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red states rule
11-14-2008, 07:18 AM
Colin Powell is throwing a tantrum right now

Where the hell is the "change"?

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz, Jake Tapper and Z. Byron Wolf report: Sen. Hillary Clinton, who was President-elect Barack Obama’s leading rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, is being considered for the job of secretary of state in the Obama administration, sources with knowledge of the transition process tell ABC News.

Discussions about Clinton, D-N.Y., being asked to accept the post are "very serious," an Obama source says.

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., has been considered a leading contender for the post. But last week, ABC News’ chief Washington correspondent George Stephanopoulos reported on "Good Morning America" that Clinton also was in the running to be Obama’s secretary of state pick.

Though Clinton and Obama ran a contentious primary campaign for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, Sen. Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, both campaigned for Obama in the general election campaign against the Republican nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

Asked if Hillary Clinton would consider the secretary of state job, a former official in President Clinton’s administration said, "I think so. What would you rather do -- be senator or secretary of state?"

red states rule
11-14-2008, 09:42 AM
and I was pulling for John Kerry

He would have provided much better material by stumbling and bumbling around the world and committing gaffe after gaffe

With Hillary, there is Bill - and that will also be priceless

11-14-2008, 11:57 AM
Hitlary for sec of state..................:lol::laugh2: more change????

11-14-2008, 12:02 PM


the little Marxist is a bought man-boy..I wonder how that feels..?? of course if you have no shame or conscious..

11-14-2008, 12:14 PM
I can't believe he's falling back on the Klintons for support !!!!! Bill can even show him how dodge impeachment :laugh2:

red states rule
11-14-2008, 12:25 PM
and don't forget Bill will be back

I wonder what position he wants?

Eh, that should be what job he wants

11-14-2008, 12:27 PM
and don't forget Bill will be back

I wonder what position he wants?

Eh, that should be what job he wants

I wonder what position he wants?

entertainment. and brothel tax collections

11-14-2008, 01:11 PM
The ONLY people who bought the "change" line were the college kids and a few independents.
The blacks were voting based on race and everyone else voted because of the D behind his name.

red states rule
11-14-2008, 01:17 PM
The ONLY people who bought the "change" line were the college kids and a few independents.
The blacks were voting based on race and everyone else voted because of the D behind his name.

and idiots who think they will no longer have to pay their mortgage or for the gas they put in their car

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/381gFG4Crr8&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/381gFG4Crr8&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Abbey Marie
11-14-2008, 02:19 PM
The ONLY people who bought the "change" line were the college kids and a few independents.
The blacks were voting based on race and everyone else voted because of the D behind his name.

I agree with your analysis, Trigg. :thumb:

red states rule
11-14-2008, 02:27 PM
Of course, Ibama may be making Hillary part of the administration so he can keep an eye on her

As said in "The Godfather" "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

11-14-2008, 03:16 PM
Either Hillary or Kerry would do well as secretary of state, imo.

11-14-2008, 03:22 PM
Either Hillary or Kerry would do well as secretary of state, imo.

Your opinion is nothing but repeating the party line, it is truly pitiful to watch.

11-14-2008, 07:55 PM
Why would Hillary give up a lifetime appointment for something that can last no more than 8 years?


11-14-2008, 08:04 PM
Why would Hillary give up a lifetime appointment for something that can last no more than 8 years?

for a chance to be a part of changing history

11-15-2008, 10:06 AM
People, please stop derailing threads. If you must flame others, start your own cage threads.

*Edit* Another thread is shrunk in size. Flames, derails, off topic, stupid, posts moved to cage.

11-15-2008, 08:51 PM
Either Hillary or Kerry would do well as secretary of state, imo.

Okay, question, how much of the "in your face, Republicans" factor do you base this on?

I truly do not think Hillary would make a good Secretary of State. I don't think she has the demeanor for it. Kerry might be a different story, but based on his willingness to turn our country over to the U.N. four years ago, I would not like to see him in the position.


11-15-2008, 09:11 PM
Okay, question, how much of the "in your face, Republicans" factor do you base this on?

I truly do not think Hillary would make a good Secretary of State. I don't think she has the demeanor for it. Kerry might be a different story, but based on his willingness to turn our country over to the U.N. four years ago, I would not like to see him in the position.


not at all. I think Hillary has a good reputation overseas, and is a wise and thoughtful leader. ANd Kerry was not "willing to turn our country over to the UN"... I am really surprised you would even parrot such tripe.

