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11-08-2008, 08:32 PM
the internet affords us with amazing tools: research, communication, pictures and tv....and beyond

lately i have seen many say that the internet is not real life. and that if someone were to take an argument here into real life, that would be some sort of wrong. so i wonder:

why is the interent not considered real life

why do you think posting on the internet allows you a moral backdoor, e.g., allows you to say things you would not say in real life?

if someone finds you out, e.g., who your "real" life person is...is this a bad thing?

is the internet somehow...considered a seperate plane of morality?

11-08-2008, 08:43 PM
why is the interent not considered real life

Ya got me...

why do you think posting on the internet allows you a moral backdoor, e.g., allows you to say things you would not say in real life?

No fear of repercussion.

if someone finds you out, e.g., who your "real" life person is...is this a bad thing?

Depends on what the person does with the info.

is the internet somehow...considered a seperate plane of morality?

Only to those who choose to approach it that way. Personally, I have never felt the need to be any different online than I am in the real world.

11-08-2008, 09:07 PM
Ya got me...

No fear of repercussion.

Depends on what the person does with the info.

Only to those who choose to approach it that way. Personally, I have never felt the need to be any different online than I am in the real world.

let us say that the "depends on what" is fowarding all public posts here to whomever....your boss, your wife, you friend...

would that change your mind?

now granted, this is not someone who has talked about their place of business, nor what pep talks they give at that place of business, nor what unique type of windows that your business office has.

would you think different if the person had talked about their work

11-08-2008, 09:40 PM
I fail to understand why someone would feel compelled to intrude into someone else's life based upon a discussion about politics on an internet message board.

I fail to comprehend why someone would take the time and the effort to stalk someone else on the internet to find their employer and their personal information and set out to harm them simply because of conversations on an internet political chat site.

What sort of bitter mean spirited person would be so petty as to harm a person on the other side of the continent simply because of words typed on a computer screen?

can you explain that to me yurt?

11-08-2008, 09:44 PM
Well, you see, as far as I'm concerned, when dealing with people solely in an online environment, I believe it should stay that way. If a person chooses to live his or her life in a fashion that can best be described as "two-faced," we as a community need only be concerned with the face presented to us. It is not our concern if a person compromises the principles he or she claims in "the real world." That is for them to live with. I for one have never felt the need to do so, and can not imagine an instance when I would.

On the other hand, were one to find themselves in situation in which they interact online with someone familiar to them in their everday life, if that person were to act in a manner contrary to the face they wear in "the real world," I certainly believe it would be legitimate to confront them about their contradictory personas.

As for the real crazies, and there are a few out there, buy a gun.

11-08-2008, 09:46 PM
Well, you see, as far as I'm concerned, when dealing with people solely in an online environment, I believe it should stay that way. If a person chooses to live his or her life in a fashion that can best be described as "two-faced," we as a community need only be concerned with the face presented to us. It is not our concern if a person compromises the principles he or she claims in "the real world." That is for them to live with. I for one have never felt the need to do so, and can not imagine an instance when I would.

On the other hand, were one to find themselves in situation in which they interact online with someone familiar to them in their everday life, if that person were to act in a manner contrary to the face they wear in "the real world," I certainly believe it would be legitimate to confront them about their contradictory personas.

As for the real crazies, and there are a few out there, buy a gun.

I agree wholeheartedly

11-08-2008, 09:51 PM
Well, you see, as far as I'm concerned, when dealing with people solely in an online environment, I believe it should stay that way. If a person chooses to live his or her life in a fashion that can best be described as "two-faced," we as a community need only be concerned with the face presented to us. It is not our concern if a person compromises the principles he or she claims in "the real world." That is for them to live with. I for one have never felt the need to do so, and can not imagine an instance when I would.

On the other hand, were one to find themselves in situation in which they interact online with someone familiar to them in their everday life, if that person were to act in a manner contrary to the face they wear in "the real world," I certainly believe it would be legitimate to confront them about their contradictory personas.

As for the real crazies, and there are a few out there, buy a gun.

In general I agree with this. Question comes in when one uses their real life to make declarations regarding internet. For instance: Someone who says that they KNOW Rev. Wright is the epitome of truth because they are a preacher of the same sect and have heard more than the rest of us. IE., using real life to claim superiority over internet life.

Then it may become fair game. Couple that with the party's 'inside' knowledge of Democrats and their machinations, well how is one to tell what is what, without checking.

Now what one does with information, that is a decision I'd wrestle with. My take, let the boaster know they're outed, offer a quick backdown, no more discussion. That's my opinion.

Friends with such? No, not worth the time. Proven time and again to be a liar and not trustworthy of the basic tenents of friendship. Destroy them with their own words? Seems they've already done so, no need to take it more public. They know they wear no clothes, every time they get up to pontificate.

11-08-2008, 10:00 PM
In general I agree with this. Question comes in when one uses their real life to make declarations regarding internet. For instance: Someone who says that they KNOW Rev. Wright is the epitome of truth because they are a preacher of the same sect and have heard more than the rest of us. IE., using real life to claim superiority over internet life.

Then it may become fair game. Couple that with the party's 'inside' knowledge of Democrats and their machinations, well how is one to tell what is what, without checking.

Now what one does with information, that is a decision I'd wrestle with. My take, let the boaster know they're outed, offer a quick backdown, no more discussion. That's my opinion.

Friends with such? No, not worth the time. Proven time and again to be a liar and not trustworthy of the basic tenents of friendship. Destroy them with their own words? Seems they've already done so, no need to take it more public. They know they wear no clothes, every time they get up to pontificate.

why wouldn't you support calling the person's real world employer and jeopardizing their employment? You clearly support such activities, why not be brave enough to just admit it publicly?

11-08-2008, 10:15 PM
why wouldn't you support calling the person's real world employer and jeopardizing their employment? You clearly support such activities, why not be brave enough to just admit it publicly?

I've made my position clear. It really is time for you to back down. You've brought all this upon yourself.

11-08-2008, 10:38 PM
I've made my position clear. It really is time for you to back down. You've brought all this upon yourself.

I have brought upon the internet stalking of one member and the tacit approval thereof of a moderator? GMAFB!!!

This is a discussion site. We are here to discuss things and debate ideas. We are NOT here to delve into one another's private lives and threaten the disruption thereof. For you to fail to chastise such behavior is unconsionable... for you to support such behavior is repugnant and despicable.

11-08-2008, 10:40 PM
I have brought upon the internet stalking of one member and the tacit approval thereof of a moderator? GMAFB!!!

This is a discussion site. We are here to discuss things and debate ideas. We are NOT here to delve into one another's private lives and threaten the disruption thereof. For you to fail to chastise such behavior is unconsionable... for you to support such behavior is repugnant and despicable.

you know what, f off. I've not used any moderating stuff to silence you, quite the contrary. I've moved things just so you could speak, rather than locking a thread. I held out my hand to you, long ago, to have you spit on it. Even then, I didn't try to silence you or advocate your being perm banned, quite the contrary. So stfu regarding such.

11-08-2008, 10:44 PM
you know what, f off. I've not used any moderating stuff to silence you, quite the contrary. I've moved things just so you could speak, rather than locking a thread. I held out my hand to you, long ago, to have you spit on it. Even then, I didn't try to silence you or advocate your being perm banned, quite the contrary. So stfu regarding such.

I never spit on your hand...
and you have indeed tacitly approved and condoned the stalking by yurt. those are the facts.

Mr. P
11-08-2008, 10:55 PM
I have brought upon the internet stalking of one member and the tacit approval thereof of a moderator? GMAFB!!!

This is a discussion site. We are here to discuss things and debate ideas. We are NOT here to delve into one another's private lives and threaten the disruption thereof. For you to fail to chastise such behavior is unconsionable... for you to support such behavior is repugnant and despicable.
I believe you challenged me to do just that a month or so ago...I think I said you don't understand how easy it is to do so...you blew it off...I guess someone else took you up on yer challenge.

Do you feel as stupid now as you were when you issued that challenge?

11-08-2008, 11:07 PM
I believe you challenged me to do just that a month or so ago...I think I said you don't understand how easy it is to do so...you blew it off...I guess someone else took you up on yer challenge.

Do you feel as stupid now as you were when you issued that challenge?

I don't feel stupid at all. I remain appalled that someone would become so obsessed with their online arguments that they would even, for a moment, consider spending even a minute trying to "find" someone else's real life identity. I remain absolutely stunned that someone would even, for a moment, consider harming someone else in the real world simply because of a disagreement on an internet discussion board.

that is creepy and the fact that you condone it is equally creepy.

11-08-2008, 11:10 PM
I don't have a job, there is nothing you could expose that I wrote here that would really harm me in real life. Threatening to posts peoples names and adresses all over the net is a little creepy and annoying tho.

11-08-2008, 11:16 PM
I never spit on your hand...
and you have indeed tacitly approved and condoned the stalking by yurt. those are the facts.

No. They. Are. Not. Simple enough for you?

