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11-04-2008, 11:30 PM
I did not. In several state and local races, there were Republican candidates that I preferred over the Democrat.

11-04-2008, 11:46 PM
No. I voted for a dem Texas State senator. She hasn't missed a vote since like 1987 and the so-called republican she was running against just became a republican last year and is the brother of a dem she defeated in the primary. Not sure what was going on there lol. But more importantly she isn't a shitbag liberal.

11-04-2008, 11:51 PM
Nope, I voted for Barr, for pres, Sessoms for mayor (Rep, knew him when he was Navy), Warner for Senate (Dem, but he's good financially, and helped beat the stink out of VDOT here, so he earned it). I pretty much voted based on how I saw their grasp of reason amid the issues.

11-05-2008, 12:20 AM
nope. Voted for a libertarian for attorney general cause both candidates pissed me off.

11-05-2008, 12:22 AM
Not once in twenty five years have I voted a straight party ticket. And I have not once missed a vote.

11-05-2008, 12:26 AM
I didn't, but really think gabby lies.

11-05-2008, 12:34 AM
I did. The dems have become way too liberal for me`

11-05-2008, 12:57 AM
i made my circles all line up to look like a smilie face, so no, not straight

11-05-2008, 01:02 AM
I didn't, but really think gabby lies.

Why would you say that? I'm not really a Democrat. I'm even banned from DU! :p
As DragonStryk stated, I vote for issues and not parties.

11-05-2008, 01:33 AM
Why would you say that? I'm not really a Democrat. I'm even banned from DU! :p
As DragonStryk stated, I vote for issues and not parties.

See! I knew it. I said it earlier today... er yesterday... you are a conservative just trying to stir up shit! This proves it.

As for voting a straight party ticket:

First, I have no party as I am registered No Party Affiliation.

I voted for Barr in the Presidential Race. As for the other races here, I voted Republicans. There were no Libertarians on the ballot and I truly believe there should be some Republicans to offset the Democratic tide that has taken over. The other races were for Supervisor of Elections and Tax Collectors... more or less dog catcher positions and I stuck with the incumbents because they have done decent jobs.


11-05-2008, 04:48 AM
Nope. I like to toss in a wringer now and then to mix things up a bit.

11-05-2008, 06:13 AM
See! I knew it. I said it earlier today... er yesterday... you are a conservative just trying to stir up shit! This proves it.

As for voting a straight party ticket:

First, I have no party as I am registered No Party Affiliation.

I voted for Barr in the Presidential Race. As for the other races here, I voted Republicans. There were no Libertarians on the ballot and I truly believe there should be some Republicans to offset the Democratic tide that has taken over. The other races were for Supervisor of Elections and Tax Collectors... more or less dog catcher positions and I stuck with the incumbents because they have done decent jobs.


0% for Barr, Nader kicked that dipshit's ass........ but you can look in the mirror.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

11-05-2008, 07:39 AM
I did...but as I have said many times before, I am not at all displeased to have Susan Collins as our Senator. I will probably split my ticket when Olympia Snowe runs again because I cannot imagine a democrat in Maine who could be as good a senator for our state as she has been.

11-05-2008, 08:11 AM
0% for Barr, Nader kicked that dipshit's ass........ but you can look in the mirror.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

I never expected Barr to win or even come close to winning. I don't even like him. His main appeal was that the was not a member of either one of the two parties that now rule our country with corruption. I could care less if he got 0% or 10%. I wasn't voting for him to win. I was voting for him because I am disgusted by the parties... and I dislike John McCain and always have.


11-05-2008, 11:04 AM
0% for Barr, Nader kicked that dipshit's ass........ but you can look in the mirror.:laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

Okay, yeah, I can. I actually voted for the person I believed was the best candidate, as opposed to simply to putting my own head in my ass and voting because somebody had an R or D next to their name. Oh yes, I must feel like I so lost out on Obama's landslide this year.

Maybe you should study a bit more, Sit, to figure out just why it is we are supposed to vote. This isn't a horse race, we don't place bet on who is going to win the race, it's to select the person that we personally believe to be best for the post.

11-05-2008, 11:37 AM
Immy is starting to sound like my husband. He keeps stating that I will be a conservative within 10 years. I think my dad would kidnap me before then and send me for deprogramming. :laugh2:

11-05-2008, 11:55 AM
Immy is starting to sound like my husband. He keeps stating that I will be a conservative within 10 years. I think my dad would kidnap me before then and send me for deprogramming. :laugh2:

I do admit,we could use someone with your spunk. Now,we just have to work on your whole line of thinking:coffee:

11-05-2008, 12:14 PM
Immy is starting to sound like my husband. He keeps stating that I will be a conservative within 10 years. I think my dad would kidnap me before then and send me for deprogramming. :laugh2:

Ten years? Heck, I think you have already arrived.