11-15-2008, 09:16 PM
not at all. I think Hillary has a good reputation overseas, and is a wise and thoughtful leader.

You're welcome to your opinion. ;)

I think you're wrong, but then one of us is and one of us isn't. So what?

ANd Kerry was not "willing to turn our country over to the UN"... I am really surprised you would even parrot such tripe.

Then you don't remember what my biggest beef with the one time candidate was. Well actually there were two. One, I believe he was set on abdicating our status to the U.N. and two, he is an elitist SOB.

Had it not been for those two strikes, I might have voted for him.


11-15-2008, 09:21 PM
You're welcome to your opinion. ;)

I think you're wrong, but then one of us is and one of us isn't. So what?

Then you don't remember what my biggest beef with the one time candidate was. Well actually there were two. One, I believe he was set on abdicating our status to the U.N. and two, he is an elitist SOB.

Had it not been for those two strikes, I might have voted for him.


I remember the hoopla, but it was, and remains, bullshit. John Kerry was not willing to turn our country over to the UN. period.

11-15-2008, 09:29 PM
I remember the hoopla, but it was, and remains, bullshit. John Kerry was not willing to turn our country over to the UN. period.

Well, all I have to say about that is THANK GOD WE DIDN'T HAVE TO FIND OUT WHO IS RIGHT ON THAT ONE!


11-16-2008, 10:16 AM
Sure if it keeps up, part of the thread will be in the cage. Let's save the use of invectives to when effective? Please.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:34 AM
I remember the hoopla, but it was, and remains, bullshit. John Kerry was not willing to turn our country over to the UN. period.

You must be ignoring his "Global Test" comment

11-17-2008, 10:19 AM
You must be ignoring his "Global Test" comment

not at all... that comment said nothing about turning over the country to the UN.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:27 AM
not at all... that comment said nothing about turning over the country to the UN.

John Boy insisted the US must get a permission slip from the UN before we defend ourselves

11-17-2008, 10:34 AM
John Boy insisted the US must get a permission slip from the UN before we defend ourselves

that is incorrect...but you knew that.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:35 AM
that is incorrect...but you knew that.

No I am not - and alot of people saw what an appeaser he was, and still is

11-17-2008, 06:07 PM
If you missed it, flames et al in cage.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 08:34 PM
What makes Hillary qualified to be Sec of State?

Did she stay she at a Holiday Inn recently?

If she did, this means she has more qualifications than Obama, or Kerry

11-17-2008, 08:44 PM
What makes Hillary qualified to be Sec of State?

Did she stay she at a Holiday Inn recently?

If she did, this means she has more qualifications than Obama, or Kerry

she was part of her husbands administration :laugh2:

red states rule
11-17-2008, 08:46 PM
she was part of her husbands administration :laugh2:

Because she is a former First Lady and Co President?

Because she's Bill Clintons wife?

Because she has the right temperment? I don't think so.

Especially how we all heard that she had temper tantrams in the White House and was throwing things and throwing the "f bomb" around like Rev MFM

Like with MFM, it was her first language. :lol:

11-17-2008, 08:49 PM
she was part of her husbands administration :laugh2:

Don't you mean, he was part of her's?


red states rule
11-17-2008, 08:51 PM
Don't you mean, he was part of her's?


To give Hillary credit, she did watch Bill have many foreign affairs :lol:

11-17-2008, 09:12 PM
To give Hillary credit, she did watch Bill have many foreign affairs :lol:

see, there you have it

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:18 PM
see, there you have it

So far it looks like that Comrade Obama's appointments will not be based on the person being qualified for the job, but based on political payoffs.

That is Obama's sole experience.

Getting power and keeping it - the only thing that matters to most Dems

11-17-2008, 09:39 PM
actually... getting power means absolutely nothing if you don't do something GOOD when you have it.

11-17-2008, 09:41 PM
actually... getting power means absolutely nothing if you don't do something GOOD when you have it.

good is relative........

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:43 PM
actually... getting power means absolutely nothing if you don't do something GOOD when you have it.

and that rules out Chairman Obama, and Comrad Reid and Pelosi

11-17-2008, 09:44 PM
and that rules out Chairman Obama, and Comrad Reid and Pelosi

just you wait and see. The next two years are gonna be fun!

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:45 PM
just you wait and see. The next two years are gonna be fun!

Only if you welcome Carter 2.0

11-17-2008, 09:47 PM
Only if you welcome Carter 2.0

that is your opinion. the fact of the matter is: we got the clout to ELIMINATE damned near ALL of Dubya's legacy before spring time.