11-08-2008, 11:21 PM
No. They. Are. Not. Simple enough for you?

denial ain't no river in Egypt.

You have condoned and tacitly approved of yurt's internet stalking. You think it is justified. Post #7 is pretty clear on that.

Mr. P
11-08-2008, 11:22 PM
I don't feel stupid at all. I remain appalled that someone would become so obsessed with their online arguments that they would even, for a moment, consider spending even a minute trying to "find" someone else's real life identity. I remain absolutely stunned that someone would even, for a moment, consider harming someone else in the real world simply because of a disagreement on an internet discussion board.

that is creepy and the fact that you condone it is equally creepy.

I didn't condone it, dumbass. Just reminding you of yer arrogant challenge a few mos back.

11-08-2008, 11:24 PM
denial ain't no river in Egypt.

You have condoned and tacitly approved of yurt's internet stalking. You think it is justified. Post #7 is pretty clear on that.

Yep and was offered:

...Now what one does with information, that is a decision I'd wrestle with. My take, let the boaster know they're outed, offer a quick backdown, no more discussion. That's my opinion...

11-08-2008, 11:30 PM
I didn't condone it, dumbass. Just reminding you of yer arrogant challenge a few mos back.

interesting that you are not so quick to condemn it... where is the outrage from anyone but me? or do you all feel that, because I am a disagreeable sort who doesn't agree with you politically, that such treatment of me is deserved?

11-08-2008, 11:32 PM
Yep and was offered:

seems as if you forgot this little tidbit:

"Then it may become fair game."

and you STILL seem to think that stalking is acceptable behavior... you still seem to condone going after personal information on the internet.


11-08-2008, 11:39 PM
seems as if you forgot this little tidbit:

"Then it may become fair game."

and you STILL seem to think that stalking is acceptable behavior... you still seem to condone going after personal information on the internet.


Pick and choose as you want, it doesn't change what you've said, how you've said it, etc. That some of us are still trying to put a break on things, well you spit again.

Mr. P
11-08-2008, 11:47 PM
interesting that you are not so quick to condemn it... where is the outrage from anyone but me? or do you all feel that, because I am a disagreeable sort who doesn't agree with you politically, that such treatment of me is deserved?

Why should I be outraged it was your challenge!
Accept the consequences, you can't pawn em off on anyone else.

11-08-2008, 11:47 PM
and you STILL seem to think that stalking is acceptable behavior...

And YOU still seem to think that acting like a total asshole on the internet is acceptable behavior. If you would conduct yourself in a reasonable manner, no one would even think about trying to "out" you to your family, friends, and congregation AND you wouldn't have anything to be ashamed of that you'd be concerned those same people might see.

11-08-2008, 11:49 PM
Pick and choose as you want, it doesn't change what you've said, how you've said it, etc. That some of us are still trying to put a break on things, well you spit again.

If, after a vigorous debate between us some weekday morning, I were to threaten to send an email to your school and report you for spending excessive time on the internet during school hours... and then spend God only knows how much time reading your old posts to garner clues about you and researching the public schools in the Chicago area looking for you, and then, one day, drop the name of YOUR school in a post to you.... would YOU consider that FAIR GAME? yes or no?

by post #7, apparently you would. and How do you "put a brake" on the stalking behavior of your board members? By tacitly agreeing that such behavior is "fair game"? From my perspective, that sort of approval is nowhere near the brake pedal.

11-08-2008, 11:52 PM
And YOU still seem to think that acting like a total asshole on the internet is acceptable behavior. If you would conduct yourself in a reasonable manner, no one would even think about trying to "out" you to your family, friends, and congregation AND you wouldn't have anything to be ashamed of that you'd be concerned those same people might see.

so, on an overwhelmingly consevative board, a liberal has to conduct himself in a reasonable manner - and that is determined, I guess, by the board population - or being stalked and threatened in real life is a totally acceptable punsihment for a lack of "reasonableness"? Have I got that right?

11-08-2008, 11:57 PM
Why should I be outraged it was your challenge!
Accept the consequences, you can't pawn em off on anyone else.

Oh... I accept them, and apparently, you accept them and condone them. bully for you. and, as I said to yurt.... do your worst, but be prepared to for me to do my best in return. But, when I said THAT, somehow I am the bad guy and yurt remains pure as the driven snow in the eyes of his adoring posse.

your situational ethics make me sick.

11-09-2008, 12:02 AM
so, on an overwhelmingly consevative board, a liberal has to conduct himself in a reasonable manner - and that is determined, I guess, by the board population - or being stalked and threatened in real life is a totally acceptable punsihment for a lack of "reasonableness"? Have I got that right?

If you re-read my post I said no such thing. What I did say was that your situation was probably avoidable. You are at least 50% responsible for the escalation of hostilities. You've constructed your bed, filled it with thorns and rocks, and are now complaining about your comfort. I am suggesting that even now, you can change the direction of the way things are going.

11-09-2008, 12:06 AM
If you re-read my post I said no such thing. What I did say was that your situation was probably avoidable. You are at least 50% responsible for the escalation of hostilities. You've constructed your bed, filled it with thorns and rocks, and are now complaining about your comfort. I am suggesting that even now, you can change the direction of the way things are going.

As was I. He seems to avoid the fact that I've locked down threads with escalating threats against him. Never mind, he refuses to acknowledge not all of us 'tards' are quite what he assumes.

11-09-2008, 12:14 AM
If you re-read my post I said no such thing. What I did say was that your situation was probably avoidable. You are at least 50% responsible for the escalation of hostilities. You've constructed your bed, filled it with thorns and rocks, and are now complaining about your comfort. I am suggesting that even now, you can change the direction of the way things are going.

"If you would conduct yourself in a reasonable manner, no one would even think about trying to "out" you to your family, friends, and congregation"

your words. not mine.

so...mfm...if you'd only be a reasonable mousy, agreeable little liberal, none of us would think about stalking you. If you're not, then we will, and it will be justified, apparently.

11-09-2008, 12:15 AM
As was I. He seems to avoid the fact that I've locked down threads with escalating threats against him. Never mind, he refuses to acknowledge not all of us 'tards' are quite what he assumes.

and you seem to avoid this:

If, after a vigorous debate between us some weekday morning, I were to threaten to send an email to your school and report you for spending excessive time on the internet during school hours... and then spend God only knows how much time reading your old posts to garner clues about you and researching the public schools in the Chicago area looking for you, and then, one day, drop the name of YOUR school in a post to you.... would YOU consider that FAIR GAME? yes or no?

by post #7, apparently you would. and How do you "put a brake" on the stalking behavior of your board members? By tacitly agreeing that such behavior is "fair game"? From my perspective, that sort of approval is nowhere near the brake pedal.

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 12:19 AM
Oh... I accept them, and apparently, you accept them and condone them. bully for you. and, as I said to yurt.... do your worst, but be prepared to for me to do my best in return. But, when I said THAT, somehow I am the bad guy and yurt remains pure as the driven snow in the eyes of his adoring posse.

your situational ethics make me sick.

Again, I'm not condoning...get it? Suck it up, this is your issue NOT mine. I was simply pointing out you asked for it. Why can't you take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions instead trying to project them on others?

11-09-2008, 12:21 AM
and you seem to avoid this:

If, after a vigorous debate between us some weekday morning, I were to threaten to send an email to your school and report you for spending excessive time on the internet during school hours... and then spend God only knows how much time reading your old posts to garner clues about you and researching the public schools in the Chicago area looking for you, and then, one day, drop the name of YOUR school in a post to you.... would YOU consider that FAIR GAME? yes or no?

by post #7, apparently you would. and How do you "put a brake" on the stalking behavior of your board members? By tacitly agreeing that such behavior is "fair game"? From my perspective, that sort of approval is nowhere near the brake pedal.

Here's the thing. I never threatened you, nor do I think you would me. I'm trying to help you out of a quandry you've built for yourself, once again you spit at me and others.

11-09-2008, 12:24 AM
Again, I'm not condoning...get it? Suck it up, this is your issue NOT mine. I was simply pointing out you asked for it. Why can't you take responsibility for the consequences of your own actions instead trying to project them on others?

again... as I have said... I am fully able to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. when I suggest how I might do so, yurt screams that his FAMILY has been threatened -which NEVER happened - and cries foul. If he wants to try to hurt me in the real world, he should go for it and then be prepared for whatever comes down the pike.
And your failure to condemn such behavior on his part is tantamount to tacit approval. you know that.

11-09-2008, 12:26 AM
again... as I have said... I am fully able to take responsibility for the consequences of my actions. when I suggest how I might do so, yurt screams that his FAMILY has been threatened -which NEVER happened - and cries foul. If he wants to try to hurt me in the real world, he should go for it and then be prepared for whatever comes down the pike.
And your failure to condemn such behavior on his part is tantamount to tacit approval. you know that.


...trying to project them on others?

11-09-2008, 12:29 AM
Here's the thing. I never threatened you, nor do I think you would me. I'm trying to help you out of a quandry you've built for yourself, once again you spit at me and others.

