View Full Version : Split from "President Obama" #2

11-05-2008, 12:47 PM
The country is in good hands, Gaffer.

Trust me; I'm a Democrat. (Until such time as the Dems show that they've been corrupted by power.)

This asshole's campaign is all I need to know about he and the shitheads surrounding him. Axelrod?????? And you people had a problem with Rove??? This arrogant little punk will never get my respect, he will never do anything good for this country, only good for he and his party. You demwits just elected a bunch of left wing extremist from Chicago and you are stupid enough to think they will do anything but what is best for them. Rham Emanuel for his Chief Of Staff??????????

56 million Americans said NO to this asshole and his thugs and we will continue to say NO........ screw him!!!!!! 2.4 billion spent on the Presidential election and this is the shit we have to show for it......... SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

11-05-2008, 12:50 PM
This asshole's campaign is all I need to know about he and the shitheads surrounding him. Axelrod?????? And you people had a problem with Rove??? This arrogant little punk will never get my respect, he will never do anything good for this country, only good for he and his party. You demwits just elected a bunch of left wing extremist from Chicago and you are stupid enough to think they will do anything but what is best for them. Rham Emanuel for his Chief Of Staff??????????

56 million Americans said NO to this asshole and his thugs and we will continue to say NO........ screw him!!!!!! 2.4 billion spent on the Presidential election and this is the shit we have to show for it......... SHAME ON YOU!!!!!


someone needs a nap.

GW in Ohio
11-05-2008, 12:50 PM
and you expect us to believe this, right..:laugh2:

stephanie: I don't give a flying fuck what you believe or don't believe.

I don't misrepresent myself, and I also accept what others say about themselves.

It's the only way I know how to deal with people.

11-05-2008, 12:54 PM
stephanie: I don't give a flying fuck what you believe or don't believe.

I don't misrepresent myself, and I also accept what others say about themselves.

It's the only way I know how to deal with people.

we've known you for a long time..we've seen how you operate..try again..:coffee:

GW in Ohio
11-05-2008, 01:07 PM
we've known you for a long time..we've seen how you operate..try again..:coffee:

I've known you long enough to know that you're not anyone to be respected or taken seriously. All you have to offer is negativity and nastiness.

There are conservatives here with whom you can have a dialogue. There are conservatives here who will deal respectfully with you even if they disagree with you.

You ain't one of 'em.

11-05-2008, 01:10 PM
Hawk: Do you think you ought to observe a grace period of civility and good sportsmanship before you start acting like an asshole?

What did I say that wasn't civil, "asshole"?.... :poke:

11-05-2008, 01:11 PM
I've known you long enough to know that you're not anyone to be respected or taken seriously. All you have to offer is negativity and nastiness.

There are conservatives here with whom you can have a dialogue. There are conservatives here who will deal respectfully with you even if they disagree with you.

You ain't one of 'em.


I feel the same way about you...:laugh2:

11-05-2008, 01:11 PM
Yeah but 63 million said yes and that's how democracy in this country works. The candidate with the majority wins. Are you against democracy and will of the people now or something.

No, actually that is how our Democracy doesn't work. This election was bought and paid for by low life scum. Imbeciles that have never voted before were driven to the polls and fed fried chicken and cigarettes, the most ignorant in our society were allowed to vote after being fooled by a Santa Claus candidate that made them think their mortgage and gas would be paid for. The so called educated voters jumped on the first chance in history to show the world they aren't racist, a black Howdy Doody would have worked for them.

56 million people gave a shit to vote to save our country from what this puppet and his controllers will bring it, 63 million voted for themselves and pet projects.

11-05-2008, 02:22 PM
Hawk: Do you think you ought to observe a grace period of civility and good sportsmanship before you start acting like an asshole?

Seems a bit silly to be asking for something you never did.

11-05-2008, 02:23 PM
The country is in good hands, Gaffer.

Trust me; I'm a Democrat. (Until such time as the Dems show that they've been corrupted by power.)

