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View Full Version : Palin allies: She's no diva

11-10-2008, 01:41 PM
After enduring three days of brutal postmortem attacks, Sarah Palin and a group of Republicans who worked with her during the presidential race are pushing back hard against claims that she was a “diva” who helped tank John McCain’s campaign.

"I never asked for anything more than a Diet Dr Pepper once in a while," Palin told reporters as she returned to the governor’s office Friday.

She said she “never forced anybody to buy anything for her” — a reference to the $150,000 in clothes and makeup the RNC purchased.

And, as the Associated Press reports, she lashed out at unidentified GOP sources who told Fox News that she didn’t know that Africa was a continent and couldn’t name the parties to NAFTA.

Palin said it was “cowardly” for people to make those charges anonymously.

The back-and-forth between Palin, her fans and her foes is a continuation of a feud that began even before the campaign ended, when Palin loyalists charged that she had been mishandled and her critics called her a “whack job” who was mostly out for herself. And it underscores the degree to which the No. 2 on the ticket continues to overshadow the principal.

Now, though, the stakes are even greater, as the conversation about who Palin is — and whether she helped or hurt the GOP’s prospects this year — shapes the party’s future, determining whether the suddenly famous 44-year-old becomes the party’s heir apparent, a cringe-inducing footnote or something in between.

The Republicans who worked most closely with Palin — the ones who were with her from when she first walked into that swooning Ohio basketball arena in August until she walked off the stage after McCain’s concession speech in Phoenix Tuesday — are now having their say in that conversation.

And they want it known that they’re sick of Sarah Palin being dragged through the mud.

“It’s depressing,” said Steve Biegun, a veteran foreign policy hand who tutored and staffed Palin and traveled with her through the fall. “We worked our asses off. It was a tough campaign. Then we have this?”

Biegun emphatically made the case for his much-maligned former boss.

“I think she was fantastic. She just brought a special energy to our ticket. Look, I was there at those rallies.”

Adds another former campaign aide: “You know what she did for us. She certainly solidified a hell of a lot of [previously unenthused Republicans].”

Without question, Palin offered McCain a boost of energy that he’d lacked since winning his party’s nomination. She gave the party’s base something to be excited about, nearly overnight drawing wildly enthusiastic crowds, more grassroots volunteers and a spike in small-dollar fundraising.

But she also wound up appealing less to supporters of Hillary Clinton and skeptics of President Bush than McCain aides had hoped; instead, she reinforced the ticket’s standing with voters already inclined to pull the Republican lever. And polls show that she actually turned off some of the moderate and independent voters she was picked, in part, to attract.

Still, she remains beloved by much of the GOP base, and top party officials are already predicting that she’ll be their top fundraising draw going into the 2010 cycle.

Read the rest here:

11-10-2008, 01:48 PM
Yep, I just posted on another thread, that McCain should be saying just that. She was plucked out too late, no time to get up to speed. Then after a smash convention, they throw her to MSM rather than friendlies. Then they gag her, then they release her-where she does honesty and smashingly well, but with some disagreements with party.

Then they trash her, BEFORE the election.

With all that said, I was amazed at how she took off. I wasn't a big cheerleader of hers, didn't know much besides what was there in those few weeks. However, the smears from Bush or McCain folks are way over the top.

11-10-2008, 08:26 PM
Yep, I just posted on another thread, that McCain should be saying just that. She was plucked out too late, no time to get up to speed. Then after a smash convention, they throw her to MSM rather than friendlies. Then they gag her, then they release her-where she does honesty and smashingly well, but with some disagreements with party.

Then they trash her, BEFORE the election.

With all that said, I was amazed at how she took off. I wasn't a big cheerleader of hers, didn't know much besides what was there in those few weeks. However, the smears from Bush or McCain folks are way over the top.


Totally agree that Gov. Palin got a real hack job from from August until Sen. McCain's concession speech, but I think she also handled her job as the GOP V.P. nominee quite well.

Also, I think that the Blue Blood, Country Club Republicans are scared of Gov. Palin, cause she's one extreme reformer, and she doesn't care what party needs a house cleaning.

I believe that we will hear about here in the future, and I believe that she is going to make a major impact on the GOP.

The first words I heard from a couple re-elected Republican politicians was that the party needs reforming in a major way.

Well, it does! And it needs to get back to the Reagan roots, and start internally purging all the old bloated, good'ole boys that promised to be big-time changers during the Gengrich Congress, and totally became "Pork" barrel spenders, not unlike their Democratic rivals on the other side of the aisle.