Don't get caught alone with dad... you never know what a father will do to "save" his daughter.


11-05-2008, 12:17 PM
IMO anyone who votes straight party line has their head in the sand and isn't paying attention to the candidate or the issues. The only thing that matters to those people are the letters behind the name.

11-05-2008, 12:22 PM
IMO anyone who votes straight party line has their head in the sand and isn't paying attention to the candidate or the issues. The only thing that matters to those people are the letters behind the name.

no...it is the ideas that are behind the letters. THAT is what is important.

11-05-2008, 12:25 PM
no...it is the ideas that are behind the letters. THAT is what is important.

There are idiots and cheats in every party. People who vote party line are blind to that, they see only the letters.

11-05-2008, 12:27 PM
There are idiots and cheats in every party. People who vote party line are blind to that, they see only the letters.

did you READ what I typed? I see the platform of the party. I support the platform of the party. I KNOW that the ONLY way to get the platform of the party enacted is to have my party in the majority.

11-05-2008, 12:42 PM
did you READ what I typed? I see the platform of the party. I support the platform of the party. I KNOW that the ONLY way to get the platform of the party enacted is to have my party in the majority.

Yep, read what was typed, that's why I responded.

You, and people like you, ignore the reality of who the people are that have those D's behind their name. People like you got Negan re-elected, people like you got Marion Berry re-elected, people like you got Kwame Kilpatrick re-elected.

You want your party in the majority and everything else be damned. Like I said there are cheats and liars in every party. Those that vote party line ignore that fact.

11-05-2008, 12:47 PM
Yep, read what was typed, that's why I responded.

You, and people like you, ignore the reality of who the people are that have those D's behind their name. People like you got Negan re-elected, people like you got Marion Berry re-elected, people like you got Kwame Kilpatrick re-elected.

You want your party in the majority and everything else be damned. Like I said there are cheats and liars in every party. Those that vote party line ignore that fact.


ayers, rezco, wright...great friends, but who cares, he has D

11-05-2008, 12:48 PM
Yep, read what was typed, that's why I responded.

You, and people like you, ignore the reality of who the people are that have those D's behind their name. People like you got Negan re-elected, people like you got Marion Berry re-elected, people like you got Kwame Kilpatrick re-elected.

You want your party in the majority and everything else be damned. Like I said there are cheats and liars in every party. Those that vote party line ignore that fact.

I have never knowingly voted for a liar or a cheat. In Maine, my party does an excellent job of nominating highly qualified, motivated candidates. I would not vote for Marion Berry regardless of his party affiliation.

11-05-2008, 01:00 PM
obama is a liar...wright said obama is only saying things because he is a politician, but that wright speaks the truth...obama then threw wright under the bus and said wright is not true...so who is telling the truth?

you said wright is like the prophets in the bible...are you saying prophets in the bible were liars?

obama lied about other things to

11-05-2008, 01:18 PM
obama is a liar...wright said obama is only saying things because he is a politician, but that wright speaks the truth...obama then threw wright under the bus and said wright is not true...so who is telling the truth?

you said wright is like the prophets in the bible...are you saying prophets in the bible were liars?

obama lied about other things to

Speaking of Jeremiah Wright... was that him that walked up to the podium in Grant Park last night after McCain had conceded?

I was watching Fox News and someone, I can't remember who it was, had just given a speech. Just before they cut out a pastor walked up to the podium to give a speech. They announced him in Grant Park but you could not make out the name on TV. He stood at the podium put his arms on it as if he were going to speak and then Fox cut out.

Tell me that was not Jeremiah Wright!


11-05-2008, 01:29 PM
I have never knowingly voted for a liar or a cheat.

So when Obama told Tim Russert on Meet the Press in 2006, "I will serve out my full six-year term" and "I will not run for president or vice president in 2008," he wasn't lying? Despite having hired, in 2005, one of Bill Bradley's top presidential campaign staffers. Perhaps. Perhaps not. At the very least, he broke his word.

11-05-2008, 01:40 PM
You mean politicians actually LIE to us? What is the world coming to!!
Regardless of race, creed, color or party affiliation, Obama is a politician. Which means he is going to lie to us.
Clinton lied. Bush lied. Obama will lie. I think it is part of the oath of office.

11-05-2008, 02:15 PM
So when Obama told Tim Russert on Meet the Press in 2006, "I will serve out my full six-year term" and "I will not run for president or vice president in 2008," he wasn't lying? Despite having hired, in 2005, one of Bill Bradley's top presidential campaign staffers. Perhaps. Perhaps not. At the very least, he broke his word.When he said that, was he LYING? Of course not. If I say that I won't smoke cigarettes anymore, and then, at some point in time in the future, my nicotine addiction comes back and I start smoking again, does that mean I was LYING when I made the first statement? No. It means I changed my mind. People do that all the time. "read my lips. no new taxes" comes to mind. Dubya's pre-9/11 comments about nation building come to mind.

