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View Full Version : What the Republican Party should do

11-07-2008, 01:35 AM
The GOP needs to get back to its "core" values. True conservatism. Goldwater conservatism. This is what the GOP needs to focus on:

-Low taxes with balanced budgets
-Strong national defense
-Engaged foreign policy
-Protection of the environment
-Less government interference in individual lives

These tenets of true political conservatism have been missing from the GOP since the Reagan Revolution. These principles, these conservative principles are now viewed by the Rabid Religous Right as unimportant. Some refer to the Republicans that believe in these principles as RINO's or in some cases liberals. Instead the party is now more worried about homos getting hitched, forcing the Christian God into every crevice of the US Government, and abortion. I loved Ronald Reagan, I really did. He didn't rebuild a damaged Republican Party, he rebuilt a damaged United States. But he hijacked my party in the process and it is time to take it back. I thought McCain was the guy to do it. He preached these very things in 2000 and seemed to forget about them in 2008. These are the principles that matter in government. They are the polar opposite of the ideals of liberalism. They are the polar opposite of proposed policies of President-Elect Obama. These conservative ideals are my ideals and the Republican that demonstrates these ideals wil get my support.

Just my opinion.

11-07-2008, 11:58 AM
i agree and i agree that ron paul .... spoke to these issues the best ....

the one thing he said that struck true with me is foreign entanglements....

both military and economic......

if we put as much time money and effort into our 50 states (57 now).....as we do into the hundreds of nations around the would we would be a the strongest economic and cultural nation in the world....

11-07-2008, 12:36 PM
I agree, but expect exactly the opposite from the Republican Party.


GW in Ohio
11-07-2008, 12:37 PM
i agree and i agree that ron paul .... spoke to these issues the best ....

the one thing he said that struck true with me is foreign entanglements....

both military and economic......

if we put as much time money and effort into our 50 states (57 now).....as we do into the hundreds of nations around the would we would be a the strongest economic and cultural nation in the world....


I'm agreeing with the conservatives.

Will wonders never cease?

11-07-2008, 12:43 PM
I agree, but expect exactly the opposite from the Republican Party.


Family Research Council is already doing just that.


11-07-2008, 12:53 PM
Family Research Council is already doing just that.


The Family Research Council is not the Republican Party. Republicans lost this election for one basic reason... George W. Bush who claimed conservatism, but behaved like a big government liberal. John McCain suffered for George Bush's inadequacies.

The Republican Party will turn away from FRC and conservatives and in 2012, we are likely to find ourselves with a Republican Candidate further left than Ted Kennedy. :laugh2:

Okay, maybe that is strecthing things a little too far, but how far?


11-07-2008, 01:27 PM
The Family Research Council is not the Republican Party. Republicans lost this election for one basic reason... George W. Bush who claimed conservatism, but behaved like a big government liberal. John McCain suffered for George Bush's inadequacies.

The Republican Party will turn away from FRC and conservatives and in 2012, we are likely to find ourselves with a Republican Candidate further left than Ted Kennedy. :laugh2:

Okay, maybe that is strecthing things a little too far, but how far?


I see it going the other way. FRC, Focus on the Family, the ACLJ, and other right wing groups will insist on a candidate that makes Rich Santorum look like...., well Rich Santorum would probably work. They will lose miserably, but they want "their" party back, when it was hijack from us to begin with.

I personally do feel that these far right groups have a place in our party, they simply have to realize that they are not the base anymore and that their issues fall into into line behind the Goldwater principles.

Mr. P
11-07-2008, 01:41 PM
I see it going the other way. FRC, Focus on the Family, the ACLJ, and other right wing groups will insist on a candidate that makes Rich Santorum look like...., well Rich Santorum would probably work. They will lose miserably, but they want "their" party back, when it was hijack from us to begin with.

I personally do feel that these far right groups have a place in our party, they simply have to realize that they are not the base anymore and that their issues fall into into line behind the Goldwater principles.

They never were the base..they were just loud enough, long enough, to seem so.

IMO.. they must be ignored. What are they gonna do, go liberal? I doubt it.