11-17-2008, 09:48 PM
just you wait and see. The next two years are gonna be fun!

More for the critics than the cult. Truth is, economy sucks and that is where his attention is needed. God forbid the stone age attacks in a techie way. All bets are off.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:49 PM
that is your opinion. the fact of the matter is: we got the clout to ELIMINATE damned near ALL of Dubya's legacy before spring time.


Since your messiah won, the Dow is down about 17% since investors are worried about the across the board tax increases

Your messiah is having a great impact on the economy already

11-17-2008, 09:50 PM
that is your opinion. the fact of the matter is: we got the clout to ELIMINATE damned near ALL of Dubya's legacy before spring time.


planning on returning iraq to saddams heirs.....afganistan to the tally ban......liberia to the freedom fighters....cutting off aids funding to africa...cutting off stem cell funding......rolling back the "bailout"......and raising taxes......oh joy.....

11-17-2008, 09:57 PM
planning on returning iraq to saddams heirs.....afganistan to the tally ban......liberia to the freedom fighters....cutting off aids funding to africa...cutting off stem cell funding......rolling back the "bailout"......and raising taxes......oh joy.....

I thought you had me on ignore, fuckwad?

11-17-2008, 09:58 PM
I thought you had me on ignore, fuckwad?

i thought you were a man of god cum breath

red states rule
11-17-2008, 09:58 PM
i thought you were a man of god cum breath

Virgil is showing you his "respect" Manu :laugh2:

11-17-2008, 09:58 PM
Since your messiah won, the Dow is down about 17% since investors are worried about the across the board tax increases

Your messiah is having a great impact on the economy already

want some cheese with that whine?

I know it sucks to see your precious Bush legacy flushed down the shitter....

too fucking bad.

11-17-2008, 10:00 PM
i thought you were a man of god cum breath

I am a simple layman called to preach, ass face.

YOU are a liar who said you would put me on ignore, yet didn't.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:01 PM
want some cheese with that whine?

I know it sucks to see your precious Bush legacy flushed down the shitter....

too fucking bad.

Well you saud you were happy to see people suffer - so I am not surprised you do not care investors are worried about your messiah

As the Dow drops, people lose wealth, companies lay off workers, cut expenses, and there will be less money for your Dems to tax away from people

You should he happier then you were when the death toll of our troops in iraq went over 4,000

11-17-2008, 10:01 PM
Virgil is showing you his "respect" Manu :laugh2:

I got no respect for that dickbreath...and I got no respect for you.

Both of you... I wouldn't piss on if you were on fire.

11-17-2008, 10:02 PM
I am a simple layman called to preach, ass face.

YOU are a liar who said you would put me on ignore, yet didn't.

you were on ignor....but watching the train wreck that is your life is better than any reality tv show......

when was it exactly that you decided to lead a double life and let the real you post at dp and hide the real you from your "flock" and "family".....

11-17-2008, 10:03 PM
Well you saud you were happy to see people suffer - so I am not surprised you do not care investors are worried about your messiah

As the Dow drops, people lose wealth, companies lay off workers, cut expenses, and there will be less money for your Dems to tax away from people

You should he happier then you were when the death toll of our troops in iraq went over 4,000

fuck you . you got nothing that ties the Dow to Obama...and you got NOTHING from me that was ever happy about ANY of our boys dying in Iraq in Dubya's stupid-ass war.

11-17-2008, 10:04 PM
you were on ignor....but watching the train wreck that is your life is better than any reality tv show......

when was it exactly that you decided to lead a double life and let the real you post at dp and hide the real you from your "flock" and "family".....

so...you lied.

that's all I wanted to hear.


red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:04 PM
fuck you . you got nothing that ties the Dow to Obama...and you got NOTHING from me that was ever happy about ANY of our boys dying in Iraq in Dubya's stupid-ass war.

Obama set a record for the biggest post election drop in the Dow - and business is worried about his economic plans

Deal with it Virgil

11-17-2008, 10:06 PM
Obama set a record for the biggest post election drop in the Dow - and business is worried about his economic plans

Deal with it

again..if you could somehow tie the Dow to Obama's election and NOT the shitty economy and the terrible employment figures, you would have done so.

We both know you can't.

fucking loser:lol:

11-17-2008, 10:09 PM
so...you lied.

that's all I wanted to hear.


nope....had you on ignor and took you off.....it is called nuance.....you know like being concieved in selma years after i was born.....