I would NEVER threaten you, nor would I ever threaten anyone on here who did not first threaten me.

I fail to see how calling yurt's behavior "fair game" is doing anything to put the brakes on it.

This all started last week when he asked me for the website of my church so that he could "read my sermons" online. When I told him that, given the enmity that he clearly held for me, doing so would be foolish, he decried my suggestion that he would do any such thing, and then proceeded to seek me out - and find me - and then drop veiled hints that showed he knew exactly who I was and where I worked. What am I supposed to think from such behavior? And how am I to see YOU as attempting to "help me out" when you call such behavior "fair game"?

11-09-2008, 12:33 AM
I am off to bed...tomorrow is my busiest workday.

11-09-2008, 12:34 AM
I would NEVER threaten you, nor would I ever threaten anyone on here who did not first threaten me.

I fail to see how calling yurt's behavior "fair game" is doing anything to put the brakes on it.

This all started last week when he asked me for the website of my church so that he could "read my sermons" online. When I told him that, given the enmity that he clearly held for me, doing so would be foolish, he decried my suggestion that he would do any such thing, and then proceeded to seek me out - and find me - and then drop veiled hints that showed he knew exactly who I was and where I worked. What am I supposed to think from such behavior? And how am I to see YOU as attempting to "help me out" when you call such behavior "fair game"?

That you refuse to take ownership of your problem, the basis of Yurt's complaints, is your problem. On the other hand, once you do if you do, that in all likelihood he'll claim you don't do enough, well see what happens then. Right now, the ball is in your court.

You are not an innocent in this problem, you and all of us know that. Indeed, someone with a more nefarious nature than mine, might think you were threatening me a few posts ago.

11-09-2008, 12:36 AM
if someone threatens your 'home'....

11-09-2008, 12:58 AM
"If you would conduct yourself in a reasonable manner, no one would even think about trying to "out" you to your family, friends, and congregation"

your words. not mine.

so...mfm...if you'd only be a reasonable mousy, agreeable little liberal, none of us would think about stalking you. If you're not, then we will, and it will be justified, apparently.

I'm hardly mousy and very disagreeable on occasion and no one's threatening to contact my co-workers. I've yet to see a mousy, agreeable liberal on the board...strange that I haven't heard any stalking tales from any of the others.

11-09-2008, 01:44 AM
I have a different take on this situation.

What if you find that someone who has a position of authority (whether perceived or real) over children and adolescents is basically leading a double life?
That in the one life where they are around children and adolescents they pretend to be someone that can be looked up to and might even have their counsel sought.
Yet in their hidden alternate reality or other life they are a vile, despicable human being who denigrates and betrays the other life.

Are those children at risk? If you hold the spiritual component of a child's life to be as valuable as other parts of their lives, does this person pose a great risk to the spiritual well being of those children?

11-09-2008, 06:40 AM
Indeed, someone with a more nefarious nature than mine, might think you were threatening me a few posts ago.

interesting point. The difference between what I typed about seeking out information about YOUR school and YOUR employment and what yurt did to ME is that mine was strictly hypothetical, designed to highlight the impact of yurt's actions...which were very real.

I DIDN'T threaten you...I merely posed a hypothetical "what if". Yurt's actions WERE threatening in that they were NOT hypotheticial but proved that he had, in fact, stalked me - and found me = on the internet...all because of a feud that took place in cyberspace.

and I am sure that many of us have inadvertently left too many breadcrumbs on the path that others could use to find us. I am sure that, if I went back and really poured through most anyone's posts, I could find enough clues to "find" them in the real world... does that mean that everyone needs to "take ownership" over the fact that other board members have the ability to stalk them? Or do we not operate under the assumption that we are here to discuss ideas and not to submit ourselves and our families to real world harm?

11-09-2008, 06:42 AM
I'm hardly mousy and very disagreeable on occasion and no one's threatening to contact my co-workers. I've yet to see a mousy, agreeable liberal on the board...strange that I haven't heard any stalking tales from any of the others.

and are YOU a staunch liberal on an overwhelmingly conservative message board?

11-09-2008, 11:16 AM
and are YOU a staunch liberal on an overwhelmingly conservative message board?

No, but I am opposed to the majority of the board on a couple hot button issues, e.g gay marriage.

11-09-2008, 11:39 AM
I'm hardly mousy and very disagreeable on occasion and no one's threatening to contact my co-workers. I've yet to see a mousy, agreeable liberal on the board...strange that I haven't heard any stalking tales from any of the others.

Actually, this did happen a while back.

11-09-2008, 12:55 PM
No, but I am opposed to the majority of the board on a couple hot button issues, e.g gay marriage.

try being opposed to the majority of the board on EVERY issue. Then get back to me.

11-09-2008, 01:05 PM
try being opposed to the majority of the board on EVERY issue. Then get back to me.

His point is the problems have not been your political stances. You do know what to do.

11-09-2008, 01:12 PM
His point is the problems have not been your political stances. You do know what to do.

I try very hard to tone down my language, kathianne... I really do. I tried putting RSR on ignore for a month and he continued his onslaught. I find it odd that everyone jumps on me when I am rude in my word choices, but nobody jumps on anyone else for their words against me. That gets old after a while. Even on this thread, I have yet to see ANYONE take yurt to task for his LIES that I have EVER threatened his family...the ONLY thing I ever did was to tell him that if he caused ME harm in the real world, that I would do my best to return the favor.

What you "want me to do" is to roll over and let everyone attack me ad infinutm and never ever say boo about it. That is hard for me to do. I'm sorry.

11-09-2008, 01:21 PM
I try very hard to tone down my language, kathianne... I really do. I tried putting RSR on ignore for a month and he continued his onslaught. I find it odd that everyone jumps on me when I am rude in my word choices, but nobody jumps on anyone else for their words against me. That gets old after a while. Even on this thread, I have yet to see ANYONE take yurt to task for his LIES that I have EVER threatened his family...the ONLY thing I ever did was to tell him that if he caused ME harm in the real world, that I would do my best to return the favor.

What you "want me to do" is to roll over and let everyone attack me ad infinutm and never ever say boo about it. That is hard for me to do. I'm sorry.

Wrong. You keep avoiding what has been plain to anyone else. It's not just your posts that are moved or because of you threads are locked. If you'd read my post above, it's clear you are not being faulted alone. But you wish to play the poor libber, bashed upon by the evil conservatives. Stop whining, post, argue, move on. Stop flaming and avoid those that do that to you. But you knew that.

11-09-2008, 01:23 PM
Wrong. You keep avoiding what has been plain to anyone else. It's not just your posts that are moved or because of you threads are locked. If you'd read my post above, it's clear you are not being faulted alone. But you wish to play the poor libber, bashed upon by the evil conservatives. Stop whining, post, argue, move on. Stop flaming and avoid those that do that to you. But you knew that.

I am not whining. I understand full well that there are two types of justice on here... I just wish, for once, you'd have the integrity to admit it.

11-09-2008, 01:27 PM
I am not whining. I understand full well that there are two types of justice on here... I just wish, for once, you'd have the integrity to admit it.
Geez. Jim has given you how many chances? I've been trying to help you out here, as have others. You can do as I suggested, see what happens. You can keep up your M.O., see what happens. You can leave, see if anyone stalks you. Really, as an officer it's time to man up.

11-09-2008, 01:31 PM
Geez. Jim has given you how many chances? I've been trying to help you out here, as have others. You can do as I suggested, see what happens. You can keep up your M.O., see what happens. You can leave, see if anyone stalks you. Really, as an officer it's time to man up.

how are you helping me out here?

I will gladly try my damnedest to mellow out... I would love to see my adversaries take note...they certainly have not done so in the past.

11-09-2008, 01:32 PM
since i am still being accused of stalking mfm and threatening his employment, i will say this:

i never threatened to out him to his employer, ever. i told him repeatedly i do not condone that behavior, he then DARED me, and said if i didn't i was a nutless pussy, so i told him to provide the info and i would oblige. i never stalked him, trying to find his online sermons is not stalking. once he said he would post them, i had no further interest in his giving me the online sermons and told him that. but he knows that and he also enjoys this lie about me stalking him. what truly amazes me about this, is that his threats are deemed innocent.

like I said...do your worst, but be prepared to defend your self and your home and your livelihood against my very best.

i never once threatened him in any manner like the above, the fact he threatened my home, which means my family, shows that this guy is a fanatical obssessed freak.

11-09-2008, 01:38 PM
can you explain why you would ask for the church's telephone number if you had no desire to contact the church(my employer)?

Can you understand the conditional qualiity of this statement?

"like I said...do your worst, but be prepared to defend your self and your home and your livelihood against my very best."

If you don't do your worst... if you don't harm me or my livelihood in real life, you would therefore have nothing to defend yourself FROM.

and home means home... family means family. I said home...NOT family.

don't put words in my mouth. learn to read.

11-09-2008, 01:39 PM
For the love of whatever, KNOCK IT OFF

11-09-2008, 01:40 PM
how many minutes do you all have left on this planet......while i admire everyone in this thread trying to help a waward member of our community to see the error of his ways ......some people are simply beyond redemption.....he enjoys his double life......can't help someone that won't admit they have a problem.....