If that was true you would have left the party a week after it was formed.

11-05-2008, 02:24 PM
where is that Bradley effect when you really need it, eh Steph?:laugh2:

Since there was not Bradley effect, it's clear this nation is not racist. So lets end these Affirmative action laws.

11-05-2008, 03:24 PM
Since there was not Bradley effect, it's clear this nation is not racist. So lets end these Affirmative action laws.you are certainly welcome to try!

11-06-2008, 12:52 PM
you are certainly welcome to try!

Affirmative Action has just been rendered obsolete with the election of a black man to the highest office in America. What possible use does it have now?

11-06-2008, 01:28 PM
Affirmative Action has just been rendered obsolete with the election of a black man to the highest office in America. What possible use does it have now?

the fact that one black man was able to rise above the systemic discrimination in America is certainly not reason to think that it somehow no longer exists.

11-06-2008, 01:35 PM
the fact that one black man was able to rise above the systemic discrimination in America is certainly not reason to think that it somehow no longer exists.

Systemic discrimination? I don't see it. Quite on the contrary, I see America bending over backwards and doing whatever possible to accommodate black people. It's white guilt. Minorities have been taking advantage of that for decades. There's no more need for whites to feel guilty, and there's no more need for antiquated programs like Affirmative Action.

11-06-2008, 01:56 PM
Systemic discrimination? I don't see it. Quite on the contrary, I see America bending over backwards and doing whatever possible to accommodate black people. It's white guilt. Minorities have been taking advantage of that for decades. There's no more need for whites to feel guilty, and there's no more need for antiquated programs like Affirmative Action.

that is your opinion. good luck on getting the democratic congress to agree with you. seems that maybe you should have dealt with that when your side had the white house and majorities in both chambers.

11-06-2008, 02:12 PM
Affirmative Action has just been rendered obsolete with the election of a black man to the highest office in America. What possible use does it have now?

nothing, but it makes blacks think the dems are "helping" them...

the dems want to keep blacks down...it is how they get elected...see how quickly they act like electing a black person to the highest office in the land is "nothing" and can't you see that racism is still a "BIG" problem :laugh2:

intellectual dishonesty

11-06-2008, 03:00 PM
that is your opinion. good luck on getting the democratic congress to agree with you. seems that maybe you should have dealt with that when your side had the white house and majorities in both chambers.

That is not my opinion. That is a fact. Most anyone that is willing to admit to the truth doesn't need convincing. Those who need convincing live under an assumption of distorted reality. Party affiliation is irrelevant.

11-06-2008, 03:15 PM
that is your opinion. good luck on getting the democratic congress to agree with you. seems that maybe you should have dealt with that when your side had the white house and majorities in both chambers.

This isnt an opinion issue. There either is systemic discrimination, or there isnt. You are making the claim, you support it.

64,000,000 people voted for Obama, but you are still honestly trying to claim that this is a racist nation against blacks. You can claim it all you want, but its your claim. its your responsibility to back it up.

11-06-2008, 03:15 PM
the fact that one black man was able to rise above the systemic discrimination in America is certainly not reason to think that it somehow no longer exists.


Systemic discrimination in America does not exist. If discrimination and racism were indeed systemic in this country we would not be talking about President Obama today. No way, no how.

Do they still exist? Yes. Is that a problem? Yes. But do they still keep people down? Only if people allow themselves to fall victim to them. I sometimes think that those who suggest there is "systemic discrimination" in this country are the biggest detriment to the cause of race relations. These town criers provide an excuse to anyone who feels they have been slighted, an excuse for anyone who feels they aren't as successful as they think they should be. If anything, Barack Obama should not be looked upon as "one black man who was able to rise above the systemic discrimination in America," instead he should be held up as an example of what anyone can achieve in this country of equal opportunity, if he or she is willing to work hard, stay in school, and make the right choices. He should be an example of what can be accomplished if, instead of crying foul at any roadblock, you pick yourself up and make your own opportunities. There is nothing a citizen of this country can't do if they are willing to work. Instead, its easier to blame some unseen bogeyman and lay all the woes of a populace at his feet.

