want to adopt his platform. If he wins, it means that they DID.

By this time tomorrow, we'll all know.

11-04-2008, 08:30 AM
If the libs lose this one they will blame Bush. I would like to see McCain win if only to rub it in that Bush beat them again and he wasn't even running.

The libs won this one the day John McCain was named "presumptive nominee of the Republican Party".


11-04-2008, 11:57 AM
They'll blaim the republican's for cheating, just like they did last time.

Man, I'd hate to be in Chicago if he looses. 1 million pissed of people in one place, no thank you.

red states rule
11-04-2008, 11:58 AM
1.) Fat Bald White Republican Racism Against Blacks.

2.) Diebold Machines Suddenly Start Cheating Again.

3.) The Media Favored John McCain and that Bitch Palin!

4.) Racism Against Muslims.

5.) Joe Biden's Constant Attacks on his own Running Mate.

6.) Other Ethnic Minority's Racism Against Blacks.

7.) Democrat Racism Against Blacks.

8.) Teleprompter Failures.

9.) Resurgance of Barry's Mentor Pastor Wright.

10.) Should have registered more dead people

11-04-2008, 12:19 PM
1.) Fat Bald White Republican Racism Against Blacks.

2.) Diebold Machines Suddenly Start Cheating Again.

3.) The Media Favored John McCain and that Bitch Palin!

4.) Racism Against Muslims.

5.) Joe Biden's Constant Attacks on his own Running Mate.

6.) Other Ethnic Minority's Racism Against Blacks.

7.) Democrat Racism Against Blacks.

8.) Teleprompter Failures.

9.) Resurgance of Barry's Mentor Pastor Wright.

10.) Should have registered more dead people

11.) The failure of Americans to truly understand the loving hearts of terrorists.


red states rule
11-04-2008, 12:22 PM
11.) The failure of Americans to truly understand the loving hearts of terrorists.


12) Obama should’ve campaigned against John McCain instead of George Bush.

11-04-2008, 12:33 PM
12) Obama should’ve campaigned against John McCain instead of George Bush.

13) America just misunderstood Obama as Israel misunderstood Jesus Christ.


PS Yes, that is an allusion to their belief in his messiahship.

red states rule
11-04-2008, 12:45 PM
13) America just misunderstood Obama as Israel misunderstood Jesus Christ.


PS Yes, that is an allusion to their believe in his messiahship.

14) Never anticipated free thinking Americans would vote their will in the booth