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View Full Version : Washington Establishment wins, working middle class looses! Do you agree?

11-06-2008, 02:08 PM
A window of opportunity for an honorable Republican Party leadership to emerge

It is so sad to see that America’s working middle class [those earning between $30,000-$50,000] have allowed themselves to once again fall victim to a very sophisticated class warfare game played by politicians in which the real winners will be those who are already part of our Washington Establishment and its political plum job empire, or, will become part of the Washington Establishment under Obama‘s administration..

Indeed, America’s working middle class, whether living in Harlem New York or Scranton, PA will remain the Washington Establishment’s cash cow under Obama’s administration and will not only be taxed to send a check to the 40 percent of the 95 percent Obama asserted will get a “tax cut” (even though they pay no income taxes), but, America’s working middle class will also be taxed to finance those holding political plum jobs, many of which Obama now gets to hand over to his loyal inner circle who will be rewarded quite handsomely and will do far better financially with a federal plum job than America’s private sector working middle class!

And just how well are political plum job holders paid?
CHECK THIS OUT (http://federaljobs.net/)

The average annual federal workers compensation, pay plus benefits, is $106,871 compared to just $53,288 for the private sector according to the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis.

Some of the above mentioned plum jobs include 5000 jobs at the Federal Department of Education which are involved with redistributing paychecks taxed away from America’s working middle class for a function which the people of the various states have assigned to their state legislature by a state constitution, and did not assign to the federal government! So why do we have a federal department of education? As we have just witnessed during this election, these 5000 federal employees performed an important function for the Washington Establishment which is unrelated to public school systems ___ they morphed into a nation wide army to provide partisan support for Obama’s campaign! And this army of federal workers does not even take into account the American Federation of Teacher’s 1.4 million members and the National Education Association’s 3.2 million members with a vested interest in seeing the federal government’s involvement in state public school systems expanded, especially with respect to taxation to accommodate such expansion. And so, these two groups with a vested interest in a larger federal government merged with the Federal Department of Education employees to create a massive 5 million member army to assist in Obama’s election! Of course Obama had a better “ground game” during the election!

The allowance of Congress’s involvement in state public school systems and its funding has created a massive and very dangerous factious voting block in America which would not be present if public school systems remained within the powers retained by the states as commanded by the United States Constitution’s Tenth Amendment and federalism, our Constitution’s plan.

The creation of a federal Department of Education, notwithstanding its blatant unconstitutionality, has introduced a predatory factious force in America’s political process, a spoils system, which causes disunity and apprehension between our two political parties, and likewise has created a monster which looks to expand and flourish by feeding on the paychecks of America’s working middle class!

As to Obama and his campaign for “change”, he now gets to reward his loyal inner circle by changing the faces of those who now hold top of the shelf political plum jobs (http://www.ed.gov/news/staff/bios/index.html?src=rt) at the federal Department of Education.

The question is, will an new leadership emerge within the Republican Party with the specific goal of neutralizing two forces which have our nation on a suicidal path? The two forces are (1) class warfare, and, (2) an unauthorized expansion of federal powers which works to create an absolute power and is destined to corrupt absolutely. Neutralizing the expansion of federal power requires nothing more than an adherence to our written Constitution and following the recorded intentions and beliefs under which our Constitution was adopted …a written document designed to preserve federalism which is summarized in Federalist Paper No. 45 as follows:

“The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected.

The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

As to class warfare as practiced via federal taxation, this type of class warfare can be neutralized by prohibiting Congress to tax the wages labor has earned! Imagine that? If working people were not taxed on their earned wages, Obama’s class warfare strategy to win an election by taxing one group of Americans to provide a tax cut to another group of Americas would not have existed.

The lost revenue from a prohibition upon taxing earned wages could very easily be made up by a federal luxury tax ___ laying a specific amount of tax upon specifically chosen articles of luxury just as our founding fathers intended, and was very successfully used until Congress tried to increase these taxes beyond reasonable levels which led to a drop in sales and a reduced level of revenue for Congress. This type of tax is self regulating and allows the market place to determine the appropriate amount of tax on each selected article___ tax the article too high and the flow of revenue into the federal treasury is diminished as pointed out in Federalist 10. For a recent application of this tax see The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c101:H.R.5835:http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c101:4:./temp/~c101exSUxe) click on 4. “Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Enrolled as Agreed to or Passed by Both House and Senate)[H.R.5835.ENR]”, after which you may scroll down to TITLE XI--REVENUE PROVISIONS, and then click on :

`(a) IMPOSITION OF TAX- There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any passenger vehicle a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $30,000.

`SEC. 4002. BOATS.
`(a) IMPOSITION OF TAX- There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any boat a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $100,000.

`(a) IMPOSITION OF TAX- There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any aircraft a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $250,000.

`SEC. 4006. JEWELRY.
`(a) IMPOSITION OF TAX- There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of any jewelry a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $10,000.

`SEC. 4007. FURS.
`(a) IMPOSITION OF TAX- There is hereby imposed on the 1st retail sale of the following articles a tax equal to 10 percent of the price for which so sold to the extent such price exceeds $10,000:

Please note that the outrageous 10 percent imposed upon certain specific articles because of Congress’s greed caused diminishes sales of those consumer articles and adversely affected Maryland’s luxury boat building industry which in turn immediacy prompted Congress to repealing the tax in 1991 (http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_lists/roll_call_vote_cfm.cfm?congress=102&session=1&vote=00263)

Had the tax on luxury boats only been one or two percent it probably would have been paid without much resistance or outcry. But, the tax was an outrageous 10 percent and the market place responded to limit Congress‘s greedy desire for revenue. As documented in Federalist No. 10, our founding fathers carefully devised a tax plan which allowed the market place to prevent an “extension of the revenue” while avoiding class warfare by prohibiting Congress to tax the wages labor has earned.

It is self evident that the existing leadership of both political parties and our Washington Establishment would dreaded a return to our founding father’s original tax plan which would not only limit Congress’s greed, it would also end Congress’s ability to manipulate the private lives of America’s working middle class and diminish class warfare which Obama was able to exploit far better than McCain. .

Hopefully a new leadership will emerge from the ashes of our existing Republican Party, a leadership which will support and defend our written Constitution and the documented intentions and beliefs under which it was adopted, and will work to shut down two engines of corruption mentioned above which are not only legitimate targets for “real change”, but are the very tools relied upon by dishonorable politicians to divide and conquer American working class people!


Totally agree. Obama gave the unintelligent a false sense of "hope" and "change".

The question is, will freedom loving hard working middle class Americans rise to the occasion and demand the Republican Party leadership to be changed to reflect the above mentioned agenda which would remove the tools used by Obama to flim flam his supporters?

Is it not time to stop the whining and work for an honorable change?