Are there racists in America? You bet, but they are a dying breed and wield little to no influence in the day to day machinations of our society. They are dinosaurs whose last days of any real influence are behind them and thankfully so.

I think it is time for some people to look deep and rediscover their faith in this country and it's people. I didn't need one election to find mine, I never lost it.

I for one have never doubted that I would see a black man attain the office of the President.

11-06-2008, 03:19 PM
This isnt an opinion issue. There either is systemic discrimination, or there isnt. You are making the claim, you support it.

64,000,000 people voted for Obama, but you are still honestly trying to claim that this is a racist nation against blacks. You can claim it all you want, but its your claim. its your responsibility to back it up.

facts avi, facts, why do you do this to them :poke:

11-06-2008, 03:39 PM
crin: Our whole political system is based on people from all sides of the spectrum coming together to work for the common good.

Those who say they won't compromise ever will just get passed by by those who sincerely want to get things done.

When you talk about liberals as a "cancerous growth," you're talking about people, Americans just like yourself, who come by their convictions just as sincerely as you come by yours.

so then you will compromise that gays should not have the right to marry?

11-06-2008, 03:42 PM
so then you will compromise that gays should not have the right to marry?

perhaps you missed the bolded word here "counselor"

Those who say they won't compromise ever will just get passed by by those who sincerely want to get things done.

nearly everyone has some issue on which they have a hard time compromising. No one with any maturity or intelligence or understanding and appreciation about our political process is unwilling to compromise on everything.

11-06-2008, 03:44 PM
despite mfm's rude and irrelevant interruption, my question still stands, thank you.

11-06-2008, 04:14 PM
Imbeciles that have never voted before were driven to the polls and fed fried chicken and cigarettes.

56 million people gave a shit to vote to save our country from what this puppet and his controllers will bring it, 63 million voted for themselves and pet projects.

Sitarro I know you are pissed but you got any proof of the fried chicken and cigarette thingy?

So let me see if I got this other thing straight, if you vote for a liberal Republican you are smart and intellectual and if you vote for a liberal Demo you are, how do you put it.....lowlife scum?:laugh2:

11-06-2008, 04:15 PM
it's too late

It was too late long ago.

11-06-2008, 04:23 PM
This isnt an opinion issue. There either is systemic discrimination, or there isnt. You are making the claim, you support it.

64,000,000 people voted for Obama, but you are still honestly trying to claim that this is a racist nation against blacks. You can claim it all you want, but its your claim. its your responsibility to back it up.

Avi, at ALL my customers today while working at their places of business I was told no less than a dozen jokes, all purely race based by tried and true conservative Republicans that i've known for a long while now.

Here is a couple of examples of today's Repub humour:

1. "know what C.H.A.N.G.E. stood for? Come help a nigger get elected

2. "If Obama and an apple fell from a tree which would hit the ground first? The apple because the noose usually stops the nigger before he hits the ground"

Yeah, America isn't a racist country....lol

11-06-2008, 04:24 PM
This isnt an opinion issue. There either is systemic discrimination, or there isnt. You are making the claim, you support it.

64,000,000 people voted for Obama, but you are still honestly trying to claim that this is a racist nation against blacks. You can claim it all you want, but its your claim. its your responsibility to back it up.

I have never claimed that this is a racist nation against blacks. I have said that discrimination in hiring practices occurs in this country, and if businesses are going to take taxpayer dollars in the course of their business, then the taxpayers have a right to expect them to provide assurances that they do not have such hiring practices...IMHO.

11-06-2008, 09:40 PM
the fact that one black man was able to rise above the systemic discrimination in America is certainly not reason to think that it somehow no longer exists.

BULLSHIT! It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the only people holding black people down are themselves. The election of Obama puts Jesse and Al, et al out of business.

