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View Full Version : So, Obamanation...

11-04-2008, 09:24 PM
Haven't been on here in awhile. Figured I should chime in while we still can write freely on the internet.

I think one thing to do in the next few months is to invest in smith and wesson stock. It's going through the roof. I'm going this week to get my gun permit (again while I still can) and applying for a handgun. Need to be prepared for the new era with Obama's Civilian Army protecting our streets.

Sad state of affairs we've come to. I blame the Republican party and Bush for alot of this mess. So weak as conservatives that people look anything else as better. I mean how can we elect a communist to office when 70% of this country holds free market, small government, capitalistic values? It can only be done when people think that change is better. Well people we're getting change. We're getting Jimmy Carter kinds of change. I hope everyone is prepared for it.

So I guess we'll see if boards like this will be possible 2 years from now. Will talk radio exist after the fairness doctrine is reenacted? Will we be able to afford gas and milk after we have to pay our global warming tax? Will our 401k's even mean anything after the capital gains tax is put back at 30%?

Sad, sad state of affairs.

11-04-2008, 09:56 PM
It happened because Obama is a media hyped pre-packaged deal. Any other candidate would of had their political career destroyed by any of the votes or associations Obama had. But the media glossed over them all.

11-04-2008, 09:59 PM
God has damned America. You can all watch as it crumbles before your eyes.

The messiah might be president but he's NOT my president.

11-04-2008, 10:01 PM
Haven't been on here in awhile. Figured I should chime in while we still can write freely on the internet.

I think one thing to do in the next few months is to invest in smith and wesson stock. It's going through the roof. I'm going this week to get my gun permit (again while I still can) and applying for a handgun. Need to be prepared for the new era with Obama's Civilian Army protecting our streets.

Sad state of affairs we've come to. I blame the Republican party and Bush for alot of this mess. So weak as conservatives that people look anything else as better. I mean how can we elect a communist to office when 70% of this country holds free market, small government, capitalistic values? It can only be done when people think that change is better. Well people we're getting change. We're getting Jimmy Carter kinds of change. I hope everyone is prepared for it.

So I guess we'll see if boards like this will be possible 2 years from now. Will talk radio exist after the fairness doctrine is reenacted? Will we be able to afford gas and milk after we have to pay our global warming tax? Will our 401k's even mean anything after the capital gains tax is put back at 30%?

Sad, sad state of affairs.

Me thinks thou protest to much. I can agree on the sad state of the union though.

11-04-2008, 10:02 PM
I'm unlikely to go buy a gun, but I might. I think bad times are coming, but will watch and see. I do think Obama is and means to rule as a marxist, including control of media, which he doesn't have to do a damn thing to have in the can.

11-04-2008, 10:08 PM
I'm unlikely to go buy a gun, but I might. I think bad times are coming, but will watch and see. I do think Obama is and means to rule as a marxist, including control of media, which he doesn't have to do a damn thing to have in the can.

Absolutely right Kath. All we can do is sit back and watch it all come apart. All the fools don't realize they have just voted away their freedoms.

11-04-2008, 10:18 PM
God has damned America. You can all watch as it crumbles before your eyes.

The messiah might be president but he's NOT my president.

i asked a guy in my office the other day if i could have his "he's not my president " mug......he said he would sell it to me.....i told him i was going to report him the obama police for being selfish and not spreading the wealth.....

11-04-2008, 10:43 PM
i asked a guy in my office the other day if i could have his "he's not my president " mug......he said he would sell it to me.....i told him i was going to report him the obama police for being selfish and not spreading the wealth.....

Seriously, you are one male I could deal with! Dang your wife! LOL!

11-05-2008, 02:56 AM
Haven't been on here in awhile. Figured I should chime in while we still can write freely on the internet.

I think one thing to do in the next few months is to invest in smith and wesson stock. It's going through the roof. I'm going this week to get my gun permit (again while I still can) and applying for a handgun. Need to be prepared for the new era with Obama's Civilian Army protecting our streets.

Sad state of affairs we've come to. I blame the Republican party and Bush for alot of this mess. So weak as conservatives that people look anything else as better. I mean how can we elect a communist to office when 70% of this country holds free market, small government, capitalistic values? It can only be done when people think that change is better. Well people we're getting change. We're getting Jimmy Carter kinds of change. I hope everyone is prepared for it.

So I guess we'll see if boards like this will be possible 2 years from now. Will talk radio exist after the fairness doctrine is reenacted? Will we be able to afford gas and milk after we have to pay our global warming tax? Will our 401k's even mean anything after the capital gains tax is put back at 30%?