11-09-2008, 01:46 PM
For the love of whatever, KNOCK IT OFF

and yet, you are drawn to this thread. why is that?:poke:

11-09-2008, 01:48 PM
and yet, you are drawn to this thread. why is that?:poke:

Because it's educational. Duh.

11-09-2008, 01:55 PM
Because it's educational. Duh.

when it ceases to be educational, why don't you just leave instead of asking us to knock it off?

11-09-2008, 01:58 PM
when it ceases to be educational, why don't you just leave instead of asking us to knock it off?

Why don't you leave?

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 01:58 PM
when it ceases to be educational, why don't you just leave instead of asking us to knock it off?

Cuz it doesn't cease...it's amazing, just when you think folks can't be any more stupid...they post again. You should ask yourself "why do I do that"?

11-09-2008, 01:59 PM
Why don't you leave?

I don't want to.

11-09-2008, 01:59 PM
I don't want to.

I noticed. :laugh2:

11-09-2008, 02:00 PM
Cuz it doesn't cease...it's amazing, just when you think folks can't be any more stupid...they post again. You should ask yourself "why do I do that"?

when I run out of deep philosophical questions to ask myself, I promise that I'll contact you for input.

11-09-2008, 02:01 PM
how many minutes do you all have left on this planet......while i admire everyone in this thread trying to help a waward member of our community to see the error of his ways ......some people are simply beyond redemption.....he enjoys his double life......can't help someone that won't admit they have a problem.....

sage advice. tbo i enjoy this board alot more with someone on ignore. and i am sure others don't miss the stupid squabbles.

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 02:03 PM
when I run out of deep philosophical questions to ask myself, I promise that I'll contact you for input.

Don't bother. I'm not here to raise you.

11-09-2008, 03:04 PM
Don't bother. I'm not here to raise you.

sarcasm's a bit too subtle for a guy like you? :lol:

11-09-2008, 03:07 PM
sage advice. tbo i enjoy this board alot more with someone on ignore. and i am sure others don't miss the stupid squabbles.

I say again:

can you explain why you would ask for the church's telephone number if you had no desire to contact the church(my employer)?

Can't answer that?

11-09-2008, 07:28 PM
still waiting

11-09-2008, 07:45 PM
how many minutes do you all have left on this planet......while i admire everyone in this thread trying to help a waward member of our community to see the error of his ways ......some people are simply beyond redemption.....he enjoys his double life......can't help someone that won't admit they have a problem.....

I have given this a bit of thought. Would you speak to your grandmother in the same language you use at your weekly poker game? Would you speak to your elderly aunt in the same language as you would if conversing with a gang of friends of the same gender down on the street corner? Of course you wouldn't. YOu therefore, lead a double life as well. We all lead double lives. We all speak in a certain informal vernacular when speaking amongst non-professional acquaintances. We all speak in a certain combative vernacular when confronted with a gang of street thugs. We all speak in proper, formal english when in professional settings and let our hair down a bit when in non-professional settings.

I remember during the heat of plebe summer, 1968, when my company's squad leaders from the class of '70 were screaming at us at the top of their lungs and every sentence was peppered with either "fucking", or "dirtbag" or "maggot" or "worthless piece of shit" or all of the above.... I wrote my mother a letter in the midst of it all and the letter was filled with the same words that had been screamed at me for two solid months. My Mom got the letter on a sunny summer afternoon when she was hosting her bridge club for lunch and cards...the letter arrived and all the high society ladies wanted to hear what her son, the midshipman at Annapolis, had to say....she started to read the letter aloud and quickly realized that she had to stop. It was embarrassing for her and she wrote me a very critical letter. I quickly learned that, when speaking to sailors, I could speak one way, but when I spoke to nice, well mannered people, I had to shift gears.

I guess it all boils down to the fact that I don't consider very many of you here to be nice, well mannered people. You call me a traitor and you question my service and my patriotism... and after a couple of years of that, I just say fuck it, and fuck you. If you don't fucking like the way I fucking talk, ban me or ignore me or neg rep me or do whatever the fuck you want to do to me. But if you threaten my real world life... if you threaten to contact my employer because I don't treat you like nice, well mannered people - even though you know full well that you don't deserve such treatment... if you harm me in the real world, I will do my best to harm you in YOUR real world.

Isn't that fair?

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 08:06 PM
I have given this a bit of thought. Would you speak to your grandmother in the same language you use at your weekly poker game? Would you speak to your elderly aunt in the same language as you would if conversing with a gang of friends of the same gender down on the street corner? Of course you wouldn't. YOu therefore, lead a double life as well. We all lead double lives. We all speak in a certain informal vernacular when speaking amongst non-professional acquaintances. We all speak in a certain combative vernacular when confronted with a gang of street thugs. We all speak in proper, formal english when in professional settings and let our hair down a bit when in non-professional settings.

I remember during the heat of plebe summer, 1968, when my company's squad leaders from the class of '70 were screaming at us at the top of their lungs and every sentence was peppered with either "fucking", or "dirtbag" or "maggot" or "worthless piece of shit" or all of the above.... I wrote my mother a letter in the midst of it all and the letter was filled with the same words that had been screamed at me for two solid months. My Mom got the letter on a sunny summer afternoon when she was hosting her bridge club for lunch and cards...the letter arrived and all the high society ladies wanted to hear what her son, the midshipman at Annapolis, had to say....she started to read the letter aloud and quickly realized that she had to stop. It was embarrassing for her and she wrote me a very critical letter. I quickly learned that, when speaking to sailors, I could speak one way, but when I spoke to nice, well mannered people, I had to shift gears.

I guess it all boils down to the fact that I don't consider very many of you here to be nice, well mannered people. You call me a traitor and you question my service and my patriotism... and after a couple of years of that, I just say fuck it, and fuck you. If you don't fucking like the way I fucking talk, ban me or ignore me or neg rep me or do whatever the fuck you want to do to me. But if you threaten my real world life... if you threaten to contact my employer because I don't treat you like nice, well mannered people - even though you know full well that you don't deserve such treatment... if you harm me in the real world, I will do my best to harm you in YOUR real world.

Isn't that fair?

Totally!...and if one holds them self out as a man of God and speaks and acts as you do here, I think it's EVERY Christians duty to expose your deceit to the church you conceal it from..just as it is their duty to expose those who claim the same on TV in the interest of money.

11-09-2008, 08:13 PM
Totally!...and if one holds them self out as a man of God and speaks and acts as you do here, I think it's EVERY Christians duty to expose your deceit to the church you conceal it from..just as it is their duty to expose those who claim the same on TV in the interest of money.

All I have ever claimed to be is a layman who was asked by his church to fill in until they could hire their next settled pastor.

But, as I told your pal yurt... if you feel compelled to harm me in the real world, you need to prepare yourself to be harmed in your real world.

Do your worst, and then be prepared to defend against my best.

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 08:34 PM
All I have ever claimed to be is a layman who was asked by his church to fill in until they could hire their next settled pastor.

But, as I told your pal yurt... if you feel compelled to harm me in the real world, you need to prepare yourself to be harmed in your real world.

Do your worst, and then be prepared to defend against my best.

Do my worst? I don't have a dog in this fight, Virgil. I really don't give a shit you're a fake. I've seen hundreds like you actually and IMO your type drive folks away from God and the Church. A fake is much worse than a THUMPER and I can't stand a THUMPER. I hold yer type in lower regard than a used car salesman.

11-09-2008, 08:38 PM
Do my worst? I don't have a dog in this fight, Virgil. I really don't give a shit you're a fake. I've seen hundreds like you actually and IMO your type drive folks away from God and the Church. A fake is much worse than a THUMPER and I can't stand a THUMPER. I hold yer type in lower regard than a used car salesman.

so you don't see yourself as a "Christian with a duty"? then why write that sort of sanctimonious shit?

I am not a fake. I am just a guy doing my best to help my church in a difficult time. I have added members to the church in my brief tenure and lapsed members have been coming back, so your opinion is not valid in my case.

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 08:56 PM
so you don't see yourself as a "Christian with a duty"? then why write that sort of sanctimonious shit?

I am not a fake. I am just a guy doing my best to help my church in a difficult time. I have added members to the church in my brief tenure and lapsed members have been coming back, so your opinion is not valid in my case.

That's cuz they don't know the real you. All they see is the mask you wear.
Yer perfect for a tv fake...lets do a deal, it's BIG bucks and much more attention than you'll ever get here or in Maine. Right up yer ally, don't deny it, that would make you a liar and a fake. :eek:

11-09-2008, 08:59 PM
That's cuz they don't know the real you. All they see is the mask you wear.
Yer perfect for a tv fake...lets do a deal, it's BIG bucks and much more attention than you'll ever get here or in Maine. Right up yer ally, don't deny it, that would make you a liar and a fake. :eek:

I say again...so you don't see yourself as a "Christian with a duty"? then why write that sort of sanctimonious shit?