11-08-2008, 03:39 AM
that is your opinion. good luck on getting the democratic congress to agree with you. seems that maybe you should have dealt with that when your side had the white house and majorities in both chambers.

No kidding, the Dems won't dare mess with their pet voter group. They know that they need to continue to buy the black vote with silly bullshit like affirmative action. How about affirmative action for 6' white guys in the NBA?

11-08-2008, 03:43 AM
Your blatant and overt racism is simply astounding, zero.

No kidding, the Dems won't dare mess with their pet voter group. They know that they need to continue to buy the black vote with silly bullshit like affirmative action. How about affirmative action for 6' white guys in the NBA?

Don't you ever get really tired of all that hatred and fear?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Just Want To Celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-08-2008, 05:41 AM
stevie is pretty much a lost cause, binky.

For what? Hope, change, and love, rather than hate? It's never too late if one wants to better themselves. Stop being a defeatist and try thinking positive for a change.

Forget doctors, medicine, psychotherapy, etc. The failure in her education occurred many years ago and is so deeply embedded that even modern day miracles of the Lord have had little to show for success as far as she is concerned.

God Bless America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I Just Want To Celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


11-08-2008, 09:15 AM
Wed morning we signed the papers to have all our investments moved out of this country. also rolled in 2 401K's and closed em out. ill still do some investing here but most all of it in overseas markets. spreading MY wealth around

11-08-2008, 01:54 PM
For what? Hope, change, and love, rather than hate? It's never too late if one wants to better themselves. Stop being a defeatist and try thinking positive for a change.

Positive? As in if a person does't agree with Obama's liberal, socialist, Marxist ideas we're not thinking positive? I'm not sure that's what you meant, but it sure came out that way, and that isn't good either. Maybe the liberals ought to come around to the conservative way of thought for a change instead of the conservatives always caving to the liberals. Then maybe liberals would stop being such defeatists and be thinking positive for a change. :poke:

11-08-2008, 02:25 PM
Positive? As in if a person does't agree with Obama's liberal, socialist, Marxist ideas we're not thinking positive? I'm not sure that's what you meant, but it sure came out that way, and that isn't good either. Maybe the liberals ought to come around to the conservative way of thought for a change instead of the conservatives always caving to the liberals. Then maybe liberals would stop being such defeatists and be thinking positive for a change. :poke:

nice sig. where did you get that???? :laugh2:

11-08-2008, 02:31 PM
Positive? As in if a person does't agree with Obama's liberal, socialist, Marxist ideas we're not thinking positive? I'm not sure that's what you meant, but it sure came out that way, and that isn't good either. Maybe the liberals ought to come around to the conservative way of thought for a change instead of the conservatives always caving to the liberals. Then maybe liberals would stop being such defeatists and be thinking positive for a change. :poke:

I get it, tax cuts for the middle class are a liberal, socialist and marxist idea...................as if the people who spout Marxism here even have a clue as to what the fuck it means.

11-08-2008, 02:32 PM
Wed morning we signed the papers to have all our investments moved out of this country. also rolled in 2 401K's and closed em out. ill still do some investing here but most all of it in overseas markets. spreading MY wealth around

Just like an anti-American would do.

11-08-2008, 02:40 PM
I get it, tax cuts for the middle class are a liberal, socialist and marxist idea...................as if the people who spout Marxism here even have a clue as to what the fuck it means.

I get it, tax's for the middle class are a liberal, socialist and marxist idea. ain't that truth????

11-08-2008, 03:01 PM
I get it, tax's for the middle class are a liberal, socialist and marxist idea. ain't that truth????