11-05-2008, 02:45 PM
I voted for one candidate that wasn't a democrat. I admit that on the local elections I didn't give the candidates as much attention as they might have deserved, but I did at least compare the candidates and didn't just vote by party. I hated both the Republican and Democratic nominees for Senate in my state so I went with a independent candidate on that one.

11-05-2008, 02:47 PM
no....I voted for all the Republicans but I take too much pleasure in filling in all those little circles to do it all at once....

11-05-2008, 03:01 PM
obama is a liar...wright said obama is only saying things because he is a politician, but that wright speaks the truth...obama then threw wright under the bus and said wright is not true...so who is telling the truth?

you said wright is like the prophets in the bible...are you saying prophets in the bible were liars?

obama lied about other things to


11-05-2008, 03:45 PM
When he said that, was he LYING? Of course not. If I say that I won't smoke cigarettes anymore, and then, at some point in time in the future, my nicotine addiction comes back and I start smoking again, does that mean I was LYING when I made the first statement? No. It means I changed my mind. People do that all the time. "read my lips. no new taxes" comes to mind. Dubya's pre-9/11 comments about nation building come to mind.

Ultimately, I think I agree. I don't think he was lying when he made those comments. I do think he planned to seek the nomination, which leads me to think he was being disingenuous. I wouldn't be surprised to find out, down the road, that he didn't expect to get the nod this time around, that he was instead laying the ground work for the future.

No matter, he is our President and my greatest hope is that he doesn't let this country down.

11-05-2008, 04:14 PM
Ultimately, I think I agree. I don't think he was lying when he made those comments. I do think he planned to seek the nomination, which leads me to think he was being disingenuous. I wouldn't be surprised to find out, down the road, that he didn't expect to get the nod this time around, that he was instead laying the ground work for the future.

No matter, he is our President and my greatest hope is that he doesn't let this country down.
that is my greatest hope as well.:beer:

11-05-2008, 04:17 PM
i love it, when confronted with an obama or wright lie...mfm runs

oh well...no surprise

11-05-2008, 04:52 PM
i love it, when confronted with an obama or wright lie...mfm runs

oh well...no surprise

I have never voted for Wright. I do not believe that Obama has lied about anything regarding Wright. I wonder why you continue to play these childish games, yurt? I really am not "running" from you, I am, however, trying to stay clear of you. By your own admission, you have been searching Maine church websites and have attempted to locate my church website on the clearly false pretense of wanting to read my sermons... that's creepy.

I have a suggestion: Why don't we either agree to bury the hatchet and discuss issues without attacking each other's character, integrity, or profession, or alternatively, agree to give one another a wide berth and not engage in conversation of any kind? Your choice.

11-05-2008, 08:03 PM
I did...but as I have said many times before, I am not at all displeased to have Susan Collins as our Senator. I will probably split my ticket when Olympia Snowe runs again because I cannot imagine a democrat in Maine who could be as good a senator for our state as she has been.

True, she is really a Democrat or should be. ;)

11-05-2008, 08:05 PM
I have never voted for Wright. I do not believe that Obama has lied about anything regarding Wright. I wonder why you continue to play these childish games, yurt? I really am not "running" from you, I am, however, trying to stay clear of you. By your own admission, you have been searching Maine church websites and have attempted to locate my church website on the clearly false pretense of wanting to read my sermons... that's creepy.

I have a suggestion: Why don't we either agree to bury the hatchet and discuss issues without attacking each other's character, integrity, or profession, or alternatively, agree to give one another a wide berth and not engage in conversation of any kind? Your choice.

What sort of person would saddle their son with the name, Virgil? Just asking.

11-05-2008, 08:09 PM
What sort of person would saddle their son with the name, Virgil? Just asking.
and you are a MODERATOR???? Jimmy should fire you.

11-05-2008, 08:58 PM
I voted for every Libertarian on the ticket. I voted for a few Republicans (including my incumbent Congressman) as well.

11-05-2008, 09:12 PM
I voted for every Libertarian on the ticket. I voted for a few Republicans (including my incumbent Congressman) as well. that sounds pretty close to a straight party ticket to me!

(Beat Army!)

11-05-2008, 09:16 PM
and you are a MODERATOR???? Jimmy should fire you.

Hey, you should have been gone long ago. Life is not fair.

11-05-2008, 09:29 PM
Hey, you should have been gone long ago. Life is not fair.
the owner specifically asked people to honor his request regarding my name. why do you think you are above honoring that request?

but to answer to your question, it has been passed down for several generations.