11-17-2008, 10:11 PM
nope....had you on ignor and took you off.....it is called nuance.....you know like being concieved in selma years after i was born.....

it's called being a liar or a flip flopper.

take your fucking pick. one or the other. asshole

11-17-2008, 10:11 PM
nope....had you on ignor and took you off.....it is called nuance.....you know like being concieved in selma years after i was born.....

Or having campaigned in 57 states?


11-17-2008, 10:11 PM
again..if you could somehow tie the Dow to Obama's election and NOT the shitty economy and the terrible employment figures, you would have done so.

We both know you can't.

fucking loser:lol:

funny 2 years ago the economy was doing fine....then the dems get control of congress.....obama and hillary start preaching take from the rich and give to the poor and chanting a bob the builder catch phrase......and low and behold all the capitalists run for cover......shocking i tell you shocking.....

11-17-2008, 10:13 PM
it's called being a liar or a flip flopper.

take your fucking pick. one or the other. asshole

you sure seem fixated on accusing others of being liars and what is it with all the ass references......

i am sure it has nothing to do with your repressed gay tendancies and double life.......

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:13 PM
again..if you could somehow tie the Dow to Obama's election and NOT the shitty economy and the terrible employment figures, you would have done so.

We both know you can't.

fucking loser:lol:

Here is one example. People are preparing for the huge tax increases, and they will find ways to avoid paying them


During his campaign, Obama said he would cut taxes for middle-class workers and that no one earning less than $250,000 would experience a tax increase. But he also said that "the wealthiest 2 percent" would pay more as the Bush-era tax cuts expire and rates return to their previous higher levels.

The Obama administration will be under pressure to raise taxes in order to address the growing federal budget deficit. Changes to tax law could come as early as next year; President George W. Bush backed major tax legislation that reduced taxes during his first year in office. U.S. News spoke with Phil Tortorich, a partner at the Chicago-based law firm Katten Muchin Rosenman, about how high-net-worth clients are gearing up for such changes. Excerpts:

How will the anticipated tax changes affect your wealthy clients?
We have a sense that the general tendency will be to increase capital-gains taxes and the upper brackets of income tax. Capital-gains taxes [on earnings from equities held for a year or longer] are expected to go up to 20 percent and possibly as high as 28 percent [from the current maximum of 15 percent] for taxpayers earning over $250,000. The highest income tax rate is expected to go up from 35 percent to 39.6 percent for people earning $357,700 or higher.

How quickly would these changes happen?
I would expect this to be done early on in Obama's administration to deal with the bailout situation. [Raising taxes] will offset the cost of the bailout bill. It's easier than cutting spending. It could happen as soon as 2009.

Are your high-net-worth clients worried?
We have a whole host of clients who are looking for ways to lock in their capital gains at [the current] lower rate. If they can incur capital gains now, they think they'll be better off in the long run, which goes against conventional wisdom, which is to wait and defer taxes as long as possible.

Is there a way to incur the tax early without selling your assets?
We're looking at strategies, especially trusts, to trigger the gain but retain the assets. With [certain kinds of] trusts, we can sell assets between trusts and have the capital gains occur. Also, because of public concern over perceived tax loopholes, clients are concerned that trust strategies they can put in place now may not be available in the future, so they want to implement strategies now before the future laws take the ability away.

What about the potentially higher income taxes—can high earners do anything to avoid them?
Professional athletes, corporate executives, and others with large signing bonuses are trying to finish their contracts and get the extra payments made in 2008. If they can get that done by the end of the calendar year, they can lock in the 35 percent rate instead of [the anticipated] 39.6 percent. When you're talking about 10, 20 million dollars, a 5 percentage rate difference is significant. You could get a savings of $600,000.

So people want to get contracts signed before New Year's?
Yes—instead of protracted negotiations and getting every last nickel out of a contract, you may be better off, if you're close, to just sign the thing and get it executed and implemented and paid upfront. Force payment during this year. Instead of getting paid a million per year for five years, get a lump sum upfront.

What about people who are earning over $250,000 a year but not millions? Can they do anything to reduce their taxes?

For people with wages and salaries, you can't really pull income into 2008. You could ask for a paycheck to come on December 31 instead of January 1, so, little things, but that's still only a fraction of your annual income. There are also other little things, such as delaying deductions until next year, which is the opposite of what is traditionally recommended.


11-17-2008, 10:15 PM
still nothing that ties the downturn in the Dow to Obama's election and not the shitty economic news????

why didn't you just say so??