Sad, sad state of affairs.

Given that is was the Bush administration that pushed for, and got, power to carry out warrantless wire-taps, searches of private residences sans warrants, and other broad powers under the USA PATRIOT Act and its antecedents, why do you assume that boards such as this will be but a fond memory under an Obama administration? Given my harsh and unrelenting criticism of the Bush administration here, and elsewhere, some here are under the impression I should be cooling my heels in GITMO. Yet here I am, continuing in said criticism.

Such predilection for exaggeration can only be rooted in the unreasoning fear sown by the GOP in its bid for continued power. Somehow, I just can't imagine the first words from Obama's mouth as he enters the White House as being, "Hey! Whey all de white wimmin?".

11-05-2008, 03:15 AM
Given that is was the Bush administration that pushed for, and got, power to carry out warrantless wire-taps, searches of private residences sans warrants, and other broad powers under the USA PATRIOT Act and its antecedents, why do you assume that boards such as this will be but a fond memory under an Obama administration? Given my harsh and unrelenting criticism of the Bush administration here, and elsewhere, some here are under the impression I should be cooling my heels in GITMO. Yet here I am, continuing in said criticism.

Such predilection for exaggeration can only be rooted in the unreasoning fear sown by the GOP in its bid for continued power. Somehow, I just can't imagine the first words from Obama's mouth as he enters the White House as being, "Hey! Whey all de white wimmin?".

1)You have no freakin clue what was in the Patriot Act.
2)No one has ever suggested or thought you should be in GITMO.
3)The Bush administration has not tried to silence anyones free speech.
4)No one has suggested that the first words from Obama's mouth would be "Hey! Whey all de white wimmin?" In fact, it's incredibly racist of you to suggest such a thing.

On the other hand we have ample evidence of Obama

1)Using force to silence speech.
2)Abusing government power to dig up dirt on private citizens.
3)Promising to bankrupt certain industries he dislikes by making overregulating them to the point of collapse
4)Promising a civilian military force which sounds alot like the Brownshirts
5)picking a running mate who within the last few years has attempted to reintroduce the draft

I can't imagine why any sane person would not be seriously concerned about this man.

11-05-2008, 03:16 AM
God has damned America. You can all watch as it crumbles before your eyes.

The messiah might be president but he's NOT my president.

Actually, the ignorant have damned us, not God..

11-05-2008, 03:21 AM
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

11-05-2008, 05:17 AM
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

It all sounds grand, but remains to be seen.

11-05-2008, 08:46 AM
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

bin laden will be asked to come in and talk, the messiah will work with him. Our troops will be brought home in defeat not victory for the messiah. afghan and iraq are about to revert to islamic fundamental rule and millions will die.

In the next few months Israel is going to attack iran's nuke sites and there's going to be a major war in the middle east that will stop oil flow from the area. Russia will move into Georgia and Ukraine and chins will move on Taiwan. The messiah will do nothing to stop any of it.

11-05-2008, 08:51 AM
we will probably see something worse than 9/11...the only wondering is.....WHEN?

11-05-2008, 08:58 AM
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.

I completely agree,cp. He is going to get a lot of credit for things that he doesn't deserve. When the economy picks up....he will be praised for that too.

11-05-2008, 01:31 PM
The worst part of this is Bin Laden will be caught during Obama’s watch. And the troops will be brought home under Obama’s watch.

So the victory that Bush and McCain risked their political lives for, and our military men and women risked their actual lives for— will all go to Obama.But! But! They will come home defeated and under a surrender! I think not as the Iraqi's want us to leave and be subject to sharia law if we stay. That sounds like a job finished to me.

11-05-2008, 02:00 PM
we will probably see something worse than 9/11...the only wondering is.....WHEN?

It will be after the new administration take control. If you notice the terrorists test us shortly after a new administration begins every time there is a change.

11-05-2008, 02:03 PM
It will be after the new administration take control. If you notice the terrorists test us shortly after a new administration begins every time there is a change.

With any luck they will hit washington while congress is in session.

11-05-2008, 02:12 PM
With any luck they will hit washington while congress is in session.

Id rather they dont hurt anyone myself. I realize that's unlikely.

11-05-2008, 02:12 PM
I wonder how soon the real black Americans start calling Osama an Uncle Tom or an Oreo. Will it happen when they don't get the osama prize they think they were promised?