Mr. P
11-09-2008, 09:20 PM
I say again...so you don't see yourself as a "Christian with a duty"? then why write that sort of sanctimonious shit?

I wrote "I think it's EVERY Christians duty to expose your deceit to the church you conceal it from..just as it is their duty to expose those who claim the same on TV in the interest of money."

I didn't reveal my faith nor position on religion and will not, especially to you.

Go fish.

11-10-2008, 12:58 AM
so, on an overwhelmingly consevative board, a liberal has to conduct himself in a reasonable manner - and that is determined, I guess, by the board population - or being stalked and threatened in real life is a totally acceptable punsihment for a lack of "reasonableness"? Have I got that right?

As someone new to blogging, I can't help but wonder, if things are so bad for you here, then why is it you have 11,000+ posts and more negative reputation than all others combined? Why do you continue to come back? Why don't you just leave. You give me the impression you thrive on the attention and the controversy, because if you really did care if people here were indeed stalking you, the smart thing to do would be to leave this board and not return. Call the law, report it. But for some reason I don't think you'll do anything of the sort. No one is stalking you and you love the attention, good or bad. There's something pathological about that kind of behavior.

Actions speak louder than words, and your actions paint a different picture than your words do.

Abbey Marie
11-10-2008, 10:27 AM
As someone new to blogging, I can't help but wonder, if things are so bad for you here, then why is it you have 11,000+ posts and more negative reputation than all others combined? Why do you continue to come back? Why don't you just leave. You give me the impression you thrive on the attention and the controversy, because if you really did care if people here were indeed stalking you, the smart thing to do would be to leave this board and not return. Call the law, report it. But for some reason I don't think you'll do anything of the sort. No one is stalking you and you love the attention, good or bad. There's something pathological about that kind of behavior.

Actions speak louder than words, and your actions paint a different picture than your words do.

Very interesting, Hull. It's good to have a fresh set of eyes on the board to show us a new perspective. :)

11-10-2008, 10:59 AM
Very interesting, Hull. It's good to have a fresh set of eyes on the board to show us a new perspective. :)

Indeed. Acute observation. Welcome!

Abbey Marie
11-10-2008, 11:18 AM
Btw, Hull- are you a hockey fan, or a sailor? :)

11-10-2008, 01:22 PM
Btw, Hull- are you a hockey fan, or a sailor? :)

Neither. Was never in the military although my father was. I own a bar in Wisconsin so I have to have an interest in football because Sundays and Mondays it's on. Packs the bar so I don't complain, and thanks for the welcome.

Abbey Marie
11-10-2008, 04:19 PM
Neither. Was never in the military although my father was. I own a bar in Wisconsin so I have to have an interest in football because Sundays and Mondays it's on. Packs the bar so I don't complain, and thanks for the welcome.

So, then, what does your screen name mean? (If it's not a personal question, of course). :)

11-10-2008, 05:52 PM
When I was a teenager, i was pretty shy and quiet. I dont know what it was but i felt that online i could be more relaxed and be myself. Luckily, im a decent guy. This eventually translated to my offline life as my own. It was an excellent tool.

I think people do tend to reveal their true selves on line. It feels more open without consequences. I know its just as real but there is a psychological aspect to it. its a gateway into peoples hearts.

11-10-2008, 05:55 PM
I don't have a job, there is nothing you could expose that I wrote here that would really harm me in real life. Threatening to posts peoples names and adresses all over the net is a little creepy and annoying tho.

You will someday though.

11-10-2008, 05:57 PM
try being opposed to the majority of the board on EVERY issue. Then get back to me.

well then stop opposing sunshine and apple pie:p

11-10-2008, 06:00 PM
How the heck did a real good question and issue get turned into a discussion about MFM?

11-10-2008, 06:05 PM
How the heck did a real good question and issue get turned into a discussion about MFM?

In case you didn't catch it, the OP for this thread was merely a veiled attempt by yurt to justify his snooping on the internet to find my name and employer.

11-10-2008, 06:12 PM
In case you didn't catch it, the OP for this thread was merely a veiled attempt by yurt to justify his snooping on the internet to find my name and employer.

must have missed it since you brought that topic up.

11-10-2008, 06:52 PM
typical mfm to ruin a good thread. and the moron already told us his employer over and over...so i was not looking for that and his name is hardly a secret, so not that either...just wanted to see his sermons and once he said he would post them i never brought it up again, it is mfm who keeps bringing it up. he has a twisted obsessed infatuation with me and is merely making stuff up and he threatened my home. sick.

anyways, back to the thread...

you bring a good point avi. i think the internet, with the anonymity it provides, tends to show a more true side of people. not always, as it is easy to "yell" at someone on an internet board where as you would probably never consider doing so if you were talking to someone in person.

i think just because the internet can be anonymous, doesn't mean that we check our morals at that door.

11-10-2008, 07:09 PM
How the heck did a real good question and issue get turned into a discussion about MFM?

They all do as it's all about him. Ask God. No, I'm not kidding. He's single handedly brought us the truth of the Middle East. He's provided the reasoning for letting Israel fend for themselves. Something the ages will thank us for. More than that, he's provided the technique of dealing with the idiots of a conservative board that bend over to accommodate a crazy liberal and failing to accommodate, kill that board. While they will fail to realize it, that will not be enough.

11-10-2008, 07:20 PM
With me, its pretty much what you see here is what you get any time. About the only difference is that I avoid people on Mondays because I am grumpy on Mondays from chronic fatigue and I still post here. I refrain from speaking my mind with new people I meet (to some degree) out of courtesy.

11-10-2008, 09:23 PM
So, then, what does your screen name mean? (If it's not a personal question, of course). :)

Not personal. It's my middle name, and the first name of my great grandfather, who also owned a bar. People have called me Hull ever since I can remember.

11-10-2008, 09:26 PM
typical mfm to ruin a good thread. and the moron already told us his employer over and over...so i was not looking for that and his name is hardly a secret, so not that either...just wanted to see his sermons and once he said he would post them i never brought it up again, it is mfm who keeps bringing it up. he has a twisted obsessed infatuation with me and is merely making stuff up and he threatened my home. sick.

anyways, back to the thread...

you bring a good point avi. i think the internet, with the anonymity it provides, tends to show a more true side of people. not always, as it is easy to "yell" at someone on an internet board where as you would probably never consider doing so if you were talking to someone in person.

i think just because the internet can be anonymous, doesn't mean that we check our morals at that door.

why did you ask me for the phone number of my church if you didn't intend to call them?

11-10-2008, 09:30 PM
They all do as it's all about him. Ask God. No, I'm not kidding. He's single handedly brought us the truth of the Middle East. He's provided the reasoning for letting Israel fend for themselves. Something the ages will thank us for. More than that, he's provided the technique of dealing with the idiots of a conservative board that bend over to accommodate a crazy liberal and failing to accommodate, kill that board. While they will fail to realize it, that will not be enough.

brought you the TRUTH? :fu: what are you talking about??? I brought you my OPINION. Am I not allowed to do that on this site or is that privilege only afforded to conservatives?

11-10-2008, 09:32 PM
must have missed it since you brought that topic up.

if you read the OP with the understanding that yurt has already ascertained my real name and my place of employment - BY STALKING ME ON THE FUCKING INTERNET!!! - then maybe you'll be up to speed.

11-10-2008, 10:38 PM
i checked for lies, and of course mfm continues to tell them...i never asked for the phone number, and if i did, it was only to oblige his dare...he is lying through his teeth, i told him at least a half a dozen times i would never report him to his employer and i have in fact defended him against another poster ( a while ago ) who threatened to do so. his lies of stalking are completely unfounded...after he said he would post his sermons i never brought his church up again, it is he who stalked me in pm accusing me of wanting to harm him because i wanted to see his sermons, afterall, he claims he is a better christian than me, whoopee if i want to see his sermons. he is the one who keeps this going, not me.

and what is truly moronic about the whole thing, is if i really do know his place of employment etc...why would i ask for the phone number :laugh2:

he can't prove once where i threatened to "out" him. i never did and it is clear from his posts he has lost it, not just with me, but with nearly everyone on this board. his lies are old and so is his attitude.