11-17-2008, 10:16 PM
you sure seem fixated on accusing others of being liars and what is it with all the ass references......

i am sure it has nothing to do with your repressed gay tendancies and double life.......

run away from your lying and/or flip flopping. I could care less.:lol:

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:16 PM
still nothing that ties the downturn in the Dow to Obama's election and not the shitty economic news????

why didn't you just say so??

People are selling to avoid the near doubling of the capital gains tax Virgil. Maybe you think people will willingly fork over more moeny to the government, but that is not what happens in the real world

With tax and spend libs running things, people are preparing for the worst

11-17-2008, 10:24 PM
still nothing that ties the downturn in the Dow to Obama's election and not the shitty economic news????

why didn't you just say so??

I'm sure that some of the downturn can be associated with the election of Barack Obama. Some of this was profit taking. When people figured out that Obama was going to win, they knew his plans were to increase Capital Gains taxes and they figured, now was a good time to take the profit out and pay lower taxes. That in itself may have been a reason for a market drop of a few points, but not much more than that.

I'm sure the collapse of Merrill Lynch freaked some out. The Sub-prime lending collapse hasn't helped either.

There are so many factors that go into this drop and so many variables that apply that blame can not be placed on any one person or event. I think that once President Obama gets into office and investors see where he is going with his plans, they (investors) will figure out the best moves for themselves and things will level out and eventually begin to go up again.

I would, however, entertain wages against the Dow hitting 12,000 during President Obama's administration. Not, I repeat, NOT due to anything that President Obama does, but this will take time before confidence is fully restored.


red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:26 PM
I'm sure that some of the downturn can be associated with the election of Barack Obama. Some of this was profit taking. When people figured out that Obama was going to win, they knew his plans were to increase Capital Gains taxes and they figured, now was a good time to take the profit out and pay lower taxes. That in itself may have been a reason for a market drop of a few points, but not much more than that.

I'm sure the collapse of Merrill Lynch freaked some out. The Sub-prime lending collapse hasn't helped either.

There are so many factors that go into this drop and so many variables that apply that blame can not be placed on any one person or event. I think that once President Obama gets into office and investors see where he is going with his plans, they (investors) will figure out the best moves for themselves and things will level out and eventually begin to go up again.

I would, however, entertain wages against the Dow hitting 12,000 during President Obama's administration. Not, I repeat, NOT do to anything that President Obama does, but this will take time before confidence is fully restored.


Not only the capital gain tax, but the dividend tax, personal income tax, the corporate income tax, removing the cap of tax Social Security tax, and windfall profits tax on oil companies

and any other tax the Dems can think of

11-17-2008, 10:31 PM
so...you lied.

that's all I wanted to hear.


this from the guy who promised never to bring my wife into a discussion on the board and then did a few days later...but oh no, that is not a lie, that is just a broken promise

how deceptively honest viiirgil

11-17-2008, 10:32 PM
I thought you had me on ignore, fuckwad?

this from the guy who claimed to have me on ignore when i caught you reading my thread....and then you made up stuff about only reading selective stuff :lol:

11-17-2008, 10:32 PM
People are selling to avoid the near doubling of the capital gains tax. Maybe you think people will willingly fork over more moeny to the government, but that is not what happens in the real world

With tax and spend libs running things, people are preparing for the worst

so you still have nothing that ties the Dow to the Obama election other than your opinions and theories? why don't you just admit as much?

11-17-2008, 10:33 PM
this from the guy who claimed to have me on ignore when i caught you reading my thread....and then you made up stuff about only reading selective stuff :lol:

I DID have you on ignore, and based upon my phone conversation with Jimnyc and PM's with another moderator, I took you off. Do us both a favor and put ME back on ignore.... pussy.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:34 PM
so you still have nothing that ties the Dow to the Obama election other than your opinions and theories? why don't you just admit as much?

As usal, facts are an enemy and the truth is a menace

11-17-2008, 10:35 PM
As usal, facts are an enemy and the truth is a menace

you got no facts....only opinions and theories...

what's new?

edit: here's what's new: RSR neg repped me AGAIN for pointing out that he tries to pawn off theories as facts! Another day, another neg rep from RSR and his butt buddy yurt ::yawn::

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:37 PM
you got no facts....only opinions and theories...

what's new?

