View Full Version : A Day In The Life Of Virgil

red states rule
11-13-2008, 08:21 PM
Got this in an email, and I thiught of our resident preacher

Woke up at 5am freezing cold because there was no oil subsidy available this month to pay for heating.

Besides, the paper thin walls of my gov't housing just don't provide insulation. Woke up at 5am to make it to the queue at the grocery store so that maybe I could get a little food to feed my family before the store's daily supply was used up - normally around 7am.

Had to walk because there is no gas at the gas stations - none can be found at the gov't set prices. I go to my job where I get great wages, just as great as all my friends and neighbors, no more, no less. If only there were some connection between the value of my salary and the value of the products needed to survive. I don't particularly like my job, but I wasn't given a choice: it was assigned to me by the bureau of human resources. It is hard labor and in the last year, it has become more difficult by the fact that I need an operation on my knee.

But, I'm on the waiting list and should be able to get an operation before the end of next year. I thought it would be a utopia for the government to take over my life. Except. In order to 'do more for me', the gov't has taken everything FROM me. Increasingly, in order to quell rebellion, the gov't has had to use force to keep the people in line. Instead of fighting wars against foreign terror, the gov't is using up all its military resources fighting domestic insurrection.

There was a school that was bombed near here last week. I'm afraid to send my kids to school. But hey! This was supposed to be utopia. All I had to do, they said, was trust the government to do more for me than me. Maybe it was a mistake to believe that the gov't had my best interests at heart more than I did. But, I shouldn't even THINK that, because it's an illegal incitement of insurrection to even think less than happy thoughts about our 'great' government.

Ever since the government took away the secret ballot, in order to "ensure more fair election outcomes", voting is easy. I just vote for whom I'm told to vote. And, they always win, by landslides.

It's the government we all always wanted, with enough controls and force at its disposal to quash all dissent. Or, most of it. I'm not really sure, because the media never reports about anything except how great things are under our new leaders. There was NO media coverage of that school bombing; I only know about it because my cousin's child goes there and he managed to spare 3 minutes of his phone rations to call and ask to meet me to discuss it; we could NEVER talk about something like that on the phone - what would the censors say!


11-13-2008, 08:34 PM
It's possible. I'm willing to give him a chance, but my gut says you're right, USSR circa 1970.

red states rule
11-13-2008, 08:35 PM
It's possible. I'm willing to give him a chance, but my gut says you're right, USSR circa 1970.

or Hugo Chavez and Castro

A couple of heros to liberals

11-13-2008, 08:36 PM
or Hugo Chavez and Castro

A couple of heros to liberals

I'm hoping for some common sense intervention, yes from the LEFT.

red states rule
11-13-2008, 08:40 PM
I'm hoping for some common sense intervention, yes from the LEFT.

Common sense form the left?

That is like asking them to stop being elitists

11-13-2008, 08:43 PM
Common sense form the left?

That is like asking them to stop being elitists

Not all Democrats are like MFM. Just like not all Republicans are like you or I.

Seriously, there are thoughtful, but biased folks on both sides.

red states rule
11-13-2008, 08:46 PM
Not all Democrats are like MFM. Just like not all Republicans are like you or I.

Seriously, there are thoughtful, but biased folks on both sides.

I know, but they are few and far between

Even my liberal friend Mike has a huge ego

11-13-2008, 09:00 PM
I know, but they are few and far between

Even my liberal friend Mike has a huge ego

:laugh2: Do you doubt your ego couldn't take a good clipping? ;)

red states rule
11-13-2008, 09:03 PM
:laugh2: Do you doubt your ego couldn't take a good clipping? ;)

I do not think I have a huge ego Kat. Unlike MFM or OCA I do not tell others I am perfect and know what is best for others. I do not pass judgement on others like they do

If I am wrong, please set me straight

My pal Mike has said many times, people can't be trusted to do what is best for society, and therfor the government has to do it

11-13-2008, 09:04 PM
I do not think I have a huge ego Kat. Unlike MFM or OCA I do not tell others I am perfect and know what is best for others. I do not pass judgement on others like they do

If I am wrong, please set me straight

My pal Mike has said many times, people can't be trusted to do what is best for society, and therfor the government has to do it

I think you have a healthy dose of self confidence. Let's let it go at that. Not everyone can be as humble as myself. ;)

red states rule
11-13-2008, 09:07 PM
I think you have a healthy dose of self confidence. Let's let it go at that. Not everyone can be as humble as myself. ;)

Well that is better then what Virgil often says

"Well when you are the best it is hard as hell to be humble"

11-13-2008, 09:08 PM
Well that is better then what Virgil often says

"Well when you are the best it is hard as hell to be humble"

red states rule
11-13-2008, 09:12 PM


11-13-2008, 09:20 PM
And everybody said I was being silly when I wrote the piece about future government hospitals

red states rule
11-13-2008, 09:37 PM
And everybody said I was being silly when I wrote the piece about future government hospitals

You were correct, and Obama may prove you right as well

11-24-2008, 03:38 AM
rsr, you and yuk are pretty sick puppies. You're not alone so don't get so fuck'd up about all of it, but you chickenshits need to get a real life.