11-10-2008, 10:44 PM
i checked for lies, and of course mfm continues to tell them...i never asked for the phone number, and if i did, it was only to oblige his dare...he is lying through his teeth, i told him at least a half a dozen times i would never report him to his employer and i have in fact defended him against another poster ( a while ago ) who threatened to do so. his lies of stalking are completely unfounded...after he said he would post his sermons i never brought his church up again, it is he who stalked me in pm accusing me of wanting to harm him because i wanted to see his sermons, afterall, he claims he is a better christian than me, whoopee if i want to see his sermons. he is the one who keeps this going, not me.

and what is truly moronic about the whole thing, is if i really do know his place of employment etc...why would i ask for the phone number :laugh2:

he can't prove once where i threatened to "out" him. i never did and it is clear from his posts he has lost it, not just with me, but with nearly everyone on this board. his lies are old and so is his attitude.

great line "I never asked for his phone number...but if I did"

you did. Do I have you permission to post the text of your PM where you asked me for the telephone number of my church, you lying sack of shit????

and why would you want to know the telephone number of my employer if you had no intention of calling my employer?????:lol:

11-10-2008, 10:45 PM
i checked for lies, and of course mfm continues to tell them...i never asked for the phone number, and if i did, it was only to oblige his dare...he is lying through his teeth, i told him at least a half a dozen times i would never report him to his employer and i have in fact defended him against another poster ( a while ago ) who threatened to do so. his lies of stalking are completely unfounded...after he said he would post his sermons i never brought his church up again, it is he who stalked me in pm accusing me of wanting to harm him because i wanted to see his sermons, afterall, he claims he is a better christian than me, whoopee if i want to see his sermons. he is the one who keeps this going, not me.

and what is truly moronic about the whole thing, is if i really do know his place of employment etc...why would i ask for the phone number :laugh2:

he can't prove once where i threatened to "out" him. i never did and it is clear from his posts he has lost it, not just with me, but with nearly everyone on this board. his lies are old and so is his attitude.

I just put him on ignore because I'm tired of his filthy vile mouth. This ignore thing is pretty cool, its the first time I've used it.

11-10-2008, 10:53 PM
great line "I never asked for his phone number...but if I did"

you did. Do I have you permission to post the text of your PM where you asked me for the telephone number of my church, you lying sack of shit????

and why would you want to know the telephone number of my employer if you had no intention of calling my employer?????:lol:

i NEVER ASKED FOR THE PHONE NUMBER...as i said, if i did (i don't remember) it was SOLELY TO APPEASE YOUR dare...i said i would do it if it is what you want...before that, i told you repeatedly i would never do that, you brought it on yourself, you BEGGED me to do it, so i said i would solely because you asked me to. you're such a lying sack of cow dung...

hey, go ahead, call me employer, i dare you, and if you don't you are nutless pussy....right, so when someone wants takes you up on your offer you then claim, oh, see, see, why else would they ask for the phone number...

you are no true preacher and i feel very bad for your flock, thankfully God is powerful enough to work around your evil.

and if you notice, more and more people are putting you on ignore...hmmmm, can't be anythiing about you...nope

11-10-2008, 10:55 PM
I just put him on ignore because I'm tired of his filthy vile mouth. This ignore thing is pretty cool, its the first time I've used it.

true, i was having fun, but i knew he would lie with his version of events...i should have probably left him on ignore, i just don't want people to believe him and his bullshit claims about me.

my guess is, nobody believes him.

Mr. P
11-10-2008, 10:56 PM
if you read the OP with the understanding that yurt has already ascertained my real name and my place of employment - BY STALKING ME ON THE FUCKING INTERNET!!! - then maybe you'll be up to speed.

Oh hell, the internet is like a fucking phone book..get over it and go post a recipe on that site you haven't posted on yet! :slap::laugh2:

11-10-2008, 10:57 PM
i NEVER ASKED FOR THE PHONE NUMBER...as i said, if i did (i don't remember) it was SOLELY TO APPEASE YOUR dare...i said i would do it if it is what you want...before that, i told you repeatedly i would never do that, you brought it on yourself, you BEGGED me to do it, so i said i would solely because you asked me to. you're such a lying sack of cow dung...

hey, go ahead, call me employer, i dare you, and if you don't you are nutless pussy....right, so when someone wants takes you up on your offer you then claim, oh, see, see, why else would they ask for the phone number...

you are no true preacher and i feel very bad for your flock, thankfully God is powerful enough to work around your evil.

and if you notice, more and more people are putting you on ignore...hmmmm, can't be anythiing about you...nope

"i NEVER ASKED FOR THE PHONE NUMBER...as i said, if i did (i don't remember)":lol:

do I have your permission to post the text from your PM asking me for the phone number of my employer?

and then, will you explain to me and your adoring fans why you would ask for the phone number of my employer if you never had any intention of calling my employer?

11-10-2008, 11:01 PM
"i NEVER ASKED FOR THE PHONE NUMBER...as i said, if i did (i don't remember)":lol:

do I have your permission to post the text from your PM asking me for the phone number of my employer?

and then, will you explain to me and your adoring fans why you would ask for the phone number of my employer if you never had any intention of calling my employer?

go for it, but i will post the entire context...if said pm exists

11-10-2008, 11:06 PM
go for it, but i will post the entire context...if said pm exists

are you denying you asked me for the phone number of my church or not?

and you won't post SHIT from any PM's from me until I give you specific permission to.

11-10-2008, 11:12 PM
are you denying you asked me for the phone number of my church or not?

and you won't post SHIT from any PM's from me until I give you specific permission to.


got a little scared since i would post the context :laugh2:

i checked, the pm was the same as the post i made in the cage, so it is not private:

fine, give me the police department of your town and the email and phone number to your church and i will grant you your wish

or would you rather i send this info to the maine ucc headquarters...

you dared, you pick

clearly, i am only asking to appease you, to give you what you begged me for, direct response to this:

"threaten" nothing, yurt. you come into my turf intent on damaging my good name, I guarantee an outcome. But we both know that a sorry ass loser of an attorney without a firm to call his own whose job is hanging on a thread and who only has a dozen clients, does not have the wherewithall, let alone the intestinal fortitude to fly to maine to confront anybody about anything. you are all bullshit and no substance... like your ridiculous threats to report me to the "authorities" in Maine. Who would you report me to? what would you report me for doing? I dare you, you nutless pussy. report me. report me for standing up to a fucking weirdo internet stalking CREEP like you. Go ahead. I dare you...and be sure and copy the rest of the board on your "reports" so that they can see, as I have already seen, what a fucking loser weirdo pathetic creepy guy you really are. Go ahead.

I'll wait.

oh..and P.S.: who the fuck do you think open the mail and the email for the church, moron?

are you denying that before you begging me to do it, that i repeatedly told you that i woudl never do that, repeatedly told you that i do not condone such behavior, repeatedly told you that i defended you when someone else said that would do that? do you deny that?

11-10-2008, 11:12 PM
"give me the police department of your town and the email and phone number to your church"
"or would you rather i send this info to the maine ucc headquarters"

nah...you nver threatened to contact my employer. LYING SACK OF SHIT!!!!

11-10-2008, 11:14 PM

got a little scared since i would post the context :laugh2:

i checked, the pm was the same as the post i made in the cage, so it is not private:

clearly, i am only asking to appease you, to give you what you begged me for

are you denying that before you begging me to do it, that i repeatedly told you that i woudl never do that, repeatedly told you that i do not condone such behavior, repeatedly told you that i defended you when someone else said that would do that? do you deny that?

absolutely. Your PM asked for the phone number of my employer. why would you ask me for the phone number of my employer if you had no intention of calling the number?

11-10-2008, 11:19 PM
as everyone can see, mfm did in fact not post the entire context of the pm, in fact he cut off huge portions of it to make it seem as if i really wanted to call them, he conveniently left out the context and the why

the liar keeps on lying

oh, and i guess i did i ask for it, i forgot and in all reality, i didn't even consider it as i knew i was simply calling his dare/bluff and that he would not provide me with the info, thus causing him to back down....

mission accomplished :cheers2:

11-10-2008, 11:22 PM
as everyone can see, mfm did in fact not post the entire context of the pm, in fact he cut off huge portions of it to make it seem as if i really wanted to call them, he conveniently left out the context and the why

the liar keeps on lying

oh, and i guess i did i ask for it, i forgot and in all reality, i didn't even consider it as i knew i was simply calling his dare/bluff and that he would not provide me with the info, thus causing him to back down....

mission accomplished :cheers2:

you lied. you DID ask for my employer's telephone number.

why would you ask for such a number if you had no intention of calling it?:lol:

11-10-2008, 11:27 PM
you lied. you DID ask for my employer's telephone number.

why would you ask for such a number if you had no intention of calling it?:lol:

i forgot i did, i even gave a caveat when i said i didn't, stop your lying...and nice edit job on what i really said liar

and as i just said, if you could read past porn mag articles that you drool over every hour, i did it solely to call your bluff/dare and to cause you to back down...

mission accomplished :cheers2:

11-10-2008, 11:33 PM
now that the truth is out and his lies have been exposed

Today, 08:22 PM
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11-10-2008, 11:36 PM
you asked for the phone number of my employer. why would anyone ask for a telepnone number they had no intention of calling?

but I understand why you would run away rather than stand and answer that simple question.

fly fly

11-10-2008, 11:38 PM
another snafu in mfm's delusional world...

he claims that i already know exactly who he is etc...what then is the big deal over me asking for the phone number and that this somehow proves i want to contact his employer....as can be seen, his lies are coming apart ever more :laugh2:

what he ignores and tried to lie by cutting my post/pm up...is that i only asked to shut him up on his dare

it worked LOL

11-10-2008, 11:41 PM
another snafu in mfm's delusional world...

he claims that i already know exactly who he is etc...what then is the big deal over me asking for the phone number and that this somehow proves i want to contact his employer....as can be seen, his lies are coming apart ever more :laugh2:

what he ignores and tried to lie by cutting my post/pm up...is that i only asked to shut him up on his dare

it worked LOL

why would anyone ask for a telephone number they had no intention of calling?

and why would someone put me on ignore one minute and then answer my post the next?:poke:

when you call my church, what do you intend to tell my secretary?

that her boss uses naughty language on an internet message board?:laugh2:

Abbey Marie
11-11-2008, 01:14 AM
Oh, for crying out loud, mfm, do you have "posting OCD"? The same question over and over and over and over.