Look at the Dow - it tells you alot. Obama is not bringing confidence to Wall St

11-17-2008, 10:38 PM
I DID have you on ignore, and based upon my phone conversation with Jimnyc and PM's with another moderator, I took you off. Do us both a favor and put ME back on ignore.... pussy.

you had me on ignore first, be my guest false preacher

and i am pretty sure you have your facts wrong, i caught you before your phone call with jim.

11-17-2008, 10:41 PM
you had me on ignore first, be my guest false preacher

and i am pretty sure you have your facts wrong, i caught you before your phone call with jim.
I did have you on ignore. And as I said, a phone conversation with Jimnyc and a PM exchange with another moderator made me take you and your butt buddy RSR off ignore.

Please...put me back on ignore so that I don't have to read your annoying ambulance chasing piss poor attorney's excuse for cross examination.

YOu suck and my father is, no doubt, rolling over in his grave to think that someone as useless as you actually claims to be an attorney!:lol:

11-17-2008, 10:45 PM
I did have you on ignore. And as I said, a phone conversation with Jimnyc and a PM exchange with another moderator made me take you and your butt buddy RSR off ignore.

Please...put me back on ignore so that I don't have to read your annoying ambulance chasing piss poor attorney's excuse for cross examination.

YOu suck and my father is, no doubt, rolling over in his grave to think that someone as useless as you actually claims to be an attorney!:lol:

nah, he is only rolling over because you live a lie/double life

but thanks for sharing that you are loser that has to bring in his dead dad in order to insult yurt :poke:

and dumbass, if i put you on ignore you can still read my posts

why don't you drop the petty insults like you said you wanted to...come on, try and just stick to the topics instead of derailing so many threads...you said you really don't want to fight with me, yet here you less than 24 hours later doing just that

if this is all you have to offer the board, i suggest you leave

11-17-2008, 10:49 PM
nah, he is only rolling over because you live a lie/double life

but thanks for sharing that you are loser that has to bring in his dead dad in order to insult yurt :poke:

and dumbass, if i put you on ignore you can still read my posts

why don't you drop the petty insults like you said you wanted to...come on, try and just stick to the topics instead of derailing so many threads...you said you really don't want to fight with me, yet here you less than 24 hours later doing just that

if this is all you have to offer the board, i suggest you leave

I am only counterpunching counselor. You know what you need to do to bury this hatchet. I have offered plenty of times and you have repeatedly chosen to ignore my offers.

And I will leave this board when I am good and ready, and not until. Certainly not at the request of an annoying excuse for a "counselor" such as you.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:50 PM
And I will leave this board when I am good and ready, and not until. Certainly not at the request of an annoying excuse for a "counselor" such as you.

Or until you get the perm ban you have been working so hard for :laugh2:

11-17-2008, 10:52 PM
Or until you get the perm ban you have been working so hard to get :laugh2:

whose dick will you suck in order to try to hasten the day?:dance:

11-17-2008, 10:53 PM
I am only counterpunching counselor. You know what you need to do to bury this hatchet. I have offered plenty of times and you have repeatedly chosen to ignore my offers.

And I will leave this board when I am good and ready, and not until. Certainly not at the request of an annoying excuse for a "counselor" such as you.

you're full of shit, you started insuting me today with no provocation at all, and this right after you tell me you want to stop fighting with me, and here you falsely led me to believe you wanted to truly stop fighting, but your actions speak louder words.

i am finished with you today, you are out of control, making no sense and it is senseless to discuss anything with such an irrational angry person.

red states rule
11-17-2008, 10:53 PM
whose dick will you suck in order to try to hasten the day?:dance:

You are doing just fine without any help from anyone. Again, I wonder how your flock would react if they could read your posts Virgil

11-17-2008, 10:55 PM
you're full of shit, you started insuting me today with no provocation at all, and this right after you tell me you want to stop fighting with me, and here you falsely led me to believe you wanted to truly stop fighting, but your actions speak louder words.

i am finished with you today, you are out of control, making no sense and it is senseless to discuss anything with such an irrational angry person.

I do want to stop fighting with you...and you know what you need to do to make that happen.

11-17-2008, 10:57 PM
You are doing just fine without any help from anyone. Again, I wonder how your flock would react if they could read your posts

again...what I post on DP.com is none of their business.

Until you swallow whatever - and whoever - you need to swallow to get me banned, I guess you'll just have to live with me being here.:laugh2:

11-17-2008, 11:33 PM
The ONLY people who bought the "change" line were the college kids and a few independents.
The blacks were voting based on race and everyone else voted because of the D behind his name.

Really? Everyone else?