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View Full Version : My 5yo is Bart Simpson incarnate...

11-06-2008, 08:57 PM
He's in Kindergarten and got a note sent home (that I have to sign and return) telling me that after recess (he goes all day, every other day), he had sand in his shoe, which he proceeded to take off, and dump over a classmate's head.

I had a hard time keeping a straight face talking to him about it and telling him it is never ok to do that, etc.

Even DH found it more funny than anything.

Oy, we have our own little Bart Simpson. DH assures me that he did stuff like this and worse at the same age.

11-06-2008, 09:52 PM
they send notes home for that :laugh2:

we called that "playing" when i was his age

11-06-2008, 09:58 PM
they send notes home for that :laugh2:

we called that "playing" when i was his age

yeah, on carbonless copy paper too. so when i sign, i keep a copy and send the other back with him to school.

Seriously, I am still laughing about it. I'll scan the note shortly, so you can all see how ridiculous it is.

11-06-2008, 10:05 PM
yeah, on carbonless copy paper too. so when i sign, i keep a copy and send the other back with him to school.

Seriously, I am still laughing about it. I'll scan the note shortly, so you can all see how ridiculous it is.


11-06-2008, 10:11 PM
here it is...


11-06-2008, 10:13 PM
It's a write up. All schools use them now to make sure they have full documentation and aren't sued later. He desearved it but not a big deal, it's a minimial punishment in schools.

11-06-2008, 10:18 PM
It's a write up. All schools use them now to make sure they have full documentation and aren't sued later. He desearved it but not a big deal, it's a minimial punishment in schools.

deserved it? HE'S FIVE YEARS OLD! sheesh! Talk to him and sit him in the corner or something. I could see writing up a 7 or 8yo, but 5?

11-06-2008, 10:38 PM
deserved it? HE'S FIVE YEARS OLD! sheesh! Talk to him and sit him in the corner or something. I could see writing up a 7 or 8yo, but 5?

could be worse could have used a jump rope and tide a kid to a pole and left him there when recess ended ..... all jump ropes were taken away....

then there was the time we played ball tag in the redwood trees.....not under them but 50 - 100 feet up in them ...... i miss those trees....

11-07-2008, 08:25 AM
could be worse could have used a jump rope and tide a kid to a pole and left him there when recess ended ..... all jump ropes were taken away....

then there was the time we played ball tag in the redwood trees.....not under them but 50 - 100 feet up in them ...... i miss those trees....

When I was in grade 1 my TEACHER tied a student to a desk with MY skipping rope. Prior to that, the little brat tied two desks together and put them in front of the door so the teacher couldn't in the room after leaving for a few minutes. I had to sit with my head down for about 10 hours for letting him use my rope.

My mother and his mother had a fit with his mothe taking him out of that school. Poor kid, he was VERY hyper AND the only black kid in the entire school and neigbourhood. I forget where they were from originally.

11-07-2008, 09:56 AM
here it is...



"please talk to him about being a good friend"

this hyper sensativity stuff is going way to far, my best friends have pulled worse practical jokes on me, maybe i will print this note, change the name and send it to them :laugh2:

btw, i would not sign that card, but that is just me

11-07-2008, 01:56 PM
Geese. Some of these teachers need to get a grip. I could see teachers in the upper grades being more strict,but this seems a stretch for kindergarten.

My daughter started second grade this year. She is a wonderful student that has had a lot to learn to deal with in school,because of her hearing loss and learning to adjust to hearing aids. First,I had to figure out how to deal with the fact that every time the teacher yelled at another student,it was hurting her ears because the teachers wears a mic(fm system) and it's hooked to her hearing aids. The yelling was going straight into her ears. When you have hearing loss,loud noises tend to hurt. I was afraid I would affend the teacher so the hearing teacher form the county came and and very round aboutly told her what she was doing. I'm sure she didn't realise,but aggravating none the less. Savannah is the only student in the school with hearing aids.

Then,she comes home a couple of weeks ago upset because I forgot to sign her poetry folder ....for the poem she read that weekend. The teacher made her "flip her card". My daughter is always prepared,always has her homework and NEVER gets in trouble. I thought it kind of shitty that the teacher takes it out on her.....like she's some kind of bad student.I wasn't happy.

I just think that some teachers could give a teency bit of room for children that rarely,if ever make a mistake....or their mom forgets to sign their poetry folder.:coffee:

11-07-2008, 10:47 PM
I posted this same note at another board I am on, and one of the members posted this response:

Who says he wasn't being a good friend? He shared his shoe sand (try saying that fast 3 times) with a classmate!

Sharing is caring!

I am thinking of writing a note saying the same thing and sending it with Nathan to school on Monday, just for funsies... :dev:

11-07-2008, 10:50 PM
Yeah, get the teacher on his ass.

The write ups get less chessy when you get into highschool.

11-19-2008, 02:24 PM
I swear I have Bart Simpson for a son!

Got a call from the teacher a little bit ago saying he took a scissors during craft time and cut a chunk out of another kid's hair.

I don't know whether to laugh or not on that one.

11-19-2008, 02:44 PM
I'm not looking forward to school days. I have a friend who's teacher just tried to diagnose her son with ADHD and suggested ritalin.

11-19-2008, 02:48 PM
I'm not looking forward to school days. I have a friend who's teacher just tried to diagnose her son with ADHD and suggested ritalin.
And that right there is the PROBLEM with the "Public School System"

Teachers are NOT health care providers and should NOT pretend to be! They should NEVER suggest to a parent for a child to be put on ritalin.

95% of all ritalin use is in the US. that is very telling....

11-19-2008, 02:53 PM
And that right there is the PROBLEM with the "Public School System"

Teachers are NOT health care providers and should NOT pretend to be! They should NEVER suggest to a parent for a child to be put on ritalin.

95% of all ritalin use is in the US. that is very telling....

Definetly! There are actually schools and daycares where the adults there are not allowed to discipline children...they have to call in parents to do so. How are you teaching your children respect if the only adult they have to respect is you? Why would you send your child to school if you didn't trust the judgement of the adults? I don't understand it, or the apathy from the parents. If a teacher is suggesting a drug, that teacher either needs to a) get another job, children are children or b) have better tools and more "power" to deal with kids and effectively teach them in a way they can actually learn vs. being bored out of their minds.

I also remember, not too long ago, being "taught the test" vs. an actual subject. Standardized testing has gone way too far. So has the "everyones a winner" mentality.