11-05-2008, 09:32 PM
the owner specifically asked people to honor his request regarding my name. why do you think you are above honoring that request?

but to answer to your question, it has been passed down for several generations.

asked and made clear, not a mandate. Grow up. Choirs of angels might sing about.

11-05-2008, 09:34 PM
asked and made clear, not a mandate. Grow up. Choirs of angels might sing about.

grow up???? how fucking mature is it for you to continue to do so merely to intimidate and inflame? grow up??? :lol:

physician, heal thyself.

11-05-2008, 10:06 PM
I have never voted for Wright. I do not believe that Obama has lied about anything regarding Wright. I wonder why you continue to play these childish games, yurt? I really am not "running" from you, I am, however, trying to stay clear of you. By your own admission, you have been searching Maine church websites and have attempted to locate my church website on the clearly false pretense of wanting to read my sermons... that's creepy.

I have a suggestion: Why don't we either agree to bury the hatchet and discuss issues without attacking each other's character, integrity, or profession, or alternatively, agree to give one another a wide berth and not engage in conversation of any kind? Your choice.

never said you voted for wright...wright claimed obama only disavowed wrights statements because he is a politician and says what politicians say...effectively saying obama lied...after this...obama, who just days earlier said he could NEVER disown wright...disowned him...so who lied? obama or wright?

it is pathetic that you think it is "creepy" that someone would look at maine churches to read your sermons...the pretenses are not false, i wanted to see what kind of sermons you give your church when you, WHILE preparing for your sermon the next day, say vile things to stephanie and tell me that i would not know satan if he was buggering me...i could not believe that a true preacher would say these things while PREPARING a sermon for the following morning.

i find it amusing that it scares and you think that somehow me or others finding your sermons online at your church would harm your reputation. one can only conclude that you live a double life, a LIE. you are one person to your flock and another to us. it is only reasonable for someone to be baffled that you are preacher given your vile comments.

but hey, you want to live a lie, go for it...but don't ask any of us to believe you are a preacher, a man of god, or that you are a better christian than me...see, you think it is ok to call me a heathen, tell me that you are a better christian, but somehow it is "creepy" for me to want to see if you are actually a man of god....

i feel sorry you

you need a vacation, maybe to some place in montana

11-05-2008, 10:13 PM
never said you voted for wright...wright claimed obama only disavowed wrights statements because he is a politician and says what politicians say...effectively saying obama lied...after this...obama, who just days earlier said he could NEVER disown wright...disowned him...so who lied? obama or wright?
clearly...wright did

it is pathetic that you think it is "creepy" that someone would look at maine churches to read your sermons...the pretenses are not false, i wanted to see what kind of sermons you give your church when you, WHILE preparing for your sermon the next day, say vile things to stephanie and tell me that i would not know satan if he was buggering me...i could not believe that a true preacher would say these things while PREPARING a sermon for the following morning. bullshit. if you wanted to see what kind of sermons I give, all you needed to do was read the blog.

i find it amusing that it scares and you think that somehow me or others finding your sermons online at your church would harm your reputation. one can only conclude that you live a double life, a LIE. you are one person to your flock and another to us. it is only reasonable for someone to be baffled that you are preacher given your vile comments. be baffled all you want. when you go looking for me on the internet, it is creepy

but hey, you want to live a lie, go for it...but don't ask any of us to believe you are a preacher, a man of god, or that you are a better christian than me...see, you think it is ok to call me a heathen, tell me that you are a better christian, but somehow it is "creepy" for me to want to see if you are actually a man of god....
I never said that I was a better Christian than you...only more knowledgeable. I think it IS creepy for you to go looking for me on the internet... and most folks, if they were honest, would agree.
i feel sorry you

I don't care... you don't feel sorry for me at all...you only dislike me... as I dislike you. The difference being, I am not spending a nanosecond of MY time looking at law firms in California trying to ascertain your real identity. YOu, on the other hand, are an obsessive creepy person for attempting to find me. it is weird and sick. you need help... counseling would be appropriate... or perhaps just an intervention on the part of your loved ones.

11-05-2008, 10:35 PM
I don't care... you don't feel sorry for me at all...you only dislike me... as I dislike you. The difference being, I am not spending a nanosecond of MY time looking at law firms in California trying to ascertain your real identity. YOu, on the other hand, are an obsessive creepy person for attempting to find me. it is weird and sick. you need help... counseling would be appropriate... or perhaps just an intervention on the part of your loved ones.

you said wright was like the prophets in the bible...so i guess the prophets in YOUR bible are liars

yes, how weird of me to look up your sermons to verify you walk the walk when you call me a heathen, non-christian, and that i would not know satan if he buggered me...

you're the one living the lie dude, not me

i don't want to harm your rep, you know that and you know how i feel about even threatening such things...oh wait, you are the one who said i should be disbarred...

i hear there are great towns around helena montana...