Yurt may have asked for your number so he could verify that you actually work there. It's no secret that many people on this board used to question your insistence that you are actually preaching in a church. Perhaps Yurt most of all. Now that they know that you do actually preach, isn't that a good thing for you? Now they won't call you a lair about the preaching. You've said that you hate being called liar more than anything, right?

Also, you could learn a valuable lesson from all of this, if your ego would let you. If your pride didn't lead you to talk so much about yourself, your preaching, your famous stained-glass windows, etc., no one would know your employer's name and location.

I'm just sayin'.

11-11-2008, 10:34 AM
Oh, for crying out loud, mfm, do you have "posting OCD"? The same question over and over and over and over.

Yurt may have asked for your number so he could verify that you actually work there. It's no secret that many people on this board used to question your insistence that you are actually preaching in a church. Perhaps Yurt most of all. Now that they know that you do actually preach, isn't that a good thing for you? Now they won't call you a lair about the preaching. You've said that you hate being called liar more than anything, right?

Also, you could learn a valuable lesson from all of this, if your ego would let you. If your pride didn't lead you to talk so much about yourself, your preaching, your famous stained-glass windows, etc., no one would know your employer's name and location.

I'm just sayin'.

I concur. I see no reason why we cant talk about this topic without all the drama of paranoia.

11-11-2008, 10:51 AM
The whole mfm & yurt thing is gettin pretty tiresome, you guys must have a boardem threshold beond compare, reminds me of 'an unmovable object being hit by an unstopabpe force' ect.

Anyways back on topic.

I would not say anything on the Internet I would not say In Real life, though there is very little I would not say in real life.

11-11-2008, 11:32 AM
I would not say anything on the Internet I would not say In Real life, though there is very little I would not say in real life.

I don't know about that. After watching this fight here, I doubt I'd ever say anything about where I lived, where I worked, or who I am, although I've already said I own a bar and such, I think that's going to be about it. Looks like if you stay on one of these boards long enough someone is going to want to know about you for whatever reason, and that's really none of their business unless you want to tell them.

Looks like mfm did dare Yurt in this case though, and from reading both their posts, if I was a cop I'd say that Yurt was the more believable of the two.

11-11-2008, 12:29 PM
Looks like mfm did dare Yurt in this case though, and from reading both their posts, if I was a cop I'd say that Yurt was the more believable of the two.

I have to concur with your assessment.

11-11-2008, 12:39 PM
luckily, internet cop wannabes don't get to be judge and jury in this instance.

11-11-2008, 12:48 PM
I don't know about that. After watching this fight here, I doubt I'd ever say anything about where I lived, where I worked, or who I am, although I've already said I own a bar and such, I think that's going to be about it. Looks like if you stay on one of these boards long enough someone is going to want to know about you for whatever reason, and that's really none of their business unless you want to tell them.

Looks like mfm did dare Yurt in this case though, and from reading both their posts, if I was a cop I'd say that Yurt was the more believable of the two.

i don't think there is a need to worry. thing is, no one has threatened mfm with any harm or any threat to his reputation. as you noticed he edited my post to make it seem as if i wanted to contact his employer, when in reality, the truth was i was only calling his bluff/dare.

abbey makes a good point, nobody would care if he didn't brag about his personal information and us it to bash others over the head. i am not the only one who challenged mfm's claims, probably half the board did. the question that is important is - why? he claims he is a preacher, yet his posts are vile and do not represent at all someone who preaches from the pulpit, especially when he tells us he is preparing his sermon for the next day and makes sexually repulsive comments to a female poster, while preparing for the sermon.

if he had not bragged so much about his position and had not told others that he was indeed the better christian, no one would care. but, he uses his position to claim the moral highground as if the fact he is a preacher makes him morally superior and more knowledgeable. asking him to prove such a claim is not unreasonable. and as i said before, i don't care anyone wants to live a double life, but wanting to keep your information private when you brag about your occupation, the description of your church is at odds, as you previously mentioned.

11-11-2008, 01:11 PM
luckily, internet cop wannabes don't get to be judge and jury in this instance.

i don't think there is a need to worry. thing is, no one has threatened mfm with any harm or any threat to his reputation. as you noticed he edited my post to make it seem as if i wanted to contact his employer, when in reality, the truth was i was only calling his bluff/dare.

abbey makes a good point, nobody would care if he didn't brag about his personal information and us it to bash others over the head. i am not the only one who challenged mfm's claims, probably half the board did. the question that is important is - why? he claims he is a preacher, yet his posts are vile and do not represent at all someone who preaches from the pulpit, especially when he tells us he is preparing his sermon for the next day and makes sexually repulsive comments to a female poster, while preparing for the sermon.

if he had not bragged so much about his position and had not told others that he was indeed the better christian, no one would care. but, he uses his position to claim the moral highground as if the fact he is a preacher makes him morally superior and more knowledgeable. asking him to prove such a claim is not unreasonable. and as i said before, i don't care anyone wants to live a double life, but wanting to keep your information private when you brag about your occupation, the description of your church is at odds, as you previously mentioned.

Don't want to be judge and jury, so I'll just let these two replies stand as an example between you and Yurt. One is snide and the other is calm. Usually the person telling the truth is going to be the calm one.

11-11-2008, 01:24 PM
Don't want to be judge and jury, so I'll just let these two replies stand as an example between you and Yurt. One is snide and the other is calm. Usually the person telling the truth is going to be the calm one.

snide is not an antonym of calm. I am calm. I know what he has discovered about my identity, and yet I am really not all that worried. I know that, in all probability, he would not do something foolish to harm me. I also know that if he did, I would respond appropriately, even if perhaps a bit disproportionately.

and hull...I have never BRAGGED about my position. I have bragged about my kids but never my job. I have NEVER said I was a "better" Christian than anyone...certainly not yurt. I have only stated that, by his own display of ignorance concerning some things having to do with the faith, that I was more informed. That does not make me any better of a Christian and I never claimed otherwise.

11-11-2008, 02:14 PM
snide is not an antonym of calm. I am calm. I know what he has discovered about my identity, and yet I am really not all that worried. I know that, in all probability, he would not do something foolish to harm me. I also know that if he did, I would respond appropriately, even if perhaps a bit disproportionately.

and hull...I have never BRAGGED about my position. I have bragged about my kids but never my job. I have NEVER said I was a "better" Christian than anyone...certainly not yurt. I have only stated that, by his own display of ignorance concerning some things having to do with the faith, that I was more informed. That does not make me any better of a Christian and I never claimed otherwise.

The people that have been on this board for awhile can probably decide for themselves who's done what in this case. I haven't been here long enough to know. Sorry for chiming in. Maybe I just should have kept my nose out of it.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 02:39 PM
The people that have been on this board for awhile can probably decide for themselves who's done what in this case. I haven't been here long enough to know. Sorry for chiming in. Maybe I just should have kept my nose out of it.

You are correct in your oberservations. Rev Virgil in a hate filled person, and has earned the reputation he has

Here are some of Rev Virgil's Greatest Hits

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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you have, in fact, attacked my patriotism. I just wanted that out in the open so you would stop YOUR whining when I suggested that I would make a special trip to the potter's field near your trailer park to piss on your grave after cancer sends you to hell not one minute too soon.

Insult me...I insult you.

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by red states rule
Well MM went from hizzy fit to temper tantrum

How long before he makes to mouth frothing hysteria?

I am cool as a cucumber, buddy. I can call you a pathetic cowardly prick and do so without getting riled in any way. You are a liar... and a coward who does not have the courage to stand toe to toe and debate anything ever.... it really must SUCK to be you about now.... especially with the cancer and all.

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by actsnoblemartin
Were talking about someones life maineman. Patriotism is not going to kill you if someone attacks it.

But hoping he dies, or even speaking in such a way.

You are acting badly

I have asked him quite nicely on numerous occasions to stop making statements that I rejoice in American's deaths. Fuck him and fuck you if you support that sort of shit. That sort of slander is over the top and I will respond in kind.


11-11-2008, 02:46 PM
You have cancer, and mfm is wishing it kills you soon so he can urinate on your grave, and he claims to be a preacher? Have I got that right? It sounds too absurd to be true.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 02:51 PM
You have cancer, and mfm is wishing it kills you soon so he can urinate on your grave, and he claims to be a preacher? Have I got that right? It sounds too absurd to be true.