If you had a fucking clue about tax policy the last 40 yrs or so you would know that the middle class pays a much too large amount of taxes disproportionate to its income, the middle class drives the economy in America and the hard working middle class, the wrench turners, the truck drivers etcx. etc....................not assholes in corporate America like the fucking douchebags at AIG, they do not deserve jackshit after they've had years and decades of corporate welfare and tax breaks handed to them all the while promising that it would trickle down, well not a motherfucking thing ever trickled down, it trickled up in the forms of huge bonuses to bigwigs

Yeah the 250k+crowd deserves a huge fucking tax raise and I can't wait for it to happen, and all this bullshit about how jobs will be lost is just that.............bullshit, Clinton instituted a huge tax raise and in the 90's the economy roared, Bush institutes a tax cut for corporations in 2001 and in 2008 the economy is toast.

Ahhhhhh hell, you are so fucking retarded you will never understand any of this, you are a useless piece of shit.

11-08-2008, 03:05 PM
Just like an anti-American would do.

wrong cheese dick. anti Nazi

11-08-2008, 03:08 PM
If you had a fucking clue about tax policy the last 40 yrs or so you would know that the middle class pays a much too large amount of taxes disproportionate to its income, the middle class drives the economy in America and the hard working middle class, the wrench turners, the truck drivers etcx. etc....................not assholes in corporate America like the fucking douchebags at AIG, they do not deserve jackshit after they've had years and decades of corporate welfare and tax breaks handed to them all the while promising that it would trickle down, well not a motherfucking thing ever trickled down, it trickled up in the forms of huge bonuses to bigwigs

Yeah the 250k+crowd deserves a huge fucking tax raise and I can't wait for it to happen, and all this bullshit about how jobs will be lost is just that.............bullshit, Clinton instituted a huge tax raise and in the 90's the economy roared, Bush institutes a tax cut for corporations in 2001 and in 2008 the economy is toast.

Ahhhhhh hell, you are so fucking retarded you will never understand any of this, you are a useless piece of shit.

I knew if I gave you that SS promotion that master race blood of yours would boil. hey numb nuts there won't be any middle class.

11-08-2008, 03:15 PM
wrong cheese dick. anti Nazi

Wrong, check your own posts.........................racist.

11-08-2008, 03:16 PM
I knew if I gave you that SS promotion that master race blood of yours would boil. hey numb nuts there won't be any middle class.

Why the fuck are you still attempting to converse with someone of my obvious superior intellect?

You don't have a fucking clue about anything political or social in America.

11-08-2008, 03:27 PM
Why the fuck are you still attempting to converse with someone of my obvious superior intellect?

You don't have a fucking clue about anything political or social in America.

someone of my obvious superior intellect?

not Hitler again ????!!!! if you so god damned smart why don't run for prez. instead of of showing your ass here ????

You don't have a fucking clue about anything political or social in America.

ive lived with it longer that you. fuck face

11-08-2008, 03:30 PM
Wrong, check your own posts.........................racist.

you mean the new money he's printing????



11-08-2008, 03:38 PM
you mean the new money he's printing????



Thats so 3 days ago.

I'm light years ahead of you on everything, politics or humour.

11-08-2008, 03:42 PM
Thats so 3 days ago.

I'm light years ahead of you on everything, politics or humour.

I'm light years ahead of you on everything, politics or humour

well tell us which planet you landed on.

11-08-2008, 03:45 PM
Thats so 3 days ago.

I'm light years ahead of you on everything, politics or humour.

Thats so 3 days ago

tongue slip off the roller???? press 2 for German. racist :lol:

11-08-2008, 03:59 PM
tongue slip off the roller???? press 2 for German. racist :lol:

I know that nobody else here has any respect for this fucking douchebag but does anybody have a fucking clue as to what he's talking about? I have zero insight into the mind of a slobbering retard.

11-08-2008, 04:15 PM
I have zero insight into the mind of a slobbering retard.

Wassamatta? Lose your mirror?

11-08-2008, 04:16 PM
Wassamatta? Lose your mirror?