11-05-2008, 10:41 PM
you said wright was like the prophets in the bible...so i guess the prophets in YOUR bible are liars

yes, how weird of me to look up your sermons to verify you walk the walk when you call me a heathen, non-christian, and that i would not know satan if he buggered me...

you're the one living the lie dude, not me

i don't want to harm your rep, you know that and you know how i feel about even threatening such things...oh wait, you are the one who said i should be disbarred...

i hear there are great towns around helena montana...

I said that, like the prophets in the Old Testament, Wright spoke truth to power... he called the mighty to task for their ways. Is he perfect? no. were the old testament prophets perfect? no.

and like I said...if you want to know what sort of sermons I preach, all you ever had to do was to look on the blog.... your attempts to search out my identity and my location are creepy...by anyone's measure. you are an obsessive weirdo who needs help.

11-05-2008, 10:45 PM
oh boy, i'm creepy....

i think i am going to parish


you're only afraid because you live a lie dude...

and like i said, i don't care if anyone wants to live a lie...but don't effing preach to others about their sins, comprehende...

11-05-2008, 10:51 PM
oh boy, i'm creepy....

i think i am going to parish


you're only afraid because you live a lie dude...

and like i said, i don't care if anyone wants to live a lie...but don't effing preach to others about their sins, comprehende...

don't threaten me...comprendez?

I don't preach to anyone about their sins.

like I said...I would not even THINK about spending a nanosecond trying to find out anyone on this message board's real identity. It is, after all, only an internet message board. but YOU??? YOu creepy sick little twerp? You have made it your mission to ascertain my true identity...and to what purpose? what non-perverse, non-twisted, non-CREEPY purpose could you possibly have for seeking out my indentity? You need help. really. this whole internet thing has blurred your sense of reality.

11-05-2008, 10:56 PM
don't threaten me...comprendez?

I don't preach to anyone about their sins.

like I said...I would not even THINK about spending a nanosecond trying to find out anyone on this message board's real identity. It is, after all, only an internet message board. but YOU??? YOu creepy sick little twerp? You have made it your mission to ascertain my true identity...and to what purpose? what non-perverse, non-twisted, non-CREEPY purpose could you possibly have for seeking out my indentity? You need help. really. this whole internet thing has blurred your sense of reality.

threaten you? are you drinking?

your obsession with me has caused you to burst a vein dude...calm down

i am not seeking your true identity, give it up...i informed quite clearly a couple of days ago that if you do NOT want to give the link to your sermons that i am entirely ok with you posting them here...since then i have not mentioned ANYTHING about wanting your churches website...me thinks you have a crush me...i don't play for you team tho

i thought you wanted to drop the insults?

11-05-2008, 11:01 PM
threaten you? are you drinking?

your obsession with me has caused you to burst a vein dude...calm down

i am not seeking your true identity, give it up...i informed quite clearly a couple of days ago that if you do NOT want to give the link to your sermons that i am entirely ok with you posting them here...since then i have not mentioned ANYTHING about wanting your churches website...me thinks you have a crush me...i don't play for you team tho

i thought you wanted to drop the insults?

we both know what you know... and I have informed the board owner of your posts.

but if you want to kick it up a notch.... come on over, "counselor". You know where I am.

11-05-2008, 11:03 PM
we both know what you know... and I have informed the board owner of your posts.

but if you want to kick it up a notch.... come on over, "counselor". You know where I am.

wtf are you talking about? whine to the board owner about what?

are you fucking threatening me to come to maine? are you threatening to fight me? i will report you to the authorities...

11-05-2008, 11:04 PM
wtf are you talking about? whine to the board owner about what?

are you fucking threatening me to come to maine? are you threatening to fight me? i will report you to the authorities...

don't be obtuse.

11-05-2008, 11:07 PM
don't be obtuse.

you whine to the board owner and accuse me of theatening you...back it up or STFU

how did i threaten you?

11-05-2008, 11:08 PM
you whine to the board owner and accuse me of theatening you...back it up or STFU

how did i threaten you?

I merely copied him on a few of your posts here...that's all. I never said to him that you were threatening me.

I think the evidence will be clear to him. don't you?

11-05-2008, 11:12 PM
If you haven't all ready, I think you both could benefit from watching this:


11-05-2008, 11:44 PM
I merely copied him on a few of your posts here...that's all. I never said to him that you were threatening me.

I think the evidence will be clear to him. don't you?

evidence of what? first you said i am threatening you, then next you say you reported me to the board owner...if not for that, then what? and you're the one that threatened me to come to maine...to kick it up notch... a veiled threat to violence...maybe i should report you to the authorities...as usual you're making stuff up.