I thought this forum was for parody, satire, innuendo, farce, etc. You want to bring your differences with another poster here that are not funny at all?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Are you really that fuckin' stupid?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?


11-24-2008, 12:45 PM
i didn't even post in this thread and you bring me up? dude, you really should check that drinking problem.

12-03-2008, 05:48 AM
'Scuse me, yuk, I must've got you mixed up with the rest of the asshole fuckin' bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


12-08-2008, 09:44 PM
rsr, you and yuk are pretty sick puppies. You're not alone so don't get so fuck'd up about all of it, but you chickenshits need to get a real life.

I thought this forum was for parody, satire, innuendo, farce, etc. You want to bring your differences with another poster here that are not funny at all?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Are you really that fuckin' stupid?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?


Ah Psycho! YOO HOO..... PSYCHO!!!!!! It was me and RSR, not Yurt! Hey....you know if you drink that stuff through a straw, you'll get a better buzz....... quicker....and off of less! Then you will pass out faster and not last so long as to reach the condition......that .....well, your........condition is in! Have a good one!

12-09-2008, 12:30 AM
But, I wasn't talking to you, emmie. Did you hear me call your name?!?!?!??!???!?!?!

Ah Psycho! YOO HOO..... PSYCHO!!!!!! It was me and RSR, not Yurt! Hey....you know if you drink that stuff through a straw, you'll get a better buzz....... quicker....and off of less! Then you will pass out faster and not last so long as to reach the condition......that .....well, your........condition is in! Have a good one!

And, I don't think I'll be taking any advise from you about catchin' a decent buzz or about much else either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nyanna, nyanna, nyanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

red states rule
06-03-2009, 08:53 AM
Got this in an email, and I thiught of our resident preacher

Woke up at 5am freezing cold because there was no oil subsidy available this month to pay for heating.

Besides, the paper thin walls of my gov't housing just don't provide insulation. Woke up at 5am to make it to the queue at the grocery store so that maybe I could get a little food to feed my family before the store's daily supply was used up - normally around 7am.

Had to walk because there is no gas at the gas stations - none can be found at the gov't set prices. I go to my job where I get great wages, just as great as all my friends and neighbors, no more, no less. If only there were some connection between the value of my salary and the value of the products needed to survive. I don't particularly like my job, but I wasn't given a choice: it was assigned to me by the bureau of human resources. It is hard labor and in the last year, it has become more difficult by the fact that I need an operation on my knee.

But, I'm on the waiting list and should be able to get an operation before the end of next year. I thought it would be a utopia for the government to take over my life. Except. In order to 'do more for me', the gov't has taken everything FROM me. Increasingly, in order to quell rebellion, the gov't has had to use force to keep the people in line. Instead of fighting wars against foreign terror, the gov't is using up all its military resources fighting domestic insurrection.

There was a school that was bombed near here last week. I'm afraid to send my kids to school. But hey! This was supposed to be utopia. All I had to do, they said, was trust the government to do more for me than me. Maybe it was a mistake to believe that the gov't had my best interests at heart more than I did. But, I shouldn't even THINK that, because it's an illegal incitement of insurrection to even think less than happy thoughts about our 'great' government.

Ever since the government took away the secret ballot, in order to "ensure more fair election outcomes", voting is easy. I just vote for whom I'm told to vote. And, they always win, by landslides.

It's the government we all always wanted, with enough controls and force at its disposal to quash all dissent. Or, most of it. I'm not really sure, because the media never reports about anything except how great things are under our new leaders. There was NO media coverage of that school bombing; I only know about it because my cousin's child goes there and he managed to spare 3 minutes of his phone rations to call and ask to meet me to discuss it; we could NEVER talk about something like that on the phone - what would the censors say!


With the current government we have this post is no longer ment as a parody - it could be a peek into the near future

06-03-2009, 07:30 PM
Yeah a lot of people I work with talk about it heading that way. Utah is really big on food storage and the lds church plans to save a lot of people when the time comes. Gardening is a great investment, fishing, hunting, survival skills.


06-03-2009, 08:44 PM
Yeah a lot of people I work with talk about it heading that way. Utah is really big on food storage and the lds church plans to save a lot of people when the time comes. Gardening is a great investment, fishing, hunting, survival skills.

http://www.utahfoodstorage.net/ I've got my garden up this year. I know a lot of folks who do.

06-03-2009, 10:03 PM
Me too. Starting an organic garden to sell to fruit stands in my area too. I have a two acre lot that I am allowed to use for this purpose. Probably won't be much this year but next year I have BIG plans for it.

06-04-2009, 08:54 AM
Me too. Starting an organic garden to sell to fruit stands in my area too. I have a two acre lot that I am allowed to use for this purpose. Probably won't be much this year but next year I have BIG plans for it. Do yourself a favor and truck in some compost from your local municipality, spread it about 1/8" or so and till it in. The active microbes will break down your plant refuse into usable nutrients for next years crop. I did that to my front lawn ten years ago and it makes a huge difference between that and my back lawn.