*OCA waits for rimshot*

11-08-2008, 04:21 PM
I know that nobody else here has any respect for this fucking douchebag but does anybody have a fucking clue as to what he's talking about? I have zero insight into the mind of a slobbering retard.

let me tell you a true story about your little cropper tapon eater. i WAS heavily invested in military contractors like Northrop/Grumman, Rockwell, GE etc. last summer I got letters from them all WARNING me to slow down on investments as the election apporached. citing if a dem was elected to expect heavy or serious loss's. the strongest indication that business will bail out on him.
and "slobbering retarded liberals" like you are gonna lose you life savings and your ass.
like I said. better you than me. so go suck it you superior race fuck

11-08-2008, 04:23 PM
Wassamatta? Lose your mirror?

shit !!!! beat me to it

11-08-2008, 04:30 PM
let me tell you a true story about your little cropper tapon eater. i WAS heavily invested in military contractors like Northrop/Grumman, Rockwell, GE etc. last summer I got letters from them all WARNING me to slow down on investments as the election apporached. citing if a dem was elected to expect heavy or serious loss's. the strongest indication that business will bail out on him.
and "slobbering retarded liberals" like you are gonna lose you life savings and your ass.
like I said. better you than me. so go suck it you superior race fuck

Yeah right, you are the same as Psychoblues, a complete fucking liar, you don't own or have ever done shit................probably drink bud in a can and live in a fucking trailer.

11-08-2008, 04:34 PM
Anybody else know what a "cropper tapon eater" is?:laugh2:

11-08-2008, 04:36 PM
Yeah right, you are the same as Psychoblues, a complete fucking liar, you don't own or have ever done shit................probably drink bud in a can and live in a fucking trailer.

getting delusional are we??? look asshole my investments are 7 figures. whats yours???? the only thing im leaving the little cropper is burnt offerings.

might as well close yours out and sign the check to him. he's gonna get it anyway. loser

11-08-2008, 04:37 PM
Anybody else know what a "cropper tapon eater" is?:laugh2:

look in the mirror. you stepped right into that one

11-08-2008, 04:40 PM
getting delusional are we??? look asshole my investments are 7 figures. whats yours???? the only thing im leaving the little cropper is burnt offerings.

might as well close yours out and sign the check to him. he's gonna get it anyway. loser

Oh no wait, its the internet, if yours are 7 figures then mine are 8...lol:laugh2:

11-08-2008, 04:47 PM
Oh no wait, its the internet, if yours are 7 figures then mine are 8...lol:laugh2:

your plowed. fuckin' dunk or stoned on your ass. go crawl under your rack. loser

11-08-2008, 04:48 PM
If you had a fucking clue about tax policy the last 40 yrs or so you would know that the middle class pays a much too large amount of taxes disproportionate to its income, the middle class drives the economy in America and the hard working middle class, the wrench turners, the truck drivers etcx. etc....................not assholes in corporate America like the fucking douchebags at AIG, they do not deserve jackshit after they've had years and decades of corporate welfare and tax breaks handed to them all the while promising that it would trickle down, well not a motherfucking thing ever trickled down, it trickled up in the forms of huge bonuses to bigwigs

Yeah the 250k+crowd deserves a huge fucking tax raise and I can't wait for it to happen, and all this bullshit about how jobs will be lost is just that.............bullshit, Clinton instituted a huge tax raise and in the 90's the economy roared, Bush institutes a tax cut for corporations in 2001 and in 2008 the economy is toast.

Ahhhhhh hell, you are so fucking retarded you will never understand any of this, you are a useless piece of shit.

Wow, I thought I fell off the Republican wagon...

So, OCA, what's the "fair" amount of taxes for the upper class to pay? The middle class? The poor? What's the "fair" amount of income that people should be "allowed" to keep?

11-08-2008, 04:50 PM
Wow, I thought I fell off the Republican wagon...

So, OCA, what's the "fair" amount of taxes for the upper class to pay? The middle class? The poor? What's the "fair" amount of income that people should be "allowed" to keep?

you talk to him. he needs another hit or drink. bye......................

11-08-2008, 04:57 PM
you talk to him. he needs another hit or drink. bye......................