11-05-2008, 11:45 PM
I merely copied him on a few of your posts here...that's all. I never said to him that you were threatening me.

I think the evidence will be clear to him. don't you?

you are such a little girl.....

11-05-2008, 11:55 PM
you are such a little girl.....

I don't care who you are, that was funny. :lol:

11-06-2008, 07:56 AM
evidence of what? first you said i am threatening you, then next you say you reported me to the board owner...if not for that, then what? and you're the one that threatened me to come to maine...to kick it up notch... a veiled threat to violence...maybe i should report you to the authorities...as usual you're making stuff up.

I am not making anything up yurt. we both know what is going on here.

And how does one threaten you to come to maine? :lol:

I might "dare" you to come to maine, but I certainly cannot "threaten" you with something that you yourself must take affirmative steps to accomplish. That is like you "threatening" me to shoot a sub-80 round of golf.

And clearly, you have never watched Emeril. To "kick it up a notch" is a well known idiomatic expression meaning to add spice. Any "violence" that you see in that is of your own making.

11-06-2008, 07:57 AM
you are such a little girl.....

and gosh.... your opinion is SO fucking important to me, I can't begin to TELL you how completely DEVASTATED I am that you would think that!:lol:

11-06-2008, 09:58 AM
I am not making anything up yurt. we both know what is going on here.

And how does one threaten you to come to maine? :lol:

I might "dare" you to come to maine, but I certainly cannot "threaten" you with something that you yourself must take affirmative steps to accomplish. That is like you "threatening" me to shoot a sub-80 round of golf.

And clearly, you have never watched Emeril. To "kick it up a notch" is a well known idiomatic expression meaning to add spice. Any "violence" that you see in that is of your own making.

what is going on here? you call me creepy, i tell you, oh my i am going to perish because you think i am creepy...BFD...as if jim doesn't know you start shit and i occasionally respond

clearly you do not have common sense...

come over here and i'll kick your ass...that is a threat of violence and that is what you said, you did not "dare" me to simply come to maine, don't try to weasel out what everyone knows you meant

kick it up a notch did not start with emeril, it is urban lexicon for various things, such as violence

how is that tattle coming with the board owner over some rule you imagine i broke....sissy...you bitched and moaned that last i reported you to the board owner about your continued insults, called me a fucking pussy

what does that make you now :laugh2:

11-06-2008, 10:14 AM
I said that, like the prophets in the Old Testament, Wright spoke truth to power... he called the mighty to task for their ways. Is he perfect? no. were the old testament prophets perfect? no.


this post proves you believe obama is the messiah....you believe him over someone who is akin to the prophets in the bible :laugh2:

11-06-2008, 10:34 AM
this post proves you believe obama is the messiah....you believe him over someone who is akin to the prophets in the bible :laugh2:

It only proves that he believes Wright to be a prophet. It does not prove he thinks that Wright is the Messiah.

For the record, Elijah humiliated 450 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. A prophet is not necessarily a prophet of God.

Elijah on Mount Carmel

1 Kings 18:16-46
16 So Obadiah went to meet Ahab and told him, and Ahab went to meet Elijah. 17 When he saw Elijah, he said to him, "Is that you, you troubler of Israel?"
18 "I have not made trouble for Israel," Elijah replied. "But you and your father's family have. You have abandoned the LORD's commands and have followed the Baals. 19 Now summon the people from all over Israel to meet me on Mount Carmel. And bring the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah, who eat at Jezebel's table."

20 So Ahab sent word throughout all Israel and assembled the prophets on Mount Carmel. 21 Elijah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him."
But the people said nothing.

22 Then Elijah said to them, "I am the only one of the LORD's prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets. 23 Get two bulls for us. Let them choose one for themselves, and let them cut it into pieces and put it on the wood but not set fire to it. I will prepare the other bull and put it on the wood but not set fire to it. 24 Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the LORD. The god who answers by fire—he is God."
Then all the people said, "What you say is good."

25 Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, "Choose one of the bulls and prepare it first, since there are so many of you. Call on the name of your god, but do not light the fire." 26 So they took the bull given them and prepared it.
Then they called on the name of Baal from morning till noon. "O Baal, answer us!" they shouted. But there was no response; no one answered. And they danced around the altar they had made.

27 At noon Elijah began to taunt them. "Shout louder!" he said. "Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy, or traveling. Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened." 28 So they shouted louder and slashed themselves with swords and spears, as was their custom, until their blood flowed. 29 Midday passed, and they continued their frantic prophesying until the time for the evening sacrifice. But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.

