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View Full Version : Bailout price tag at $3.5 trillion

red states rule
11-12-2008, 06:35 PM
Who's going to bail our government out?

And the losing candidate thought it was "Wall Street Greed" rather than failed Democrat plans were responsible.

I see American Express has their hand out today.

Bailout Price Tag: $3.5T So Far, But 'Real' Cost May Be Much Higher
Posted Nov 12, 2008 10:16am EST by Aaron Task in Newsmakers, Recession, Banking
Related: AIG, FNM, FRE, XLF, ^DJI, ^GSPC, C
While the government is clearly spending a lot of taxpayers' money to bail out financial firms, the tally is even bigger than most Americans (economists and pundits included) are probably aware or willing to admit.

The bailout bonanza has gotten so big and happened so fast it's the true cost often gets lost in the discussion. Maybe Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke prefer it that way because the tally so far is nearly $3.5 trillion, and that's before a likely handout for the auto industry.

Yes, $3.45 trillion has already been spent, as Bailoutsleuth.com details:

$2T Emergency Fed Loans (the ones the Fed won't discuss, as detailed here)
$700B TARP (designed to buy bad debt, the fund is rapidly transforming as we'll discuss in an upcoming segment)
$300B Hope Now (the government's year-old attempt at mortgage workouts)
$200B Fannie/Freddie
$140B Tax Breaks for Banks (WaPo has the details)
$110B: AIG (with it's new deal this week, the big insurer got $40B of TARP money, plus $110B in other relief)
Tallying up the "true" cost of the bailout is difficult, and won't be known for months if not years. But considering $3.5 trillion is about 25% of the U.S. economy ($13.8 trillion in 2007) and the U.S. deficit may hit $1 trillion in fiscal 2009, hyperinflation and/or sharply higher interest rates seem likely outcomes down the road.


11-12-2008, 08:24 PM
Great. Before the bailouts, we had about $10T is debt. Now we've got about $13.5T. Way to go, Bush administration!!! :rolleyes:

red states rule
11-12-2008, 08:25 PM
Great. Before the bailouts, we had about $10T is debt. Now we've got about $13.5T. Way to go, Bush administration!!! :rolleyes:

Do not forget the Dems control the spending now - and they are adding to the handouts much more then Pres Bush wanted

If you think spending is excessive now, wait until Jan when the Dems run everything

11-12-2008, 08:47 PM
Teh debt, under Bush's watch and with a generally GOP-led Congress, ballooned from $5,727,776,738,304.64 to $10,622,223,198,682.54 (that's pre-bailout - with the bailout, it's $14,072,223,198,682.54). That's an 85.4% increase without the bailout, and an incredible 145.7% increase with the bailout figures included. Is it any wonder that no one trusts the GOP as being fiscally responsible?

Source: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/NPGateway

red states rule
11-12-2008, 08:49 PM
Teh debt, under Bush's watch and with a generally GOP-led Congress, ballooned from $5,727,776,738,304.64 to $10,622,223,198,682.54 (that's pre-bailout - with the bailout, it's $14,072,223,198,682.54). That's an 85.4% increase without the bailout, and an incredible 145.7% increase with the bailout figures included. Is it any wonder that no one trusts the GOP as being fiscally responsible?

Source: http://www.treasurydirect.gov/NP/NPGateway

I admit the Republicans spent like Dems - which is one reason they lost in 2006

Yet Dems broke nearly all the promises they made in 2006 and still made gaines in this election cycle

$3.5 trillion is chump change compared to what the Democrat marxists will spend next year