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View Full Version : Marines save the day in Orange County fire

11-10-2008, 04:44 PM
There are a few members on this board that like to post stories of military personal that represents negative or bad news. This story would certainly be passed over by them.

A half-dozen off-duty Marines who raced through a burning motel on Sunday warning sleeping guests that it was on fire were hailed as lifesaving heroes.

Everyone escaped the Americas Best Value Inn motel, including one elderly man who required oxygen after he was carried to safety by one of the Marines. The cause of the fire, which ignited shortly before 8 a.m., was under investigation.

Marine Pvt. Colton Oliver said he and two colleagues were walking along a second-floor landing about 8 a.m. when they saw flames and smoke. They rousted their fellow Marines and all six began knocking on doors and windows of rooms, urging people to leave.

"Everybody was out by the time the firefighters got here," Oliver said. "It's what we're trained to do."


11-10-2008, 04:48 PM
Excellent work by these men. The news out here has been hailing them as heros, and rightfully so.

11-21-2008, 04:24 PM
Happened down here as well. Two ex-Marines carried people to safety who had been overcome by smoke.