30 Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come here to me." They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the LORD, which was in ruins. 31 Elijah took twelve stones, one for each of the tribes descended from Jacob, to whom the word of the LORD had come, saying, "Your name shall be Israel." 32 With the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD, and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seahs [a] of seed. 33 He arranged the wood, cut the bull into pieces and laid it on the wood. Then he said to them, "Fill four large jars with water and pour it on the offering and on the wood."

34 "Do it again," he said, and they did it again.
"Do it a third time," he ordered, and they did it the third time. 35 The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench.

36 At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 37 Answer me, O LORD, answer me, so these people will know that you, O LORD, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again."

38 Then the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench.

39 When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -he is God! The LORD -he is God!"

40 Then Elijah commanded them, "Seize the prophets of Baal. Don't let anyone get away!" They seized them, and Elijah had them brought down to the Kishon Valley and slaughtered there.

41 And Elijah said to Ahab, "Go, eat and drink, for there is the sound of a heavy rain." 42 So Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees.

43 "Go and look toward the sea," he told his servant. And he went up and looked.
"There is nothing there," he said.
Seven times Elijah said, "Go back."

44 The seventh time the servant reported, "A cloud as small as a man's hand is rising from the sea."
So Elijah said, "Go and tell Ahab, 'Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.' "

45 Meanwhile, the sky grew black with clouds, the wind rose, a heavy rain came on and Ahab rode off to Jezreel. 46 The power of the LORD came upon Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.


11-06-2008, 11:15 AM
It only proves that he believes Wright to be a prophet. It does not prove he thinks that Wright is the Messiah.

For the record, Elijah humiliated 450 prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. A prophet is not necessarily a prophet of God.

Elijah on Mount Carmel


i said he thinks obama is the messiah as he believes obama over wright...and he compared mfm said that wright is like the prophets in the bible, the good prophets, not the bad ones immie...

though now he is back tracking, as usual, on wright's greatness and says that wright is a liar, but thats ok, because when it comes down to it...mfm takes the word of someone who not like a prophet over the word of someone who is like the prophets in the bible

11-06-2008, 11:39 AM
this post proves you believe obama is the messiah....you believe him over someone who is akin to the prophets in the bible :laugh2:

i said he thinks obama is the messiah as he believes obama over wright...and he compared mfm said that wright is like the prophets in the bible, the good prophets, not the bad ones immie...

though now he is back tracking, as usual, on wright's greatness and says that wright is a liar, but thats ok, because when it comes down to it...mfm takes the word of someone who not like a prophet over the word of someone who is like the prophets in the bible

I beg to differ with you though, counselor, you said that it proves that he believes that Obama is the messiah. I say it only proves that he believes that Wright is a prophet.

I may be missing something in what you are trying to say, but the only thing I see is that MFM believes Wright is a prophet. I do not see anything in that post or any others that I recall that claim that Obama is a better man than Wright. Now, I will grant you that it appears that MFM thinks very highly of Obama, but going so far as to say that he believes Obama is the Messiah, without him actually saying that is a stretch.

As for MFM's claim that Wright is a good prophet, well, I was simply reminding the two of you that there are also false prophets.


11-06-2008, 12:11 PM
I beg to differ with you though, counselor, you said that it proves that he believes that Obama is the messiah. I say it only proves that he believes that Wright is a prophet.

I may be missing something in what you are trying to say, but the only thing I see is that MFM believes Wright is a prophet. I do not see anything in that post or any others that I recall that claim that Obama is a better man than Wright. Now, I will grant you that it appears that MFM thinks very highly of Obama, but going so far as to say that he believes Obama is the Messiah, without him actually saying that is a stretch.

As for MFM's claim that Wright is a good prophet, well, I was simply reminding the two of you that there are also false prophets.


lighten up immie :)

he believes a non prophet over a person who is like a prophet in the bible...it proves it to ME...does that make you feel better? how many times in the bible do we have people taking a non-prophet's word over a prophet? can you link me....


11-06-2008, 01:15 PM
lighten up immie :)

he believes a non prophet over a person who is like a prophet in the bible...it proves it to ME...does that make you feel better? how many times in the bible do we have people taking a non-prophet's word over a prophet? can you link me....


Lighten up? Are you telling me to go on a diet!!! :laugh2: If so, can you tell me how to stick with it? How to actually make it work, because so far, I've been unsuccessful.

Believing a non-prophet over a prophet? Link... hmmm, let me think of an example here. Here's one. 1 King 22 Ahab v Micaiah. The people listened to Ahab over Micaiah and imprisoned the prophet Micaiah until Ahab returned from war. Micaiah further prophesied that Ahab would not return from the war or the Lord had not spoken through Micaiah. Ahab died in battle.

That was just one example I found. I'm sure their are others. Moses v. Israel during the Exodus? The people grumbled and rebeled against Moses and God.