Run bitch, you've been schooled, not that you ever had a chance anyway.

BTW I ran across a thread where I think Jeff basically thought you were a moron also but i'll let him verify that.

11-09-2008, 01:08 AM
Seems some tried to resurrect the fight on the op, so it's been split again. If you don't want this locked, stop the over the top posts. Thank you.

11-09-2008, 11:16 AM
Seems some tried to resurrect the fight on the op, so it's been split again. If you don't want this locked, stop the over the top posts. Thank you.

Don't ever move my stuff to the cage again, your cooperation which i'm sure i'll receive will be appreciated.

I had very salient posts, the flames I gave out were also deserved and should remain a valuable piece of the thread AS A WHOLE.

Stop moving pro Obama stuff to the cage.

11-09-2008, 07:28 PM
Don't ever move my stuff to the cage again, your cooperation which i'm sure i'll receive will be appreciated.

Im pretty sure there is nothing you can do to stop it. :lol:

11-09-2008, 07:32 PM
If you had a fucking clue about tax policy the last 40 yrs or so you would know that the middle class pays a much too large amount of taxes disproportionate to its income, the middle class drives the economy in America and the hard working middle class, the wrench turners, the truck drivers etcx. etc....................not assholes in corporate America like the fucking douchebags at AIG, they do not deserve jackshit after they've had years and decades of corporate welfare and tax breaks handed to them all the while promising that it would trickle down, well not a motherfucking thing ever trickled down, it trickled up in the forms of huge bonuses to bigwigs

Yeah the 250k+crowd deserves a huge fucking tax raise and I can't wait for it to happen, and all this bullshit about how jobs will be lost is just that.............bullshit, Clinton instituted a huge tax raise and in the 90's the economy roared, Bush institutes a tax cut for corporations in 2001 and in 2008 the economy is toast.

Ahhhhhh hell, you are so fucking retarded you will never understand any of this, you are a useless piece of shit.

yes the clinton dotcom boom and bust...nice work.....

11-09-2008, 08:04 PM
yes the clinton dotcom boom and bust...nice work.....

don't you douchebags ever get tired of pulling out that lame old excuse? The entire economy went in the tank... the manufacturing sector, the agricultural sector, the financial services sector...ALL of it... it all went in the tank because of the "clinton dotcom boom and bust"????? GMAFB

11-10-2008, 08:49 AM
Don't ever move my stuff to the cage again, your cooperation which i'm sure i'll receive will be appreciated.

I had very salient posts, the flames I gave out were also deserved and should remain a valuable piece of the thread AS A WHOLE.

Stop moving pro Obama stuff to the cage.

Feel free to send a PM to the staff if you've got a question, instead of calling staff members out in public.

11-10-2008, 09:21 AM
Nah calling staff out in public is much better. It's more entertaining and you never get anything done thru pm anyway. Staff already made up their minds.

11-10-2008, 09:22 AM
Don't ever move my stuff to the cage again, your cooperation which i'm sure i'll receive will be appreciated.

Im pretty sure there is nothing you can do to stop it. :lol:

Feel free to send a PM to the staff if you've got a question, instead of calling staff members out in public.

Mike, you've been asked to stop your demands of staff in the past. You are not staff and have no say whatsoever in how this board operates. You won't receive jack shit as far as cooperation is concerned and you can shove your perceived appreciation up your Greek ass. If you call out staff, make demands of staff, or step on the toes of staff in any way whatsoever again in public, I am giving staff permission to give you a vacation. You can step on your pedestal all you like when discussing politics but I'll yank the pedestal out from under you and let you hang yourself if you do so concerning board matters and/or staff matters.

Your cooperation which I'm 100% positive I will receive is not appreciated but expected.

11-10-2008, 09:23 AM
Nah calling staff out in public is much better. It's more entertaining and you never get anything done thru pm anyway. Staff already made up their minds.

Do so at your own peril. Many get entertained at watching those who think they are above the board rules "disappear" for awhile as well.