You have it right

Another example of Rev Virgil's conduct


Read how he treats the female members here who dare to offer a different POV

I would like his "flock" to read these posts and get their reaction.

11-11-2008, 02:55 PM
You have it right

Another example of Rev Virgil's conduct


Read how he treats the female members here who dare to offer a different POV

I would like his "flock" to read these posts and get their reaction.

Hey RSR,

Good to see you. Hope all is well.


11-11-2008, 03:00 PM
If anyone wants to contact my univirsity and tell them how much I've talked about them sucking feel free. As for my parents, they know my views and about my internet debating already.

11-11-2008, 03:06 PM
If anyone wants to contact my univirsity and tell them how much I've talked about them sucking feel free. As for my parents, they know my views and about my internet debating already.

There is a difference between you & your university and MFM and his employer. The school will pat you on the back and put you in honors classes. MFM's employer will pat him on the back and name him President of the denomination... not!

But based upon the support Trinity UCC gave Jeremiah Wright, who knows?

I would hope that his employer would not at all condone his online persona. Sorry, to say that MFM, but a preacher needs a good dose of humility and a lot of love even for those who persecute him. :poke:


red states rule
11-11-2008, 03:07 PM
Hey RSR,

Good to see you. Hope all is well.


Hey Immie

Not doing well right now. Just dropped in as a guest to check out what was going on, and had to post a quick response

Anytime I can share Vigil's heartfelt posts I will

and here is another one of Rev Virgil's Greatest hits

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by stephanie
go get your jar of jergens little man..PDH...

clean up the splooge dripping down your thighs....

Originally Posted by stephanie
how do you use that line in one of your sermons little man?..
you ask for a volunteer to help you out and grab the jar of jergens..

my sermon is already written, and you've got what, six or seven tricks before the night is done? I'm coasting and you've got ten yards of meat to swallow before heading home? I like where I'm at in this comparison.

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by red states rule
I am not worried. I KNOW you are a fake and a fraud and would be deeply humilated if your "flock" knew the hate you sprew in name of liberalism

Or perhaps your "flock" are as ahte filled as you are and dance in the pews as you preach about pissing on the graves of those who disagree with you - or your kind words to female posters

you did not answer my questions. why is that?

here...try again:

Now explain to me: why would you have me believe that you would really want to travel all the way to Maine to listen to a man preach that you disagree with and do not like? What would a trip like that really accomplish? I know that I certainly would not waste my time and money travelling to Pennsylvania to listen to you.

Why would anyone believe that you were sincere in your desire to come to Maine to listen to a liberal democrat, and proud member of the religious left, preach from the pulpit about social justice?

and if you DID come to Maine, are you admitting that your real purpose would only be to "tattle" on me to my congregation?

11-11-2008, 03:12 PM
You have cancer, and mfm is wishing it kills you soon so he can urinate on your grave, and he claims to be a preacher? Have I got that right? It sounds too absurd to be true.

I am a lay minister. I was asked by my church to step into the pulpit as an interim while they go through the time consuming search process. I am not proud of any of those old posts to RSR... and I have apologized to him profusely on numerous occasions. I CAN say that all of them were written before I was called by my church. I was a manager at a public utility and not a pastor.

11-11-2008, 03:13 PM
can we please get off of MFM's paranoia and back to the topic of the thread.?

red states rule
11-11-2008, 03:14 PM
I am a lay minister. I was asked by my church to step into the pulpit as an interim while they go through the time consuming search process. I am not proud of any of those old posts to RSR... and I have apologized to him profusely on numerous occasions. I CAN say that all of them were written before I was called by my church. I was a manager at a public utility and not a pastor.

How about the 2 other times you repeated them. One in a PM to me and the one Abbey deleted. Were you filling in at that time?

You were filling in when you wrote the other examples I posted

I bet your flock would love to read the sermons you give here at DP

11-11-2008, 03:17 PM
you don't hafta be good to give a good sermon.

11-11-2008, 03:22 PM
you don't hafta be good to give a good sermon.


Is that what your parents told you when they were lecturing you... "Do as I say, not as I do." kind of thing?


11-11-2008, 03:23 PM
Nope but it's common in a lot of churches.

11-11-2008, 03:25 PM
Nope but it's common in a lot of churches.

Yeah? Well, people who put their pastors on pedestals deserve it when the pastor proves to be only human.


11-11-2008, 03:33 PM
How about the 2 other times you repeated them. One in a PM to me and the one Abbey deleted. Were you filling in at that time?

You were filling in when you wrote the other examples I posted

I bet your flock would love to read the sermons you give here at DP

I have apologized, and continue to be apologetic for any and all mention of your illness. You infuriated me with your continued insults of my patriotism and my service and my integrity and I lashed out at you in retaliation. I was wrong and I have said so on numerous occasions.

11-11-2008, 04:07 PM
I have apologized, and continue to be apologetic for any and all mention of your illness. You infuriated me with your continued insults of my patriotism and my service and my integrity and I lashed out at you in retaliation. I was wrong and I have said so on numerous occasions.

In any case, you sir, have no business standing at a pulpit preaching the word of God. I'd suggest seclusion. You should be ashamed of yourself beyond words, and especially too ashamed to preach. You being allowed to remain here is shocking. Sorry to those running this board if I'm out of bounds saying that.

11-11-2008, 04:23 PM
In any case, you sir, have no business standing at a pulpit preaching the word of God. I'd suggest seclusion. You should be ashamed of yourself beyond words, and especially too ashamed to preach. You being allowed to remain here is shocking. Sorry to those running this board if I'm out of bounds saying that.

it is like watching a car crash.....

11-11-2008, 05:01 PM
In any case, you sir, have no business standing at a pulpit preaching the word of God. I'd suggest seclusion. You should be ashamed of yourself beyond words, and especially too ashamed to preach. You being allowed to remain here is shocking. Sorry to those running this board if I'm out of bounds saying that.
he who is without sin cast the first stone?

red states rule
11-11-2008, 05:08 PM
he who is without sin cast the first stone?

More of Rev MFM Greatest Hits - when he was in the pulpit BTW

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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I never whine about abuse...that would be you, baldy.

you constantly post op-ed pieces from your spam sites and pass them off as "facts" and "truth". I bet you can't remember the last time you posted an actual "fact".

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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when will baldy, aka RSR, ever come visit this thread? When will he ever acknowledge that the polling site that he used to taut as THE best polling site in all cyberspace shows his team, johnboy and caribou barbie, sinking like a stone?

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by red states rule
I see you answered the question as usual, Verg

sure 'nuff, baldy

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by red states rule
Will you please do us all a favor and STFU?

just because YOU asked, chemo-boy, no.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 05:10 PM
I have apologized, and continue to be apologetic for any and all mention of your illness. You infuriated me with your continued insults of my patriotism and my service and my integrity and I lashed out at you in retaliation. I was wrong and I have said so on numerous occasions.

and you keep taking the shots

another one of your Greatest Hits (there are alot of them)

member: religious left Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: maine...imagine that.
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Originally Posted by red states rule
He asked - not a rule. Not using your name Virgil was part of a deal where you would try to act civil. I see your "promise" did not last long

Actually, chemo-boy..it was not part of any "deal".

By the way, I DO hope your hospice volunteer is a nice one. It probably wouldn't work out if someone gave me a patient like you.

11-11-2008, 05:11 PM
as if you've never thrown a few barbs of your own rsr.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 05:15 PM
as if you've never thrown a few barbs of your own rsr.

By all means please link to any of my posts where I wished death on anyone, or made fun of anyones illness

It is not a surprise to me to see liberals making fun of of someones death or illness when they happen to be on the right.

Tony Snow was a perfect example of the lefts compassion and tolerance

11-11-2008, 05:20 PM
The whole mfm & yurt thing is gettin pretty tiresome, you guys must have a boardem threshold beond compare, reminds me of 'an unmovable object being hit by an unstopabpe force' ect.

Anyways back on topic.

I would not say anything on the Internet I would not say In Real life, though there is very little I would not say in real life.

i guess you didn't notice this is not just a yurt/mfm thing, nearly the entire board has been attacked in some manner by mfm. it may appear that it is only him and i, but that is because he is obsessed with me and won't leave me alone, granted, i am not innocent, but his attacks and threats to my home/family are over the top and his lies had to be countered. since that is done, and the truth shown, he is back on ignore.

but be prepared to defend your self and your home and your livelihood against my very best.

he threatened my family, unless of course he actually expects us to believe he was threatening my couch, my stereo or maybe my microwave...it is well known that home means family, the ability to defend one's home with deadly force if necessary is not about defending your couch, it is about defending your life and family.

in all honestly though, does anyone actually believe he is going to change? he cares not a wit what we say.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 08:19 PM
Damn that looks just like Virgil!

Would you agree his shirt size in the same as his age?

If he was still in the US Navy, he could be used as a flotation device

11-11-2008, 08:33 PM
Do not post pics of other members of the board without permission from member.

red states rule
11-11-2008, 08:34 PM
Do not post pics of other members of the board without permission from member.

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