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View Full Version : old woman assaulted at anti prop 8 protest

11-12-2008, 05:09 PM
video of old woman assaulted (http://www.kpsplocal2.com/global/video/popup/pop_playerLaunch.asp?vt1=v&clipFormat=flv&clipId1=3115942&at1=News&h1=Prop 8 Rally Turns Violent - Live Report)


This Mob attacks this old woman and the announcer has the newscaster says there is hate on both sides?

11-13-2008, 04:38 AM
I saw it on the news and found it reprehensible that those men were all up in her face and screaming their rants at her. One even knocked her sign out of her hands and stomped on it.

What in the hell is happening when people are allowed to act in this manner and terrorize an old woman as those men did?

I hope they enjoy seeing themselves on the tube acting as they were for all the world to see. They should be real proud of themselves.

11-13-2008, 07:57 AM
I am sure they are Binky. After all, they shouted down a little old woman. They are heros, or is that morons?


11-13-2008, 08:08 AM
Faggots on a rampage. Looks to me like a couple of cases of assault there.

red states rule
11-13-2008, 09:40 AM
Libs do have alot of courage. Seems they will stand up to those who are a threat to the state

Here is another example of liberals taking on the enemies of the state - like this threat to national security


A man heckling First Lady Laura Bush and daughter Jenna outside the 92nd Street Y was arrested after he punched a wheelchair-bound girl whose parents has told him to shut up, authorities said yesterday. German Talis, 22, was shouting obscenities at the Bushes, who were leaving the building Tuesday, when he crossed paths with Wendy and John Lovetro and their daughter Maureen, 18, who has cerebral palsy.

They had been in the audience to hear the Bushes talk about their children's book, "Read All About It."

"He began yelling about Iraq and Iran at Jenna Bush. She was waving at the crowd. I told the guy, 'What are you doing? Shut up. This is about a child and books,' " said John Lovetro. "He was unperturbed. I said, 'Get out of here! You're being a moron!' "

The next thing he knew, Talis was allegedly punching Maureen - a fan of the first lady since meeting her in 2004.

"I heard my daughter hysterical yelling, 'He's hitting me!' " said Wendy Lovetro.

"He punched her on the shoulder blades, but that wasn't enough," she said.

"My husband pushed the wheelchair away from him and he reached beyond my husband and began pounding my daughter in the thigh."

The two men fought as the president's family drove off. Cops broke them up and busted Talis on charges of assault and resisting arrest.

Maureen was not seriously injured.

http://www.nypost.com/seven/04232008/news/regionalnews/police__bush_basher_smashes_disabled_tee_107782.ht m