11-07-2008, 02:10 PM
I see it going the other way. FRC, Focus on the Family, the ACLJ, and other right wing groups will insist on a candidate that makes Rich Santorum look like...., well Rich Santorum would probably work. They will lose miserably, but they want "their" party back, when it was hijack from us to begin with.

I personally do feel that these far right groups have a place in our party, they simply have to realize that they are not the base anymore and that their issues fall into into line behind the Goldwater principles.

Disclaimer: Your party. I left the party three years ago.

I don't think the RP will give a crap what those groups demand. I see it more likely that these groups abandon the RP as I have done and maybe end up with the Constitution Party, but then they will lose even more power.


11-07-2008, 06:28 PM
They never were the base..they were just loud enough, long enough, to seem so.

IMO.. they must be ignored. What are they gonna do, go liberal? I doubt it.

Good point.

11-07-2008, 06:51 PM
IMO the Republican Party must return to the table and speak to the electorate on:

Smaller government-cut spending drastically, pay down the deficit, then lower taxes

Stay out of social/local issues. Roe may be bad law, but that is for SCOTUS to decide or Congress to write law that meets the law laid down by Roe.

Education is at best a state issue, moreso a local issue-county, township, city, town. The feds should not be mandating standards, jumping in about evolution or bogus alternatives, (yes a bit of editorializing, but that is within my purview as a poster, not from a president).

Marriage is a state, not federal issue, knock off the idea of a constitutional amendment.


Rebuilding the country's infrastructure

Securing our borders and implementing an enlightened immigration policy

Support the military-active and retired

Paying down deficit/reducing, not just controlling spending

11-07-2008, 07:39 PM
You will make fine Libertarians one day! I can't wait.

11-07-2008, 08:18 PM
You will make fine Libertarians one day! I can't wait.

I'd rather just take back the GOP.

11-07-2008, 09:04 PM
You will make fine Libertarians one day! I can't wait.

My dear, a real Libertarian hasn't seen a presidential contender yet, only poseurs. Trust me.

11-08-2008, 03:05 AM
I am not at all opposed to conservative ideology. I have voted for it since I was old enough to vote. The present day reichwingers, however, lost all sense of conservative ideology many years ago. Like you, otf, I hope they will return to responsible and productive endeavors that benefit our country as a whole and themselves individually as a political force to be reckoned with. For now, however, fuck 'em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They deserve it and certainly invited the demonstrated recent disdain of a collective American populace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Just Want To Celebrate


11-08-2008, 05:13 AM
Well, for one thing, they need to toss out those that are negative and are a discredit to the party. Get rid of the non-conformers and put in people that love America and want to work to make the party and it better.

They need to grow up, act like adults, use the common sense God gave them, get themselves some organizational skills and think about the people, rather than themselves.

They are their own worst enemies. What a bunch of backstabbing, self serving, blundering fools.

11-08-2008, 05:20 AM
Which of them are "negative", binky?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?

Well, for one thing, they need to toss out those that are negative and are a discredit to the party. Get rid of the non-conformers and put in people that love America and want to work to make the party and it better.

They need to grow up, act like adults, use the common sense God gave them, get themselves some organizational skills and think about the people, rather than themselves.

They are their own worst enemies. What a bunch of backstabbing, self serving, blundering fools.

The Party is awaiting breathlessly for your overview and subsequent condemnations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Just Want To Celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-08-2008, 02:38 PM
Well, for one thing, they need to toss out those that are negative and are a discredit to the party. Get rid of the non-conformers and put in people that love America and want to work to make the party and it better.

They need to grow up, act like adults, use the common sense God gave them, get themselves some organizational skills and think about the people, rather than themselves.
They are their own worst enemies. What a bunch of backstabbing, self serving, blundering fools.

There it is again. A subtle reference from you of a socialist world. So am I wrong when I say you believe taking from the hard working, successful people to give to the failing and lazy people is a good thing? In other words, you are in full agreement with Obama's plan to spread the wealth around? I'm just trying to get a sense of where you're coming from, and why the venom towards conservatives in your posts.