For those that think Gov. Palin was an "anchor" to the McCain presidential bid, they are just plain blind, deceived, or belong in another party.

If it hadn't been for Gov. Palin, the GOP would have never been awakened. Romney wouldn't have done it, nor Juliani, or Huckabee.

Actually, I think that a Huckabee/Palin ticket would have been the most refreshing ticket in recent GOP history!

Anyway, "Sarah! Keep fighting, and don't become a recluse up in Alaska, but keep yourself exposed in the media." :salute:

11-10-2008, 08:35 PM

Totally agree that Gov. Palin got a real hack job from from August until Sen. McCain's concession speech, but I think she also handled her job as the GOP V.P. nominee quite well.

Also, I think that the Blue Blood, Country Club Republicans are scared of Gov. Palin, cause she's one extreme reformer, and she doesn't care what party needs a house cleaning.

I believe that we will hear about here in the future, and I believe that she is going to make a major impact on the GOP.

The first words I heard from a couple re-elected Republican politicians was that the party needs reforming in a major way.

Well, it does! And it needs to get back to the Reagan roots, and start internally purging all the old bloated, good'ole boys that promised to be big-time changers during the Gengrich Congress, and totally became "Pork" barrel spenders, not unlike their Democratic rivals on the other side of the aisle.

For those that think Gov. Palin was an "anchor" to the McCain presidential bid, they are just plain blind, deceived, or belong in another party.

If it hadn't been for Gov. Palin, the GOP would have never been awakened. Romney wouldn't have done it, nor Juliani, or Huckabee.

Actually, I think that a Huckabee/Palin ticket would have been the most refreshing ticket in recent GOP history!

Anyway, "Sarah! Keep fighting, and don't become a recluse up in Alaska, but keep yourself exposed in the media." :salute:

I agree. Though I'll stop short of Huckabee, though he's fine on Fox. Problem for Palin, flights to Iowa and New Hampshire from Alaska are expensive. Hope she finds a way. Her voice is worth hearing.

11-10-2008, 09:21 PM

Totally agree that Gov. Palin got a real hack job from from August until Sen. McCain's concession speech, but I think she also handled her job as the GOP V.P. nominee quite well.

Also, I think that the Blue Blood, Country Club Republicans are scared of Gov. Palin, cause she's one extreme reformer, and she doesn't care what party needs a house cleaning.

I believe that we will hear about here in the future, and I believe that she is going to make a major impact on the GOP.

The first words I heard from a couple re-elected Republican politicians was that the party needs reforming in a major way.

Well, it does! And it needs to get back to the Reagan roots, and start internally purging all the old bloated, good'ole boys that promised to be big-time changers during the Gengrich Congress, and totally became "Pork" barrel spenders, not unlike their Democratic rivals on the other side of the aisle.

For those that think Gov. Palin was an "anchor" to the McCain presidential bid, they are just plain blind, deceived, or belong in another party.

If it hadn't been for Gov. Palin, the GOP would have never been awakened. Romney wouldn't have done it, nor Juliani, or Huckabee.

Actually, I think that a Huckabee/Palin ticket would have been the most refreshing ticket in recent GOP history!

Anyway, "Sarah! Keep fighting, and don't become a recluse up in Alaska, but keep yourself exposed in the media." :salute:

Huckabee's a moron...wants to re-align the constitution with the Bible.

11-11-2008, 09:27 AM
Huckabee's a moron...wants to re-align the constitution with the Bible.

No, i think he just wanted power and fame.

11-11-2008, 10:29 AM
Palin did not doom McCain. He did that by himself. Palin can be a formidable opponent in 2012 if she plays her cards right!

11-11-2008, 12:21 PM
Palin did not doom McCain. He did that by himself. Palin can be a formidable opponent in 2012 if she plays her cards right!

Totally agree!:salute:

11-11-2008, 12:40 PM
Personally, I never thought of her as a "diva." Divas don't go moose hunting. They are more worried about breaking a finger nail than anything else. :laugh2:

11-11-2008, 04:44 PM
Personally, I never thought of her as a "diva." Divas don't go moose hunting. They are more worried about breaking a finger nail than anything else. :laugh2:

Astute observations Binky! :salute:

11-11-2008, 06:08 PM
Totally agree!:salute:As long as she is herself she should get the votes!

11-12-2008, 01:30 AM
As long as she is herself she should get the votes!
