View Full Version : Terrorists now see weakness in Omerika

11-07-2008, 11:59 AM
now that old glory has been hauled down and replaced by a bed sheet the Islamic terrorist finally see an opportunity to move in for an attack here. no doubt their lickin' their chops
nice call Omerika

The election of America's first black president, whose middle name is "Hussein" and who ran on a promise to step up international diplomacy, raises pressing questions about how the terrorist cells and rogue nations of the Middle East will respond.

source (source)

GW in Ohio
11-07-2008, 12:30 PM
now that old glory has been hauled down and replaced by a bed sheet the Islamic terrorist finally see an opportunity to move in for an attack here. no doubt their lickin' their chops
nice call Omerika

source (source)

Lemme try and explain sumthin' to ya, NamVet.

I ain't sayin' you're full of shit. What I'm gonna say is that you guys (right wingers) and us guys (liberals) just got different ways of lookin' at things.

You guys focus on the terrorists and say, "We gotta beat 'em. We're at war with them. We can't show them any weakness."

While we acknowledge that the terrorists want to destroy us, we think it's more important to focus on the 99% of Muslims who aren't terrorists. If these people think the terrorists are right and the US is evil, then they'll shelter and support them. But if we demonstrate that we aren't evil, that we don't want to take over the Middle East, and we don't want to re-start the Crusades, those people will stop supporting the terrorists and then we'll be able to deal with them.

I don't see us as being at war with Islam, or even at war with Islamic states. I see this terrorism thing as a police action, dealing with criminals.

The Iraq war has done incalculable damage to our relations with the Muslim world. It has created enemies where none existed before. The challenge for the Obama administration is to repair our relations with the Muslim world while dealing with the criminals in their midst.

11-07-2008, 05:31 PM
Lemme try and explain sumthin' to ya, NamVet.

I ain't sayin' you're full of shit. What I'm gonna say is that you guys (right wingers) and us guys (liberals) just got different ways of lookin' at things.

You guys focus on the terrorists and say, "We gotta beat 'em. We're at war with them. We can't show them any weakness."

While we acknowledge that the terrorists want to destroy us, we think it's more important to focus on the 99% of Muslims who aren't terrorists. If these people think the terrorists are right and the US is evil, then they'll shelter and support them. But if we demonstrate that we aren't evil, that we don't want to take over the Middle East, and we don't want to re-start the Crusades, those people will stop supporting the terrorists and then we'll be able to deal with them.

I don't see us as being at war with Islam, or even at war with Islamic states. I see this terrorism thing as a police action, dealing with criminals.

The Iraq war has done incalculable damage to our relations with the Muslim world. It has created enemies where none existed before. The challenge for the Obama administration is to repair our relations with the Muslim world while dealing with the criminals in their midst.

Amen Brother!

11-07-2008, 06:21 PM
somebody never heard of Jimmy Carter and his views on terrorism. enough said:thumb:

11-07-2008, 06:28 PM
You mean the Carter that refused to support the Shah of Iran just so WE could get the crude oil for free Carter?

11-07-2008, 09:44 PM
well they bought it hook line and sinker. now I have to figure out how to 'change' myself

I could have prevented 9-11 but i needed a piece a ass bad. praise allah. they blamed Bush. Psssst any you guys got Sarah's cell # ???

see I still don't get it. I helped out 1 lousy muslim and the declared war on me

shit fire boy I murdered 58,000 Americans in Vietnam. lets see a Republican beat that !!!

11-08-2008, 08:27 AM
Lemme try and explain sumthin' to ya, NamVet.

I ain't sayin' you're full of shit. What I'm gonna say is that you guys (right wingers) and us guys (liberals) just got different ways of lookin' at things.

You guys focus on the terrorists and say, "We gotta beat 'em. We're at war with them. We can't show them any weakness."

While we acknowledge that the terrorists want to destroy us, we think it's more important to focus on the 99% of Muslims who aren't terrorists. If these people think the terrorists are right and the US is evil, then they'll shelter and support them. But if we demonstrate that we aren't evil, that we don't want to take over the Middle East, and we don't want to re-start the Crusades, those people will stop supporting the terrorists and then we'll be able to deal with them.

I don't see us as being at war with Islam, or even at war with Islamic states. I see this terrorism thing as a police action, dealing with criminals.

The Iraq war has done incalculable damage to our relations with the Muslim world. It has created enemies where none existed before. The challenge for the Obama administration is to repair our relations with the Muslim world while dealing with the criminals in their midst.

That's big picture thinkin', something which is utterly foreign to namvet and his fellow travelers. And of course a rational, nuanced position is also alien to their way of thinking. Everything you said is true, but you'll never convince them of it.

11-08-2008, 09:49 AM
if Charles Manson was running for prez you liberals would do your best to get him elected.

11-08-2008, 11:17 AM
if Charles Manson was running for prez you liberals would do your best to get him elected.

Charlie would most definitely have an (R) by his name what with his penchance for brainwashing and senseless violence he would fit right in with today's NWO RINOS.