11-06-2008, 01:26 PM
Lighten up? Are you telling me to go on a diet!!! :laugh2: If so, can you tell me how to stick with it? How to actually make it work, because so far, I've been unsuccessful.

Believing a non-prophet over a prophet? Link... hmmm, let me think of an example here. Here's one. 1 King 22 Ahab v Micaiah. The people listened to Ahab over Micaiah and imprisoned the prophet Micaiah until Ahab returned from war. Micaiah further prophesied that Ahab would not return from the war or the Lord had not spoken through Micaiah. Ahab died in battle.

That was just one example I found. I'm sure their are others. Moses v. Israel during the Exodus? The people grumbled and rebeled against Moses and God.


I compared Wright to OT prophets insofar as he was not afraid to speak truth to power. He was not afraid to point out the errors of our leaders. OT prophets did that all the time. Clearly, I do not think that Obama is the messiah...but yurt knows that, the chickenshit little "lawyer" just loves to play his snarky little games... and stalk me on the internet. creepy.
I DO happen to know that, as I predicted, Obama whipped the living shit out of McCain and the tired ass republican party. and that is worth dancing over!:dance:

11-06-2008, 01:36 PM
I compared Wright to OT prophets insofar as he was not afraid to speak truth to power. He was not afraid to point out the errors of our leaders. OT prophets did that all the time. Clearly, I do not think that Obama is the messiah...but yurt knows that, the chickenshit little "lawyer" just loves to play his snarky little games... and stalk me on the internet. creepy.
I DO happen to know that, as I predicted, Obama whipped the living shit out of McCain and the tired ass republican party. and that is worth dancing over!:dance:

So now you claim prophetic powers?

Come on, MFM, it didn't take a genius to figure out months ago, that McCain didn't have a prayer. :laugh2:


11-06-2008, 01:44 PM
So now you claim prophetic powers?

Come on, MFM, it didn't take a genius to figure out months ago, that McCain didn't have a prayer. :laugh2:


no prophetic powers here Immie. Just a little mild mannered gloating. You know that the "lawyer", aka "internet stalker", would have done the same.

11-06-2008, 02:05 PM
no prophetic powers here Immie. Just a little mild mannered gloating. You know that the "lawyer", aka "internet stalker", would have done the same.

You can bet that if Barr had won, I'd be gloating too.

j/k because I really didn't want Barr to win anyway. I only wanted the message that Americans were tired of the corruption to reach Washington.


11-06-2008, 02:08 PM
I compared Wright to OT prophets insofar as he was not afraid to speak truth to power. He was not afraid to point out the errors of our leaders. OT prophets did that all the time. Clearly, I do not think that Obama is the messiah...but yurt knows that, the chickenshit little "lawyer" just loves to play his snarky little games... and stalk me on the internet. creepy.
I DO happen to know that, as I predicted, Obama whipped the living shit out of McCain and the tired ass republican party. and that is worth dancing over!:dance:

i see the guy that goes around saying he wants peace is still doing nothing but dropping insults...


you only wish i was stalking you...but if it gets you the day...dream on homo

so how is the vacation in BUTte montana coming...or would you perish outside of little closet....

fucking pussy :laugh2:

11-06-2008, 02:21 PM
i see the guy that goes around saying he wants peace is still doing nothing but dropping insults...


you only wish i was stalking you...but if it gets you the day...dream on homo

so how is the vacation in BUTte montana coming...or would you perish outside of little closet....

fucking pussy :laugh2:

I DO want peace, shithead. It is clear by your internet stalking behavior that you have no desire to pursue it. so be it. little creep.

11-06-2008, 02:32 PM
I DO want peace, shithead. It is clear by your internet stalking behavior that you have no desire to pursue it. so be it. little creep.

liar, i am not stalking you and you don't want peace....

for the third time...i told you that i am no longer looking at maine churches once you said you would post your sermons online...the fact you continue to accuse me of continuing to try and find out who you are shows you are a liar...

simple, you claim peace and then shout hate in the next breath....i want peach SHITHEAD...lol

as if it is a big deal to look for your church online...you always talk about your church, you talk about how it has the best or most stained glass windows east of the mississippi, you rag on about how holy you are and how you are a better christian than me...and somehow i am a stalker for looking up a church in maine...here is tip...you don't want people to find you, don't give out information about your church and don't talk about yourself

it is no surprise that when you claim moral superiority and that you are better christian than people that someone or many would want to verify that you actually preach....BFD...

again, i am not trying to find out who you are...

you ran to jimmy, you claimed i was a fucking pussy for doing so, hence you are fucking pussy :laugh2:

and you never explained exactly what rule i broke or what caused you to run to jimmy....thought so...more made up lies by mfm