11-08-2008, 11:20 AM
Charlie would most definitely have an (R) by his name what with his penchance for brainwashing and senseless violence he would fit right in with today's NWO RINOS.

point is a mongolid like you votes for it

11-08-2008, 11:24 AM
point is a mongolid like you votes for it

Infantile, you just might be dumber than our recently banned board retard Acts.

For Chrissakes you are like the kid drooling and mumbling that I just can't stop taking a peek at to see if he shit himself.

11-08-2008, 11:40 AM
Infantile, you just might be dumber than our recently banned board retard Acts.

For Chrissakes you are like the kid drooling and mumbling that I just can't stop taking a peek at to see if he shit himself.

I saw you your 'boy' on TV. uncertain and confused. not the first damned clue what has to be done. nice job. you elected a hollywood star.

11-08-2008, 12:14 PM
I saw you your 'boy' on TV. uncertain and confused. not the first damned clue what has to be done. nice job. you elected a hollywood star.

Funnt thats not what most pundits, media outlets and Americans saw, could it be you are too retarded to understand anything other than what time Wheel Of Fortune comes on?

11-08-2008, 12:18 PM
Funnt thats not what most pundits, media outlets and Americans saw, could it be you are too retarded to understand anything other than what time Wheel Of Fortune comes on?

source. Fox news. the anti Hilter network

11-08-2008, 12:20 PM
Lemme try and explain sumthin' to ya, NamVet.

I ain't sayin' you're full of shit. What I'm gonna say is that you guys (right wingers) and us guys (liberals) just got different ways of lookin' at things.

You guys focus on the terrorists and say, "We gotta beat 'em. We're at war with them. We can't show them any weakness."

While we acknowledge that the terrorists want to destroy us, we think it's more important to focus on the 99% of Muslims who aren't terrorists. If these people think the terrorists are right and the US is evil, then they'll shelter and support them. But if we demonstrate that we aren't evil, that we don't want to take over the Middle East, and we don't want to re-start the Crusades, those people will stop supporting the terrorists and then we'll be able to deal with them.

I don't see us as being at war with Islam, or even at war with Islamic states. I see this terrorism thing as a police action, dealing with criminals.

The Iraq war has done incalculable damage to our relations with the Muslim world. It has created enemies where none existed before. The challenge for the Obama administration is to repair our relations with the Muslim world while dealing with the criminals in their midst.

isn't that what we did under carter and clinton......

what enemies were createdthat did notexist before.....

11-08-2008, 12:21 PM
source. Fox news. the anti Hilter network


I watched Fox and thats not what anyone there said.

He will be the next Reagan.

11-08-2008, 10:32 PM
if Charles Manson was running for prez you liberals would do your best to get him elected.

:lol: :lame2:

You've had another dumbass attack, haven't you. Seek professional help and spare us your inanity.

11-08-2008, 10:45 PM
That's big picture thinkin', something which is utterly foreign to namvet and his fellow travelers. And of course a rational, nuanced position is also alien to their way of thinking. Everything you said is true, but you'll never convince them of it.

you all go out and talk to death the terrorist with your intellectual tripe....they'd probably cut your head off, just for boring them to tears..

I know I'm in tears............................... from laughter...:laugh2:

11-08-2008, 10:56 PM
:lol: :lame2:

You've had another dumbass attack, haven't you. Seek professional help and spare us your inanity.

no need to attack you. your a full time dumbass anyway. don't forget your shock therapy treatment tomorrow. eating couch's can can expensive cheese dick. and stop sleeping with your mom. you'll get warts on your dick.

11-08-2008, 11:29 PM
Lemme try and explain something' to ya, NamVet.

I ain't sayin' you're full of shit. What I'm gonna say is that you guys (right wingers) and us guys (liberals) just got different ways of looking' at things.

You guys focus on the terrorists and say, "We gotta beat 'em. We're at war with them. We can't show them any weakness."

While we acknowledge that the terrorists want to destroy us, we think it's more important to focus on the 99% of Muslims who aren't terrorists. If these people think the terrorists are right and the US is evil, then they'll shelter and support them. But if we demonstrate that we aren't evil, that we don't want to take over the Middle East, and we don't want to re-start the Crusades, those people will stop supporting the terrorists and then we'll be able to deal with them.

so once again...........you sit here and blame your own country for every wrong in the world...

I don't see us as being at war with Islam, or even at war with Islamic states. I see this terrorism thing as a police action, dealing with criminals.

The Iraq war has done incalculable damage to our relations with the Muslim world. It has created enemies where none existed before. The challenge for the Obama administration is to repair our relations with the Muslim world while dealing with the criminals in their midst.

so once again...........you are here and blame your own country for every wrong in the world...while you sit in your ivory tower and take full advantage of the freedoms that your country offers you...

they have a name for people like you...

useful TOOLS

11-08-2008, 11:37 PM
him and OCA are butt buddies. they both have a social disease. most libs are faggots anyway. they usually wind up with something medicine can't cure. poor or no parental training